Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 432 The Seven Deadly Sins

Mao Yiren: "Galan JPG"

Mao Yiren: "Meera Sculla JPG"

Mao Yiren: "Ban JPG"

Mao Yiren: "Come on, let's see if you still know these people?"

Xiao Blin: "emmm..."

Xiao Blin: "Aren't these names the Seven Deadly Sins? The second one is a bit unfamiliar, but the other two features are quite distinct. ←_←"

The Seven Deadly Sins, also known as the Seven Deadly Sins and The Legend of the Seven, is a classic manga written by Xiao Yiren in Japan, where he lived before he traveled.

The whole story tells that the third princess Elizabeth pins her hope on the strongest knight order composed of seven vicious sinners in order to save the country. The Seven Deadly Sins constantly reveals the truth of the world and solves one after another. The story of living happily together in the end.

Some of the main roles are:

Male protagonist: Meliodas, the leader of the "Ten Commandments" of the original demon clan, and now the legendary head of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Knights.

Heroine: Elizabeth Lyons, the third princess of the Kingdom of Lioness.

Best Supporting Actor: Son of Chaos - Piggy Hawk

Best Mount: Mother of Chaos - Mother Hawk

There are other members of the Seven Deadly Sins, and a whole bunch of accessories.

The above-mentioned "class" is the "sin of greed" among the seven deadly sins.

Tall and muscular figure, an iconic head, short white hair that is clearly different from a certain [-]-[-] flag and a blindfolded ceiling, scarlet eyes, and the scar on the left neck that was once caused by the male protagonist Meliodas. It's hard not to be impressed by the scars left by an injury.

Especially for Xiao Yiren whose life has evolved to a certain level and whose memory has been greatly improved, it is not difficult to recognize them.


Xiao Blin: "It is indeed a good world. The basic magic power system that has been quiet in the group has finally continued to grow. (~~)"

Mao Yiren: "Who said there is no growth? After the world was anchored, I got the 'omnipotent magic' and "omnipotent magic". Didn't I put my manifested skills into the group? Although it is not as good as the mainstream mana, but the most At least after the traditional igniting of divine fire, it can barely be regarded as annihilation of national-level combat power. Learn from me to ignite the mysterious essence of the world and ignite divine fire directly to the continental shelf level. (▼ヘ▼#)”

Mao Yiren: "Why didn't you grow up?!!(ノ`⊿)ノ"

Xiao Blin: "emmm..."

Xiao Blin: "I took your all-powerful and all-knowing demons. The magic bar is now scary high. There are many new magic monsters and equipment corresponding to Terraria, but my side is a game after all. The world view of the game doesn’t support what kind of cultivation operation like moving blood to ignite the divine fire…—”

Xiao Blin: "The seven deadly sins are not simple. The unique magical attributes, the ten commandments, the four gifts, and the holy sword are all materials and equipment. This is not a stable upward path, and at least it is at the surface level. (_) "

Panda Ren: "Oh, it's indeed a good world, and the worldview is clear. Although the upper limit is a bit high, I'm afraid it won't work with the novice gift package alone. I can't be a shopkeeper, but the goal is clear, and there is a follow-up background board. Let's solve it Shouldn't be a problem...([email protected]@)"

Mao Yiren: "It's really okay, let's not talk about it, those two guys are here..."


The world of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Kingdom of Lyonis.

The protagonist group and its accessories in front of Raising Hands are undergoing initial treatment. Xiao Yiren looked up and saw that a big jump was a few miles away and came to him, as if a meteorite had landed, and the demon god "Galan" who raised a large cloud of smoke and dust was also there. Coming to Meera Sculla floating in the air not far away, Xiao Yiren touched his head feeling a little distressed.

As for this, Jelica, who had just regained some physical strength at Xiao Yiren's feet, turned pale with shock, but he glanced at Ben and Elaine who were still lying on the ground receiving treatment, gritted his silver teeth lightly, and pulled out his waist The knight sword in the middle blocked the front.

But before she opened her mouth to say anything, she saw Xiao Yiren's figure appearing in front of her at some point, no, this statement should not be right, Jelica glanced down at the class at her feet, this Only then did she realize that it was not Xiao Yiren who appeared in front of her, but she who appeared behind Xiao Yiren.

The sudden change undoubtedly startled Jelica, but before she could say anything, Xiao Yiren interrupted her words with a wave of his hand.

This is a world of Japanese comics. Through the reminder from Jelica just now, Xiao Yiren also discovered that the main language is Japanese.

This is a good thing. Although the text may be very different, at least there is no problem in communicating.

"Okay, okay, back up, it's not your turn to be a little girl with me."

Gently waving his hands, Xiao Yiren supported his neck and tilted his head, stretched his muscles and bones, looked at the two "devil gods" in front of him, and said speechlessly:

"To be honest, I was very satisfied with my title at the beginning. After all, the demonic become a god next door is also a pervert in the single universe anyway, and his compulsion is not very low, but once I came here, I just now It seems that the title of Demon God seems a little out of character."

Listening to the inexplicable words in Xiao Yiren's mouth, although they didn't understand it, Jialan and Meera Sculla in front of Xiao Yiren also obviously knew that what Xiao Yiren said would not be good.

Meera Sculla was alright, but the irritable Garan immediately became upset. His body that was already glowing red in the setting sun suddenly flashed, and the pitch-black magic power instantly gushed out like flames, and the grassland within a radius of [-] meters was directly extinguished. Jelica behind Xiao Yiren, who was swept away by all the violent momentum, was completely out of breath.

"That's right, it's no better than those useless gods."

Facing the mighty Jialan, Xiao Yiren showed a satisfied smile. The sword of Gryffindor appeared in his hand at some point, and on the blade were six swords. Dark heart.


Almost instantly, Jia Lan, who was bursting with terrifying magic power all over his body, instantly spit out a mouthful of pitch-black liquid, and his scarlet eyes stared wide open. What.

The mouth kept opening and closing, but he couldn't utter a word for a long time, and then his whole body collapsed to the ground, turning into a pool of black water mixed with red fragments.

"Oh, why are there only six? Oh, by the way, it seems that one was smashed by this guy."

Seeing such a horrifying scene in front of her, Meera Scylla was instantly stunned by the whole Demon God, sweating profusely all over her body, and retreated a hundred meters in an instant.

For the retreating Mera, Xiao Yiren had no intention of chasing after him, but came to the pool of jet-black liquid formed after the death of Jia Lan with great interest, and gently waved his hand to take out one of the black spheres that swallowed the light .

Those who are familiar with the pattern of the crescent moon sprayed outward on the dots can definitely recognize that this is one of the "true" commandments, one of the Ten Commandments.

In the world of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Ten Commandments refer not only to the ten powerful demon gods, but also to the fragments of their power that belong to the Demon God King bestowed by them—the Ten Commandments.

Truth, Faith, Rest, Patience, No Killing, Silence, Purity, God-Worship, Desire, Love.

If you gather all the ten precepts and successfully absorb them, you can inherit the power of the Demon King and become a new generation of Demon King (taken away by the Demon King).

Even if you can't collect all ten precepts, owning only one of them can greatly improve your strength. If you don't look at the origin of this thing, this thing is indeed a good set of treasures.

And the one in Xiao Yiren's hand is the commandment given to Jialan by the Demon God King - truth.

"Will people who break the agreement and lie be petrified? It's an interesting thing."

Although they don't all belong to the same magic system, the similarity is not very low. One method can be mastered, and ten thousand methods can be mastered. Xiao Yiren, who is the "Abyss of Demon Dao", just watched it for a while, and then understood the working principle of this thing. Directly use "Mo Zhe" to complete the engraving.

Looking at the "real" fake in his hand, Xiao Yiren compared the two, and found that there was still a gap. The upper limit of the Demon King's ability to function seemed to be much higher than his.

Just like the "real" commandment, even if Jialan's strength is doubled a few times, if it violates it, it can be completed in seconds, but for Xiao Yiren, if Jialan is twice as strong, it will be almost useless.

"But in the final analysis, it is still a fragment of someone else's power. If I can reproduce it 100% with a swipe, wouldn't it mean that the powerhouses here are a bit too shameless..."

With a snap of his fingers, he directly put his counterfeit product into the red envelope, and then Xiao Yiren turned his gaze to Meera who had retreated a hundred meters away, but still did not give up and was unwilling to leave.

"I don't plan to leave after watching it for so long, so let's stay here for a while."

I saw Xiao Yiren snapping his fingers, and before Meila understood what had happened, the world changed suddenly, and everything around him changed. The sky was no longer the dim yellow night, and the surroundings became translucent. With her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't see anything.

Although she didn't know what happened, Meera knew that it would definitely not be a good thing.

So she frantically slapped the surrounding mirror arms, and the dark magic around her body turned into corrosive liquid or poisonous gas that instantly killed people and sprayed around, but nothing helped.

And the teleportation magic that she is good at is no longer effective, and the portal of the demon world cannot be opened, and she seems to be trapped here.

"No, it won't be like this!!!"

The depressive and frightening environment made Meera a little crazy. She had just been liberated from the seal, and she didn't even have time to taste all kinds of delicious souls. How could she be sealed in such a shitty place again.

Immediately, Meera exploded with all her strength, and the body of a humanoid woman spread out, turning into a giant snake in this space, roaring and rampaging continuously.

But no matter how he bumps and moves forward, this space seems indestructible, endless, and there is no end in sight...


Looking at the Klein bottle in his hand and the struggling Demon God Mera in it, Xiao Yiren unceremoniously shrank the Klein bottle the size of a wine bottle again and put it in his pocket.

Unlike the floor tiles of the Ten Commandments, the appearance is the peak, except that Meliodas, who was sealed, was beaten at the beginning, and then he was beaten all the way.

This Mera later became the "No. [-] Sorcerer", the research material of Ma Lin, a magician genius who is valued by both the Demon God King and the Supreme God. It still has research value, and it is precisely because of this that Xiao Yiren kept her. There is no instant kill.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, it's not a good time for research.

Xiao Yiren turned his head to look at Jelica who was still sluggish behind him, and Elaine, the elf who had awakened but had no strength at all due to the loss of the previous battle, reminded by the white-haired youth class and class's wife, blonde loli, and smiled slightly. He smiled and said:

"Okay, the matter here is over, let me continue to treat you..."


After a few minutes……

Standing up, all injuries were fully recovered, and even the abnormal state was completely relieved, the three of them stood in front of Xiao Yiren.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Xiao Yiren, if it weren't for you, we might have died at the hands of the Demon God."

Looking at the three people in front of him who thanked him again and again, Xiao Yiren shook his head and didn't care, just looked at Kanban and said:

"You don't need to thank me. If you have to thank me, why don't you give me some of your blood, I want to see what's going on with your immortal body..."

Regarding Xiao Yiren's statement, Ban was full of pride, without even the slightest hesitation, directly picked up a wine glass, and stabbed his own carotid artery.

He allowed the sprayed blood to fill the wine glass, and then handed it directly to Xiao Yiren, without worrying at all whether Xiao Yiren would cast any curse on him with these.

After all, as an immortal Ban, he has bled so much in the past days. If he really wants to collect it, he doesn't need to ask him for his fresh blood. You can get it by making him a small wound .

After all, he is an immortal body, not an immortal golden body.

And he also believes in Xiao Yiren's strength, the guy who can split the two demon gods in an instant doesn't need to use those dirty methods to deal with him, just put him in that Klein bottle, he can't escape even if he is immortal .

Seeing Xiao Yiren in front of him accepting his own blood, Ban then reminded:

"Oh, by the way, my god of immortality is given by the water of life of the goblins. I may not be able to study anything from my blood."

Xiao Yiren shook his head indifferently and said:
"It's just a matter of convenience. It's not very important whether we can research anything."

But as he said that, Xiao Yiren turned his gaze to Elaine in Ban's arms, and said:

"By the way, this should be a goblin undead. It's not a good thing to survive in this state. Do you need my help to solve it?"

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