Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 430 Return of 3 bodies: 4-dimensional soap bubbles

Chapter 430 Return of the Three-Body Problem: Four-dimensional Soap Bubbles

In the long-lost chat group.

After listening to Xiao Yidie's narration of her discovery, there was silence in the chat group.

Half a day later, only the group members spoke.

Xiao Carp: "It feels a bit outrageous, but it doesn't seem to be a big problem. –_–"

Xiao Yishu: "I am a good boy, the consciousness space covering the star sea, the divine enchantment covering the sky, and the space wormholes spreading the void, all of these expressive powers must be at the level of super galaxy clusters, I am afraid it is not A group of supreme beings. Σ(°Д°;”

Grandpa Xiao: "But I don't think it should be so outrageous. (⊙x⊙;)"

Grandpa Xiao: "I don't even have many things that can truly achieve the level of a single universe. Even if the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum are super-large and multi-dimensional, it shouldn't be able to achieve that level. Just throw it away and it will be a super galaxy." Regiment level. (@_@;)”

Grandpa Xiao: "@肖伊蝶, according to the knowledge you sent out, the existence of the dark plane suppresses the erosion and destructiveness of Houkai energy, and at the same time lowers the upper limit of real number technology, creating an illusion that the gains outweigh the losses. Change the upstream line of the technology tree, forcing the development of real number technology to a certain level to shift to imaginary number technology, that is, dark energy technology.([email protected]@)"

Grandpa Xiao: "In order to achieve a dynamic balance between the consumption of real numbers and the consumption of imaginary numbers in the area delineated by the dark plane. (°ー°〃)"

Grandpa Xiao: "But you must know that the technology of imaginary numbers is also constantly developing. For example, from the Tiangong civilization to today's angel civilization, from the second-generation super-soldier technology to the fourth-generation god, the consumption will increase within tens of thousands of years. The imaginary internal energy of the dark energy consumption is not 01:30 at all. ( ̄ー ̄)”

Grandpa Xiao: "At the same time, other civilizations are also constantly developing. The imaginary energy consumed by a large number of low-end civilizations consumes real energy and accumulates to the entire large civilization circle through the dark plane. How much.ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ"

Grandpa Xiao: "All in all, the dark plane should be improving with the progress of civilization, but it has a limit after all. ([email protected]@)"

Grandpa Xiao: "When the balance is broken, the super-large civilization circle that is enough to be proud of at this moment may become the biggest reminder of the entire universe in the Super God World. (/"≡_≡)="

Mao Yiren: "Actually, it's not necessarily true. After all, the form of the Houkai Trial may not be all Houkai Beasts and Herrschers. It may be a certain mantis and its race. (ω)"

Xiao Yidie: "Fuck, wouldn't that be worse. ()"

Xiao Yishu: "As expected of a multi-world view that can be connected, the authority is slightly opened, and the explosive power in it is incomparable to a single anchor. (⊙x⊙;)"

Xiao Tailang: "That's not necessarily the case. Let me go if you have the guts. My combat power is comparable to that of a single universe creator. They are all just authority dogs. They are all products under the universe view. Whoever is worse.<(`^)> "

And just when the chat group fell into a hustle and bustle, a long-lost name suddenly appeared in the chat group.

Nanami Ren: "There are cicadas in the west, who hid in the mud for 23 years. They woke up after the snow-capped mountains were frozen and flooded. They bathed in the mud and water, and aired their wings in the cold wind. They flapped their wings and flew through the void. Gentlemen, I have returned.\ \\\('ω')////"

Namiren: "There should be applause here."

Mao Yiren: "Rolling, where did this Jiang Ye Party come from? You are a representative of the technology side, what kind of classical literature do you play? JPG with disgusting face"

Namiren: "Okay, okay, don't be funny, my task here is completed, the number of original atomic computers has increased by two to the seven hundredth power, and the old-age technologies have been eliminated, and the computing power is sufficient. _(:з」∠)_”

Nanami Ren: "@萧伊蝶, where is the space technology I want? Do you have it there? (~~)"

Xiao Yidie: "Yes, the One Thousand Realms has already arrived, and there is also the super god cosmic wormhole shuttle technology established under the authority of the sky, by the way, there is also the consciousness space construction technology of the authority of knowledge, which may be of some use to you There is also the quantum technology of Quantum Ocean..."

Xiao Yidie: "There are a lot of things, you can see if it is useful. –_–"

[Ding, Xiao Yidie distributes red envelopes xN]





Three-body universe.

Extraordinary wisdom instantly received and understood the newly acquired power, and quickly separated the usable parts of it according to the world view. Recalling these super high-tech, Xiao Yiren felt a little throbbing in his heart.

Don't look at the world that you lived just now, it doesn't seem like much, but with Xiao Yiren's abnormal computing power, he can accomplish a lot of things in a flash.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Yiren has already completed the mutual verification of the existing technology and the newly acquired technology, obtained a corresponding feasible solution, and carried out a small quantum-level experiment at the same time.

And the result is obvious, Xiao Yiren succeeded.

This is Xiao Yiren's own superiority, an anti-scientific operation that only Xiao Yiren can complete.

You must know that in the world of three bodies, the light cone is all truth.

Although the speed of light has been gradually degraded, Xiao Yiren has no way of knowing what the speed of light is in the real environment, but as long as the speed of light is not positive and infinite and cannot achieve instant luminosity, then they cannot have Xiao Yiren's current advantage.

No matter where Xiao Yiren's extensions are distributed, no matter how far the extensions are distributed, as long as Xiao Yiren needs it, the computing power of each extension can be extracted instantly.

Can other existences and civilizations do it?Of course not, the speed of light limits everything.

The number of computing power links is limited, and it cannot be exponentially superimposed like Xiao Yiren.

But now, Xiao Yiren is going to use another advantage of his own to make further development.

Xiao Yiren's consciousness first came to the boundary of a four-dimensional bubble.

Xiao Yiren just turned his gaze to this side, when he even observed a [-]D meteorite falling into a [-]D picture.

Then came "seeing", the indescribable four-dimensional meteorite seemed to undergo nuclear fusion, glowed instantly, and turned into a dazzling sphere, and the energy difference between the latitude and fall turned into electromagnetic waves of different frequencies towards the universe Scattered everywhere.

And the part of the dazzling light ball that is in contact with the three-dimensional disappears instantly, and a dazzling long line stretching hundreds of thousands of miles is drawn out of the film at the speed of light.

Then the long line gradually spread out and turned into a dazzling dust belt. Finally, all the dissipated energy turned into disordered electromagnetic waves and scattered to all parts of the universe. The dust belt also slowly cooled and became the most common piece of meteorite dust in the universe.

Xiao Yiren, who watched from the dreamlike scene, was also amazed.

Xiao Yiren has also researched the weapons for dimensionality reduction attacks a long time ago.

The two-way foil itself is actually not a high-end weapon, and its technical content is not very high. As long as a civilization has been exposed to latitude technology and has a certain foundation, it can be researched soon.

Even the Three-Body Civilization itself is not without the conditions for making two-way foils.

The only problem is that the strike range of this thing is really too large, and the escape speed is still the speed of light, which also makes the threshold for using this low-tech weapon quite high.

After all, not everyone has the courage to use a weapon with a range of two hundred miles and an explosion range of one thousand miles.

Therefore, before the front line of one's own civilization can be stretched to tens of thousands of light years, or before one has the ability to carry out two-dimensional transformation of one's own civilization, no civilization will be foolish enough to use it near one's own civilization, which is not very lethal, and may be disgusting. to your own junk.

Therefore, Xiao Yiren naturally has a two-way book in his hand, but he hasn't used it much before.

"The process of dimensionality reduction is always so endless..."

With a soft sigh, Xiao Yiren also started his own work, countless extensions poured into the red envelope, and re-deployed around him, and slowly surrounded the three-dimensional to four-dimensional warping point.

As described in Liu’s original book, the entire three-dimensional universe is a piece of thin paper 160 billion light years away, and somewhere on this paper is a small four-dimensional soap bubble.

And the paper of the three-dimensional universe is not flat everywhere, and some places are bent and warped to the four-dimensional, that is, the warped point, forming the passage from the low latitude to the high dimension.

That is also the only manifestation of the four-dimensional space in the three-dimensional world.

That is, a plane in the four-dimensional space is similar to a vertical slice in the three-dimensional space.

In the three-dimensional world, it is impossible to see the whole four-dimensional picture, and naturally it is impossible to "surround" the four-dimensional fragments.

But this is enough. What Xiao Yiren has to do is to eliminate the warping point from the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional space, and separate this four-dimensional puddle from the "evaporation effect" of the environment, so that it can form a small universe that truly exists independently. .

Just like the binomial foil can only reduce the dimensionality of the surrounding three-dimensional space step by step, in this way, the four-dimensional soap bubbles can be thrown out of the three-dimensional thin paper, and the dimensionality reduction of the four-dimensional space can be avoided as much as possible.

And in this small world completely separated from the outside world, all "farmer factors" will be isolated, which brings Xiao Yiren a relatively broad research space for technological blockade.

In this way, Xiao Yiren barely obtained a ticket to a more advanced battlefield.

Of course, all these ideas must make the current action successful.

Countless microcosmic particles pull out a curved surface of thousands of kilometers in the vast cosmic space, ten to hundreds of times of atomic extensions are linked into a thin layer of atomic planes, emitting a wave of cosmic fluctuations with strange frequencies.

The entire universe floated like a wave of water, and the thin atomic surface also slowly "jumped" with the amplitude of the vibration.

Strange gravitational fluctuations flicker in the empty space, and the thin atomic layer that stretches for thousands of miles also becomes smaller and smaller with the fluctuations, and finally disappears completely, leaving only a few tiny atoms happily spinning and jumping in the space .


How to describe the perspective of the four-dimensional universe?Anyway, it's very strange. Looking at it from a relatively normal perspective, three-dimensional things spread out flat on the paper like a painting.

And the things of thinking are constantly changing with the angle of view, and the change of de-body is seen from Xiao Yiren's perspective. It is an abnormal ghost and animal, which is hard to describe.

To put it in a relatively simple way, as a resident of the three-dimensional world, you look at a mobile phone or a cup with your eyes. The cup, the mobile phone or which mobile phone, according to the "perspective principle" of painting, you can easily imagine what you will see in the next moment.

But in the four-dimensional space, it is completely different. Compared with the three-dimensional space, it has a completely unimaginable surface. The three-dimensional space is like a painting in the four-dimensional view.

It is easy to see everything in three dimensions from the inside to the outside at one angle of view, so whenever your angle of view changes, even if it is only a mere nanometer, the things in front of you may change into another completely different one. same look.

In the normal common sense of the three-dimensional world, the rule of "nearly large, far small" is not fully implemented here, because of the existence of the fourth plane, here the four-dimensional life cannot even easily judge the difference between near and far.

Just like on a piece of paper, it is an undeniable law that the straight line between two points is the shortest, but in three-dimensional space, three-dimensional beings are fully capable of folding the paper, comparing the distance between two points The straight lines on paper are shorter, and even overlap directly.

And the four-dimensional world is also basic. After adding one more plane, it is completely impossible to judge the distance with general three-dimensional common sense.

It took Xiao Yiren a long time to get used to this weird state, and he barely got used to it.

After taking out a humanoid prosthetic body from the red envelope, one person and one extension machine entered it for individual control, Xiao Yiren took out another banana.

Looking at the banana floating in front of him, Xiao Yiren slowly stretched out his hand from his own perspective, and then perfectly separated the banana peel from the inner flesh.

The banana peel is still in that closed state, but the pulp comes out like this.

Then Xiao Yiren raised his arm slightly again, and immediately according to the feedback from the nerves, it seemed that there was something more in the belly of his prosthetic body, and the banana directly entered his belly in an unimaginable way.

So far the experiment is not over yet, Xiao Yiren unscrupulously tried the difference between four-dimensional space and three-dimensional space.

Various body organs and blood vessels are constantly flying in the space of thinking. If you look at it with the naked eye, you can even see the blood flowing through a flying artery.

But they just passed through the two interfaces and came to another place. The blood circulation and normal physiological functions of the prosthesis did not change at all, as if it should be so.

This kind of experiment lasted for about half an hour, and Xiao Yiren slowly stopped his movements.

There was no other behavior, Xiao Yiren just made a few movements that were incomprehensible in the three-dimensional world, and the prosthetic body that was originally "cut into eight pieces" and "broken into pieces" was restored to its original state in an unimaginable way , just like picking up a few puzzle pieces from the plane and putting them back in their proper positions.

"Okay, I probably understand the normal perspective and way of living in the four-dimensional space..."

"Now that you are used to the things here, you can start to upgrade the dimension. You don't need to raise the latitude of the environment directly. You only need to raise the latitude of yourself. This workload is simply too small."

"Although the process is different from what was expected, no matter what, at least the journey has started again..."


(End of this chapter)

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