Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 420 Another Unknown World

Xiao Yiren's wind of a thousand worlds is tied to this body, so when Xiao Yiren is unconscious, he will automatically float back into the body.

And Xiao Yiren installed the soul-replenishing potion inside this body armor early, so his recovery was not slow.

But it was still two days later when Xiao Yiren woke up again.

After communicating with Zhongli, Xiao Yiren learned that it was because Zhongli found out that the abyss mage of the Abyss Cult had eroded the seal that day, so he went to have a look.

Then it was discovered that a hole had been pierced at the weak point where the seal was eroded, and then they knew that something was wrong, so they rushed in to help.

But fortunately, things did not develop into the worst situation.

And because of Xiao Yiren's operations, Ruotuo Dragon King quickly calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

And Zhongli also used the method of dreaming to join in, to appease the soul of Ruotuo Dragon King.

But regarding the contract with the Little Auspicious Grass God, he didn't discuss it with Xiao Yiren in detail, it wasn't a big deal after all.

It is Xiaocao God's business that Xiaocao God is willing to help Xiao Yiren, and it is Zhongli's business for Zhongli to repay Xiaocao God for Ruotuo. a feeling of.

Of course, Xiao Yiren doesn't care about this...

With that out of the way, let's turn our perspective to the other side.

Over here at the Super Seminary...

As Xiao Yiren on Tivat's side woke up, Xiao Yiren on the Super Seminary World side also slowly woke up.

Using the means he had just obtained, he tried to enter the dark plane with his own strength. The entry was indeed successful, but when he tried to extract and rewrite the information in it, Xiao Yiren failed without any surprise.

Touching his chin, Xiao Yiren thought helplessly about the problem.

"Sure enough, there is still a lack of a springboard. The part that represents energy can be taken casually, but the part that represents information needs permission. The springboard for the authority of the world tree is Naxida. What is the springboard for the dark plane? Is it the dark computer in the original book? "

Scratching his head a little irritably, Xiao Yiren sighed helplessly.

In the world of Super Seminary, dark plane technology is the foundation of all high-end technology.

Whether it is super-light real-time information transmission or wormhole shuttle, it is inseparable from this technology.

This is like the latitude technology of the three-body universe, some of which are completely dimensionality reduction blows to those that don't.

If Xiao Yiren can't make use of relevant technologies, it can be said that he uses everything that can be used in this worldview, and the world here is just a bigger grasshopper.

A single battle against God might kill him.

For example, Xiao Yiren took out a star destroyer equipped with super artificial intelligence, or water droplets, as long as he took it out, he would leave a message on the dark plane, and this kind of information is not bad for ordinary angels, gluttons, and demons. , if you are facing a stronger guy, they can modify the control right with a glance, so it can be said that it is useless.

Even if you throw light particles, they can directly intercept you with a wormhole shuttle. After all, it is a light-speed weapon that moves in a straight line. Nothing.

And the anti-matter bomb, which Xiao Yiren and others have dubbed as the table-thumping bomb before, is greatly reduced in power for some reason in this worldview.

Originally, the power of a bomb that directly blows up [-]% of a planet's matter seems to be able to flatten Japan here, which is a little stronger than Ivan the Great, almost at the level of a fierce tide, and it's really skinny.

It's no wonder that the civilization here can develop dark energy and stellar energy so it never touches antimatter. It's no wonder they have such a broken performance.

To sum up, that is to say, Xiao Yiren's current strength is about the same as that of a third-generation super soldier of average ability, barely comparable to a god who is a little bit more pulled, because although he can't carry a nuclear bomb, he can run if the nuclear bomb hits his face.

Therefore, according to general rationality, Xiao Yiren doesn't think that besides first-rate running ability, second-rate destructive power, third-rate real combat power, and most of the situations where technology is not advanced, it is of no use to go it alone...


After comprehensively considering his own strengths and weaknesses, Xiao Yiren sighed helplessly.

If he had traveled a year or so earlier, it would be fine, if he had enough time to study, it would not be a problem to develop a set of technology trees by himself.

But now there is really no time.

The earth is about to suffer the baptism of war, and the old and new orders are about to alternate.

If he doesn't intervene and develops on his own slowly, when all the facts are established, everything may not be so easy to deal with, and an era that may be empty if he doesn't pay attention is coming.

If this void is really collapsed.

Then one can imagine what it would be like to collapse a huge civilization system that spans millions of light years and controls a large galaxy cluster.

Just imagining the scene of the star-level Honkai Beast eating dumplings in the Honkai Academy makes Xiao Yiren's scalp tingle.

Although Xiao Yiren didn't know whether things were as he imagined, but in any case, Xiao Yiren didn't want things to turn out as he imagined.

The current super seminary world is very good, it is better not to change or not.

This world is very good, Xiao Yiren doesn't want to give up, but this world is also very troublesome, when many methods are useless, Xiao Yiren feels that he can't take it.

"It seems that the feasibility of doing it alone is not very great..."

"But I still need to prepare..."


After three days...

"Mr. Xiao Yiren, can you please come with us..."


Xiao Yidie: "The genetic computer technology has come out. The effect of this thing is a bit similar to the element ring and the eye of God. It can assist in absorbing, storing and using energy according to a certain procedure. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Yidie: "The effect of this thing is good. It is a pure sci-fi side product. It belongs to the front-end technology of the dark computer. It can be used without the dark plane, and it can also assist computing power. \(`Δ')/"

[Ding, Xiao Yidie distributes red envelopes xN]

[Ding, Grandpa Xiao received a red envelope x1]

Grandpa Xiao: "It's indeed a good thing. It just so happens that the Ruicheng riots happened in the past two days. It should be that the central finite curve was cut open, and an extra insurance..."

Although grandpa's wisdom is strong, and those who are strong can even directly destroy the universe alone, and instantly kill giant beasts that devour stars, but most of the time he is still a mortal body.

The grandfather of the greatest grandfather can use infinite wisdom to keep himself safe and sound. Grandpa Xiao dare not bet on whether he will be the same, so a single combat power is still necessary.

At least he can't be headshot directly by a cold gun flying from nowhere.

The 24-hour nano-shield is indeed a little inconvenient, and it is too popular and easy to be targeted, but this genetic computer is different. Although the destructive power is average, but in terms of life-saving ability alone, it is comparable to the mechanical transformation and the rebirth of the phoenix on my side. Much more reliable.

Grandpa Xiao: "Hey, now, even if the teleportation fluid is restarted at that time, I won't be unable to deal with it. (ω)"

Mao Yiren: "Hey, if you say that, I have another question. After the sixth volume, the C137 universe Earth was destroyed by "Menghua", and another universe was changed. Do you still remember where they went? ?|д)!!”

Grandpa Xiao: "Ah, this is really a problem, but it's okay, after all, I'm not in the protagonist group, so I don't need to care about it if I go it alone. ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍"

Mao Yiren: "Oh, yes. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Yidie: "Oh, it's a pity, Super Seminary's slashing is too ruthless, latitude technology is directly slashed, anti-matter technology is also greatly slashed, artificial intelligence is not dominant, alas..._(:з"∠) _”

Xiao Yishu: "What's there to care about? Now that your strength is not enough, it's fine if you continue to disagree. Isn't your oath of the wind of a thousand worlds bound to bring the wind of a thousand worlds to a thousand worlds? Then you just want to go The more places, the stronger? ( ̄'i ̄;)”

Xiao Yishu: "You don't lack elemental power, burn it to your heart's content. ([email protected]@)"

Xiao Yidie: "Fuck, I'm afraid you have overlooked a problem. The wind of a thousand worlds is getting stronger and stronger, but now I am not a projection, but a clone. Every time I clone, I have to separate my power , and the increased strength will be divided equally among the three, and it is not certain whether the strength will rise or fall at that time. (-ι_-)”

Xiao Yishu: "That's it, that's really inappropriate. (︶︿︶)"

Xiao Yidie: "But forget it, the research on Chaoshen's side really needs water grinding, and Yuanshen's side has nothing to do for the time being, let's divide it up..."


In an unknown world.

In the pitch-black night, a faint blue light flashed past, and then a bloody figure appeared in the sky out of thin air.

The whole body of this inverted figure was covered with densely packed small wounds, the largest of which even penetrated to the bone.

The dried blood covered the man's body like a layer of blood-colored armor, making him look like a ferocious ghost from a distance.

And this figure is naturally Xiao Yiren, to be precise, it is Xiao Yiren's flesh shell.

In line with the principle of allowing Miss Newton to rest in peace after death, Xiao Yiren's physical body began to fall rapidly following the effect of universal gravitation without factors under his deliberate control.

Then, after breaking the arm of a statue, it fell directly into the water of the fountain under the statue.

At this time, a gust of breeze blew across the water surface, Xiao Yiren couldn't help being amazed when he saw the fleshy shell on the water surface covered with thick mist that dyed a large area of ​​the surrounding water red.

Although the meat shell seemed to be seriously injured, Xiao Yiren himself was naturally fine.

This was just an experiment he did, and it was naturally impossible for him to injure himself.

At least one Tewarin dose of elemental rings would be burned for each crossing. Although it cannot be said that it is very precious in the Tivat continent, it is also limited.

Therefore, every opportunity to cross is actually quite precious.

Xiao Yiren naturally had to seize every opportunity.

And it was through this opportunity of crossing a thousand realms that Xiao Yiren conducted an experiment.

And the content of the experiment was what would happen if he used the wind of a thousand worlds to take a "person" through time.

And the results of the experiment are also obvious.

It has been adjusted with the fanma gene of the blade world, and has undergone some preliminary strengthening. The strength is about the same as that of a generation of super warriors. up.

However, the situation is not too serious. It is estimated that the level of the second generation, that is, the level of the immortal, should be able to hang half of his life, and the level of the third generation of super fighters, that is, the physical fitness of the weaker demon god, should be able to complete the shuttle without injury. .

After roughly recording the results of the experiment, Xiao Yiren slowly gathered his figure, and was about to recover the meat shell below.

Although the manufacturing price of this meat shell is even lower than that of Brother Yiren, who is [-] yen a piece, what should be recycled must be recycled. In case this meat shell is picked up by an inexplicable guy and does something inexplicable, It's also pretty sad, isn't it.

Well, this is talking about biological experiments, or turning into a deadpool zombie, what do you think.

And just when Xiao Yiren was about to take his body back, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a bloody shadow attacking him.

With a flash of instinct, Xiao Yiren sensed that something was wrong.

Because the blood shadow does not seem to be directed at him.

"Not good! This is!"

Under the dim light of the park, the white hair was loose, the whole body was soaked in blood, and it was hard to see whether it was the blood that had just stuck to Xiao Yiren's flesh or the figure who was already covered in blood. It was on the barely complete meat shell.

Pulling the meat shell's neck, he opened his small mouth, revealing two vampire-like fangs, and bit down directly on the carotid artery of the flesh shell.

Although the blood-soaked long hair draped over the opponent's face, covering the opponent's eyes, Xiao Yiren could still clearly feel the blood-deep eyes of the opponent's bright red eyes cut from the long hair. deep longing.

"Good guy, it's actually a vampire."

Although I haven't figured out what exactly happened, but if Xiao Yiren is asked to stand here and watch others ruin his things, then it is naturally impossible for him to agree.

With a thought, Xiao Yiren released a body again, and Xiao Yiren got into the body directly, then stepped forward vigorously, grabbed the back collar that was sucking blood, turned around and threw the ball, and directly threw the vampire away.

But who would have thought, the vampire is not big, but his strength is really not small.

Even after being thrown out by Xiao Yiren, he stopped sucking blood, and the hands that hugged Xiao Yiren's physical body still did not let go.

And a flip in the air is a light landing, but the already broken body has experienced such a thing, it looks even more miserable.

The whole picture is like that kind of cheap explosive movie, with blood everywhere, which looks extremely horrifying.

"Blood, give me blood."

Looking at Xiao Yiren who was full of energy and blood in front of him, the vampire in front of him looked like an angry cat, bared two sharp teeth, howled in a low voice, and let go of the hands holding the fleshy body, the left and right hands were Two blood-red daggers quickly appeared, and with red eyes, they slashed directly at Xiao Yiren.

Looking at the petite figure rushing towards him, Xiao Yiren just turned sideways, and directly avoided the opponent's slash, and then saw Xiao Yiren's left thumb pressing on the upper end of the index finger, precisely facing the vampire's upper lip in front of him. a snap of the fingers.


In an instant, a column of air flow flew upwards from the back of the vampire's head, and the vampire also flew upside down from the point of force, and didn't stop until it crashed into the grass.

The upper lip is the connection between the nasal cartilage and the hard bone. The nerves here are very close to the cortex, and it is one of the vital parts of the face. A heavy blow can directly cause a coma. Although this vampire is quite strong, it is obviously not yet separated from the human foundation. Category, all of a sudden fainted.

Shi Shiran walked up to his "corpse", and just as he stretched out his hand to put the body away, Xiao Yiren's complexion changed slightly.

However, he still put away the meat shell calmly.

Then Xiao Yiren came to the comatose vampire, waved a whirlwind to take away the water stains and blood on the opponent's body, then slowly picked him up, stretched out his hand to tidy the opponent's hair a little.

Looking at the delicate doll-like white-haired girl in front of him, Xiao Yiren seems to know where he is now...

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