Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 406 A World With Complicated Composition

Chapter 406 A World With Complicated Composition

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Liyu for his promotion - Yin-Yang Dualism]

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Liyu for winning the additional title—Soldier of Writing Destiny]

[Ding, multiple worlds are anchored and reinforced]

[Ding, group member Xiao Carp has +1 existence]

[Ding, alert!Alert—the multiverse world is dangerous, if you want to explore, please consider seriously]

Xiao Yidie: "Oh, what's going on?! Second anchoring?! Σ(°Д°;"

Xiao Yidie: "Can you still play like this?! ()"

Xiao Yidie's Yuanshen world is a small world bubble on a leaf of the tree of imaginary numbers immersed in the sea of ​​quantum. Everything in the sea of ​​quantum will disappear with time. Although the Tivat continent is a little special , but just like that, it will definitely not lose the fate that the world bubble should have.

Therefore, Xiao Yidie has always been entangled in anchoring Tivat. After all, the group has not encountered the destruction of the anchoring world, and he doesn't know what will happen.

Originally, Xiao Yidie was thinking about whether after Gan Fan Tianli and Sky Island, he could get the world-traversing technology from Ying and Kong, and anchor in a relatively stable world.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about "anchor reinforcement" and the anchoring of the second company. The first anchor point is not stable, so just a few more anchors...

Even if it is difficult to anchor the big universe on the tree of imaginary numbers, it is a big deal to anchor a few more world bubbles, and survival is not shabby.

Xiao Yishe: "Hey, that's not right. I have conquered a lot of small planes and merged them into the Kyushu plane. Why didn't I strengthen the anchor? Σ⊙▃⊙chuan"

Xiao Yidie: "This is not difficult to understand, do you know those small planes you conquered? ⊙ω⊙"

Xiao Yi Snake: "..."

Xiao Yi Snake: "No..."

Xiao Yidie: "Then it's over. There isn't anyone you know in the real world that doesn't belong to the Three Young Masters, and they've all been fed to the Kyushu plane by you. You need a woolen reinforcement anchor." Set.→_→”

Xiao Yi Snake: "Okay..."

Diao Yiren: "But wouldn't it be a bad thing to say that? I didn't even anchor on Mister Marvel's side, so I took some things and left..(___)ノ|"

Panda Ren: "I'm almost the same, I feel like I missed a few hundred million...(_|||)"

Pai Daxiao: "Uh, I'm okay here, those restrained worlds should go wherever they go..."

Xiao Yidie: "Okay, it's a good thing to know that there is such a thing. If you miss it, you should miss it. Anyway, just borrow a word from Yuanshen, our time is always enough... –_–"


Of course, this turmoil has not completely passed. Not a few days later, another news directly shocked the entire chat group.

[Ding, congratulations to group member Panda Ren for completing his great career——The Master of the God of Cookery]

[Ding, congratulations to the group member Panda Ren for winning the additional title - the best food]

[Ding, multiple worlds are anchored and reinforced]

[Ding, group member Panda Ren exists +1]

[Ding, alert!Alert—the multiverse world is dangerous, if you want to explore, please consider seriously]

Panda Ren: "Hey, what's going on? I haven't done anything yet. Σ(°Д°;"

Panda Ren: "Oh, no, this anchor point is in the world of the spirit of eating halberds, that is, the world anchoring completed by other fragments is also counted? (⊙x⊙;)"

Diao Yiren: "Damn, there is such a good thing. ()"

Xiao Blin: "It is indeed a good thing, it can save a lot of effort. –_–"


I was chatting with Xiao Yiren about the fragments of his "contract" and comparing each other, whose private group could bring the news of anchor point reinforcement faster, the chat group came to notify again...

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Yishu for achieving a great career—the writer of destiny]

[Ding, congratulations to the group member Xiao Yishu for winning the title—Eating the Mouse of Destiny]

[Ding, congratulations to Xiao Yishu, a member of the group, for winning the title—the destiny is set]

[Ding, the multiverse has been anchored]

[Ding, the single world barrier has been lifted]

[Ding, group member Xiao Yishu exists to open and close]

[Ding, private server channel ([-]) has been opened]

[Ding, alert!Alert—the multiverse world is dangerous, if you want to explore, please consider seriously]

Xiao Blin: "!!"

Diao Yiren: "!!"

All Xiao Yiren online: "!!"

Xiao Yidie: "Since God's Mouth retired, isn't there too much recent news?! Σ(°Д°;"

Diao Yiren: "From the perspective of universal rationality, it is indeed the case. Touching the chin and contemplating the face JPG"

Xiao Yidie: "Get out, don't be like the old man. ┴─┴︵╰(‵□′╰)"

Xiao Blin: "@肖瑞爸, I haven't played for so long, it's a big news when I come out, what's the matter? You killed the priest? Or you wrote something like becoming a god in the book of fate? What? Is the world anchoring completed? ←_←"

Xiao Yishu: "Um, well, I don't know how to describe the matter, the process was a bit tortuous, but the result is about the same..(___)ノ|"

Xiao Blin: "Oh, according to you, there seems to be a story between these. (* ̄rǒ ̄)"

Panda Ren: "There are melons and melons. Excited face JPG"

Panda Ren: "Ahem, I have wine, do you have a story? Panda's serious face JPG"

Xiao Yishu: "Go away, don't play tricks! The matter is very simple, that is..."

The matter is actually very simple, generally speaking, Xiao Yishu met an inexplicable stand-in emissary, and the guy grabbed his villa and shot him.

Then after the guy forced him out, he ran away without saying a word.

With Xiao Yishu's violent temper, how could he let it go, when even after chasing him, he was ambushed.

To be honest, Xiao Yishu was also very curious about why this group of guys who didn't exist in the original book would come to him in such a leisurely manner, but they didn't say anything. It is of no use to the stand-in messenger at all, and Xiao Yishu has nothing to do.

Wanting to find out the whole story, Xiao Yishu didn't kill them, but just knocked them unconscious and tied them up, and then started the search.

Then Xiao Yishu fell into their trick.

This group of guys seemed to have known in advance that Xiao Yishu would be searched, and they hid hidden weapons on their bodies in advance, directly scratching Xingzhe's fingers.

But after careful observation, it was not a hidden weapon, but an arrow, which was inserted into him along the double's finger.

Then Xiao Yishu lost consciousness, and when he returned for a while, the anchoring of the world had been completed, and the world had inexplicably changed into something he didn't recognize...


Panda Ren: "Ah...what a mess...–_–"

Xiao Blin: "Okay, okay, although the process sounds a bit inexplicable, but since the anchor point has been down, it is a good thing. (*i`*)"

Xiao Yishu: "It's a good thing, at least now I don't have to be afraid of an inexplicable stand-in messenger randomly popping up from nowhere and messing me up.··*"

Xiao Yishu: "Okay, okay, let's not talk for now. After watching you play the world projection for so long, I finally have it. Why don't you go to the next world for a walk?"

Xiao Blin: "Hey, what is next door to JOJO? _(:з"∠)_"

Panda Ren: "It should be a full-time hunter. After all, I remember the period before time travel. These two cross-links were the highest, and they all ran there. (=TェT=)"

Xiao Yidie: "However, the substitute is quite compatible with the so-called qi system. After all, there are many forms of ability that are more than 90.00% similar to the substitute. (~~)"

Diao Yiren: "Who knows? You'll know if you see it when the time comes..."


An unknown world, Earth...

Somewhere above an unknown high-rise building.

A big gray mouse stood on the top of the clean building in a very illogical posture, scanning its surroundings vigilantly with its big eyes.

The surrounding night was quite noisy, even if the building was tall enough to be hundreds of meters above the sky, it still couldn't prevent the noise of the street below from filling his ears.

"A modern urbanized world? The search area seems to be a bit wide."

After a faint murmur, the gray shadow above the tall building disappeared in an uproar, leaving only the faint howling of the wind...

After a few minutes……

A man in a suit and leather shoes, with a tall figure, but with a slightly stiff face, seems to be a person with facial paralysis who has been walking slowly on the street full of feasting and feasting.

That's right, this person is Xiao Yiren, that is, Xiao Yishu in the chat group.

Of course, the reason why he looks like this now is not that he has lost his shape or something like biological armor, but the mechanical armor he used to wear in the past.

This thing was left in the warehouse by Xiao Yiren to eat ashes for two and a half years, but it still doesn't feel jerky in use, and the battery doesn't wear out too much, which is outrageous.

In this regard, what else can Xiao Yiren say besides shouting "Deutsche Technology Niubi" (broken sound)...

Judging by the accent of the language, Xiao Yiren, he should be in Tokyo, Japan, but which world’s Tokyo, Japan, remains to be considered. After all, most of the world’s Tokyo, Japan, is not very different, and the landmark buildings are also So a few places.

If you have to ask Xiao Yiren to say something about the characteristics of Tokyo, Japan, it should be that compared with the Japanese in Xiao Yiren's impression of the previous life and the Japanese in the JOJO world, the height of the guys here seems to be a lot taller. The proportion of muscular guys is also ridiculously high.

Before he had walked a few streets, Xiao Yiren saw a lot of 1.9-meter-tall, muscular, strong and outrageous guys.

"I always feel that the style of painting in this world is a bit wrong. Although the double can't be used, but since magic power can be used, there should be extraordinary power here, but I don't know what kind of power it is, urban power?"

Glancing at the LCD TV with the news column on the transparent shelf next to it, Xiao Yiren didn't stay too long, and didn't have much interest in the news of this world.

No matter what kind of routine this period is, since it is a period that fits the real environment, the news is likely to be fart, basically there is no truth, just like the classic gas explosion.

In fact, Xiao Yiren originally wanted to search the Internet and check the information of this world, but looking at the flip phones in the hands of these residents, Xiao Yiren temporarily dismissed this idea.

Flip phone to play a fart of the Internet, according to Xiao Yiren's experience of so many world projections in the chat group, the location where the projection first appears is mostly quite close to the center of the story.

Rather than looking for a needle in a haystack on the Internet, it is better to go around first and look at the surrounding situation. If nothing unusual is found, then find something in the chat group and search online.

And not long after Xiao Yiren left, on the LCD TV in the display cabinet, the originally calm news channel suddenly rushed an urgent news...

"Major warning, major warning, according to the information specially approved by the FBI, five death row inmates have escaped from prison..."

"One of them, Speck, killed a lawyer and escaped from a deep-sea prison 200 meters below the sea. According to reports, he killed five guards on the coastline..."

"At this point, the question is why did the five condemned prisoners go to Tokyo?"

"The five condemned prisoners who have been separated for nearly ten years and have no contact with each other suddenly become unified. Is it possible?"

"But all in all, the police department and the FBI are ready to support in this emergency..."

"What kind of things will happen? What do you think, Officer Megure, the former head of the first search section of the Police Agency?"

"It's true that if you don't know the specific intentions of the condemned prisoner, you can't jump to conclusions," he said.

"However, the Japanese police's ability to respond to danger is very good, and the young detective Kudo Shinichi and the FBI's strategy against these villains, I believe that these terrorists who endanger society can be arrested again soon."

"However, during this period, all Japanese citizens are also requested to be careful and pay attention to the people around them. Do not enter uninhabited areas at will to avoid accidents. If you encounter danger, please report to the police as soon as possible..."


"The savior of the Tokyo police, Kudo Shinichi? Detective Mori Kogoro? How could it be this world?"

Looking at a newspaper in his hand, Xiao Yiren was a little confused. To be honest, at the beginning, he was not much different from other people in the group. He was also thinking about what the world next to JOJO would be.

What kind of full-time hunter, what Beidou Shenquan and so on have been guessed. To be honest, I really didn't expect it to be Conan.

By the way, is there a half-money relationship between Conan and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?Except that it is produced in Japan, from the painting style to the story to the plot, there is no similarity at all.

And when Xiao Yiren suspects that life is constantly comparing Conan and JOJO, and wants to find out the similarity between the two...

Also in Tokyo, Japan...

A cross-legged, red-haired muscular man wearing a pair of briefs and watching TV with his bare upper body seemed to have sensed something, and spit out the cigarette in his mouth into the air.

Then there was a backflip that was so nimble that a human could not do it. The heel precisely collided with the unextinguished flame of the cigarette flying in mid-air, and the inelastic deformation occurred instantly.

The flame pulled out a long thread in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the hotel floor, turning into a cloud of dust.

"Hey, it's a strange feeling. The fighting spirit that I haven't seen for a long time seems to surge up. It doesn't seem like those five guys can give it to me. Is there another interesting guy coming to Tokyo?"

(End of this chapter)

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