Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 314 Destination Star

Chapter 314 Destination Star
The topic stopped there, and everyone present reached a consensus and boarded Xiao Yiren's spaceship.

Just as he got on the spaceship, Xiao Yiren snapped his fingers, and the thirty warships in the sky instantly disappeared without a trace, and even Mr. Bao, who had been spouting obscenities and never stopped being pointed at by countless gunfire, also disappeared directly.

Reveal the real appearance that is concealed under the virtual.

The ten fleets lined up neatly together. As for Mr. Bao who lay down in space with his eyes closed early, it can be seen from his snort and forehead that this guy was just knocked out.

"Oh? What's the situation?"

Seeing Xiao Yiren's handwriting, the eyes of Athena, Thor and others beside him were all waiting, and they asked incredulously.

"It's just a virtual image. How can a giant of a thousand meters be so easy to tie? It's not much more reliable than being tied when knocked unconscious, but the fainting state is obviously not as shocking as being tied."

"So everything just now is fake."

Seeing this question from Little King Kong, Xiao Yiren gave him a blank look, then glanced at Athena and the others, and then said:

"Of course it's fake, it's just to deter those three idiots who are non-violent and non-cooperative. Since I'm here to negotiate, I must have the confidence that the negotiation will succeed. Killing you is nothing other than formally fighting the three gods. usefulness."


Fingers kept flying on the virtual screen in front of him, while Xiao Yiren operated the instrument, he opened his mouth to answer Athena's questions.

"Ah, I've been doing this for so long, I'm a little hungry."


"Oh, this pyramid is a particle launcher. It hits the sun with particles, and uses the gravitational force of star collapse to compress space-time to form a wormhole. Then you can go to the space where La is located through the wormhole."


Xiao Yiren: "..."

"Oh, me too, it's time to go."

"However, although the possibility of failure in the negotiation is not great, it is not impossible, and I have not considered it, but if it really comes to that time..."

"No one has been here for a long time."

In an instant, the originally dark environment instantly became translucent, as if every detail in the pyramid was shining, showing every brilliance of itself to the people in front of it.

It’s just that the pyramid seems to be connected to something deeper. The range of scanning and the amount of information to be processed are huge, and it’s quite troublesome to process. With the equipment that Xiao Yiren currently carries, it may take a while to get the results .

Looking at the three simplified Chinese satellites of "destination" floating on the khaki planet in front of him, Xiao Yiren could only express that he was ignorant and did not know what language to use to describe his feelings.

"Such a remote planet has such a building."

Holding the torch, Little King Kong took the lead and walked into the pyramid first. Looking at the dark interior, Little King Kong sighed.

Of course, this kind of emotion is more due to the overwritten part of Xiao Yiren's awakened memory. After Xiao Yiren's "normal" scientific common sense took the high ground, Xiao Yiren immediately understood the specific reason why this planet showed such outrageous phenomena.

Xiao Yiren didn't do anything else, just wiped lightly on the white coat on his body.


Looking at Little King Kong and the others who seemed to be really planning to have a retro-style adventure, Xiao Yiren also shook his head a little speechlessly.

Without the worries of the three great gods, Xiao Yiren's next journey is quite smooth. The spaceship flies over one planet after another, and skims over a starry sky. Xiao Yiren and others finally arrived at their destination...

If Xiao Yiren paused slightly at the end, he continued:

"La fled to another space back then, and this should be the entrance of the space."

Hearing Little King Kong's words, Athena was born to agree.

As he spoke, he greeted everyone and entered the pyramid.

"No! Wait, Athena! Put down the steering wheel for me. There is a star map this time. You don't need to show the way. Don't even want to touch the steering wheel again..."

Leaving aside why the way of interpreting the hieroglyphs is pinyin, Xiao Yiren criticized this bullshit particle emitter.

What era is this, and what kind of set of archaeologist Jackie Chan is still playing.

Seeing Xiao Yiren's operation, Little King Kong looked at the torch in his hand, touched his head resentfully, and extinguished the torch very consciously, but when he extinguished the fire method, the corner of his eyes was that Zhou Ran saw a mural in front of him.

Taking a look at the progress of the spaceship in his hand scanning the internal devices of the pyramid, Xiao Yiren waved to Athena and the others and said:

Seeming to have found something interesting, Little King Kong stepped forward, looked at the villains posing in various poses under the mural, and began to interpret it with his own understanding.

"Ah, yes, someone come over and drive the spaceship."

Xiao Yiren: "..."

The spaceship of the time beneficiary has already approached this "destination star", passed through the gap of the Chinese character satellite, and slowly started landing.

Xiao Yiren is now scanning the pyramid in front of him, and he has constructed a rough three-dimensional model.

Speaking of this, Xiao Yiren just shut up and didn't say anything further, just showing a slightly deep smile. Seeing Xiao Yiren's smile, Athena and the others trembled all over, quickly shifted their eyes, and changed the topic.

Walking out of the spaceship slowly, looking at the dilapidated pyramid in front of her, Athena said with a sigh.

"When you are li, you are zi, Buddha, fa, you are evil, you are qi."

"Oh? There are hieroglyphs here."

"Is this really the destination?!"

"This pyramid is weird. It will take at least half a day to completely decipher it with the help of those shipboard computers. Let's go in and see the situation first..."

"If it wasn't remote, I'm afraid it would have been found by the three gods long ago, so there's nothing strange about it."

"This fluctuation is the product of the two energy and the energy of Tucao. The application of the two most basic energies in the world is so efficient. It seems that I have to increase the threat level of this so-called Southern God by two stars."

Leaving aside the feasibility of this matter for the time being, if this pyramid is just a mere particle emitter, will Xiao Yiren's shipboard computer calculate that it has not yet finished analyzing it?The situation here is probably not that simple.

If it is said to detonate the sun and form a space-time wormhole, it is not impossible for Xiao Yiren to do it, but there are no specific parameters for doing that, and the ghost knows where the wormhole will lead.

If you accidentally create a "brain hole" that can swallow everything, even Xiao Yiren may find it difficult to deal with it.

"Let's go around first and look for the switch of this so-called particle accelerator..."

(End of this chapter)

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