Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 249 Proenterovirus

Mao Yiren: "Hey, this is the third time. I have complained so many times that I feel a little tired.··*"

Namiren: "..."

Diao Yiren: "Okay, regardless of that damned undercover agent, let's see what's in the recycling bin this time first?"

Namiren: "..."


The world under one person, Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

One was immersed in the Myriad Realms Recycle Bin, looking at the mountains of "garbage" in front of him, Xiao Yiren frowned slightly.

"This... what are these piles?"

The pile in front of Xiao Yiren was densely packed corpses, each of which was covered in scorched black, bloody and bloody, indistinctly, Xiao Yiren could still see obvious grains of metal particles in the flesh and blood, if nothing unexpected happened , these should all be bullets.

This pile of flesh and blood, this pile of corpses was torn apart alive by the torrent of metal, countless bullets and overwhelming gunpowder.

"Metal bullet casings, the most common firearms, from the garbage of modern society?"

Opening the evaluation page of the chat group, looking at a piece of metal particles pulled out from the pile of flesh and blood, and seeing the clear instructions on the evaluation page, Xiao Yiren touched his beard slightly.

"Well, the garbage on the scientific side, from the Department of Biology, it seems that this pile of things is of no use to me."

Of course, even though he said so, Xiao Yiren still took out a small portion from the flesh sample, pulled it into the red envelope, opened the identification page of the chat group, and began to observe the structure of this thing.

[Name: Protogut Organism Flesh]

[Introduction: The flesh and blood of ordinary organisms parasitized by a special virus called Protovirus has the unique ability to extract genes from different organisms and integrate them together]

[Evaluation: The above is correct, but you know if you are cheating or not. Of course, if your goal is Cthulhu, it is definitely a good choice. 】

Seeing this introduction and evaluation, Xiao Yiren's brows twitched slightly, but he immediately understood the source of this rubbish, the famous Japanese anime, Healing Fan - pitch-black loli (crossed out), pitch-black bullets.

"Good guy, it turned out to be this thing, the guy with the alien shape should be able to use it, but for other people..."

Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Yiren opened the chat group interface again, and as expected, the group of people in the chat group had started chatting, and the guy who spoke the most was Xiao Yixing.


Xiao Yixing: "Good guy, this time the recycle bin finally came out with something useful. This stuff fits my worldview, so I will use it for research. (~~)"

Xiao Xingxing: "Before, I just happened to be worrying about how to develop the alien race into a starry sky Zerg. I just fell asleep and gave me a pillow. (ω)"

Nami Ren: "Are you sure, I feel that this thing is so pitiful. It can indeed extract excellent genes similar to aliens from other races, but the combination method is completely random. The strong recovery ability and immortality are also due to the direct cancellation of the brain's structure, reducing cell specificity and increasing totipotency."

Namihito: "And you are the true unity of cells. It feels like even the stage five that appears in the anime is not enough for you to fight alone. Are you sure this thing is useful to you? –_–"

Xiao Xingxing: "Of course not. I have already canceled the idea of ​​individualized strengthening of population support. The pure mighty power belongs to itself. The efficiency in this universe is too low."

Xiao Xingxing: "Although my overall life form is one or two stages higher than the population, I can't just ignore them. _(:з"∠)_"

Alien Xiao: "Although the biochemical technology known by the Prophet, the large piles of ready-made flesh and blood workshops and construction methods on the planet have given the alien race a good foundation, allowing our alien race to truly take root and multiply on the planet. ability.ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ”

Xiao Xingxing: "But these things have not taken root in the race after all. Without my subjective control, the alien race will be what it is, but it will be different with the original enterovirus. ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭ "

Xiao Alien: "If the original enterovirus can be transformed into a branch of the alien evolutionary map, they will grow up to be the ready-made flesh and blood workshop of the alien family. By then, the alien family can truly break away from the concept of fighting machines and become a real universe. Race.(_)"

Namiren: "Okay, since you have a plan, then naturally there are no other problems. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Yixing: "Okay, that's good, I'll take away all the flesh and blood first, and I'll put some of them into the public red envelopes. Everyone, be careful when you get the red envelopes. Don't take them wrong, or it may be the end of the world again." .→_→”

Mao Yiren: "We are not so stupid. (; 一_一)"

Xiao Carp: "Huh? What are you talking about? ←_←"

Mao Yiren: "Okay, I know, I will be careful..(___)ノ|"

Xiao Yixing: "Come on, come on, don't turn over old accounts, I'll take things. ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍"


Xiao Yixing: "In addition to the flesh and blood samples, there is actually a metal in it. ("▔▔▔)"

Namiren: "Oh, it's that in the original book, the closer to the speed of light, the smaller the mass, and the potential energy will not be released until it touches the object, so that it can be accelerated to sub-light speed, and it has the ability to excite and open the energy barrier? This thing? You are so excited, it is estimated that that thing is also a product of a single worldview. ([email protected]@)"

Namiren: "There is such a thing as metal in the scientific world, but there is no specificity for farts. (ー`ー)"

Nanoren: "錵 is also known as holmium, atomic number 67, atomic weight 164.93032, and the name of the element comes from the birthplace of the discoverer. According to the earth data, holmium was discovered by Solit from the spectrum of erbium soil in 1878, and gram in Sweden the following year Leff used chemical methods to separate holmium from erbium soil. The content of holmium in the earth's crust is 0.000115%, and it exists together with other rare earth elements in monazite and rare earth ores. The only natural stable isotope is holmium 165. Holmium is a silver-white metal with a quality Soft and malleable; melting point 1474°C, boiling point 2695°C, density 8.7947 g/cm."

Namiren: "By the way, you should have read a lot of books before you left the small dark room. Have you fed all your knowledge to the dogs? ←_←"

Xiao Yixing: "..."

Diao Yiren: "@富级仁, I feel that Xiao Xingxing didn't mean that, remember? Items taken out of the recycle bin can retain the effect of the original world view for a certain period of time.|д)"

Namiren: "O_o"

Namiren: "Wait, if you say that, wouldn't it be..."

Xiao Xingxing: "That's right, cheap and convenient arming against stars. ([email protected]@)"

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