Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 196 You Can't Leave Me

Chapter 196 You Can't Leave Me
"No, I won't regret it, never regret it."

For Xiao Yiren's remarks, Liu Yanyan didn't have any other reaction, and directly threw herself on Xiao Yiren's chest, hugging his waist tightly.

"It doesn't matter what you are, what you want to do, whatever you want me to do."

Looking down, she buried her face in her chest, and her emotions gradually intensified. Liu Yanyan, who had a tendency to become sick and delicate, had a helpless expression on her face, and with a light wave of her hand, her figure disappeared directly.

Oh no, the figure didn't disappear, but shrunk, turning into a black and white cat, crawling on the ground.

Xiao Yiren looked up, staring at himself blankly, Liu Yanyan, who seemed to have not recovered from this sudden change, directly opened her mouth and said:
"Your imagination is not comprehensive enough. There are still many weird things in the world."

"In the dream, I am an ordinary human being, but in reality, I may be a cat..."

As he spoke, Xiao Yiren waved his claws again, and his figure changed again, this time into a gray wolf in a white coat standing on two feet.

"It could be a wolf, too."

"A mote of dust, a small fish, a dragon, a giant beast, a panda, a starfish, a mouse and even a hideous monster..."

Xiao Yiren's figure is constantly changing in front of Liu Yanyan, sometimes as small as a dust, sometimes as big as a beast that lifts the sky, every change, every appearance, the amount of information it brings hits people's hearts like waves, Cleansing the three views of people.

Even Liu Yanyan, who had been prepared early, looked at Xiao Yiren's changes again and again, and couldn't help but froze in place.

Xiao Yiren fixed his final form in the image of Xiao Xingxing, with sharp fangs, terrifying appearance, rough exoskeleton, terrifying wings like demon wings growing from his back, and even the tongue that sticks out has a sharp edge. The horny, hideous appearance is enough to scare away any normal person.

Maintaining his appearance, Xiao Yiren looked at Liu Yanyan who was still staring blankly at him, and nodded in satisfaction.

"This should be about the same..."

But before Xiao Yiren finished thinking, Liu Yanyan jumped up without hesitation, with a pair of arms around his neck, um, it should be where the neck is.

Then he kissed the hideous face of the alien without hesitation.

The sudden change directly startled Xiao Yiren.

This thing is not perfect, but he made this dream according to the parameters of reality.

Except for having creator authority, other things are almost indistinguishable from reality. What is in his alien mouth is all super-strength acid.

It can corrode human flesh and even bones in an instant.

Although in the dream, death is definitely not going to happen, but the pain of that moment, probably not many people want to bear it.

This wave of actions by Liu Yanyan directly scared Xiao Yiren back to his original form, which is the original form of the weasel.

But Liu Yanyan didn't care about it at all, she still hugged and kissed Xiao Yiren together, one person and one beast, the picture shouldn't be too weird.

In the end, when Liu Yanyan opened her eyes again and let Xiao Yiren go, Xiao Yiren also changed back to the human appearance that she had constructed at the beginning. Looking at the helpless expression on Xiao Yiren's face, a smug expression finally appeared on her face, saying :

"Did you finally reveal your real body? I saw it. So you are a yellow fairy. It is not uncommon for a fox fairy and a yellow fairy to fall in love with humans in western Hunan."

Come on, Liu Yanyan withdrew the proud expression on her face slightly, hugged Xiao Yiren in front of her again, and said in a choked voice:
"I don't care what you are, I don't care what you want to do, I don't even care what you think of me, don't leave me..."

Xiao Yiren: "..."

Now that we've talked about this person, does Xiao Yiren still have a choice?

In the end, after hesitating again and again, Xiao Yiren still did not refuse Liu Yanyan's hug, and put his hands around Liu Yanyanfang's waist.

Feeling the warmth of her body, Liu Yanyan's face no longer had the sadness just now, but was full of smiles, and the surrounding environment was no longer as dark as it used to be, the sun was shining brightly, surrounded by flowers and green grass, one by one Butterflies are flying, and the two of them at this moment are the center of this world.

However, both Xiao Yiren and Liu Yanyan didn't care about the changes in the surrounding environment, they just stood there quietly, hugging each other, everything without saying a word...

Xiao Yiren: "Why are you still taking off my clothes?"

Liu Yanyan: "Isn't that how it's drawn in those sex comics? Demons, goblins, wretched uncles, courier boys use strange abilities to mentally control beautiful girls, and then do whatever they want with beautiful girls..."

Xiao Yiren: "You also know that I am controlling you mentally, so why are you so straightforward?"

Liu Yanyan: "What does it matter, anyway, since that time, I have long been inseparable from you."

Looking at Liu Yanyan who was smiling and hugging him, Xiao Yiren was really interested in this, and asked:
"Oh, when did it start?"

Regarding this, Liu Yanyan was still smiling, her big eyes blinked slightly, and she said playfully:

"you guess……"

As he said that, he threw Xiao Yiren to the ground, a head of red hair fell on Xiao Yiren's face, and there was a gorgeous reverse push, and then a pretty face slowly descended, overlapping together in the light...


Diao Yiren: "I feel that this world is so bizarre, so bizarre that I can't understand it at all. (-ι_-)"

Mao Yiren: "Oh, did something happen again? ←_←"

Diao Yiren: "My side..."

Diao Yiren: "Uh, forget it, it's nothing...(/"≡_≡)="

Diao Yiren: "In fact, I have already drawn a set of palm techniques from that red-haired Jia Zhengyu's dream. It is a set of palm techniques that use qi to simulate waves. Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist in Superman. _(:з」∠)_”

Mao Yiren: "Forget it, this melee-style move is really not suitable for me. ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ"

Xiao Liyu: "Give me a copy, I just happen to be researching these things recently.··*"

Xiao Yishu: "And me, I want it too."

Xiao Blin: "Give me a copy too."

Diao Yiren: "OK, @萧太狼."

Xiao Tailang: "Okay, okay, don't @, tool wolf is coming."

Xiao Tailang: "Send it."

[Ding, Diao Yiren distributes red envelopes x1]

[Ding, Xiao Tailang received a red envelope x1]

[Ding, Xiao Tailang distributes red envelopes x3]

[Ding, Xiao Yishu received a red envelope x1]

[Ding, Xiao Carp receives a red envelope x1]

[Ding, Xiao Blin received a red envelope x1]


The world under one person, Tianjin.

Slowly open your eyes.After waking up from the dream this time, Liu Yanyan's eyes no longer had the laziness and confusion of the past. As soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately sat up from the bed, her big eyes began to look around, as if she was looking for something.

"Don't look for it, I'm right here."

But at this moment, a familiar voice rang in his ears, and then Liu Yanyan saw a black shadow flashing past her, and then saw a familiar yet unfamiliar yellow figure appearing in front of her In front of him was Xiao Yiren's real body.

Seeing Xiao Yiren's real body, Liu Yanyan's eyes immediately lit up, without giving Xiao Yiren any chance to react, she immediately hugged Xiao Yiren into her arms, rubbed it between the two balls, and then directly lowered her head , after kissing Xiao Yiren deeply on the top of his head, he whispered in his ear:
"Where are you going now, where am I going, you can't leave me..."

 This chapter should be the last chapter focusing on the description of dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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