Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 168 The Damn Author

Chapter 168 The Damn Author

Mao Yiren: "By the way, has time sped up recently? Why do I feel that the holidays are passing so fast, and school is about to start?.(___)ノ|"

Mao Yiren: "I haven't played enough. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Yishu: "Hahahaha, the plot has finally started to change. Sure enough, after I trampled to death the kid who played Anzhiju's guest role, the plot turned to your side."

Mao Yiren: "Tom's Diary JPG"

Xiao Liyu: "Oh, since this diary has already been obtained, does that prove that the story of the second part has begun?"

Xiao Liyu: "But you killed all the basilisks. As long as this diary doesn't act as a monster, you should be able to lie down easily this year, right?··*"

Mao Yiren: "That's right, I'm waiting for this thing to be used as an experiment, but how to destroy the soul directly without harming the carrier, I don't have any good way here, other Horcruxes after all Unlike Harry, who has an ancient guardian spell, it still depends on you @肖祥爸.”

Mao Yiren: "You are the hope of the whole village. (`へ)=3"

Xiao Yixing: "Why do these words sound so familiar to me? (ー`ー)"

Xiao Yishu: "--"

Xiao Yishu: "I don't know. It's been three months, and there is still no news from Jotaro. It seems that all the islands in the Nihong territory have been searched, and there is no place that matches Sadako's situation. (.ˇˇ.) "

Xiao Yishu: "Considering that the experiment started during the Second World War, Jotaro was also studying the possible routes of action of the Japanese army in those years, and conducted investigations one by one. The scope was almost directly from a small area like Neon, It became a small half of the earth. (-ι_-)”

Xiao Yishu: "Things are much more complicated than originally thought, so I am afraid that the time required will not be short. I guess at that time, I can still continue the plot of the golden wind. (ノ`⊿)ノ"

Xiao Yishu: "This damned author..."

Mao Yiren: "This damned author..."

Xiao Yixing: "This damned author..."

Xiao Liyu: "This damned author..."

Shaw Blin: "This damned author..."

Namiren: "This damned author..."


The World of Little Carp Adventures.

After scolding the author every day, Xiao Yiren directly quit the chat group.

Now, two months have passed since Xiao Yiren got the dragon horn and embarked on the road to transforming into a dragon.

Two months have passed, Xiao Yiren's image now is quite different from the past.

First is the body.

As early as a year and a half ago, Xiao Yiren's body size had grown to the limit, and there was almost no growth in the past year and a half.

And in just a few months after getting the dragon horn and being recognized by the sapphire blue scale, Xiao Yiren's body was directly stretched by a full [-]%.

The scales on his body have also become slender and hard, and the physical fitness alone is not comparable to that of the previous Xiao Yiren.

Then there is the aspect of cultivation.

It is said to be cultivation, but in fact there is no so-called cultivation realm in this world, it is just the amount and depth of mana, and the proficiency in mastering magical powers.

It is difficult to quantify and compare the proficiency of magical powers, but only in terms of the amount of mana, if we say that the amount of Xiao Yiren's mana at the beginning, that is, the water drop in the vortex of vitality and magic power is a glass of water.

So now Xiao Yiren is a basin of water.

In just two months, the amount of mana has gone from being pitifully small to several times the combined amount of magic power and life force originally contained in his body.

Moreover, it still perfectly controls the power that is not bestowed like the three-legged golden toad, and even the output is not well controlled, which is simply outrageous.

Of course, as for the reason, Xiao Yiren is very clear.

This is mainly due to the power of life crystals and magic crystals, as well as the benefits of merging gemstone blue scales. After the previous period of explosion, we will enter a relatively stable growth process of power in the future, even with the help of dragon horns. is also like this.

"If you continue to practice hard, I'm afraid it will take three to five years to achieve great results."

Reaching out to put the dragon horn in his arms on the ground, Xiao Yiren sighed and ended this practice.

After two months of practice, Xiao Yiren's strength has reached an unfathomable level.

Presumably, if we want to talk about individual strength, if we put all the members of Yiren's non-human chat group into a world that does not limit the world view, he is probably the strongest one.

But will he be satisfied?of course not.

If a cultivator can be satisfied with his current strength, why should he continue to practice?
The same is true for Xiao Yiren here.

Damn, he is not allowed to be a human anymore, and there are no other entertainment items. The only thing we can look forward to every day is the pandaren lunch. Xiao Yiren is so miserable, can't we let him experience the thrill of the ceiling?

Looking for something to do when there is nothing to do, and when there is no possible life-threatening situation, Xiao Yiren is still going to go to the protagonist Tuan Bubble to tease them.

After all, judging from the current development of the chat group, according to the common sense of the development of things, the second semester starts, and the scourge of Tom's diary has come out. The author should be writing about the world of Harry Potter... It should be...

Because of Xiao Yiren's intrusion, Captain Octopus was not captured and turned into a monster in the confrontation with Lai Pi Snake.

So now Xiaomeimei and Aku should still be in the circus.

As for the double-faced turtle, one of the "Four Great Licking Dogs" in the previous life of the protagonist group, he should also stay with Xiao Meimei.

As for where Bubble went, Xiao Yiren couldn't guess, after all, he was going to find Zhenlong to save his grandma.

Fortunately, Xiao Yiren thought early on that he would go to the protagonist group again, and left his mark on Bubble as early as that banquet.

It's not too troublesome to find it now, but this location is a little far away, and I don't know what happened in the past two months...

(End of this chapter)

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