Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 154 Golden Toad Paradise

Chapter 154 Golden Toad Paradise
Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten days had passed in the world of Little Carp Adventures.

After more than ten days of rushing, Xiao Yiren finally arrived at Jinchan Paradise.

Xiao Liyu: "Boys, I'm at the Golden Toad Paradise. (^o^)"

Mao Yiren: "Oh, what are you doing there? Are you going to get the blue dragon scale? (⊙ω⊙`)"

Xiao Liyu: "Of course, you guys are so awesome about the dragon, and the dragon's horn was also left by the dragon to save the carp lake when the disaster happened, so my initial estimate of the dragon's horn may need to go up a few levels , don’t make any preparations→_→.”

Mao Yiren: "Okay, just don't capsize in the gutter. –_–"

Xiao Liyu: "It's up to you to say..."


Little Carp Adventures World, Golden Toad Paradise.

Scanning Yiquan's surroundings, the place is quite empty, there is nothing around, only a tall toad statue stands here alone, and it doesn't look like a paradise should be at all.

"It should be here."

Recalling the memory about the adventures of the little carp from Mao Yiren, Xiao Yiren flicked his fins and took out a golden coin. This is a gold coin. According to what the double-faced turtle did in the original book, this It is also the key to the real Golden Toad Paradise.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Yiren swam directly in front of this huge three-legged golden toad statue. Looking at the ugly statue in front of him, with a rather unbeatable expression, he resisted the urge to give it a tail, and Xiao Yiren directly threw the gold coin into it. into the statue's mouth, and then just swam away and waited for the other party's change.


There was a crisp sound of gold coins bouncing, and then the ground shook for a while.


The huge toad statue vibrated directly, and the surrounding soil gradually cracked with the vibration, and finally collapsed, and the true appearance of Jinchan Paradise gradually appeared with the vibration.

After the smoke cleared, Xiao Yiren looked at the place again.

Different from the desolation just now, now Xiao Yiren is in front of a huge amusement park, with mountain fish, bumper fish, rotating wooden fish, all kinds of strange equipment are perfect, in terms of complete items, even Xiao Yiren's past life memories Many amusement parks here can't compare.

Although Xiao Yiren's memory in his previous life didn't have a few amusement parks at all.

"It feels like it's a completely different place from just now."

With great interest, he looked at the various entertainment facilities around him, and felt the other mana contained in them. Xiao Yiren didn't stay here too much, it was just a magic body spell, and he set himself an invisibility, and then That is, he started his own action.

And prepare a pit at the entrance... the old toad who receives new guests.


"What's the situation? Where's the fish? They were still here just now..."


The field of vision returned to Xiao Yiren's side again, Xiao Yiren also just came to Jinchan Paradise, but he was not in a hurry to find Longlin.

After all, the dragon scale was there and he couldn't run away, and the three-legged golden toad was indeed incapable of gaining the dragon scale's approval, so it could almost be said that there would be no surprises at all.

Since it was impossible, then why was he in a hurry, and there would be no problem if he was a few minutes late.

Of course, Xiao Yiren is not a villain supporting role, and he didn't do any stupid things that made him go wrong, and he just wandered here for about 10 minutes before heading straight to a place.

This is the center of Jinchan Paradise and the tallest tower-shaped stone pillar.

This stone pillar is thick at the top and thin at the bottom, with five windows on the top, divided into five sections like a bead, and on the topmost, relatively flat place, there is a huge shell with an obvious protrusion. At first, it was a warning light.

If night falls, this warning light will emit a purple light, instructing the fish that have been turned into amusement facilities in the Golden Toad Paradise to come and donate the gold coins they have obtained.

At the same time, in the underground cave behind the tower, there is also the target of Xiao Yiren's operation - the blue dragon scale.

"Since it's an underground cave, it's much easier to handle. Although there may be many forks, as long as you know the approximate location, it shouldn't be a problem to find it..."

While observing around the tower, Xiao Yiren recalled the plot of the original novel and analyzed the location of the cave entrance.

In the original book, there is actually no indication of where the three-legged golden toad dug a hole into the cave. There is only a simple dialogue, and then it fast-forwards directly into the cave.

But all the important information is already contained in that simple dialogue.

Three-legged Golden Toad: "Brother Lobster, tell me what you want, don't hurt your friendship."

Lobster: "I know you have a baby, and that's what I want."

Three-legged golden toad: "Baby baby, baby?! I don't have any baby."

Big Lobster: "You still want to lie to me. I know all your secrets. Let me ask you, what kind of hole do you dig behind the tower every now and then?"

Three-legged Golden Toad: "Dig, dig, dig? I didn't dig."

Big Lobster: "Every time you come out of the hole, you are very powerful. Could it be that you have taken some tonic medicine in it!!!"


Recalling the plot, Xiao Yiren finally found an abnormal place. Although the traces here are not obvious, Xiao Yiren can still see the traces that are often turned over.

"This should be the cave where the blue dragon scales are hidden."

After scanning around to make sure that there were no fish or toads looking at him, Xiao Yiren didn't hesitate, and just burrowed into the soil.

Sure enough, the situation below was similar to what Xiao Yiren had imagined. Here was a not-so-big hole covered with a layer of thick soil that was similar to the soil layer above the previous Golden Toad Paradise.

The soil is very soft, and if you want to peel it off, you can just pull it with your hands a few times, but if you stand on it, it is no different from the general ground, which is quite magical.

Xiao Yiren didn't waste too long in the soil layer, just a blink of an eye, Xiao Yiren entered the cave.

Just entering the cave, the line of sight is bright, softly in the ground, there should be no light penetrating, but it is still very bright here.

The light in the channel is bright, but quite soft, just like the dense silk, extremely smooth.

"It's obviously a cave, but it can be so bright. It should be because of the magic transformation."

Scanning around the surrounding environment, feeling the looming power that is similar to magic power but different from it, Xiao Yiren didn't care, and went deep in the direction of the cave extension.

Should I say that the logic of the children's channel animation is relatively simple, there are no twists and turns, Xiao Xiaoyiren just walked along the road for a while and saw what he was looking for at the end of a place.

"found it……"

(End of this chapter)

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