Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 105 "Borrowing" a Substitute

Chapter 105 "Borrowing" a Substitute

Xiao Yishu: "After the test, the ability is not bad. You can achieve instant kills in the face of guys who don't know the truth, but the restrictions are not small. People who are familiar with the rules can easily find loopholes. –_–"

Xiao Blin: "All right, all right, it's good to be able to use it, so there are so many requirements. ←_←"

Xiao Blin: "Isn't this thing of yours still able to evolve? Maybe one day it will become a space traveler, a time traveler, a time traveler, or even a world traveler. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Blin: "After all, if I remember correctly, JOJO's Bizarre Adventure VI is basically a story of parallel worlds. It can't be said that the time traveler is not the strongest state, but the world traveler is, and can cross the parallel world. ( °ー°〃)”

Xiao Yishu: "Although I feel that your words are quite outrageous, but I believe them. (;[-]_[-])"

Mao Yiren: "@肖祥爸, you try to send a red envelope to the avatar, I want to see if I can use it in my world?_~`"

Xiao Yishu: "What the hell? Put a substitute in the red envelope, this thing can be stuffed into the red envelope! Σ(°Д°;"

Xiao Yishu: "I'll try it later. (⊙x⊙;)"

[Ding, Xiao Yishu places a red envelope x1]

Xiao Yishu: "I rub it, it's really good! (ΩДΩ)"

Xiao Yishu: "Fuck, does that mean I can awaken a double multiple times?!!!(@[]@!!)"

Mao Yiren: "No, I think you should calm down. →_→"

Mao Yiren: "I saw that I can use the substitute, but it seems that the consumption will be a little higher. (Sweat)"

Mao Yiren: "Don't try it yet, otherwise it would be useless to awaken a walker one. Why don't you wait until the time comes and give one to each member of the group who can use a substitute? Wouldn't it be better to have multiple types of substitutes?" Incense? (/"≡_≡)="

Mao Yiren: "And who knows what is the consumption of the promotion? If it consumes the spiritual source, you can have another one, and there will be no future troubles. →_→"

Xiao Yishu: "All right. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Yishu: "By the way, what do you want Xing Zhe to do? Is something wrong? (°ー°〃)"

Mao Yiren: "Of course I went to the Chamber of Secrets! There are so many Harry Potter fan fictions, and I don't read them in vain. Any factors that may cause trouble, I will naturally kill them in the cradle. (`へ)=3"

Mao Yiren: "Aren't the top rankings that are causing trouble Tom's Diary, Peter Pettigrew, Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and Old Tom. (ー`ー)"

Mao Yiren: "Old Tom is killed by me now, Pettigrew Pettigrew, who turned into a mouse spot, has lost his memory with an amnesia spell, and now he is my experimental equipment like a fool, Tom's diary has to wait for the second half During the semester, naturally we will use this secret room to operate..."


The world of Harry Potter, Hogwarts.

[Ding, Mao Yiren receives a red envelope x1]

Looking at the shape around him that was about the same size as himself, like a substitute for an insect, Xiao Yiren, who was in the form of a cat, showed a strong sense of curiosity in his eyes.

What is the existence form of this substitute?What kind of principle does his special ability exist?
Walking around the double, Xiao Yiren felt that he seemed to see something, but he didn't seem to have anything.

"Forget it, let's try consumption and ability first."

After looking at it for a while, Xiao Yiren couldn't see why, so he gave up the idea of ​​direct research, and began to manipulate the double, took various actions, and tried his strength and ability.


10 minute later.

Taking out a bottle of potion and gulping it down, Xiao Yiren stretched out his paws to put the double away, and took a deep breath.

"It's okay, this consumption is not small. According to this consumption, even with my magic power, it may not be able to last for a long time. At most, it will be gone after one fight, but it is within the range I can bear."

Watching the glass bottle in front of him shatter and disappear, Xiao Yiren staggered out of the Room of Requirement, and went downstairs towards the girls' bathroom.

The main reason why he didn't go to the secret room before was because he couldn't speak Parseltongue.

He hadn't been inside either, and couldn't Apparate inside.

But now with Walker One, it's different, ignoring the walls, ignoring everything, and he just walks slowly.

Slowly walking up the stairs to the second floor, Xiao Yiren soon found the abandoned girls' bathroom.

When he first came here, Xiao Yiren didn't rush in. Instead, he first cast the illusion spell to make himself invisible, and then summoned a substitute.

Some things, the fewer people know, the better.

Like his conflict with Voldemort, only Old Tom and Dumbledore knew about it.

Even Harry and the others were half-knowledgeable. They only knew that a dark wizard had suddenly attacked them before, but they didn't know who that person was.

In this way, even if other Horcruxes are resurrected, or those Death Eaters escape from prison, they will not reach their thoughts on themselves.

Xiao Yiren had read too many Harry Potter fan novels before, and it was because the protagonists were not good at doing things, and they were procrastinating one by one.

As for Xiao Yiren himself, he undoubtedly hates deciphering the most, and he is more inclined to kill all possible hidden dangers in the cradle.

like now!
"Everything is petrified, and everything is forgotten."

Two spells in a row directly hit Myrtle who was about to float over. Xiao Yiren, who was invisible, directly cast a body-binding spell to fix her in place, and another amnesia spell made her forget what happened at this time, giving her She stuffed some "everything is normal" false memories, and then began to look for the entrance to the secret room.

Myrtle was the student who was killed when Voldemort opened the Chamber of Secrets for the first time decades ago. Later, she became a ghost and lived in the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

Ghosts can also be affected by magic. Nick, who was almost headless, was petrified because he was seen by the basilisk, but she had already died once and would not die a second time.

"I remember that the entrance to the secret room in the original book is a faucet with a small snake pattern engraved in the pool!"

Recalling the descriptions in fan fiction and original works.

Xiao Yiren walked around, and soon found the faucet in the original book.

"It's been found."

Looking back, he summoned a substitute and used the ability of the Walker of All Things. Then, like a ghost, Xiao Yiren stepped into the bricks and stones step by step, and entered a secret path without causing any disturbance.

Ten seconds later, Myrtle.

"Did something happen just now? Forget it, what does it matter..."


(End of this chapter)

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