only monsters

Chapter 696 NO67 Because it’s not a New Year party

It is true that the Tanabata Festival has also been spread as a variant of the name of the Qixi Festival, but if it is an exact festival, it is more often the stage of the Far East.

That land is very good at spending funds in the name of 'festivals', and is more accustomed to passing on culture in the form of 'festivals'.

In terms of its policy system, it also has considerable convenience and support for the handling of similar celebration programs.

The same is true for the city of Tianmen.

It is not so much a city with rich Eastern culture as it is a city with extremely diverse cultures.

This diversity leads to an attitude that is easy to appear-bringing ism.

If the method is practical, take it here. Our city of Tianmen can also use festivals to divert conflicts and internal conflicts, and by the way, a small wave of economics will benefit nothing——

"A violent incident occurred in the open-air field No. [-], and there have been many casualties!"

"Many copies of contraband were seized in the No. [-] cultural exhibition hall, and the related search is still in progress."

"The people marched in arms to protest against the Qixi Festival's non-holiday. Many police officers have been injured."

"Report! The Tianmen data is abnormal! It may be related to the on-site fighting, and there will be a short-term phenomenon of alienation."

"The giant beast mascot in the open-air field No. 11 is fighting with the mechanical mascot in the No. 12 field, and the alienation barrier has been deployed in the place."

"Illegal Bon Festival at Shanyan NO.12 site——" "Shouldn't it be held a few days in advance, and this is also reported?!" "They fought with the group preparing for the Ghost Festival! It has developed to Buddhism and Taoism "By the way, there was also a rehearsal for the Far Eastern Obon Festival, and a group of Obon dancers were also implicated in the war. Now I don't know who is beating whom."

Neither the high-level police officers nor the directors of the security bureaus of the two circles can say the words 'everything benefits but no harm'.

Diversity does not necessarily mean inclusiveness and openness, it may also be contradictory and chaotic. The prosperity of Tianmen City is based on the relatively compromised degree of freedom of police and civilian coordination.

The people can uphold the law and uphold justice at any time. It sounds cool at first glance, but it also reveals a subtle fact—this is how often the lawbreakers and injustices appear to give the people the right to do things freely. ?
Don't ask, asking is simple and honest.

The question is that both the police station and the security bureau have to work overtime!

So when Omer and his party arrived at the Chinese Valentine's Day Festival stall in Rhodes Island - and saw that Miss Star Bear's 1.8-meter standing sign was hanging there but no one could see it... the group's eyes inevitably turned to the stewardess who was leading the way.

And the latter also had a look of astonishment on his face that didn't look fake.

Instead of explaining, they first called in an employee on site - a tall silver-haired woman wearing a Jidong yukata who ran over quickly, smiling enthusiastically as she approached, but she also showed an awkward look when asked about the situation.

"It's okay if you come 10 minutes earlier. She was dragged to work overtime 10 minutes ago. Chen also went with her. In fact, I wanted to help too, but Ye Dao and the others told me to watch the stall... After all, other people are not very good at fighting."

When the girl with a pair of white horns standing on top of her head and the work card hanging on her chest was marked with マトイマル/从丸言名, when she said this, there was a huge naginata that was especially thick and wide standing behind her.

The extreme oriental-style attire, racial characteristics, and weapons are quite inconsistent in combination, which is enough to make the two extreme oriental horse girls in the team show subtle expressions.

The ghost wearing a yukata and carrying a big naginata looks a little bit ahead of his time, and probably won't be questioned whether he is a cosplay.

"How long will it take for her to come back?" the stewardess asked.

What the other party said about looking at the stall and fighting should have been quite abnormal words, but no one in the field paid attention to it.

After all, some people live in Tianmen City permanently, and some people know a lot about Tianmen City.

Even Omer, who only came to Tianmen City for the second time and only knew about it from text and pictures in the past, noticed the other stalls when he came, and noticed that they were more or less equipped with suspected weapons.

The security personnel who were in charge of patrolling back and forth were even more fully armed, some wearing exoskeletons, some wearing special armor, and some even driving past in mechas.

It can be seen that the most common program of this Chinese Valentine's Day festival is probably fighting.

It is also in line with his imagination of the city of Tianmen.

"You don't know," Matomaru shook his head, "Although it seems quite peaceful here, there seems to be a lot of things going on in other places."

"It seems that luck is not very good," Omo sighed, "In this case, why don't we..."

He wants to change places directly, or go home directly. He has had a lot of exchanges with the flight attendant on the way here, and he thinks that the "familiarity with colleagues" link has been completed, so he shouldn't bother these two groups next. The two pairs of --

——Especially the two of Rudolph and Qian Ming, he still counts on seeing the gossip reports on the forum or the news later, it really doesn’t matter, he just likes to read the comment area!
But he had just finished speaking, when someone answered: "Let's go directly to the festival, it just happens to be officially started in the evening!"

He looked sideways at Xintiao Qian, who blinked, with an innocent look on his face and even a 'cover' from someone who had nothing to do with it.

"Yes, yes, do you want to try our program?" Some people's enthusiasm is probably natural, just like this Miss Matomaru, who seems to have not noticed anything, and is just giving it to her 'club' To attract customers, "The simulation imaging done by our team is so real! It was originally going to be developed at the headquarters!"

It sounds very high-tech, but for some reason, there is a subtle sense of vegetable market sales in her mouth, but when it comes to vegetable market sales, Omer usually cares about the price rather than the taste that the other party is boasting about, so...

"Everyone seems to be friends from Kong and Texas, so you won't be charged. I'll inform Vinta. You guys should wait here first! I'll be back soon!"

The fiery ghost girl ran away, just like she came at a fast pace at the beginning.

Like this, she will probably be able to come back soon...

"Analog imaging technology, I'm looking forward to it! Do you know what program is being prepared here? Empty."

"I don't know, I just remember that they seem to have invited friends from the technology company to provide technical guidance, and asked friends from the library to create scripts, using the version of Yanguo Qixi Festival, ah, the Yanguo I am talking about here refers to my Oh, the Yan Kingdom in the original world."

"It's roughly the same as Dongyan's culture, even the language is almost the same." Cherenina, who had been quite silent before, only added a reminder here like a tip.

Compared to Akane, Sora, and Qianming who talk about fashionable women from time to time, she only chats with Omer and Rudolph from time to time.

"Huh? It sounds like the myth version is different," Qian Ming said sharply, "What do you think? Empty."

"Shouldn't it? I heard that the friends who wrote the script had a fight." Sora was a little uncertain.

Being able to easily establish rapport with people to the point of calling them by their stage names is exactly Chiaki’s social skills.

Outstanding people always know how to use their strengths and turn that strength into a habit, a trait.

Just as cuteness and true wit are inseparable from each other, uninhibitedness is also inseparable from Qianming's representative.

The clear and free style can always easily interrupt all arrangements without causing boredom. When she stands with the symbol of Rudolph, Homa is even more unavoidable to imagine.

In that era, did this girl break into the emperor's life countless times like this, making decisions for him, bringing him all kinds of helplessness?

"Could it be a second creation?" the emperor asked.

If someone who is supposed to be helpless participates in the topic, then the helplessness can only be superimposed on the imagineer.

"It's possible that traditional stories now tend to have subtle adaptations," Texas said.

Cherenina, who has watched a lot of dramas, and even her own past was once reduced to the subject of adaptation, said this very convincingly.

Omo watched the group of people chatting together in silence. Even Chelenina joined the discussion, and Akane expressed similar expectations to Qianming.

And after he sighed, he also took a step forward and asked, "Can I ask who is on the list of participants in those scripts?"

Since everyone is interested, he will not be discouraged, but when he thinks of the 'script', he doubts that a short video director is involved in it.

Although Director Nian's short video was well shot, except for the short video...

It can only be a lump.

But unexpectedly, the other party gave an answer that he had never imagined:

"Miss Lin, Miss Horhaiya, Miss Xi, Miss Ubika, ah, their code names in the company are Jingzhe, Horhaiya, Xi, and Xingji!"

The caring Miss Kong thinks that everyone may know the company code better than the real name.

Nicknames are always easier to remember than names, especially long names.

But even if she was so caring, Omer would only feel at a loss for this list.

Are these really names that could be on a list?

And why is there no year?

This chapter is titled by Rudolph (strike out)
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See you tomorrow! (Or see you in the game live broadcast room (cross out)

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