only monsters

Chapter 677 NO48 Haha, let's talk when we find it!

"Excuse me, is it Trainer Linton?"

"it's me."

"... I seem to have seen Miss Qian Ming there just now?"

"Yes, she went to sit in a darker place."

"Huh? Today is cloudy and cloudy."

"But there might still be something too harsh, especially here."

The deep voice answered softly, and the helmet was lowered accordingly, as if observing the sunglasses in his hand.

Why are you wearing sunglasses?

In contrast to the iron hand wrapped in metal several times larger, the sunglasses were as small as a toy, which made Junchuan's rein who came to register a little speechless.

She didn't intend to ask Linton's trainer why he was dressed like this, after all, the luminous eye crystals and the light oozing from the joints of the armor were already conspicuous enough.

According to the Teresan data that Aumer has integrated, the existence with the most intelligence in this academy, apart from the three goddesses and AI, should be Rudolph, Eri Digital Teacher, Miss Junchuan and Da Tuo teacher.

Among them, Mr. Digital and Ms. Junchuan are tied for second place.

The extreme of hobbies and the extreme of work are hard to distinguish.

Of course, no matter how rich the information you have, it won't work if you don't develop the corresponding thinking logic.

Junchuan Rein, although he could see the reason for Omo's attire, he couldn't see the cause and effect here from Omo's undisguised physical evidence. He just handed over the document in his hand and looked at it with some concern. finger to him.

"Can you sign like this?"

She had informed Omer in an official letter that if she didn't miss the school trials, it would affect the evaluation. Naturally, this meant that there would be rules similar to roll call in this trials—the trainer roster in her hand decided this point.

It turned out to be paper!
To write it by hand!
It can only be said that it is in line with Omer's imagination of the dross of the Far East after he went to the archives.

"Do I have to sign it myself? I mean, can't I sign it on behalf of myself?"

It is natural for me to sign, after all, from the perspective of origin energy contract theory, the signature of the party concerned already has the effect of being related to the soul and existence.

As a half-demon who walked out of the Demon Realm, Omer is of course conscious of this theory of the devil.

Similarly, he also knows that this set of rules is used in many paper contracts. It can even be said that the reason why paper documents have not been completely replaced by electronic documents so far is that, apart from confidentiality, electronic contracts must endow energy Special techniques are required.

And that technology has not been open sourced, and it is not so easy to crack.

But according to this theory, only a few additional treaties that need to be agreed by both parties are needed to make the name entrusted by the party to be signed effective.

The official appointment documents of the central trainers have obviously been processed in this way-Omer was very clear about this at the beginning, but other than that, especially on the stack of lists in front of him, he couldn't feel the slightest bit of pure blood left behind. The 'sulphur smell'.

After all, it is difficult to tolerate the tricks of the devil for a clause that is not even fraudulent.

Fraud is not lying, lying is fabricating something that does not exist from reality, and fraud is another technique.

There are soul-grabbing clauses hidden in the pattern, and a declaration of self-selling is built between the lines. The devil's contract is established with these technologies, and when foreigners try to analyze their technologies and give that coercive power to general clauses, they have to face it. That almost binding feature.

That's why this technology is so rare and so difficult to crack.

It will only appear in some very formal signings involving large companies and large organizations-reminding you to carefully confirm the content of the treaty.

"Well, generally we don't want to start with that."

"Miss Susakawa, please."

"M... Linton trainer is really, just this once!"


Only at this time, Aumer will put on the most extreme expression.

Then watching the latter sigh after looking at his back, chest and knee position, and when he turned to squat down by himself, he immediately squatted down and picked up the briefcase beside him again:
"Put it on top of it."

To be honest, he felt that a steady palm was enough to sign, but Miss Junchuan obviously had subtle self-requirements.

It seems that the signature must be neat enough... But when Aumer looked at her beautiful and concise Berdi handwriting, she would lament that it was not very neat.

After all, this is secretary hand, a unique glyph composed of short words that are fluent but difficult to understand. It originated more than 2000 years ago and was used by a large number of middle- and lower-level clerical personnel in the West.

Very efficient, but both writing and reading require special training.

It is the same way as Dongyan's medical style.

You can tell who signed it at a glance, and when Aumer saw it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If Ms. Junchuan wants to avoid this and maintain justice, at least she should learn to disguise her handwriting, right?It is clear that most of the ordinary signature documents on weekdays are almost printed neatly and neatly.

It is not difficult to imitate.

And for certain documents and signatures with special meaning, he will leave the two strokes that truly belong to him, which are like claw marks without concealment.

But the other party has signed for you, and you still blame her for not signing it... Amo knows that this kind of words can only be said to Bize, Sunday Tranquility and others, seeing the other party from the briefcase he was holding. When I brought up the list, I sincerely thank you again.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"I still think trainer Linton has worked harder. Are you going to take that kid on a long trip today?"

"Remote processing is enough, there is no need to communicate with Renlong at present."

Or he can do it himself, relying on the same origin of the Renlong card, forcefully busy the line and make a wave of window shaking, and the other party has to answer it if he doesn't want to.

But the price may be the Tianchi tsunami.

Although he couldn't rush to him outside the screen, it's better not to cause trouble for Miss Adele and the others.

"That's it, even so, trainer Linton, don't disappear after signing the name."

"No, I attended classes with full attendance in high school, but I haven't had time to enjoy the peculiar schedule of the university."

"Ah, sorry."

"It's not worth apologizing, and it's also a pleasure to watch some students struggle after college."

"Ahaha... Then after the registration is complete, I should go find another trainer. See you later, Trainer Linton."

"Goodbye, Miss Susakawa."

"By the way, trainer Linton," Miss Junchuan who had said goodbye, turned around suddenly after walking a few steps, looked at Aomer with a delicate expression, "there will be many outsiders in today's training ground, mostly Media people and horse girl lovers, please be careful not to be seen by them."

"I was able to find you because some trainers and horse girls reported that there was an unidentified armored soldier standing here. They probably wanted me to negotiate and drive them away."

"I can step back and hide in the jungle."

"Uh...then don't need it."

It was really hard to imagine how terrified some sharp-eyed people would be when they saw the armored warrior hidden in the jungle, Jun Chuan's heart was about to sweat.

"You just need to pay attention to those strangers. I remember you have been excluding public news."

"Thank you for your reminder."

"you are welcome."

Nodding his head, this time Jun Chuan reined and left without looking back, Omo finally picked up his coffee cup and took a sip, and then watched the frantic expression pack sent to him by representative Qian Ming flashing on the light screen.

He continued to sip his coffee indifferently, and scrolled through the Umastagram forum by the way.

The Changbai Mountain inspection team hadn't sent a communication invitation yet, so his projection machine buried in the woods behind him was in no hurry to turn it on.
First like the dynamics of the watch list, and then like the related topics. When I saw the dynamic check-in of #赏赛马娘#, I also liked it habitually, and then I saw someone repost #泰雷森加场奇见beetle armor #, the action stopped immediately.

Started to cover the cup, picked up the briefcase, and headed to the forest behind.

Transfer transfer, transfer quickly.

He was right to be alert, and if he slowed down a few steps, he would be noticed by sharp-eyed investigators.

Then they will fall into the dilemma of being surrounded.

And among them, there will be a certain Coser who wants to 'go to the police' who doesn't know the rules, and sternly reprimands the house princess (commendation) who is 'not allowed to play horse girls in the race horse girl who has nothing to do with Cos' to refresh.

The monster hunting cosplayer who ruined the beautiful house atmosphere of the horse racing girl, expanded the list of warnings!

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