only monsters

Chapter 666 NO37 Adding Ingredients in Face, Don’t Drink It

Warrisen Tash, a human being, a volcanic geologist, and an E-level source energy sublimator, has submitted his resume twice to the local Volcano Geology Supervision Bureau.

From the records on the personal homepage, it can be seen that all of the above were returned.

Then, he joined four volcanic geological exploration teams in five years, all of which quit in events ranging from half a year to a year.

According to the dynamics of the social account of the person concerned, it can be seen that the facts are the result of his voluntary withdrawal, just like the official announcement of his team.

Joining Miss Nauman's team is the fourth attempt, and it has been almost a year since joining.

It was evident that Mr. Tash enjoyed a right to liberty.

A right to walk in different places and lands, and to leave at any time.

But that might not be regarded as a kind of lost.

Can't find the destination, can't find the place to go, it's not difficult to come up with this guess when looking at his cynical forum information, and when he actually sees him in person, Omer is more convinced, and goes further Confirmed his crux.

Honest and dull, Homa doesn't think this is a shortcoming, after all, he also has a horse girl walking on a similar path.

And then also can't keep up with big groups.

Even if they don't intend to bully, they are not good at fighting for their own rights by nature, and there are many times in this world that require you to climb up.

Just like a game.

The aggressive trainer always tells Ma Niang one thing: step on the field and forget about the school atmosphere, and at the finish line, there's either a winner or a loser.

A gentle trainer, on the other hand, knows how to package the fact that it can easily cause anxiety and stress into a relatively mild competitive relationship...but it still can't change the nature of being the first and the worst.

This is impossible to change.

But a little modification is enough.

After all, the horse race girls are not only a group who loves to run, but also a group who always have a competitive spirit in their hearts.

The sense of pursuit that seems to be engraved in the instinct will always make them stand out when they retire to engage in other careers in the future.

But the world has always been complicated.

It's never been about your ability to get attention, but you have to let others see your ability.

Whether your ability is strong or not determines where the lower limit of your life is, but what really determines the upper limit of your life is the subconscious desire for expression of many people.

Of course, this also needs to be added to the lever called 'emotional intelligence'.

The performance regardless of the occasion may make you fall below the lower limit fixed by Nayu's ability.

Among them, Wallison Tash obviously still has a lot of lessons to make up.

Otherwise, it can only become a provider of negative energy in the whole human society.

Still elite.

What determines this is not any source of energy, nor any knowledge, but just how hard it is.

The high-quality negative energy providers are not necessarily the super bad ones, but they must be the ones who are most dissatisfied with life.

Because its essence is "the fluctuation of the dark side of the human heart", that's why an Ultra warrior decided to go to school to be a teacher.

Naturally, his decision will not last long.

In the final analysis, just like someone once said that 'studying medicine can't save XX', everyone in the world may produce negative energy, and it is impossible to curb the growth of negative energy just by educating a middle school.

But what can he do?

Brainwashing the entire human race?

Turn all humans into orange juice?
Or wish to cut the desire of all mankind?Let them all become those who no longer produce negative energy without desires and desires...?
Don't ask the Warrior of Light such dark questions.jpg
He is just a negative energy observer, and he is destined not to stay on the earth for too long.

He also doesn't intend to stay too long, there are all kinds of planets in the universe facing their own crises.

In comparison, the problems on the earth are still very light-at least during the term he stayed in (replaced by Mebius, it would be a high-end game on the earth).

All he can do is educate those children as much as he can, teach them justice and love... and then personally destroy (x) when negative energy monsters appear.

Homa appreciates this attitude, and is even happy to emulate it.

It's not difficult to find someone properly, and for him it's just a few words.

After all, Teacher Umastar is best at comforting and encouraging, while Omer Linton is better at using observation and deduction.

Not only children, but also peers and elders who are not too far apart in age and experience, he can also give advice.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to accept it, after all, this is just a matter of casual words.

The goodwill of the devil is only basic. If there is no further reason, he will directly give up the plot of helping others and respect the fate of others.

But right now, there is a somewhat further reason, which is only used to persuade the other party to approach this aspect with coffee.

He walked and watched, when he arrived at the side of the camp that was close to the woodland, and when the wide camp tent blocked his figure.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Mr. Tash was already brewing coffee.

Mr. Tash was probably in a good mood. He was still humming a song that Homa had never heard while drinking the remaining liquid in the coffee machine.

The light black airflow overflowing in the black gap in Omer's eyes is also quite thin, far from the gurgling water like before, flowing on the ground towards the distant pool.

That's it.

Thinking this way, he looked at Renlong who was always 'staring' at him vigilantly in the distance. The reason why that 'stare' was so special was that the sense of staring came from the green-gold dragon jade on his forehead.

The dragon jade is like a mirror, reflecting the blackness that has been tumbling like slurry, and the self supported by that blackness.

So he smiled at where the precious jade was, and with a snap of his fingers, there was a streak of black mixed into the black paste.

Then the black gap shattered, and the dark red that was the background color gradually dissipated, revealing the originally harmless brown.

The pair of brown pupils looked at Tash from a distance, watching him being stopped by the team leader, and immediately a group of people looked at where they were.

He smiled and waved at the group of people, and then looked again at Renlong, who was looking at Xiaolin Liqi with his pupils, but all the eight behind him were staring at him.

[Be careful to avoid it, Your Excellency Dragon God]

Telepathy is a fairly common skill for Ao Peng. Everyone in the Ultra fighters knows it, and most of the cosmic people also learn it. The range of telepathy in the former even surpassed the light-year unit at one point, showing the strength of mental power.

On the contrary, some cosmic beings whose power is no less than that of the Ultra fighters also have an equivalent benchmark.

For example, Mephilas.

The card located in the middle layer of the card box silently flashed to the top. The fluctuation of familiarity is the power that brought the two little girls together, and it also made Renlong subconsciously raise hostile consciousness, but stopped looking at Xiaolin Liqi strength.


But at this moment, Renlong, who should also have the ability to sense, is silent.

On the surface, he continued to watch Xiaolin Liqi calmly, as if he didn't care about the man who was pouring coffee into the lake, but one of the heads behind the tail quietly hid in the pool, making himself completely in the lake. The lake suddenly retreated ten feet.

It also made more eyes focus on the man pouring coffee by the lake.

"Uh..." The man who felt that he might have caused trouble subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction Mr. Linton left, only to see that the other party suddenly appeared in front of him at this moment.

"Good job," the other party patted him on the shoulder, and then looked at Ms. Aili Suzi and the team leader. "Now we finally detect the flow of negative energy in the lake."

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be very active."

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