only monsters

Chapter 658 NO29 Do you always choose mountains like this for your volcano expeditions?

Chapter 658 NO.29 Do you always choose mountains like this for your volcano expeditions?
August 8th is the day called 'Sushu' in Toyam's solar term.

In the signature of this ancient solar terms, 'place' means 'stop' and 'stop'.

"Chushu" is also called the "last summer" of the "three summers" of high-temperature and extremely hot weather, which means that the continuation of extremely hot and unbearable temperatures has come to an end.

Although it is still hot, the overall temperature is showing a downward trend. Omer's biggest feeling about this is that the number of horse girls on the training ground has obviously increased a lot, which is already the level of 'crowding' that requires an additional division of the runway. .

"Trainer Linton, why are you here so early?" Someone greeted him as if looking down, it was a colleague who also wore a horseshoe-shaped badge.

Along the track fence, in the audience seats, and in the high stands, there are also more trainers haunting these places, so that he is still called out.

Looking at the 'unfamiliar' female colleague who had never had any actual contact with him, although he knew it unilaterally, several guesses flashed in Aomo's mind, including coming here due to fame, warm nature, and extreme oriental etiquette. Nodding his head in response, he immediately pointed to the floating mechanism beside him.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention to disturb..."

The colleague realized something, apologized again and again and walked away.

This also made Omer's expression helpless as he watched her go away.

It can be seen that the other party seems to have misunderstood more seriously, and the bow is probably thought to have broken something important, but in fact...

"Do you want to disconnect temporarily? Mr. Linton, there seems to be something wrong with you?"

The anti-peeping private mode is turned on, so the remote projector, which is only open to designated units, is still faithfully feeding back the scenery of mountains and forests thousands of kilometers away...

——and the expedition team that also made up that scenery.

Omer is just working as a camera, the first-person experience of mountaineering super dream (x), immersive mountaineering AR construction.

The mechanical device provided by the other party will faithfully restore the other party's on-site environment with excellent materials, light and shadow. This is the "developed communication function of this world" mentioned by Ms. Nauman in her letter.

Corresponding to this device, there is another suspension device located at the end of the geological expedition team.

It will also faithfully restore the sound and light images scanned here, simulating the virtual image of Omer in the team.

Because the other end is in progress, in order to avoid the picture from interfering with the action, from the perspective of Miss Adele, the image on Homais' side is just a bust with a small background of the training ground.

Such a small range does not include the trainer colleagues who were still beside Omer before.

There was even a noise reduction processing setting chosen to reduce distractions, which directly resulted in the trainer's greeting being treated as 'noise'.

For this point, Omer also understands, after all, it is for the convenience of the expedition team to pay attention to their equipment and personal safety.

Because of the direct damage caused by the "starship falling from the sky" in the early years and the indirect damage to the ecology of animals and plants, the later Holy Terra Federation adopted more than a dozen environmental conditioning agreements, including artificial intervention and cultivation of a large number of animals and plants and protection—

——And until now, it has flooded to the point where it can be seen everywhere.

So that it is necessary to regularly hire hunters to clear them.

Kill, protect, kill again.

The performance of human beings in this type of policy is always in a circle. It is easy to go to extremes, and it is only after making mistakes many times that they will learn some lessons.

Then those lessons fade over the decades and all kinds of problems arise.

But among human beings, there are many summarizers who criticize Fang Qiu.

There are not only works like "Taiping Fengtuji", but also sociological treatises that trace back the development of human society.

The ultimate impact of such books on human beings is not to create a truly perfect human being, but that people increasingly recognize the highest decision-making that is in charge of strong artificial intelligence.

This may be a kind of extreme sadness. The large group admits its own inferiority and finally recognizes the rule of creation, as if cutting off the possibility of evolution.

However, some people think that it is a natural principle that no one is perfect, and that using tools to achieve "perfection" is also the essence of survival from ancient times to the present.

They emphasized that even the heart of Terra is just a man-made tool to serve human beings. There is nothing to be sad about. In terms of evolution, the sublimators and cyber upgrades that emerge every year are exactly in line with human society. way of evolution.

Omer did not comment on this, nor did he intend to stand in line.

Because he is aware of the fickleness of the human heart, he prefers words from a certain book: Every era has its own wave.

In this era, people are not fighting against the outside world, but fighting with the self projected to the outside world.

Such internal friction will also create more conflicts of consciousness and breed more negative energy.

Hidden in the human heart, and even the earth, mountains, and the Internet, causing all kinds of anomalies.

That abnormality may even last for several years, or even more than ten years, decades.

Thick accumulation is not always the so-called background, it may also be a super mountain of shit, which can turn some small troubles into regional disasters.

Negative energy is such a thing.

It is the most powerful energy produced by the human heart, so that the category of sublimators related to practice has become the most rapid faction in the past hundred years.

They were once called 'evil cultivators', 'demons', and 'disasters'. Although it is true that there are often out-of-control patients, more of them are already trying to clear the stigma of the faction and step into the ranks of the official team.

But even if they have such a year-by-year expansion of "employment" prospects, they should face increasingly fierce competition among their peers, so that their resources will also face depletion-there are still too many resources for practice.

This is the negative energy born of the population base of today's era, which brings them experience including 'confidence'.

What?Why are you asking self-confidence in quotation marks?

Because these sublimators who cultivate with resentment and malice don't like excess negative energy.

It would be better to say that their cultivation process has long been tied to work, and many "evil cultivators" sublimated have to go out on missions again and again after joining the official organization.

Those are cases caused by negative energy.

Suppression, crushing, devouring, whatever you want to deal with, the only requirement is that you deal with it, and there are dozens of cases that need to be dealt with every day-fuck you!Do I need that much! ?

All the cities in the Federation of Terra basically have such special treatment teams officially equipped, but even so, they are often not enough—otherwise, Omer should have encountered a real professional team in Baishan.

At least it should be the same as triggering a plot kill: a group of uniformed official teams sprang out and used various special effects that didn't look like decent skills, rushed up and killed the negative energy monster transformed by the power of the evil god .

And such an official team may be particularly energetic or not, just like the three men and women standing on the side of the expedition team in front of Homa.

One eyelid is always fighting, one mouth seems to be muttering something all the time, and the other is immersed in playing the handheld all the time, probably climbing mountains based on perception.

The only thing they have in common is that they don't look at the video of Omer, and they don't pay much attention to the topic of the expedition team.

A geological survey team composed of eight people, and three local officials dispatched an assistance team, this survey is obviously of an official nature, and Omer is too lazy to explore what's going on. The Rhode Island company actually hooked up with the manager of Dongyan City. 'Questions like that.

As a consultant for academic cooperation, the contract is fulfilled by means of remote assistance. The consultant body is still training horse girls in Central Treisen. From time to time, he has to glance at the training situation on the training ground. Naturally, there is no need to think in unrelated fields.

"No, it's just a daily greeting. Do you have any plans to rest? Based on my half-hour observation, this mountain forest seems to be bigger than I expected, and the detection values ​​on the instruments are not optimistic."

His only concern at the moment is that the forest looks wet and hot, which is completely different from the rumors.

The Dongyan solar term called "Chushu" does not seem to bring much cooling feeling to Miss Nauman and others who are in the Dongyan forest.

Looking at a group of relatively young men and women walking hard in the mountains and forests, and seeing myself standing in the temperature control system of the training ground, I feel a little bit like standing and talking without back pain.

And when looking down and looking down at the chestnut-haired horse girl and brown-haired horse girl who are also sweating profusely, this kind of emotional interest will be added a few more layers.

But after all, he didn't say it out, but watched the two horse girls intersect briefly in the inner and outer circles and then separated instantly due to their inconsistent routes, and then turned back to look at the timing for the two.

Miura Bourbon and Aimu Orihime, two horse girls who arrange training all day long, have a lot of "parallel" time.

In terms of their respective stages of competition, they are much closer than Teahouse and Tachyon, who just started, but Omer did not bring Bourbon to make an actual parallel negotiation, so the two horsemen are running separately. .

It's just that the trainer set two stopwatches himself.

Also listen to the part-time boss chatting by the way:

"It's really abnormal. It's clear that it's snowy here... But you don't have to worry about the temperature and humidity. Everyone's clothes are equipped with temperature control functions, and they all have long-distance travel experience. The current investigation process is just a new one. Let’s start, but Mr. Linton, you can relax a bit and don’t pay too much attention to our side.”

And the boss's colleague said: "That's right, trainer Linton, we can call you later, focus on training! I'm still waiting for your girls to go to the arena to support them!"

Similar ridicules kept coming and going, and the atmosphere was still active. Even the three official supporters turned their heads to look at it.

Perhaps it was due to their own investigation, or perhaps it was the introduction of the expedition team leader, Ms. Nauman. The members of the expedition team preferred to call them "Linton trainers" rather than "consultants", as if they were insiders.

Maybe they really are young people as they appear...

Omer does not doubt the high probability of 'Hermes' appearing in the young group, but Miss Nauman's team composition is obviously more complicated.

He looked through the official information of everyone in advance. Except for Miss Nauman, they are all local researchers, and they come from many different urban areas. Even the races are not very uniform. Elves, werewolves, Vatican stars and mixed-race sirens, and three humans.

Yes, humans are even a minority in this expedition.

Omer can't say whether the official information of these guys is true, at least the age of 642 marked on the Vatican star and the age of 527 marked on the elf information are indeed young people's age, as for the werewolf and the mixed-race siren, they are as human as he is youthful age...

Let’s take it as real, let’s just say it.

Omer doesn't really want to be regarded as a suspicious person, although he is indeed used to being suspicious, and the team of suspicion has even been formed for almost half a year, and has already sent out more than a dozen cooperative missions.

Out of this suspicion, he still decided to continue to observe, and did not turn off the instrument according to persuasion.

And in the final analysis, except for the scientific expedition team itself, their research and the chosen venue are hard to let people feel at ease.

The mountain of gods, Taihuang Mountain, Dongyan people have various names for this mountain, and it has always been regarded as the origin of the dragon vein by Dongyan's geomancy and geomantic omen, and even regarded as a sacred and inviolable holy place by the local people.

That is Changbai Mountain.

As mentioned before, the volume is far greater than the active volcano of Baishan.

 In reality, Changbai Mountain is actually a dormant volcano. Tianchi erupted twice in 1327 and 1658. I won’t mention it earlier. Although there is no eruption now, some fumaroles on the hillside continue to emit high-temperature gas. , proving that the volcano is dormant.

  An active volcano is defined as one that is erupting and is expected to erupt again.

  A dormant volcano, even if it is active but not about to erupt, but may erupt again in the future, can also be called an active volcano, so Changbai Mountain has both the concept of a dormant volcano and an active volcano.

  According to this book, the landforms of the entire earth have been changed and artificially repaired, and the state of many volcanoes is not easy to say (
(End of this chapter)

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