only monsters

Chapter 648 NO19 Don’t think it’s Ultraman when you see a luminous person

"So, you came to visit the Central Committee on a whim?"

"It's not a whim. Since everyone has participated in the search process, I naturally want to confirm the results... By the way, I heard that Teresan is a full-time campus, and most of the horse girls choose to live on campus?"


"So this child will spend many days and nights in this school in the future. When I think about it, I feel that I should care about it."

Teresan University, the Student Union, the three AI goddesses sat opposite the super agent and the interstellar horse girl, and there was no other disturbance.

As we all know, only the student union and the chairman's office in Central Teresan have a unique decoration style, and it is considered a very high courtesy to treat guests.

But even such a combination of high-end luxury + Goddess AI's personal reception can't give the super agent any special feeling.

Because he has traveled through various worlds, and has seen many beautiful scenery and wonders.

For ordinary people, a first-line AI like Goddess AI is a rare and noble existence, but in the social circle that super agents deal with on a daily basis, it can only be called commonplace.

Roaming in the data universe, reliable teammates are all advanced AI. Although a man in a suit is a super agent, but his personality and habits are not far from humans, he is very kind to this kind of battle.

There is also a basis for dialogue that allows him not to be nervous.

Therefore, when the school is full of students and teachers, they are imagining what kind of secret negotiations will be held in the closed student union, and whether it will involve any new world crisis—the actual style of communication in the reception room is very parent-teacher meeting.

Although there is a shocking appearance, the 'student guardian', who speaks and behaves very politely, is confirming the current status of the child's enrollment with the school.

The only subtlety is... there is a slight discrepancy between Mr. Justis' words and his performance.

It seems that some words seem to lack confidence, the tone is a little lighter, and it seems that some parts of the communication are a little stiff like scripted.

These subtle reactions that are easily overlooked in daily communication are often a manifestation of the poor state of the communicator itself, but AI will not have that illusion.

The AI ​​of the Three Goddesses, who simultaneously act as the "receiver", "recorder" and "analyzer", should not be called observing, but scanning instead.

Its function is strong enough to surpass the judgment of most human beings.

Coupled with the communication along the way as a model, the three AIs who can communicate and share information at any time are enough to draw a conclusion-it seems that someone has given Mr. Justis some guidance on verbal communication.

In terms of how to respond to the intention and how to explain the current situation, although the other party has done their homework, the performance is not completely natural.

As for that homework...

【Dali Arabia: What is the result of the analysis? 】

【Godolphin Arabia: I am not misappropriating computing power, after all, I have to focus on chatting with that gentleman】

[Bayer Turkey: The analysis is complete, and the corresponding language logic model is being screened in the database—there are results]


"Even Miss Susakawa was pushed out?"

The next door to the reception room is also the main office of the student union. Pipa Chenguang looked at the secretary of the chairman who was waiting at the door in surprise. She hadn't been to her alma mater for a while, so she didn't know whether it was a special situation or who The senior secretary finally understood how to relax.

God is sorry, the secretary in green has always been busy all day long in her memory.

At that time, there were still rumors on campus that the other party was a horse race girl, but if she was asked to make a judgment based on the rigor of the data, she dared to say that even a horse race girl couldn't handle that kind of workload. live!

Ms. Junchuan is definitely a bionic AI or a cyber-engineer!

But regardless of the truth of the rumors, most of the students will still be full of awe, longing and gratitude to the secretary who is always professional.

Leaving aside the help and encouragement they received on weekdays, such a professional-looking woman is very attractive to children.

Pipa Chenguang can’t refute that when I was a child, I liked to see those business people who wore formal suits and carried briefcases and laptops to and from the company and the airport. I just thought they were extremely handsome and calm——

——When I grow up, I know that they are all pathetic social animals, and even I have become one of them.

Then he raised a further awe towards Ms. Susakawa.

When your horizons become wider and you can overlook the peak in your eyes, you can see that the familiar figure is still at the peak.

It's hard not to be in awe.

With such a feeling, it must be the same for the members of the student union who are often busy with various affairs, which is equivalent to setting foot in the field of social animals in advance - except for her sister.

"Those three AI goddesses don't need the help of a secretary, not even a drone that assists in photography and recording. What can she do?" Narita Shirahito answered without raising his head, frowning in the document.

"Don't say that, Bai Ren." Pipa Chenguang, who had already withdrawn her gaze, subconsciously looked at the distant door.

The secretary in green was still standing there calmly, as if she hadn't heard the words from this side, which reminded her of the rumors back then...Miss Junchuan, it really isn't a racehorse girl.

Thinking of this, she turned her head again, her gaze suddenly fixed: "Did you make a mistake in the last file?"

It only takes a moment to glance at Miss Junchuan, and more time is spent on "supervising" that wild and unruly younger sister. The reason why Pipa Chenguang is standing here is because the air tank reacted to Narita Bairen's words. I left my post again without authorization for a few days, and accumulated a lot of documents that should be dealt with.

According to her past habits, she would be too lazy to say much, and just deal with it for Bai Ren - those documents were very troublesome to Bai Ren, but to her, a working woman, she was familiar with and relaxed.

But today is clearly different.

"Do you need help? It looks like there is quite a lot left." Rudolph came over with a teacup and asked in a sign of concern.

Pass it to Bai Ren's table, and also pass it to Pipa Chenguang.

Even though there were the most documents on the table, she handled them as quickly as before, and instead cared about the work of her colleagues and subordinates.

Not even caring about the fact that someone is 'paying off debt' after repeated slacking off.

But before Bai Ren opened his mouth, it was Chen Guang who dissuaded him: "President, don't spoil her. Maybe Bai Ren's situation would have been fired from my company."

"This is not a company..." Someone couldn't help muttering, thinking of the eldest sister (x) who loved him very much before graduation.

"Bai Ren?" The eldest sister in front of her asked a confirmation question, which made her shut up.

While burying his head in his work, he subconsciously glanced at the two familiar faces not far away.

Among the non-members of the student union in the student union office, besides Susa Rein, there were also several high school students, including Manchester Tea House, Miura Bourbon, Aimoruhime, Desert Hero and Rong Jin Shining.

It is rare to have such a lively time here, although none of the above-mentioned crowd made any loud noises, they just communicated in low voices.

But as far as the hearing of horse girls is concerned, this is no different from chatting in person.

Bai Ren was listening to the conversation over there intentionally, but in the end there was still the interference of the chatter in front of him:

"Bai Ren is right. There is no need for the student union to be so strict, but Chen Guang, why are you serious today?"

"To tell you the truth, Bai Ren has been acting strange these few days. I also want to ask the president if he has learned anything."

Rudolph symbol: "?"

Narita Bairen: "!"

"I think this kind of question should be asked directly to the person involved." Although he realized something, he didn't know whether he was aware of the right Rudolph symbol, and silently changed the topic.

"But Bai Ren hasn't been frank since she was a child," Pipa Chenguang sighed. "In the past, I tried not to ask her about her hobbies, thinking that I shouldn't interfere, but recently she seems to be obsessed with something on the Internet—"


Before she finished speaking, Bai Ren suddenly slapped the table and stood up, interrupting the conversation here, and also made several other people in the room look at him.

"What, what's the matter?" Rong Jin Shanyao was not good at dealing with sudden situations.

Miura Bourbon: "Status Guess: Conflict."

Desert Hero: "Sisters fighting?"

Manchester Teahouse: "Student Zhi Ji?"

Love Orihime: "Hair that looks bigger and fluffier than before..."

"Who's talking about the big head!"

One of the parties involved suddenly turned his head, and the door of the reception room was suddenly pushed open: "What are you arguing about?"

The three goddesses AI, the super agent, and the new universe were all standing at the door. All the staff were there for a while, and there was a sudden crisp sound of breaking from the entrance.

Then it was accompanied by the creaking sound of deflation.

The white smoke that spread violently would fill the entire office in an instant, even though the quick-responsive president immediately shouted: "There is an abnormality! Get out!", but there were still many people who were helpless in the smoke and could only do Subconsciously covering his mouth and nose, he saw a particularly shining light flashing in the hazy white.

"It's you? Hurry up, let's go!"

"Confirm the situation, judge the command: follow."

"Eh? Classmate Bourbon?!"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Your Majesty, is this smoke poisonous?"

"No, its ingredients are not harmful to the human body, it's just..."


"Does Teresan still have Ultra fighters?"


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