only monsters

Chapter 639 NO10 Children Sprinting (x

'Star point? '
'Yes, star dots, if they are ordinary star dots, it may also conform to my aesthetics, but in my dream, those star dots can be enlarged to produce a variety of slightly scribbled plane shapes, but there are some There are star-like standards on Atlas records. '
'Of course, I also know that the spheres of most planets are not standard. I want to say that they are exactly the same. '

'Since this is the case... Well, I have read some books about dreams, and some people will interpret dreams as a kind of 3D animation, and the model composition, painting style and texture are all made from the products in your memory rendering, so that it is almost impossible for a man to dream of something he has never seen...'

'I have seen and believed this kind of statement, and what I want to talk about is those plane shapes, which I have never seen, so it may be the hobby of New Universe students. '

'As for's okay to just see the corners.Some bizarre models in the dream are the possibility of disassembling and combining the models you have seen, and there are also some. Scholars of psychiatry call it the 'Chimera effect', because many of the contents of the dream belong to the disorder of real people and things. combination. '

'Can this theory explain the solar platform where the new universe students are standing? '

'what? '

'The surface burns like a big fireball, and a platform made of metal and glass is erected outside, because the fireball looks like the sun, so I temporarily define it as a solar platform. '

’ She hitchhiked on it, said goodbye to me, and there were some weird creatures around, and I thought…that wasn’t my aesthetic anyway. '

——A corner of the dialogue record between Rongjin Shining and the desert hero.

Stellar platforms, bland star points, and various star backgrounds that are scribbled like absurd stage sets... Omer doesn't know much about the cyber universe, but he has a way to contact people who understand them.

As long as these news were packaged and sent to Naben, the "search and rescue" lasted for several days, and I have seen many three goddesses AI, Justis, and even the well-informed man who has not been busy these days Xiang Yu brothers and sisters and Mu Hai Xingzi, he will be able to get a definite answer.

There are not only such places, but there are even several places.

So that more detailed clues can be provided to rule out the possibility, but...

Is it necessary to exclude it?

It's not that the galloping speed of the Wings of Justice is enough to walk through all the 'locations where conditions meet' in a short period of time.

But for a child...

It is only natural to visit your favorite places many times and enjoy your favorite scenery.

Not to mention, she already has the will to communicate and survive.

"The star points of the online world are all data worlds, and the star points that burn like stars..."


"It's almost like the content of some files that cannot coexist is constantly colliding and reacting, like a computer that can never calculate the result, but can never stop the calculation. It is mostly used to process waste information."

"Even if there are Digimon, they are mostly virus species, and they are likely to be defective products, and they will have a strong desire to attack. Is that what you mean?"

"Uh... I don't really understand the group of Digimon."

"That's a lot of flawed data monsters that will directly attack you?"

"Yes, it's almost like that, and the environment itself is very harsh, plus the information interlayer is not easy to break through, most of them will have to fight against it for a lifetime, and this life is probably the time when that planet will be destroyed .” Said the fighter jet galloping towards the red dot.

"So your concept of hell may be more appropriate."

"Really? After listening to your explanation, I don't think hell is very appropriate, it should be purgatory." The demon hanging on the raised part of the fighter said so, looking into the distance that gradually revealed with the distance. A red star with a few black stripes.

"A group of unwanted data struggles in the flames until they are freed from torment and pain, or perish with the world."

"You said earning..."

"Is it impossible?"

The devil turned his head to look at the fighter plane, seeing the lights of his cabin camera flashing, which should have been the driver's seat.

"It's not that there is no chance at all. It's better to say that there are countless file lives in the large garbage dumps that can form stars. From time to time, some lucky ones in a hundred thousand or one in a million will emerge."

After the super agent finished speaking, it didn't take long for him to notice the stagnation in the atmosphere: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Although he has the name of justice, although he has the burden of being a super agent, he is not very good at communication, and he can't help but suspect that he has said something wrong.

"No, I'm just thinking." He said, watching the crimson star that shines like a red dwarf getting closer, and also saw that the main body with the black stripes on it was indeed a platform-like building.

The whole is wrapped in a semi-transparent aperture that seems to be some kind of shield.

There are sporadic creatures inside, ranging in size, human-like and beast-like mixed together, shapeless in the dryness, looking at the fighter plane full of longing, waving arms, tails, sharp claws, etc., there is a kind of natural The aura of ruining everything.

So he couldn't help but think of Ai Mu Zhi Ji a few days ago, but unlike Ai Mu Zhi Ji, they all yearn for a new life and a new world.

"Are there few cars here?"

Asking this question, he already felt the heat wave blowing against his face. Even though the heat insulation layer given by the super agent has been weakened a lot, it is still enough to make ordinary people evaporate.

And this should not be able to touch him who looks like a devil under the bonus of the monster card.

And when he walked through the shield under the guidance of Flying Wings of Justice—it felt a bit like entering an air-conditioned room in the middle of the dog days.

"There are only one or two trains. In terms of the number of trains in the cyber universe, two trains are equivalent to no. After all, these places are all large garbage dumps." Stace was silent for a while, "Are you sure that kid will come to play in the garbage dump? Why don't you just shout and inquire here and leave."

"Aren't you going to take them with you?"

"Although it looks miserable, there are not many security units that have come out of this purgatory. I have to be careful that they jump up and shoot me down."

"Then there will be a car to pick them up?"

"Being more aggressive doesn't mean you're evil by nature. It's better to say that the guys who come out of the garbage dump are pure white paper except aggressiveness, although this white paper will often jump up and slap you."

"Then how about taking them out?"

"Ah? Didn't you come to find the lost children?"

"Aren't these children too?"

"This doesn't look like a child!" Righteous Flying Wing Bengbu stopped, and the camera was especially aimed at the 130-[-]-meter-tall digital behemoth in the distance.

Its body also has 27 wounds that keep overflowing data.

The whole body has a ferocious appearance like a battle-damaged monster, and even more so, the whole body is running with its head up and chasing his circling trajectory, as if waiting for him to come down and give his head away.

That appearance is simply terrifying.

It makes it difficult for him to be confident in his firepower and horsepower as a fighter.

"You just said they were a blank slate."

"Do you want to understand that!?"

"Aren't super agents friends with children, Mr. Justice."

"Even if you say so..."

"I'll help you transport it together, just send them to the next stop. If they attack you..."

"What if they attack me?"

"I suppress them for you."

"Shouldn't it be giving up?"

"That doesn't sound like a super-agent thing to say, and actually, Mr. Justice, I don't think they're going to attack you."


"The children earned from purgatory act on instinct. What kind of illusion did you give them to be attacked?" the devil asked softly, "You must have heard what others said, right? The case of being attacked."

After such a long silence, the fuselage shook:
"...All right, I can't say no to you, first let me say that I can't move the biggest one."

"Well, just leave it to me."

"Mr Linton."

"What's wrong? The landing function is abnormal?"

"No, before I go down, I want to ask, why are you so enthusiastic?"

"Because I grew up in the Welfare Institute of the Demon Realm District, is this a good reason?"

"Is there any other reason?"

"I think they might be new universe playmates."

"That's really...shocking."

"And they've been waving at you, haven't they?"

"I just feel like they're intimidating me."

"They are indeed beckoning to you. They need you as a hero, Mr. Justis."

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