only monsters

Chapter 604 NO187 The Ultimate Form of Efficiency

Chapter 604 NO.187 The Ultimate Form of Efficiency

Baishan, a stratovolcano on the boundary of the Far East Region, also belongs to the boundary of Jiemen District.

What kind of concept is a stratovolcano?

It is a volcano composed of more than two simple types of volcanic bodies.

Also known as compound volcanoes and mixed volcanoes, the main volcanoes on the earth belong to this category, and the layered structure is obvious on the section, which is composed of volcanic debris and magma.

And because towering cones are usually piled up near the eruption vents, and there are even many beautiful rock formations, most of these volcanoes will become famous tourist attractions.

This is true of Mount Fuji in the Far Eastern District and Changbai Mountain in the Dongyan District.

White Mountain is no exception.

After all, in the Far Eastern Region, it was once listed as one of the three famous mountains in ancient times along with Mt. Fuji and Mount Tate. It became even more famous in modern times. At that time, a starship nearly crashed into the Pacific Ocean, and the engine exploded in the middle of the ocean.

If the group of people from the Rhode Island Pharmaceutical Company had traveled over at that time, it would probably be like returning to their hometown.

But this is not important. The important thing is that during that time, [-]% of the active volcanoes on the earth became more active. The names of the mountains mentioned above are all impressively listed, and they directly entered the history books and became the focus of the exam.

After all, as a result of spraying back and forth on both sides of Mt. Bai and Mt. Fuji, the entire Far Eastern region, along with the coast of Dongyan and the border of Dankook, have been sent several rounds.

If the continental shelf hadn't been strengthened and transformed with the rapid development of science and technology, the super-large urban area of ​​Jiemen District would only be Dongyan District and Tan Kingdom.

But honestly.

Even for reinforcement and transformation, there are large areas of land in the Far East that have been soaked in water for several months and have been scooped up again, and those few active volcanoes are even more important.

From time to time, I sneezed a few times, trying to emphasize my identity as an active volcano.

But even so - this has not stopped the tourism development industry in its tracks.

Those guys directly performed minor surgery on the mountain, and installed a large number of cool deformable, high-temperature-resistant, and impact-resistant alloy armor plates. The wide-area weather weapon such as the air purification gun stands like a landmark building. Welcome to buy a ticket to visit.

But even if this is achieved, there are still enough threats near the crater.

After all, tourism development still needs to ensure that the mountain ecology is restored as much as possible, and the voice of environmental protection organizations that have experienced the era of the earth beyond recognition is quite strong.

Therefore, the crater of Baishan is indeed very primitive, and various certificates must be presented for investigation, exploration, and visit.

To prove that you have the ability to swim in magma, not to seek death.

Those interstellar mercenaries who are anchors are usually the latter.

But even if drones and mechanical life staff are installed near the mountainside for long-term inspections, casualties often occur.

It can be seen that looking for death is really unstoppable.

So when Omer learned that he could find clues about the situation of his love for Orihime here, he was a little silent, and he didn't think it was a kind of bravery to come to this kind of place.

There are indeed many people who can bathe in magma these days, but if Ma Niang wants to do this, she should wait until she graduates to learn other things.

Although the Three Goddess skill tree strengthens the body and interferes with foreign objects, it is quite strong, but fighting against magma is really not a track.

The spreading magma is more feasible than the speed, and Ma Niang's dodging ability has always been good, but this kind of place never lacks accidents, and the countless casualties are proof.

School classrooms will also remind you not to set foot in dangerous areas during the holidays, right?

Homa, who was setting foot on the dangerous land, murmured in his heart, stepping on the dirt full of rotten wood.

Of course, the name Baishan can actually cover the entire mountainous area and even towns, and Omer can completely let his thinking take a step back—Aimu Zhiji only stayed in towns.

This possibility is not without.

But he doesn't think so.

Umastar wouldn't think so either.

Aimu Zhiji has never been a girl who would go on a pilgrimage to a holy place. She doesn't have that kind of entertainment hobbies, she doesn't even have any entertainment, and she doesn't allow herself to have hobbies that would take up training time.

This is a racehorse girl that even a teenager Omer would think 'you are a bit extreme'.

A martyr who believed that his sister died instead of him after knowing that he survived by chance, and wanted to dedicate all honor to the star that symbolized his sister.

【Just live to give her glory】—these were the original words received by Umastar.

In any case, Omer does not agree with this "living for XX" way of life, but this way of life has long been formed.

Even the origin of her research on astronomy is that she felt a strong attraction from a star, so she believed that it was her dead sister, and even often talked to that star in the night sky.

I want to fulfill my sister's wish more firmly, which I feel from there.

That's why she began to eagerly learn about the stars. She often looks at the stars at night, and is also interested in browsing and taking pictures of the stars.

Pretty cool, to be honest.

At the beginning, Omer's feelings about Amo Zhihime's narration seemed to be listening to an astronomical horror story.

Or the introduction of a gag running group module, the protagonist is a cultist (x).

Of course, he didn't directly type this feeling into the reply, but at the same time he was a little nervous and typed other questions.

Trying to find some 'wrong clues' to rule out my own guesses.

Seriously speaking, it is actually a very traditional mythology to put people in the stars, and there is no lack of religious rituals to establish connections with the symbols of the constellations in origin energy.

Western constellations endow people, beasts, and things with stars, while most eastern constellations endow stars with human nature, and at the same time, there are cases of a small number of people endowed with stars—such as the Cowherd and Vega Double Stars.

Individual origin energy systems and divination systems often associate stars with people, and use stars to symbolize people's destiny and even personality.


"XX will turn into a star and look at you after death"...

Basically can be defined as a comfort.

Admiring Orihime, of course, does not think so because of comfort—she mentioned in her dictation that the main reason is the strong attraction from the stars, and the second is that she can even get emotional and wish feedback from the stars...

Homa is willing to believe that it is the dead sister beside her who is communicating with her through spiritual empathy, and the medium is the power of the stars in the theory of a few astrologers.

Or force him to comprehend the specialness of a certain star with his strong spiritual power, and then erect a spiritual pillar-after all, Aimu Zhiji is not a psychic physique like a teahouse, and cannot directly see her sister.

After that, he did get some feedbacks such as 'it's not pretending', 'she should indeed have a sister's soul', 'the body is not weak and alienated, it should be fine', which made him feel relieved afterwards.

But now...

The pitch-black leather shoes sank into the soft soil, and when they were lifted up, half of the uppers were stained.

But Omer didn't look down.

The humus soil did not hinder his climbing except for dirtying his shoes. His gaze was only in front and above, looking up at the scorching sun and the blue sky through the gaps of countless leaves, and then at the star point comparison on the light screen that synchronized his coordinate journey.

In terms of astronomy, he can only speak so-so, and he thinks that he is probably not worthy of being compared with Ai Mu Zhi Ji.

But this kind of star point comparison software, which is used by astronomy enthusiasts and has a high download rate and star rating, is not troublesome or complicated to use.

He stopped and walked on the mountainside, and after avoiding the inspection of three waves of small drones, he finally stayed close to the crater.

At an altitude of 350-[-] meters, where there were no longer any forests obstructing his vision, but more of the jagged rocks breaking through the soil, he finally lowered his head.

Slanted at 45°, aiming at the direction of Zhinuyi, there are scratches left on stones and soil when fires are made, and objects are pushed and pulled.

There is no doubt that there are traces of human activities, and they are not too far away.

After observing these, he squatted down again, fingered the cracked hole in the stone, and then turned to look around, finding other correspondences.

She pitched a tent here...

Homai thought to himself, wandering around, still bowing his head, until he saw the traces of the portable and foldable astronomical telescope stand, which were more obvious than the tent.

Even the craftsmanship of Bird District, Bresser's astronomical telescope's unique tripod grapple design.

And a trace that I have tried in the past.


Standing up slowly on his knees, Omer reached into his pocket, and when he pulled it out again, it was a card with an ominous eyeball reflected on it.

"Time to probe, Garn Q."

 Last night, the timing was set wrong and I sent it directly. It's subtle.

  Fortunately, the full attendance day at the starting point is counted from 12 o'clock, um, I agreed to ask for two days off, but I took it apart.

  I'll see if it's necessary tomorrow. On 16/17, I'm going to get together with another group of netizens. I'll try not to ask for leave.
(End of this chapter)

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