only monsters

Chapter 602 NO185 Zarro: I have noticed!

Chapter 602 NO.185 Zarro: I have noticed!
[Deep Coffee: There is indeed a spirit body returning to Aimu Zhiji, and you can vaguely see a face very similar to Aimu Zhiji. Is it a mirror image? 】

There are often low-level spirits that will appear following some simple summoning rituals, used as divination tools, attached to dead objects, or reflected in a mirror—and that image is often the person standing in front of the mirror.

A spirit body like this can be called a mirror image spirit.

Before the large-scale popularization of the method of practice, such low-level spirits were the most common, and the basic knowledge of origin energy directly marked the key point of "basic spirits lack self".

to test.

They are the remnants of the last days of life, the unexamined residues, according to the radical theory of soul theory - they cannot even be called souls if they cannot correctly recognize themselves.

To this day, burial ceremonies in both the East and the West have a similar link of lighting lamps, aiming to guide the spirit back to the way to the past.

It is this kind of low-level wandering soul, which is easily attracted by some extreme spirits of the living, and will instinctively imitate the appearance of the people around them, and even their own appearance-the cafe is most familiar with this kind of soul body, after all, the entrance examination of the spirit department often needs to come into contact with this kind of low-level spirit.

And as an excellent psychic herself, she has also been attracted to such things since she was a child, so much so that at the beginning, she even regarded Sunday Tranquility as a ghost from the past.

It's clearly not her fault.

Anyone who sees Sunday Tranquility following the teahouse in a spirit form will have similar speculations, especially since the teahouse's information also states that she is an only child.

The same misunderstanding is also reproduced at this moment.

With the consciousness of saluting and thanking after receiving help, the spirit body is obviously not a low-level wandering spirit like the mirror image spirit.

【Moon Ring Snake: No, that's her original appearance】

[Deep Coffee: ...?But...everyone says Aimu Orihime is a family of three...]

[Moon Snake: The mother who admired Orihime was originally twins when she was pregnant with her]

[Deep Coffee: ...Knocked out?Why? 】

The teahouse is incomprehensible.

No aborigine in this era can understand why there is such a guarantee.

From the perspective of medical technology, contemporary obstetrics and gynecology can guarantee a smooth birth. From the perspective of nutrition, the nutritional supply of pregnant women to twins will not be destroyed. And from the perspective of raising costs-the social welfare in Jiemen District is not so bad that it cannot afford to support people.

As for Aimu Zhiji who turned into a horse girl after birth, according to the welfare policy of Jiemen District, the cost of raising children has been further reduced, but because everything is unknown during the mother and child period, it seems a bit of an afterthought.

And if you don't want it from the beginning.

It's better to kill both of them together, rather than fight one to protect the other.

[Moon Ring Snake: This is an unspeakable secret, and... this may also be a part of the destiny held by the soul of the racehorse]

[Deep Coffee: ...such a fate...]

[Moon Snake: All horse girls have to face the test of fate with the other half of their souls from the beginning of their birth, and the fate nodes that have happened long before they can remember cannot be violated]

It's like the poverty in Tamamo Cross's home, a spectacle in itself in this day and age.

Because under the policy of this urban area, it is difficult for Ma Niang’s family to be linked to poverty. Even if they have not yet participated in the competition, they can’t even talk about earning rewards.

But there are more than one migrant workers in Treisen, and everyone has their own reasons for poverty.

Omer is not qualified to say this. Morrison's raising a child with him should not be linked to poverty, but the fact is that good policies cannot prevent someone from spending too much money.

He only looked at part of the horse racing data from another world sent by Bize, and compared it with the horse racing girl data he had, as if he could grasp the rules and standards of certain destiny nodes.

Or perhaps an illusion.

[Deep Coffee: Is this the pressure that Aimu Zhiji has been carrying all this time? 】

[Moon Ring Snake: You have always been so sensitive, but please don’t let others or even the parties concerned]

[Deep Coffee: No problem...just... how is the stillborn spirit body...]

[Moon Ring Snake: The figure you see is very similar to Aimu Zhiji, isn't it?Are the ears and tails exactly the same? 】

[Deep Coffee: she also a horse girl? 】

[Moon Ring Snake: More than that, the fate of these two sisters has been entangled since their birth, that figure may become a soul not inferior to your 'friend']

[Deep Coffee: But...she is so weak that even I can't see clearly...]

[Moon Serpent: This is why you need to pay close attention to her

Take good care of her, especially protect her younger sister. The amount of negative energy overflowing from her body is abnormal. If I hadn't stabbed her before, maybe it won't be long before everyone can see the monster in Teresan]

【Deep Coffee:...】

The cafeteria froze for a moment, not knowing whether to pay attention to the monster or the so-called 'slap'.

The trainer...shouldn't be able to stab Aimu Orihime, right?It looked fine before.

[Moon Ring Snake: If you need help, you can call Bai Ren directly, it can be regarded as the right medicine]

Strictly speaking, negative energy and resentment are the same thing, but resentment is often used in relation to spirit bodies, and it is almost a proper term for spiritualism, while negative energy obviously covers too much.

And it's not just monsters that can be born.

There is also the almost malicious fate trial like "Fuchu Monster", and the much lower purity shadow of Narita Bairen.

Speaking of Narita Bairen, he thought of the guard who could make Bairen's shadow quieter.

Thinking that maybe Bai Ren won't need that thing anymore, maybe it's time to communicate and transfer it to Aimu Zhiji.

But think about it carefully...

It's still too weird to take back the things you sent out, and it hasn't been long since I was treated as a weirdo by Aimu Zhiji, so there is a high probability that I won't accept something if I give something suddenly.

Leave it to Zhenjiling and let her come, it will be somewhat successful.

That being the case, it might as well take another trip to the back mountain.

At this moment, his leather shoes crushed the dry branches.

A well-planned Omer, his actions have never been disappointing, and even a certain Party A called Sunday Tranquility once hoped that the progress of his investigation would slow down.

But he has no habit of procrastinating.

It would be better to say that he should finish his work early and take a rest early - this desire for vacation will make his actions more efficient.

The only difference between him and ordinary lazy dogs lies in the difference in thinking between 'touch after busy' and 'get busy after touching'.

So after he sent a text message to the account of Goddess AI, it was sent to the front of the forest mountain road.

Even though the ability of space transfer has been used, the steps to climb the stone steps are still one step at a time.

This sense of ritual based on sincerity made him meet the goddess smoothly.

The horse girl with brilliant blond hair mixed with a few strands of brown was Godolphin Arabia, who was recorded in the history books as having a gentle temperament and would take the initiative to care about the situation of others.

Compared with the blue-haired and blue-haired image constructed by AI, she is actually wearing the summer outfit that Omer has seen in a certain fashion magazine.

The height of 1.8 meters makes her more like a model in a specific field, and she doesn't have the squinting eyes between gentleness and cunning.

There was softness in the plain brown pupils, and there was a hint of trouble. Aomer followed her gaze and looked back, and saw that the vermilion wood he had just stepped over had already climbed some black cracks.

Torii, known as the gateway to the realm of the gods, separates the boundary between man and god, and will be immortal under the power of the gods-this is explained in religion.

But now, it appears to be shaking from its foundations.

It is clear that the three goddesses should not have any lack of belief, and the risk of incense and fire gods and artificial gods whose power has faded.

"Although Dali told me that you are special, she never said that you can do this..."

Although it was a troubled tone, but there was no intention of rejecting it, Godolphin supported his face and said delicately.

"Is it because of them?" Omer raised his hand, holding the closed card box.

Once again, the so-called isolation and shielding are useless. At this moment, the entire card box is shaking in his hands, showing all kinds of wild instincts that are not willing to be restrained.

"No, they are just a medium of power, or a mold." The goddess shook her head.

"Through them, you can actually feel the various darkness hidden deep in yourself, and they will also give the darkness in your heart a substantial shape. They are the molds for forging your heart."

"So far, what the darkness in your heart looks like, have you noticed?"

 It's time to ask for leave!Go back and send a hip stretch strip on the 11th, as for whether you can pull it on the 12th, we will see at that time!
  Go get together with the brothers first!
(End of this chapter)

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