only monsters

Chapter 591 NO174 Look at this sensible child who was born soon

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

Omer, who is in the activity room, has a deep understanding of this.

After all, his trainer's activity room is not located in secluded spots around the campus like other trainer's activity rooms, but in the teaching building of the high school.

To normalize the non-compliant and illegal shared classroom between tachyon and teahouse, it is the activity room of Omer Linton's trainer and his horse race girl——

——It will be noisy.

Of course, this is not a problem of sound insulation in teaching buildings.

In fact, because racehorse girls have always been superior to humans in terms of strength and hearing, Central Treisen has paid special attention to building materials and decoration since the establishment of the campus. It is not only extremely strong but also has a considerable sound insulation effect. .

But this 'quite' is only relative.

The teaching building is by no means a private place, and the sound insulation is too good to be a hidden danger, so some unusual sounds can still pass through the building itself.

Just like how Amo, Bai Ren, and Qian Ming chased the negative energy horse girl in the teaching building of the university department in the past, it also attracted the attention of many horse girls who were still in class at that time.

The sound insulation considerations of these teaching buildings are at best to allow Ma Niang students to get close to the feedback of human students, so that they will not be drawn away by some simple small noises.

The sound insulation effect created by this kind of consideration is far inferior to the sound insulation decoration of Linton Office, and it also makes a certain magician whose hearing is also different from ordinary people can't help feeling the difference in the world.

It's just the first floor, even separated by a wall.

He is thinking about the situation of a horse race girl here, and the classrooms downstairs and the outer corridors are full of questions such as "Where did you go during the summer vacation?" The opera album in the city!", "This time the school selection must be the top three among the digital ones", "Are you a little fat?" and other topics and worries.

Thinking about it this way, the large underground cavity in the university department is more suitable for talking about this kind of topic.

But it's a pity, there was the president's note of "rescue and protection", and the precedent of directly admonishing in front of Bai Ren and the vice president of the air channel: "Don't have too much contact with the AI ​​goddess"...

He didn't think about such a secret base for the time being.

But ah...

Encoding is different or something...

When it comes to communication, the words used by the AI ​​Goddess will make the three members of the student union puzzled, and they will think that this is probably the common jargon of AI intelligence.

But considering the state of the new universe floating in the ocean of data, Omer has to admit that this is an excellent rhetoric.

The soul of surfing the Internet is no different from data in essence.

It's just that the new universe's way of speaking involves the field of astronomy rather than the field of data, and the gap between it and the goddess of AI is exactly two dimensions.

Not to mention that the three AI goddesses are actually very complete, the communication simulation of organic matter tends to be perfect, and their ideas are almost the same-and this will only make them farther away from understanding the new universe.

Both the way of existence and the way of communication are completely different between the two parties. It is indeed a coding difference.

He has every reason to suspect that the new universe is becoming more and more completely digitized.

As a pure horse racing soul, even if she is expected to become an adult in the whole world, she does not have the opportunity to systematically practice and teach.

To take a step back, even if she found teaching guidance through the vast network of information, she does not have the basis for the unity of soul and body. If it is a practice that only works on the soul...

Neither is her environment.

The requirements for the spiritual body's practice on the environment are either abundant aura, or it is biased towards the enrichment area of ​​specific visions, such as the condensation of resentment, such as the prosperity of slaughter, or the rise of dragon energy, etc., etc. It is what the spirit body should have.

As for places like the Internet... It is true that the Internet can carry emotions, but today's Internet world is too vast, especially after the deep immersion technology matures, the Internet world can be described as 'one flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi' There is no violation.

The entire network is a world, and different game worlds are worlds within worlds, and the forums of game worlds can be miniaturized into the territory of digital creatures... Such repeated nesting of boxes on top of boxes makes the online world far more complicated than reality.

And a world that is too large will dilute the group and thus stand out from the individual.

Therefore, the new universe is destined to be unable to practice in the way of conventional spiritual bodies, let alone master the related abilities.

In fact, she did demonstrate abilities that are different from ordinary spirit bodies, closer to file replication and information multiplication—that is, the multiple existences mentioned by the goddess AI.

And Omer has experienced several times, her erosion of data barriers sneaked.

This completely belongs to the skill tree of data beings. As an acquired data being, Morrison is still not very good at learning, so the result of enrolling in a cram school is just like that.

The habits brought about by the life of vampires for a hundred years are so deep that they even affect the concept to a certain extent.

Completely unfamiliar.

This is a threshold, but also an advantage.

Just like for most trainers, they prefer horse girls who have just debuted than horse girls who have run some races by themselves.

The former is young and weak, but there are not so many running habits that need to be re-corrected.

Compared with the unfavorable start, the latter is more headache for the trainers.

Learning one, pure white paper is a treasure, but the premise should also have professional and clear guidance.

Otherwise, it would be nothing more than reckless waste, a waste of talent, and even... going astray.

This is exactly why there is a teacher as a profession in today's society, and why Ma Niang has a trainer.

At the same time, it is also the reason why the goddess and the goddess AI are eager to confirm the situation of the new universe, and eager to bring it back to reality.

Aomo never thought that the destination of a horse girl must be the arena, nor did she think that a horse girl's skill must be learned from the skill tree of the three goddesses, but...

Premature digitization is really not a good phenomenon.

This is not what Aumer means to discriminate against data life, but because the complexity of the online world has an immeasurable negative impact on newborn larvae.

She must at least have a guardian to watch over, so that she doesn't break into some dark web, some membership-only website, or some weird information gathering Curry, right?

How old is New Universe now? It’s hard for Omer to say. After all, he was a horse racing soul and was extradited here when he was about 21 years old.

At the age of 21, he is the soul of a horse race. Even though it is stated in the data that he was quite spiritual during his lifetime and seems to have amazing wisdom, no matter how you think about it, it is difficult for a simple horse to have a human-level mind.

And the moment it transforms into the soul of a racehorse girl, the whole body is incomparable, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is rejuvenated.

Especially when the whole world was transformed into her by the expectations of the Metronians, it was not a baby-like weak soul, but a girl who seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

The specification of the soul is so extraordinary that it can still communicate without the physical body, and the communication feedback feels that the mental foundation is not low, and the knowledge is even more partial but difficult.

CETI, AFOV and so on, even if the average child has two hearts in his heart and wants to use such more complicated words to pretend to be in front of his friends, he probably can't remember them.

Unless a chip is inserted in the brain - this kind of variable is unnecessary for the spirit body.

A horse girl with a fifteen or sixteen-year-old appearance, but a young soul, let her drift on the Internet...

Omer also wants to race against time, but this kind of needle in a haystack, even if there are a few more submarines, the efficiency is the same.

Even if he lets the witch beasts who have finished their vacation join the search today, the effect can only be described as tragic. It's better to use more crawler software to catch the keywords of "new universe", maybe they can be obtained from other surfers. Some personal information.

After all, to be honest, when it comes to data operations, Digimon are not very good, and the three AI goddesses with their own sensors, and the super agents who rush fast are more efficient.

It's better to issue a reward order directly, but both the AI ​​and the three goddesses think that this matter should not be made public, let alone make a big fuss.

There has always been a group of horse race girls, and it is still an advantage to secretly search for it. After all, the new universe has been in good condition several times recently, but if the reward is announced publicly, it will be a race against time.

This requires patience, especially for the three AI goddesses to retell the speeches of the new universe. Aumer confirmed:

'aberration' - the difference between a celestial body's apparent position and its true position due to the motion of the Earth.

'absorption lines' - dark lines in the spectrum.

The light from celestial bodies is selectively absorbed by atoms or molecules, causing that part of the light to be eliminated from the starlight, leaving behind dark lines.

'arcminute' / arc minute - the unit of angle, equal to 1/60 of a degree
-There are more noun meanings above.

Omer can understand that the new universe is tantamount to treating this data drift as a space voyage, and in this way informs them of the deviation of their respective coordinates.

This is indeed an interstellar rescue. Judging by the scale of the universe, this chase cannot be said to be futile, it can only be said to be a long, long time, unless there is something unrealistic that can cause the universe to collapse.

Or a searcher chosen by fate...

That is also unrealistic. If I think about it, I only know people with bad luck, but I have never met people with good luck, so I might as well hope to cast a wide net.

Looking through the information captured by the crawler software, or sending another Internet searcher——Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the door that was just opened not far away.

The identity of Ma Niang, the qualifications of the spirit body traveling through the network, a certain person is an undoubted senior in this respect, and he is standing there at the moment, bringing him more noise from the corridor.

It was a quiet Sunday.

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