only monsters

Chapter 569 NO152 Is a Tired Teenage Life

Chapter 569 NO.152 Is a Tired Teenage Life

Brush questions, take exams, and watch Ma Niang.

Aside from entertainment such as playing games, and part-time work, these three are his long-term "prison projects" during his student days.

Because he didn't look at the horse racing girls' running and information for pure entertainment, but for pondering and researching, in order to obtain gambling funds that can cover expenses in the horse betting.

After all, his situation was so special that he almost slipped through the social security net of the Federation of Terra. He was not as relaxed and happy as most of his peers, who indulged in eating, playing ball, bathing and sleeping all day long.

But also thanks to that special endowment and stubborn efforts, the expectations for horse betting soon paid off after experiencing the accumulation of many failures in the early stage.

But this is just like social animals who feel that work is very torturous even if they are paid. Seeing that the nature of Ma Niang's "imprisonment project" does not change, Omer can only have fun while working hard, and touch his hand Like our social animals, we find entertainment in horse racing.

But the good news is... the average social animal wants to have fun while suffering, and usually chooses high-risk operations such as going to work to fish and shit with pay.

Whether it goes well or not, whether you are happy or not, depends entirely on the job environment and the operating level of the parties involved.

A competitive event such as horse racing itself has enough viewing value, not to mention the winner's stage, which is particularly attractive among young and middle-aged groups. Idol segment.

Omer is naturally among the ranks of young people.

In the final analysis, the original intention of watching Ma Niang was also attracted by the figure on the field and stage.

The figure of chasing honors, dreams and miracles is just so shining, worthy of the name of the contestants in the shining series, and it is even more attractive to the boy who has nothing and can only enrich himself with what he sees and hears.

Every racehorse girl who is active in and retired from the race has her own unique story, some of which are pathetic, legendary, and ups and downs. When you witness such a story, you should also learn something from it. What.

It is the view of the observer.

Then in this short morning... Omer has realized the reappearance of the three classic prison projects of teenagers.

Brush questions, take exams, and watch Ma Niang.

This might not be a reappearance of youth.

But when the link of "watching the horse girl" is reversed and becomes "being watched by the horse girl", this youth may have gone wrong from the very beginning.

At this moment.

After seeing him appear, the stinky penguin greeted him like a bustard of Dongyan and said "hospitality", limited by his height, he could only pat his thigh and then walked away.

Dexas, who placed the tray on the table, left the reception room without any reason to stay, although his eyes were a little worried.

So, in the reception room of a company in Nuoda, he was left alone to face the three horse girls.

The excitement that was still restless before was like being cooled by a basin of ice water at this moment. Facing the three eyes that seemed to have their own thoughts, Omer felt something was wrong.

This inconsistency is not only due to the peeps gathered by the transparent glass door, but also the vigilance of the observers as observers.

"Omer trainer~, ah, is it better to be called by name directly outside of work? Like...Omer, little Omer! Good morning——!"

The first one is undoubtedly the red supercar that always gives people the impression of enthusiasm, even the clothes.

Ms. Maruzen is wearing a white dress that still respects the season and climate today. With her greeting itself, she feels like a big sister next door after the heat wave subsides.

But her dark green eyes clearly carried some kind of fiery aggressiveness, and after Omer returned her good morning greeting, she asked with a concerned face: "Oh, oh, you look very stiff, Didn't you take a break, okay? Do you want to come to my sister's place for a while?"

She even patted her skirt-covered thigh, as if to indicate some kind of service that is often found in Far Eastern literature.

"No, no, that's unnecessary..."

Knowing that knee pillows are not comfortable, the young man who mainly rests on an atmosphere shook his head repeatedly, not to mention that he was never used to being so close to others, especially when the other party was a young woman, and the countless gazes at the door doomed this decision to require enough carelessness. Shameless.

Seriously, can the boss tell those employees who are watching the excitement to go to work?
Although it is understandable that the second of the three horse girls is very popular in Jiemen District, even the junior high school student has an amazing number of fans on the horse girl's Twitter, but anyway, this is working time, right?
Those guys really don't care if they surround the door?
And the white-haired silly dog ​​mixed in, don't you hate it the most?
While shaking his head again and again, he glanced at the door of the living room, and saw the flat-haired beast wearing sunglasses standing at the bottom of the crowd, wiping its neck with its flippers.


You flat-haired bastard!

Although I don't know what motive it made the threatening gesture, but Omer has turned his eyes away and ignored it, and the moment he turned his head——

——seeing the eyes of the three women sitting side by side seem to have flashes of light at the same time.

His mentality went through several twists and turns, from the excitement before meeting the idol, to the weird atmosphere after seeing the idol, and at this moment, he seemed to have caught some clue in such a flash.

But that was not enough for him to understand the situation, so he could only reach out to the tray on the table, trying to distribute the teacups in it, and at the same time, his mind was spinning, and the memory of the previous field of vision that was called up in his mind was being played back repeatedly.

They racked their brains and couldn't figure out the meaning of the almost synchronous light in the eyes of the three people. They just lowered their heads and distributed the teacups, but they couldn't show a suitable opening statement.

But when he raised his head, he noticed the flirting between the three of them. Miss Ji Ling and the two seniors who are too far apart in generation should have no common language.

'With this reaction, Homa not only turned into a teenager physically. '

'It was the first time Karen saw the trainer lose his composure like this. '

'Sentimental juvenile feeling ah!I thought that after I stopped being Little Omer, I would become less cute, and this kind of youthful feeling is also great! '


【Great Emperor: It’s broken, that boy Amo seems to be really stupefied. Is our company’s first case of internal digestion about to burst so soon! 】

【Mostima: What?What happened again? 】

【Angel: [Picture], [Picture], you missed a lot!Mostima]

[Mostima: It seems true, sending long-distance shipments will miss a lot of interesting things]

[Kosong: What?Linton also has a love debt in Teresan? 】

[Can Angel:?I didn't say that.]

[Kosun: Huh?I heard from Erin in the office, is the version wrong? 】

[Laplande: Hahahahaha Texas, you were dumped so fast, do you want me to comfort you?Or do you want me to help you snatch him back? 】

[Great Emperor: @富欢, tell Texas to check her phone, she just went downstairs]

【Kong: Why are you watching while I'm not around? ! !!!∑(Дノ)ノ】

【Great Emperor: Tsk tsk tsk, those who sing in the city of Tianmen don't talk, you are excluded! 】

【Kong: (#`皮), I really want to change my schedule and come back to make trouble! 】

【Angel: Terrible, the boss didn't kick Lapland today】

[Emperor: Lapland, come on!Go and get Omer back. I admit that you are the second temporary worker of Penguin Logistics! 】

[Texas: Are you so free?This kind of onlooker is also very disappointing to the guests' impression.]

[Emperor: The big event is now!This boy Linton has become so tender that he was carefully abducted! 】

[Texas: Isn’t he a trainer? (_), and he’s not tender either]

[Laplande:?Have you tried it? 】

— Texas has kicked Lapland off the channel —


The top pop-up window on the light screen of the terminal seemed to be moving all the time, but Omer obviously didn't have the time to poke the terminal in front of the three horse girls who came to visit him specially.

In fact, when he handed out the three cups of teacups, Representative Qianming said with a smile: "Maruzen, you are really serious, don't make fun of Omer when you see him like this, we are clearly here to express condolences .”

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Maruzenski put his palms together and said apologetically, "Today, my sister heard that Xiao Tayiko said that little Homa had gotten younger and hadn't come home for the night, so I was a little worried about your situation, so I deliberately followed the report. How about coming to visit and forgive my sister for this sincerity?"

As she said that, she blinked playfully, her innocent face changed to Tachyon's mouth, which was somewhat suspected of 'the old aunt is acting cute'.

But to be honest... Although Maruzenski is a very experienced horse racing girl, she has already retired from racing.

But on the racing track and the track called life, it is obviously still on the rise, and it is definitely not up to the level of the old aunt. Omer is even talking to her while suppressing the throbbing heart of wanting to sign, see that (^_)☆ The demeanor was even more stunned, and then a voice that was suddenly much younger suddenly said:
"Ah, it's Karen's favorite hot cocoa, and Qianming-senpai and Maruzen-senpai are green tea and black tea? Could it be that the trainer knows everyone's preferences?"

"Oh, really, I haven't told little Homais what I like to drink."


Homa, who had just pulled a chair and sat down, looked at the innocent pink and purple pupils, thinking that she might want to stand up.

"...I told Omo, Maruzen, your love for black tea really won't change after staying in Japan. I even complained on Umastagram."

The brown-haired girl said words that were both true and false, but she left off the subject for the time being.

"Does this bother you? It's not that I can't drink green tea, coffee is fine too."

"Forgive me, I don't want to see a second Rudot."

"Ha, let's talk about me, you people from the Far East have been complaining a lot about Rudolph's pronunciation habits."

"That's right, but aren't we here to see Omer? It's not good to leave him there like this, right? Little Kallen."

"Of course, it's too pitiful for the trainers to be smeared by unscrupulous reporters after they have become like this."

"That is to say, Little Omo must have seen it too!" Maruzenski said angrily, "There were a lot of vicious rumors during my active duty! Don't be afraid of them, just speak with facts!!"

"Indeed." Homa nodded slightly, not only responding to his understanding of the opponent's active service period, but also echoing the fact.

At the same time, he also looked at Chiaki who blinked slightly at him, and then looked at the real wit who was sitting between Chiaki and Maruzen, but not close to each other, showing the inconsistency in relationship and position.

He sighed quietly.

I don't know how these three people got together.

(End of this chapter)

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