only monsters

Chapter 536 NO119 is also happy to see the numbers go up

Chapter 536 NO.119 I am happy to see the numbers go up
[Any clues?Call if you need help] 32s
A message from a super agent kept the light screen on, but Omer just lowered his eyes and played with the box in his hand.

By the way, appease the friend whose voice is loud enough to make the maid robot turn back: "Be careful of neighbors complaining about disturbing people."

Redefining appeasement.

But Bizer did quiet down.

He even ran to the door, beckoned the robot to rest again, and then timidly returned to Omer.

"...This is your championship trophy..."

"I can tell."

Turn it over a little, and the row of characters directly in front will be revealed.

No.30 The three-time "Annual Dark Villain Top 10" championship trophy-it should have been very dazzling, but recently it seems to be more and more indifferent.

"So I can take it apart?"

Ao Mo asked lightly, but Bize was still nervous.

"Uh, of course, whatever."

If this guy is a horse girl, probably even his tail is wagging nervously from side to side, right?

Omer glanced at him, then sighed at his way of thinking too much as a trainer.

"Don't stand in front of me and put on this expression as if you smashed something on me. It's not like you at all. Take on an alien look."

"Huh? What does it look like?"

"The appearance of the candy star," Omer unpacked, looked at the moonstone locked by obsidian, and continued calmly, "Do you still remember when we first met?"

"Uh... It's a bit unbearable to look back on, at that time."

"The operation is really troublesome. It is enough to show the enthusiasm at that time, and tell me about the new universe, the new universe..." Omer chewed on this title, and then raised his head again, "What was the original name? Official Register an international name."

"Uh, let me think about it," Bizer said, thinking a little bit, "It's Neo Universe."

It attracted Omer's complaints: "Aren't you from Dongyan? How do you pronounce it with a strange smell of the Far East?"

"Uh..." Nationality was questioned, and Bize wanted to scold loudly, but he couldn't deny his own pronunciation, and could only explain in a hesitant way, "I played cards."

A very convincing argument, Omer immediately nodded in acceptance.

"Neo Universe...Universe."

He smiled, thought of a song, and immediately asked him: "Did it beat the desert hero?"

"I think I won a round, wait a minute, I'll search it." After all, it's not as convenient as Omer's ability to directly retrieve memory files, Bize said and went straight to the computer.

The record retrieval of horse racing in another world sounds a bit whimsical, but as long as the information sharing in the circle of traversers is considered, there is no problem with this.

Holding the trophy, he got up and walked to the bed next to Bizer's computer and sat down. Omer watched his search and jump.

"Yes! 03! Japanese Derby!" Bize turned his head and saw Omer watching the screen from the side, then turned his head again, scrolling through the horse racing information, "Old opponent President Sakura, four games and three games The hero of the desert who wins, this seems to have set some records... Oh! That is the first time a foreign rider has won the Japanese Derby...Foreign riders...?"

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the young Boyd, who was still looking at the screen, with a pair of eyes focused on the information on his not-so-oriental face.

Think too much...

He turned around.

The trainer is the reflection of a rider from another world... Although there have been such claims, they are mostly in the game, but in the reality of this world, although some people have put forward such a theory, and even some practical examples, but not widely recognized.

More trainers are living counterexamples.

Just like his trainer brother, the three horse girls under him are not compatible with the corresponding three jockeys.

He can't say what kind of trinity fusion monster Omer is...

With that in mind, he slightly dragged the vertical progress bar on the page so that the 'Trinity Fusion Monster' could tentatively browse the remaining content.

Bizer is just a mobile gamer.

Although I once liked the feeling of going to jail in a horse racing girl, most of my understanding of real horse racing is related to the prototype of mobile games.

The rest depends on the cloud.

Just like some players who like mobile games with the theme of ship girls and gun girls, they will have more or less knowledge about warships and firearms.

Bize has checked a lot, and Yun will make up for the rest!

And the reason why he remembers the name New Universe is because some time ago, someone mentioned the news of the horse girl being installed in the mobile game in the forum.

It is said that desert heroes also appeared in the story of Yucheng, which gave Bize the impression that the relationship between the two was connected.

And now...

"Are you sure it's it? I heard that the horse racing girl mobile game in my hometown is going to feature her."

The progress bar is pulled to the end, there is not much to say about a race, it is better to go to the horse racing wiki maintained and updated by some traversers.

Bize turned back and looked at Omer who had looked down at the trophy again.

Seeing his actions, he couldn't help feeling guilty, and shrank his head again.

But the 'death sentence' he was waiting for did not appear on Omer's face.

Under that calm expression that seemed to be able to hide all his thoughts, even his eyes didn't show the usual sharpness.

It seems a little weird, brother's state... even the alien child can perceive the subtlety of Aumer's state at the moment, and then look at the trophy that he is slowly lifting the base.

Did this trophy have such a big impact on him?he thought subconsciously.

"[-]% possibility, and the remaining [-]% ​​is up to you to provide me with her information in the horse racing girl game,"


Omer suddenly replied at this moment, but Bizer couldn't react.

"The horse race girl I'm looking for has a [-]% chance of being her. If you can give the new universe as a reference for the horse race girl, maybe you can make up the remaining [-]%." The demon replied without raising his head. .

Looking at the creator's signature at the bottom of the base, Omer also wondered if he had guessed wrong.

Specter/ghost, ghost

Such a signature is somewhat boundless, not like someone he would know.

But this trophy design has captured some of its essence.

The pitch-black viper wraps around the crystal moon, seemingly firmly controlling the moonlight in the center from head to tail, but also seems to lock the light of the crescent moon, preventing it from slipping away.

The moon does not emit light, but only reflects the surrounding light, just like the moonlight on the moonstone, which is also the result of distorting the external light.

It has always been the light of others, if it is not locked, it will pass away.

The so-called bright gems have always been containers of light.

Keeping the brilliance and processing the brilliance is equal to pouring value.

That value is being shaped by desire.

The Viper, carved from obsidian, is black to purple, with hints of color, which is the embodiment of desire.

The desire to break open the container to extend the entanglement and lock the brilliance reflected in it is exactly the extreme self-control.

It makes people feel depressed when they look at it, but it doesn't make them hostile.

Because it represents an extreme but not dangerous self.

Homa couldn't help wondering who made and carved this sculpture.

Compared with the craftsmanship itself, he has a sense of astonishment that has been completely dissected.

Always observe and analyze others, and finally have a day when positions are exchanged.

But perhaps this is also an unavoidable part of being a public figure.

To be noticed, understood, and even analyzed for image and self... In the end, it is usually done by colleagues. For example, famous horse girls will be analyzed by other horse girls and trainers for their running style.

It is against each other that we can probe and understand so deeply.

In addition, there will also be some more fanatical fans, who will analyze and summarize everything about you from a pure observation point of view.

But aside from these two possibilities, there is also a third.


An acquaintance who simply knows you and knows you quite well.

It's just that the signatures such as ghosts and ghosts are too vague and ambiguous. The first thing he thought of was the teahouse, followed by Sunday's Tranquility this time, and then some unclear alumni or netizens.

For those who have expressed interest in séances and necromancy, openly or secretly, who has this skill?
He was at a loss for a while, and felt that the investigation and verification would be more troublesome than the work at hand.

Yes, even now, he still finds it troublesome to check and verify the request of the desert hero.

The reason is like what Bi Ze asked after he finished speaking:

"[-]%? Who do you leave [-]% for?"

"There are many similarities in horse racing, aren't they? Just by name." Homa looked up and said calmly, and walked out of the immersion.

Although the names of horse racing horses have never been lacking in fantasies, thousands of racehorses enter the selection process every year... The full names are not repeated, but it is normal for the elements to overlap.

Like a horse race with universe in its name, it may also be related to some astronomical speaking habits.

Amo still guarded against the lowest possibility, and patted Bize on the shoulder: "Let me make a list of what I said at the beginning, and then send me a copy of the information about the new universe. "

"? You want to exhaust me?"

"I hear you're pretty busy."

"I've already made appointments for interviews for three jobs! What about summer workers, summer workers!"

Elderly high school students plausibly say that they have great freedom of job choice at the age of adulthood. This guy has been mixed in colleges in his hometown world, so it is really reluctant to come here to mix high school.

But when Omer raised his finger to the box that was thrown on the ground, he asked, "Then let's talk about the voting?"

The other party yelled: "All right, all right, I'll make a list!"

This reaction inevitably made Omer smile.

Reminds me of some memories from when I was still in school.

"I won't bother you anymore, I'll take the trophy with me too, no problem."

"Of course no problem, right!"

Bize suddenly remembered something and yelled, turned around and saw Homa who was also turning back, and when he met his eyes, his voice was a little lower, but he still had the courage to ask:
"Did you turn on do not disturb and didn't check your email? The organizer wants to contact you to discuss peripheral production..."

"Can I refuse?"

"They will also give you bonuses, and the voting scale is quite large."

"What are they called?"

(End of this chapter)

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