only monsters

Chapter 525 NO108 Little witch, stride!

Chapter 525 NO.108 Little Witch, Strut!
AM9:50, Jiemen District, Penguin Logistics.

AM10:14, flash!Hongying District!
Relying on the teleportation ability of Mephilas, Omer has the power to make a meme come true.

Without going through the conveyor belts in the urban areas of various urban areas, or through the shortcuts in the digital field, after receiving the goods from the goods distribution area and taking the first step out of the company, he arrived in front of the clock tower of Big Ben in Hongying District.

Then he looked down at the address and recipient's name on the carton in his hand.

Zenno Rob Roy/Desert Heroes
This reminded him of the text message in the morning, the entrustment.


Omer was a little surprised by that message at the time, because the AI ​​account of Central Treisen who sent the message was the signature when he contacted him last night:

【Bayer Türkiye】

Bayer Turkey should not have an attitude of emphasizing entrustment. There will be cognition and information in this regard, which is probably related to the chairman Akikawa mentioned in the information, or Miss Susakawa.

But even so, under the premise that the information is fragmented, this commission is destined not to be resolved by Aumer in a short time.

A lonely soul that has been forcibly transformed from the soul of a horse race into the soul of a horse girl, wandering in the data space... It is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, and I don't know where to start. Can he follow the example of those cosmic people and create another world to become the leader of the world? Lord, make a wish for the other party to appear?
I have no clue about a more realistic approach.

I'm not the king of Ultra.jpg
If I were the King of Ultra, I wouldn't just give birth to whoever I want!
Omer, who is not the King of Ultra, can only put this commission behind him for the time being.

Even if he thought of Bayer Turkey, it was only because he saw the names of other horse girls.

The name of Ma Niang comes from the horse racing in another world, which involves the knowledge of the other world.

And the most widely known knowledge of another world is the source of the names of the three goddesses.

Like Bayer Turkey, is 'Bayer' from the horse owner of Bayer Turkey: Captain Bayer.

'Turkish' refers to the breed, the Turkish horse.

Except for the random naming types removed for the sake of pranks and funny, and the purely wishing types, there is such an ancient tradition in the naming of horse races in different worlds that is not clearly stipulated - using the name of the person, the name of the ranch as a label, Let people know who they belong to when they hear the name.

Like human last names.

This is mostly the case for the Mejiro family, the Tomoji family, and the Sakura family.

The so-called aristocratic families in the horse racing world are mostly glorious pastures in the home world of the horse racing soul.

But this Miss Desert Hero, visible to the naked eye, falls into the second category.

Pure best wishes.

May she become a Hongying national hero who can cut the dawn of the horizon in the arena.

But her schedule has not yet officially started.

The hero is still a legend in the college trials, but at this moment, she has become a hero in Aumer's eyes, because her express mail——

—— "This email is cross-regional. For the time being, only one copy of the email from Hongying District will be registered for you."

AM10: 04, 8 minutes ago, the seemingly indifferent female colleague registered him in this way, and added to him at the end: "One serving is enough to satisfy the emperor."

The implication is that if you want to pretend to work and perfunctory the boss, this entrustment is the most suitable.

Of course, Omer still doesn't have the whole body and soul, only for work, work, the orc spirit of hard work, seeing the other party like this, he can't help but feel a little angry in his tired eyes.

Seeing Celenina Texas, she seems to be a purer goddess than Bayer Türkiye!

“La ringrazio tanto!!”

Gratitude can only be expressed in words that are specially tuned to Italian, but Texas was taken aback for a while, and when he looked at the document again, he felt a little unconfident:

"Anyway, are you sure you're a racehorse girl?"

She really wasn't sure.

Although the Penguin Logistics Company is located in Jiemen District, and she has experienced a lot of life in this city, but this name is not yet old enough to show herself to the world.

So her impression probably didn't come from official competitions.

Maybe it's some magazine that counts the younger generation of horse girls... Omer guessed.

Tachyon has had similar treatment.

I was briefly interviewed by the school reporter on the campus open day. Although it did not cause waves in the industry, the reputation in the school was even more sinister. It was mentioned by many girls in the forum.

It was then included in the scope of intelligence gathering by Aumer at the beginning.

The horse girl in the center is always valued, even before the official debut, there will be an opportunity to be exposed and publicized in advance. As long as you grasp it well, you can accumulate a certain number of fans before the game.

Of course, Ma Niang, who has already managed a huge number of fans before her official career, is rare in the past 500 years.

The talent alone is not enough to explain his achievements. Obviously, he himself has invested a lot of energy and is a wise person who has identified his position.

In contrast, although Miss Desert Hero has no intention of managing her own image, she is indeed quite popular in some small circles.

This circle is called the clock tower.

Just like the teahouse for top students in Spirituality, Miss Desert Hero was discovered by the traverser Morgan Le Fay three years ago to have the Holy Sword Ability, which has been a well-known topic in the Clock Tower for a long time.

But this does not mean that Omer will go to the clock tower to find someone.

Thanks to Texas, he is still quite sober now, and he hasn't forgotten that he also has 'prestige' in the clock tower.

Teleportation to the entrance of the clock tower is only because the coordinates here are the most clearly remembered, so as not to stuff myself into the wall and be neighbors with superpowers and iron pilots.

So, turn around.

A qualified courier should call the encrypted call in the file at this time, although he can also send Umaline directly to the other party.

He turned his head and looked at a plate with a big face in front of him.

When the two look at each other, it is the cowardly retreat of the other party.

"Good morning, Miss Grey." He greeted with some surprise.

Although her hearing was never bad, she approached her from behind and tried to scare people... This was not like the style of this Cinderella, but more like what a certain little witch, Miss Dongshang Reform would do.

So he looked down, and saw a little tea-brown haired horse girl squatting beside Miss Gray's wide cloak.

The eyes met, and the latter seemed a little stiff and awkward.

Perhaps this is also a kind of wishful thinking?
There is no doubt that this girl is Sweep Tosho/Dongshang Reform.

Unexpectedly, Omer, who just thought of a possibility and actually encountered it, was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "You too, Miss Witch, good morning."

"Are you doing squats to warm up at the gate?"

The familiar three-strand braid is made into a ring, and two ponytails (hair) are scattered on both sides. Only when the pointed hat is not worn, the girl's hairstyle is so clear.

Of course, the worst part was probably the other's fingers gripping the hem of Miss Grey's cloak.

There were some brown and gray marks on the finger, but the person concerned didn't notice it.

Both are.

"Uh, morning, good morning, of course! I just wanted to squat!"

Although the words sounded somewhat ironic, Dongshang Reform was still able to seize the opportunity to step down, propped up his whole body, and stopped mopping the floor with the wide skirt that deliberately imitated the costumes of witches and wizards.

"Thinking about warming up, I will compete with the hero in a race against energy later!!"

Yuan Neng Racing... the meaning of this term in the circle of horse racing girls is almost equivalent to 'violent motorcycle'.

It is of little significance to the training of running, but it can train the source energy.

Entertaining enough, but also dangerous.

In the Central Campus, it is always not recommended. The old trainers will frown when they hear this term. It can be guessed that such a competition is probably not proposed by the quiet hero.

The playful nature of the little witch is still the same, which makes Aomo a little speechless.

The subconscious smile also became forced.

But it might not be appropriate to teach and scold here, and now he just smiled and asked: "So Miss Desert Hero is also in the clock tower?"

"Yes, do you have anything to do with her? You cardboard box, is it..."

"Temporarily serving as the familiar of the delivery."

Smiling and raising the courier box in his hand, Omer's answer was quite in the style of a magician, and this also made Dongshang Change's eyes shine, and he immediately jumped up.

"Not bad! Let's go, I'll take you there!" she shouted, challenging her shoulders of 1.4 meters with a height of less than 1.8 meters.

With Ma Niang's jumping power, it was obviously easy to do this, but Aumer took a half step back, and the silver-white claws that appeared in mid-air helped stabilize the opponent's balance.

"Although this uniform has not undergone any kind of enchantment, spices and herbs are always unnecessary, don't you think so, Miss Witch."

"Spices and herbs?" The little witch, who was a little short-tempered because she missed the shot, felt that the words were familiar, and saw the silver sharp claws pointing her index finger at the end of Miss Grey's cloak.

Now it's not just her, even Gray looked down at the inside of her cloak, and saw several brown spots printed on the gray cloak.


Then the index finger of the silver claw of magic power stood up again.

Water vapor quickly condenses and gathers on it, forming a face-sized water ball.

"How about washing your hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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