only monsters

Chapter 519 NO102 Climb is also towards the fall

Chapter 519 NO.102 Climbing is also towards falling
Shi Huaiya: [You really chose to run away? I was going to introduce you to a few officers. Whether it is the police station or the Two Realms Security Bureau, everyone speaks highly of you.]

Moon Ring Snake: [Is it so tall that it will have a strange name? 】

Shi Huaiya: [This is not our problem, isn't that what others call it?By the way, you already figured it out? 】

Moon Ring Snake: [Haha, I won’t do it]

Shi Huaiya: [Escaping from reality is not good, some things will catch up sooner or later]

Moon Ring Snake: [Is this a line from a gangster movie? 】

Shi Huaiya: [Don't be so sensitive, there are many things that will take the initiative to catch up, such as traffic tickets, and shopping cart discount expiration reminders]

Lunar Snake: [It’s really a deep chase, I’ve learned it]

Shi Huaiya: [I feel like you are yin and yang to me]

Luna Serpent: [Too sensitive will make you suspicious, pay attention to your commute status, Beatrix]

Shi Huaiya: 【You even know the concept of yin and yang and still say I'm too sensitive? 】

Moon Ring Snake: [Hometown discrimination is not good, before I graduated, I was half a Dongyan master in my class]

Shi Huaiya: [Really? 】

Luna Snake: [Of course it is true, even the student council president of Central Teresan will pull out a few Dongyan idioms from time to time, the pronunciation is quite standard, and I am still trying to crack Dongyan's cold jokes recently]

Swire: 【The Rudolph symbol?I heard that she has a lot of scandals with you, and some fans even want to buy your hands and feet]

Moon Ring Snake: [Rumors only stop with wise men, did Miss Shi Huaiya contact me on purpose just to say this? 】

Shi Huaiya: [Don't rush to chase people away, I believe you are very professional in Dongyan Culture]

Moon Ring Snake: [Do not go to the Temple of Three Treasures if you have nothing to do]

Shi Huaiya: [Okay, okay, you are the whole Dongyantong, and I also know from Mr. Hongkai that you are busy, don't you want to say something unappetizing too early, are you cooking?Or did you already eat it? 】

Although I have spent a lot of time in the data world, it is a world with a different sense of time, so Omer, who tortures others, finds them, and chats with them for a long time, can indeed Catch up on cooking time.

It's just that what he said to Kai is still half a lie, that is, he is not cooking tonight.

Don't forget, today is still the victory day of Bourbon and Tachyon, and it is also the accumulation of the teahouse's celebration banquet yesterday-Omer naturally chose to take everyone to a high-end restaurant to hold a celebration banquet.

What?You said that it is more thoughtful to cook a good meal by yourself?

You are so vicious!I actually want Omer to dip the spoon for more than an hour! !
Is this how you treat a young trainer who was still fighting on the battlefield half an hour ago, went to the new world to find people, and returned exhausted!
all in all!
Since someone always has to tip the spoon, let other chefs share it!

For high-end restaurants, even Tashiko and Akane, who are always keen to trick Homa, and even Sunday Tranquility, who was included in the scope of the treat this time, have no objections.

A group of people went to torture the chef of the restaurant. Presumably, since it is a high-end restaurant in Jiemen District, they must be mentally prepared to deal with the sudden appearance of horse girls in the grass!
It is better to say that there will be easily, and there will definitely be!

When Omer came to the restaurant with a group of horse race girls, a human, and a make-up Digimon, the chefs who rushed out of the kitchen had a burning fighting spirit in their eyes.

Just by taking a look at them, you can understand their hegemony!Know their ambitions!
In the subsequent exchanges, it was even known that there were fans of the three champions in this group of chefs.

After the simple collection of signatures, even the one who looked the most lazy at the beginning, seemed to have the momentum to rush now!
Actual passion!

It was also Homa who sat down in such enthusiasm and handed over the menu to them. He first chose to go to the bathroom, and then he was familiar with all kinds of communications.

To be honest, he has become a ruthless keystroke tool recently.

Leaving aside the work account and public account, there are also people who plan to celebrate him on the private account. Even when he arrived at the restaurant tonight, there was a symbol of Sirius who contacted him on his behalf to convey the suggestion of Rudolph symbol: Symbolist also has a lot of catering Industry, there are several famous restaurants.

It seems that they are dissatisfied with the selection of the venue for the celebration banquet by Linton & Associates.

Naturally, the emperor’s remonstrance has to be accepted humbly, but the next time is to be promised. In terms of high-end restaurants, even Aumer has not done enough intelligence investigation. Compared with his choice, it is better to say that it was after the girls talked about it. expect.

However, this exchange was also short-lived. Most of the people who sent messages, text messages, and even made calls tonight knew that it would not take up too much of Omer's time, and they were sympathetic enough.

But there is also a type of Miss Shi Huaiya who has a distorted line.

Lunar Serpent: [How about going straight to the point, what happened to Commander Black? 】

Shi Huaiya: [I also said that I adjusted my state, but your state has not changed, which makes me have nothing to worry about]

Moon Ring Snake: [It's just normal, does he want to see me? 】

Shi Huaiya: 【He hopes to meet, but he said that it doesn't matter if he can't, as long as someone can thank you for him】

Luna Snake: [... What kind of thanks? 】

Shi Huaiya sent a recording file, and after being pointed out, Omer listened to the subwoofer of Sen Han:

"Thank you for your words, and thank you for the choice you made me make, Omer Linton, I have regained my faith from the card, I will challenge you again, and I will also challenge my dream again."

Shi Huaiya: [... What exactly did you tell him?Surely it's more than what you wrote in your recommendation report?reveal reveal?Personally curious]

Moon Ring Snake: [Does he still have a chance to challenge me? 】

Shi Huaiya: [Guaranteed 700 years in prison, I don't know if he can live to that time or you live to that time]

Moon Ring Snake: [Pay attention to the sloppy words, after all, they are demons and cosmic beings. I can be considered a half-blood Sarkaz in your world, and I will live a long life]

Shi Huaiya: [Then to express my apologies, how about treating you to a meal later? 】

Lunar Serpent: [I seem to have stepped into some kind of trap. By the way, I suggest that you increase the intensity of his detention. The development of the invading coalition army cannot rely solely on the power of those aliens from other worlds. Such a large-scale criminal activity , there will be many fish that slip through the net]

Shi Huaiya: [This point has been discussed internally a long time ago, thanks to the blessing of a criminal who repeatedly escaped from prison last month, the higher-ups also paid special attention to this aspect]

[Seeing the same hostile face several times, anyone's mood will get worse]

[There are no traps or anything, I have several friends here who want to know you, and there are people you know who want to play with you but can't always be contacted]

In the end, the scope could probably be narrowed down to a certain microfilm director. Omer was silent for a while, feeling that the other party's typing speed was not inferior to his own, and then typed quickly:
[The last two weeks will be very busy, the summer vacation of the students is almost over]

Shi Huaiya: [The first time I invited someone to dinner, I was rejected]

I don't believe it, among other things, at least that Miss Chen Huijie must have rejected you more than once... After two rounds of comparing the memory of the foreign world and the intelligence collection from Rhodes Island, Homa, who is very convinced of this inference, is in After a little thought, type:

[At least until the work schedule appears, I can't confirm my free time, so I'm very sorry]

Shi Huaiya: 【Then let’s talk about it when the time comes, but to be honest, after hearing what Commander Black said, don’t you really feel disgusted? 】

【Being so targeted by a jailed criminal, with such a fanatical voice... There really will be people who regard aggression as a dream~】

Luna Serpent: [Dreams turned into curses for each don't see enough, Beatrix]

Shi Huaiya: [It’s true to say this... people in your world seem to place a lot of emphasis on dreams]

Lunar Snake: [The social environment of the Federation has always been like this, the word dream is mentioned by everyone far more frequently than you people from other worlds, especially in Jiemen District]

Shi Huaiya: [I feel discriminated against]

Luna Snake: [This is a misunderstanding, because it is not a good thing to talk about your dreams all the time, and it will even make people PTSD]

Especially the dream of pronunciation in the Far East. Of course, as long as you haven’t watched a certain knight TV where a group of newcomers insist on 100% restoration, everything is easy to talk about.

Just because it was 100% restored, the harmful AI theory that hadn't appeared for a long time was re-entered the hot search in a joke way, but it also made a certain Zaiya company a short-term fire.

The degree of discussion is also a 1000% increase.

Shi Huaiya: [It is not difficult to understand]

Luna Snake: [People who speak lightly of their dreams regardless of age; people who deceive themselves regardless of gender; people whose dreams are contrary to each other regardless of race;]

When typing this string of words, he had already walked out of the bathroom, and he couldn't help looking at the little girls who were thinking about the menu in the distance.

In the circle of horse racing girls, there are too many people who dream of opposing each other.

As for the three girls under him, they were not polite at all, and they didn't even give way in a symbolic way. The Sanli Huaguan was not very interested, and the classic Triple Crown had to be contested.

Before facing the real enemy, they first set their sights on each other who get along day and night.

It is also the trainer's job not to let the situation develop into cursing each other.

[The richness of the material foundation makes them pursue spiritual perfection even more, and the word dream has become cheap and even hypocritical because it is too commonly used. When you cut it apart, what is really real is still desire]

Shi Huaiya: [Suddenly rose to the height of philosophy]

Moon Ring Snake: [I can only say that it is a bit unexpected, but it is just what I want. If he is really awakened and enlightened, I will feel disgusted]

Shi Huaiya: [I thought you, who work as a teacher, would like others to learn when they are lost, um... trainers are also teachers, right? 】

Lunar Serpent: [Foreign, of course]

[But the trainers only want to teach the racehorse girl to return from the wrong way, and Omer Linton only hopes that friends and even strangers will return from the wrong way]

[For the existence that has been identified as the enemy, what he expects is that the other party will perish forever]

With that said, the newcomer trainer started to walk towards the seat of his horse lady.

During that walk, the Majin hummed a song.

"さあ仪をザけましょう" / Come on, let's continue this ceremony
Even if the other party is no longer worthy.

 Pull the hips, but not the hips.

  This is an article explaining that when the author met G on the toilet wall late at night, the urge to raise his legs was faster than his brain.

  After that kick, this person remembered the fact that his ligaments had always been on the pass line in the physical test.

  So - he really pulled his crotch

(End of this chapter)

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