only monsters

Chapter 507 No90 is just a chest piercing

Chapter 507 NO.90 Is It Just a Piercing in the Chest?

The federal people have long been used to the group of 'weirds' who appear every now and then called 'travelers'.

Get used to their special shape, race, and even culture and standpoint.

But this is just habit, not understanding.

To be honest, most of the traversers are ordinary people with strange luck.

Based on the existence of the earth, even the civilizations are very similar.

Although there are many barriers to communicating with them, it is impossible to talk about speculation.

There are exceptions, of course.

There are also a small proportion, but a large number, who are really difficult to communicate.

At this time, it is not just superficial contradictions like 'hostility' that block the communication between the two parties.

It is the common difference in the three outlooks (values, outlook on life, and world outlook).

It is true that the pure difference in the three views does not mean hostility, and it can even be said to be a kind of wealth.

The collision of diversified ideas can bloom the flower of vigorous spirit, just like the Warring States Period under the history of Dongyan, because of the chaos and conflicts, there were ideas of contending among a hundred schools of thought.

But everyone knows it.

In a truly stable dynasty, although there will be philosophers who are full and have nothing to do, but without more intense conflicts, they will end up anticlimactic.

The Terra Federation is also facing such a problem, but the solution is also obvious.

It can even be said to be in the history books.

- Transmigrators.

Under stable governance, there are still alien existences that can bring fierce conflicts to ideas and thoughts—this is exactly what the Heart of Terra expects, and it can make today's Federation and even the Star Alliance lack 'element'.

It can make civilization alive and make the world full of vitality.

Even the so-called 'invaders', existing in the form of pests, can also exercise the immunity of civilization.

Because the Star Alliance has been stable for a long time, the progress of pioneering is stable.

"Omer! Omer, can you hold on! Bond! Come and see his injury!"

"Oh! Oh! I'll be right over! Sir!"

The word aggression often appears in figures of speech to describe excessive competition.

There is no group that sees aggression as necessary.

Not to mention "aggression" as a lifelong goal.

"It's time to fulfill everyone's wishes..."

wishes, dreams.

Man-made labels are bright and beautiful, but the actual content is defined by people themselves.

Even 'invading a planet' can become a dream, or even a common wish of a group of people.

And this is too uncommon sense for the Holy Terra Federation, and even for most of the traversers.

Soldiers who see aggression as their way of life are unquestionable pests.

But at this moment, tens of thousands of abnormal pests gathered on this battlefield.

Even if the overall battle situation presents a clear advantage, the sudden appearance of the joint leader can still bring an extremely uneasy atmosphere to the surroundings.

Holding up his cane and holding his crystal ball high, Commander Black is facing the surrounding firepower to release hundreds of restraints.

Those are obviously 'smoke screens' to deceive people's eyes, because countless police officers have risked their lives and crossed the barrier of Black Endor.

They should have rushed towards Commander Black together, but seeing countless 'iron coffins' bursting open, quite a number of police officers received a change order - aimed their weapons at the unfolded 'iron coffins'.

The behavior patterns of the police and the military are different. The most direct difference is that they are more accustomed to reducing risks and reducing the scale of damage.

This gave the man in black an opportunity.

The liberation of hundreds of subordinates was just a cover, and only a cosmic man was looking around in the direction his cane was pointing at, looking a little puzzled.

It was a Metronian named Tver.

Although he is also a member of the invading coalition army and has long occupied the main ethnicity of the invading party, he is not very concerned about the aggression itself, but is more interested in the race horse girl.

In the invading coalition army with many salted fish, it can be regarded as a strange flower.

Not to mention that with his first-hand equipment maintenance and debugging skills, he once reached the level of a cadre, which can be described as a high-level miracle.

Of course, there are quite a few cadres in this joint army, so many that each of them can be thrown into the team for an episode, but even so, he is the most fishy and weirdest among the cadres.

But it was precisely because of his strangeness that he met a certain devil who was lenient.

He didn't cut him up, and he didn't exchange him for money, but gave him a chance.

As long as he works hard and cooperates well, it is just a symbolic detention, and he will be counted as a meritorious service later, and his sentence will be commuted. It will not prevent him from continuing to watch games and promote idols.

But the current scene is obviously different from what was said at the beginning.

Why is it so noisy when you come out of the coffin?It's not supposed to be a quiet prison... Uh, it seems to be rescued...

Tversk looked at the chaotic battlefield in surprise, and looked up at the giant beast in front of him even more worriedly.

Although the distance is tens of meters, it looks very close due to the height, which is very dangerous.

As long as one falls to the ground, it will crush itself below, and perhaps only by becoming huge can one feel at ease.

But in this kind of place, if it becomes huge, will it really not be beaten?
Staring at the overly conspicuous giant beast, the Metatron star was still thinking about whether he would be accidentally injured by the attackers here, but suddenly felt a palpitation.

Immediately, an unspeakable soreness rose from his whole body, and the pain was so intense that his eyes went black.

When he staggered and almost fell to the ground, someone pressed his shoulders with some hard object and supported his body: "Oh, be careful, Tver."

"...Mr. Commander?"

Staring at the gentleman who was supporting him with his eyes, which were quite far apart and had a strange vision, the Metronian was still a little bit puzzled, but after he realized it in the next second, he was trying to bring up the desire to run away while his whole body was stiff.

"What kind of experience is it to be kindly supported by the boss in front of the inner ghost?"

He doesn't have the strength to post this kind of headline on the forum now, he just wants to take a step but can't break free from the opponent's hand holding the cane.

"Don't force yourself when you are in such a bad state, come with me, and I will solve your problem."

"No, no, no...!" Tversk was frightened by these words, and refused repeatedly but was unable to refuse.

Because he has been transformed into a momentary distortion together with the other party, and disappeared in the collapse, even the 55m tall battle-damaged giant along with it.

Sora left the surprise of the police officers who were still fighting with him.

And sir in the microphone that' pay attention to the eyes!Don't just be in a daze!There are still criminals to be caught! ' shouted.

Naturally, there is also a 'quickly move the space probe here!We must find out where those two went! ' instructions follow.

And outside that first-line battlefield.

A pale, dying comatose wounded lying on the side of the gravel with long bloodstains, under the anxious gaze of his friends, and the first responders just took off his wound clothes, ready to activate the first aid device and rub the wound for treatment When the energy source——

Open your eyes suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a standard carp straightened up and got up steadily!
As if feeling a little strange, he turned to look at the stunned first responder:
"Can you give me my clothes back?"

"…oh oh."

"Thank you."

Under his friend's hellish gaze, he took over the three-piece suit that still had a lot of blood stains dotted with holes, with obvious distress on his face.

"... Can this be reimbursed?"

He suddenly turned around and asked the tiger-eared girl who was still squatting blankly.

And the latter tilted his head slightly and thought for a while: "Should it be possible?"

"No, why... how did you... how did you do it!?" As if having a brain storm during the questioning process, Shi Huaiya stared at the other party and looked around, leaving a piece of her back.

Compared with the solid and powerful outline of the back muscles, the clean back that should have been bloody, but only left with a circle of irregular blood stains is more worth paying attention to.

She still remembered the tragedy before, the wound that was stabbed across the face was clearly destroyed even the heart.

The person also retreated from the demon to the appearance of a human being, and it seemed that he would not survive. The first-aider she called also judged in the same way. If the first-aid device could not be pulled back, he was ready to perform magic.

If it's not cold and the soul is not broken, it should be able to be pulled back on the spot.

But the result...

"It's just one hand reserved in advance." Omer said, holding out the hand that was empty before, but now it is holding two cards.

Renki/Love ghost
Rindon/ Linton
Omer would like to call it a double unlucky combination of evil spirits and regenerators, but as long as it is used for the opponent, it is unlucky for the opponent.

"All in all, this proves that Tver not only has inside information, but is even a crucial element."

Before Shi Huaiya approached and took a closer look at Li Hui's gloomy cards and Li Hui's not-so-smart cards, Omer stopped, took out the card box in his coat pocket, and immediately raised his hand and knocked on the terminal:

"I feel like I already have an answer, let me contact someone first."

"Who? If you have the answer, why don't you tell us first!?"

Ms. Shi Huaiya felt that this citizen should be dragged to the police station for education.

"A big shot in the digital world."

Omer, who responded casually, lowered his vision slightly, and caught a glimpse of his gray wrist and the bracelet attached to it.

The plowing was still too hard when he was beaten into the air, even if his regenerative ability was strong enough, he was still in a mess.

It was a little unpleasant, but what was even more unpleasant was probably the opponent's classic tokusho-specific villain commentary, and he didn't fight back on the spot in order to have a long-term discussion.

"Although there is a highly probable guess, it still needs to be verified. If it is done well, it is not just about fishing for oil and water."

"Are you talking to me?" Shi Huaiya was a little speechless, and turned to look at the first responders, only to find that the latter had already got up and walked away.

There are other places where he is needed on this battlefield. He shouldn't be standing here listening to these two guys who seem to be acquaintances having some unknown conversations.

Of course, the reason for making this judgment had to be that he knew Shi Huaiya, otherwise, if he left without saying a word, any leader who left him would have to be careful to be noted.

Ms. Swariya didn't care, she still issued a few orders on the walkie-talkie when Aumer was pretending to be dizzy, and she didn't ignore the instructions because her friend was dying.

"Of course, here!"

Omer said, displaying the terminal screen.

"For you to observe and communicate, you must know some basic prerequisites."

(End of this chapter)

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