only monsters

Chapter 481 NO64 can get a strong chapter response (referring to the light cannon to send away

Chapter 481 NO.64 will get a strong response (referring to the light cannon sent away
Just as there are complaints about the "law of three episodes" in the fan drama circle, there are actually similar sayings in the horse racing world.

The ten steps before the gate will determine the sequence of the entire sequence, so it is often called the "Golden Ten Steps".

The sequence is mainly based on quick exits and grabbing positions.

Try to get an ideal "good position" to avoid swaying back and forth, and avoid being blocked in the way forward.

In this way, it can also reduce the consumption of physical strength and step into the middle game with a perfect posture.


This game is obviously abnormal enough.

It is so abnormal that the golden ten steps are like the law of three episodes, showing limitations that cannot be overcome.

What kind of queue is ten steps out of the gate, and it turns into another queue after ten seconds.

All the horse girls are gradually adjusting from the short-term incongruity, and began to truly show their due strength.

The vanguard is undergoing drastic changes. The No. [-] Ruby who just won the first place is competing with the King of Fengrao Medicine, while Xunhun Tianshou is staring at the front like a pioneer hunter.

Ma Niang, who has a relaxed reputation like Countryside Leisure and Evening Sky, followed closely behind, trying to surpass at any time.

For a while, the scene was like a crowd of heroes, it is hard to imagine that this has just entered the first half of the middle game.

It is precisely because of this...

"What a messy rhythm..." In the audience, a certain brown-haired horse girl muttered in a low voice, which can be regarded as expressing the aspirations of all professionals.

Many people think that running competition is a lonely sport that only looks at the runners themselves.

It is the pursuit of extreme speed by the runners themselves who are constantly pursuing the limit and getting faster and faster.

But when it comes to the concept of competition, the existence of opponents cannot be separated.

This is especially true of racing.

You have to keep an eye on your opponent, you have to keep an eye on your opponent.

The several running styles of the horse race girls are closely related to the rhythm of the group. At this moment, what the Sapporo Racecourse shows to the audience at first glance is a fierce competition between the heroes, but at a closer look, it is the entire rotten rhythm foundation.

And the 'culprit' of all this - the dark horse girl has been surpassed by other competitors one after another, as if she has hidden merits and fame, she falls in the middle, and is at the same speed as the other horse girls who seem to be poor.

But her demeanor remained as calm as ever.

Even if she had an excellent start, she did not rush forward impulsively, her running style has never changed, and she is still the poor attitude that has been accumulated over time.

The teahouse has always been a patient child. Another meaning of being well-behaved is being mature and intelligent, and knowing how to make others worry.

So when seeing her being steadily overtaken by the first Ruby, her trainer will say:
"She's pretty much settled."

It's just the first half of the middle game...

The rain-soaked grass seldom pleases horse girls, but the dark figure is trying to accept it.

The glass on rainy days can draw the silhouette of friends, which is the joy that a certain teacher bluntly said.

'I like rain very much. If you stay in the rain, you will have a real feeling of falling somewhere. '

'When the raindrops hit the body, one can understand one's own appearance. When it falls on the roof and hits the ground, it can turn into countless sounds, just like an ensemble of heaven and earth! '

'Even if you step on it, the shoe will become a bit heavier, but it will also give you a more realistic feeling of running. '

"So, the teahouse..."

'If you have a chance, would you like to try it?Solo in the rain. '

No rain today, but still heavy pastures.

She is really trying, that is the foreshadowing of the end game.

That solo, that originality.



"Just don't waste your time there, you'll catch a cold if you get wet with too much rain."

"It's not considered a cold, and why does the data body catch a cold?"

"Digimon will get sick, why is it so strange that a data body caught cold by data rain?"

On Sunday, Tranquility glanced angrily at Representative Qianming who was squatting on the side of the pillar and wiping his nose, and then turned back to look at the screen in front of him.

The data codes on it were densely packed, but she could not take her eyes off it.

Because it has the logo of the URA Association on it, and it also has Treyson's lengthy full name.

There is no doubt that what she bet on, the gamble represented by Qian Ming, is now the time to reveal the result.

Was it the servants of Chaldea, the magician of the Clock Tower, and the Ultramen of the Office of the Kingdom of Light who first found the core, or were they the first to find their respective targets——

——In this unilateral gamble, Sunday Tranquility can also declare a unilateral victory.

In an unremarkable office building in the base city, in the data cabin guarded by those aliens with surprisingly powerful strength, she was reading and deleting the stolen documents of the URA Association one by one.

It was raining outside the window, and cosmic beings of different shapes were still lying on the ground. The mosquito-repellent-faced aliens who were so tired of looking at them before were not here, but instead there were some strange-headed human-shaped existences.

Those with heads like fishes, those with heads like cicadas, and those with heads so strange that they cannot be matched by animals on the earth... All kinds of strange guys also possess strange abilities and dangerous weapons.

Rao, the two horse girls have already merged and almost overturned, losing to the first kill in the face of strange alien technology.

Among them, Mr. CB, who contributed the most, was so tired that he just wanted to rest at the moment.

When I squatted in front of the pillar to relax, I didn't even have the mood to turn out the light screen to watch the game.

Of course, considering their behavior at the moment, it would be a wise enough choice not to take any actions that expose the flow of data.

After all, there were not even those conspicuous Ultramans nearby, nor were there any servants who seemed to be the size of a person but had a huge battle momentum.

This is of course easy, and there will be no possibility of bad things being done by enthusiastic passers-by.

But if you encounter an enemy suddenly, you can't expect possible rescue.


Looking up at the fan on the ceiling, Qian Ming turned to look at Sunday Tranquility who was still leaning slightly in front of the screen.

"Hello, SS."


"Are you sure those files are not duplicates? Maybe after you deleted all those things, you found those things in other places."

"Are you doubting my information technology? I'm just deleting similar items in the database chain at the same time." Someone unconsciously said an explanation that he was too lazy to say on weekdays.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two has eased.

Or maybe it's just for this operation.

"Is there any evidence?"

"?" Glancing at this guy with some doubts, Sunday Tranquility turned around again.


"Really?" Representative Qian Ming stood up in surprise, shook his legs, and then did some stretching exercises.

The state recovery movements that were commonplace when she was a racehorse girl are also very natural to use after retirement.

"That means, did we really find a core area this time?"

"At least part of the core..." Her eyes were always on the high-speed file cleaning. Sunday Tranquility could have deleted the matter with one click, but at this moment she was typing keywords one by one to identify the content and delete it precisely. .

"Here are the documents of the URA Association, as well as the documents of some disciplines of the clock tower."

Because the spiritualism practiced by my sister is itself a discipline that has many connections with the Clock Tower's spiritual science, Sunday Tranquility, who has been swayed by her ears and eyes, can also identify those documents from it.

To be honest, it is conspicuous enough in itself.

After all, apart from the group of guys from other worlds, other origin energy practitioners will not insist on the distinction between "magic" and "magic" in origin energy, and then call themselves "magicians" all day long.

Although the culture of the Far East Region can fully accept this title, but... there is no magic in the Far East Region!

Yin Yang and Feng Shui are more acceptable.

So Tranquility on Sunday could see the data content of those clock towers at a glance, and then hesitated a little.

"Why don't you delete it for them too?" Representative Qian Ming, who was already standing in front of the screen, rubbed his chin.

What she said was exactly what Sunday Tranquility was hesitating about.

The clock tower's data has nothing to do with them, but it's nothing to sell favors.

But Sunday Tranquility wanted to act in secret, and this favor was sold...probably only Qian Ming accepted it on his behalf.

"It's up to you if you want." She said, really giving up some space.


"Why are you hesitating?" Sunday Tranquility looked at her a little speechless.

"I feel that the people in the clock tower are not very easy to talk to. I heard a lot of scandals about them before I retired."

"Sell favors and care about what?"

Sunday Tranquility only felt that the other party was baffled: "If you don't come, then don't bother me, I'm almost done."

"This is not possible, the plan has finally advanced to this point."

If you don't see him, listen to his voice first, and the two horse girls immediately turned their heads, but saw countless gunpoints appearing, surrounding the two of them.

With a strange metal face without a nose and a human figure, such cosmic beings appeared out of thin air in the size of a dozen people. Even though the two horse girls reacted quickly, they could only avoid the first round of shooting, and were followed by others. The last supplementary marksmanship hit - the shield.

Riding on Sunday Tranquility, the pitch-black shield was smashed in front of Representative Qian Ming.

He intended to defend him for a while, but unexpectedly, the bullet was unusual. The moment it hit the shield, it expanded several circles of light floating side by side, directly imprisoning the two of them together.

"Oh~ this is very convenient."

Among the group of cosmic beings who still can't see the difference like a copy, the one who stands at the forefront and speaks is probably the leader.

I was also surprised that this kills two birds with one stone.

"Why is it a capture bomb?!" The party involved, Miss Dark Sunday, felt very angry.

I thought it was the anti-personnel ammunition that came to cover it, but it turned out that this kind of one-turn restraint unfolded.

"Because you are all valuable negotiating resources," the leader said with a smile, "like those righteous heroes who are making trouble in the ADR area, we need existences like you to stop and let us have more time to implement The final stage of the plan."

"How did he say so much? I didn't even think he would answer." Sunday Tranquility said in a low voice.

"Maybe it's more casual." Liberty's representative Qian Ming also replied in a low voice.

"Don't ask, asking is the characteristic of Tokushu villains who always answer their questions and answer without asking."

Sunday Tranquility: "?"

Representative Qianming: "!"

The magnetic low voice that suddenly mixed in was at his side, and the cold edge also slashed across at this moment.

But Sunday Tranquility has turned into a mass of collapsed shadows at this moment, shifting from under the aperture, and then resurfacing.

As a result, the blade light also cut through the air, breaking through the original halo imprisonment, giving Representative Qian Ming a chance to retreat with the wind.

But the knife wielder seemed to have a remedy.

As a result, the blade's light deflected immediately, and in the next second it turned into a powerful and heavy giant blade, but it hit an unbeatable and sturdy gun body.

"There are still masters?"

The assailant was startled for a moment, and saw the suspected shotgun burst into flames, and immediately evaded it with a sliding step, but the projectile he avoided blasted several cosmic people behind.

"Let's go!" The three-eyed witch cowboy took advantage of the opportunity to dodge, the gun in his hand was still facing the hidden attacker, but the scarf around his neck had turned into a pair of big hands, grabbing Representative Qianming and Sunday Tranquility from left to right.

At this moment, the giant sword in the attacker's hand had already unfolded, and the light spots condensed from the huge black hole.

The next moment, the beam of light that seemed to contain killing intent roared!

But was dodged by the witch cowboy with a gorgeous rollover, and even the scarf was suddenly stretched in an arc, dragging the two horse girls who were throwing smoke bombs to avoid the scorching light beam, and then took the two horse girls Step back from the smoke.

Go straight to the big hole that was dissolved by the giant cannon.

(End of this chapter)

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