only monsters

Chapter 476 59: The logistics company who came to inquire about the status of temporary workers will

Chapter 476 NO.59 To inquire about the status of temporary workers, the logistics company will

Mr. Shen Yongxin Er, instead of supporting his teammates, he came to the coffee shop to hang up. If it is true, he should be reported.

But because he is outside the control of Kingdom of Light, everyone can totally forgive him.

As a civilization observer belonging to the light star of the extraterrestrial advanced civilization, Lipia.

This brother's "alien texture" is also far heavier than the original Ultraman of the alien homotopia.

Even when acting as a human being, 'Kaminaga Shinji' has a more 'sensation of another world' than 'Hayata Susumu'.

Admittedly, this difference can be largely explained by time.

After all, unlike 'Susumu Hayata' who stayed on the earth for a long time, the time that 'Kaminaga Shinji' stayed on the earth can only be said to be the level of Golden Week tourism.

Fighting monsters is fast, the plot is pushed fast, saving the earth is fast, and leaving is very simple. The "New Ultraman" that records his deeds can be used as "Earth" by the Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light "Speed-through Process" textbook-level efficiency.

But the facts in front of him now prove that it is not that the world is not colorful enough, but that Lipia's nature is like this.

It is not the difference in personality, but the difference in inner nature, which enables him to carry out the purity of that "cosmic man".

In Omer's observation field of vision, it can be said that he stands out from the crowd even more. He can't help but think that when collecting information about the other party, he has seen the image design concept of "New Ultraman" which is the ultimate creature.

This ultimate is not just a physical meaning like that of Katz, but also psychologically.

It has a sense of completeness, and it is also different from others because of that sense of completeness.

People are always pursuing perfection, but they can't reach it.

When faced with true perfection, one will feel distorted, even fearful.

Of course, Omer is no ordinary person, not even an ordinary human being.

The fear exists, but only a little.

It was not the first time he had come into contact with Lipia, and he had even been scrutinized by the big light bulb eyes in front of the other party in the appearance of Mephilas, and he behaved calmly at this moment.

Although there were still three monster cards on the table, and the one that was spread out didn't look like a good one at first glance, but he still had a calmness that had nothing to do with him.

"You didn't go over there to help Uub and the others, but came to monitor me instead?"

"They refused my assistance."

Lipia said calmly, there was no ups and downs in tone or content, let alone embellishments.

"I am waiting in the real world until I receive information that you have been contacted by Commander Black."

"So you came here and stared at me unabashedly? Didn't even order a cup of coffee?" Homa said, glancing at the far counter, where there was only a glass with half a glass of water left in it.

Homa thought to himself that even with his thick skin, it would be difficult to sit in this kind of coffee shop without ordering anything.

The clerk in the shop of Tranquility on Sunday is also really discerning. It is clearly a coffee shop for high-end customers, but he just can't drive away this guy who is also dressed in ordinary clothes.

"Do you have to order? Then I can—" "No, I'm afraid you will find me AA." Omer waved his hand quickly.

Although the economy is a little better, he still remembers the menu prices of the restaurant in Tranquility on Sunday.

Originally, he chose this meeting place because of the other party's treat.

Now that the big benefactor is gone, he can't be expected to pay for it.

Although the human body in his hometown also has the title of strategic planning officer of the Ford Team (the name of the New Ori's defense team positioning team), but in this world...

Omer had collected the other party's information and clearly marked his identity as a vagrant.

Of course, it can also be called flexible employment. Like Kai, she does not have a fixed job, but goes to places where she is needed.

It adds a huge resistance to the earth aggression plan of the aliens such as Commander Black.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as the indirect promoter of Omer's receipt of this commission.

It's just that the other party obviously doesn't regard it as such. Sitting in front of Homa, the sitting posture is as standard as that of Commander Black. They are all guys who don't know how to appreciate the beauty of the sofa.

But the difference is that he keeps the theme in mind.

"What do you decide to do?"

Just like this, the man was always thinking about the original question, and his eyes also swept to the three cards on the table.

"Yeah, how to do it?"

Homa, who took off his glasses, reflected the three cards with blood-colored pupils.

"A rare entrustment, even a consultant."

"Perhaps I prepared this way after investigating the content of my previous mercenary commissions, but I didn't even draw up a mercenary contract, ha," when he said this, the demon even laughed a little, and then looked at the smiling face. Undisguised, "Seriousness reveals casualness, which really makes it difficult for me to evaluate..."

As he said, he raised his hand and picked up the three cards, stacking them together.

The giant ant super beast Aribunta (Ali Punta), the super ancient monster Galra (Galura), and... the strange beast Gan-Q (eye Q).

As a deposit, this is considered luxurious.

Omer is not a duelist (crossed out) who looks down on ordinary monster cards after he has a strength card, but a monster power holder.

Ultra-beasts and ultra-ancient monsters are all types of monsters beyond ordinary monsters (the echelon of underground monsters, which are also the purest natural ecological monsters). Among them, Garura once completely suppressed Tiga, because the prophet explained his weakness. One hit kill.

As for the eye Q... This is a special monster that has made great achievements in energy spells, and it can be regarded as a weakened Griza.

Although it is weakened, it is also more controllable, unlike Grizaka who has been in front of the warehouse in his hands so far.

The dog-gambling mechanism of random skills is still a contradictory thing for Omer.

At the moment, he is holding these three cards, unfolding them like playing cards, and handing them back.

"So, how would you like to choose?" he asked.

Facing the other party's calm gaze, he had a smile on his face.

"I happen to be quite hesitant, so you decide, among these three choices."

As he said, he raised his hand and spread the three cards a little apart.

"A super beast, a super ancient monster, and a strange beast correspond to accepting commissions, rejecting commissions, and... special choices."

He looked at Shen Yongxin Er, and Shen Yong Xin Er looked at the three cards with the same backs. After a few seconds of silence, he raised his head and said to him: " are an office mercenary."

"He knew it too, but he still sent out the invitation. It can be seen that the content of this consultant is the type that can bypass legal judgment."

Not surprised by his words, Omer responded calmly, and then shook the card in his hand slightly.

"So, come and try?"

"I hope you draw the super ancient monster. After all, I feel the same as it. Everyone was arrested to work reluctantly, and their spirits were devastated and riddled with holes."

Kay probably laughed at these words, questioning how true they were.

But Shenyong Shinji just glanced at him, and after a little hesitation, stretched out his hand.


after an hour.


"If you're hungry, it will take 10 minutes to make. Let's use the cookie mat first, it's made by bourbon."

"It's not about dinner! Why do you think I'm asking about dinner!"

"Isn't it?"

"It's about the cafe!"

"The status confirmation before the game is still about that card?"


Ari Tachoko turned her head to look in the direction of the living room: "What is that card? It looks disgusting."

Even if she has a [-]% desire to study monsters, she also has an aesthetic aspect.

than 'I like any monster! Akane Akane and Eri Tsubaki, the DD philanthropic party, will still judge by appearance even though they are not sure about the research value of the other party.

And things like eye Q are probably not liked by ordinary girls.

Not to mention that the eye Q on the card is not the long-legged figure coming and going, but the hideous appearance printed on the ground.

But Tachyon has also seen the surprise and a little bit of joy on the teahouse's face, and it is because of this that he is even more curious.

"Students of the Spirit Department will be more interested in strange beasts, you can go to Qian for advice."

"It's so perfunctory, what about the state of the cafe?"

"You also saw how satisfied she was when she got the card."

"Is it in this state?" She squinted her eyes with a bit of dissatisfaction.

"This state can affect the state of the game. Can you help me when you are so idle?"

"I'll get Bourbon to give you a hand."

"You are also perfunctory to me."

Looking at the back of the guy who had turned and ran away, Omer smiled helplessly.

"If there is a courier later, help me get it."

"Who will deliver the courier at night!"

 Eye Q, or Garn Q, as a strange beast, is different from regular monsters, and its setting has a direct relationship with the human spirit.Leaving aside the version that is frequently revived in the monster cemetery, the eye Q of "Gaia" is the embodiment of the malicious curse of the conjurer (or magician), and the eye Q of "Galaxy" is the forceful transformation of human beings by aliens. Product (but it didn't destroy anything because of the bad psychology).

  As for those eyes that are directly summoned in other works, the source of which is not explained, it may be regarded as the spiritual product of some aliens, or even the people on earth.

(End of this chapter)

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