only monsters

Chapter 470 53: Regularity has its own meaning

Chapter 470 NO.53 Regularity has its own meaning

Chaldean Medical Service, Ward 7.

This time it was a normal ward, without an overly large room size or hangar-like furnishings.

Even the large fighter plane that should have existed has turned into a young man in a western-style formal suit - half lying on the hospital bed, with bandages under the suit, at first glance, it looks like he is trying to cosplay a mummy who devours crabs , but in fact...

"It's really puzzling! No matter how you take off his clothes and apply a bandage, the clothes will return to him within 10 minutes!"

"It's probably an unexpected phenomenon caused by breaking away from the data and returning to reality."

The woman dressed as a nun explained that she was forbidden by a certain BB to set foot in the data world. Although it was a pity that she could not help the master on the battlefield there, she could also assist the doctor in taking care of the patients.

Of course, the doctor is not very willing to be helped by her.

And I don't think how this patient needs to be cared for.

The real rescue is carried out in the data world, and it is just an attempt to receive medicine in the real world after waking up.

This patient is not a patient in the conventional sense, and does not need the care of a conventional patient.

It's like a doctor simply prescribed a fried chicken and hamburger recipe after simply asking the other person whether he was dizzy, whether the wound was painful, and whether he had other abnormal symptoms.

Then the other party started to eat very energetically.

Whoa!What a wonderful hand rejuvenation!Doctor Roman!
Before the doctor was 'killed' with an elbow by a nurse, a certain Heian period Waka JK writer praised it so much.

This is Chaldea.

The composition of its employees is very mysterious, very strange, and very indescribable. It sounds like some kind of Cthulhu Academy, but the actual composition is not completely irrelevant.

Thanks to the lack of purity, otherwise it would not be able to squeeze through.

For example, take the King in Yellow who has only been on TV a while ago.

Even this Aldebaran tramp in yellow and the big green-skinned fat boy in the sea have been chased by the Otto gang several times, and even the pieces of meat and clothes were beaten to pieces.

The many homotopes of different worlds who were related to each other also failed to find a gap to squeeze in.

Even if some members of their world entered this world by mistake, Tianmen also found the location of their world and sent them back, which made them very curious about this place when they got the news.

When it is full, it is full, unless you cut your own elements thin enough, such as the avatar of the avatar, the leftovers of the avatar, or someone else with a metaphorical element, maybe you can try to squeeze it hard?
This is usually an operation that can only be attempted by gods and the like as high-dimensional existence.

Performing microscopic surgery on the informational components that make up the self.

However, these followers of Chaldea can rely on the convenience of the spirit base system itself to make some absurd, bold, and thought-provoking changes.

To achieve the effects of transformation, stitching, and cutting at the high-dimensional level.

Then some guys who do have the elements of foreign gods can mix in like this.

You can even communicate with the Outer Gods in this world across borders, and then discuss when the Outer Gods anthropomorphism started.

But let's not talk about gossip, this is the occasion of a certain super agent.

After waking up from his childhood call, and finally being able to change from that troublesome fighter plane form back to a convenient and friendly human form, the Chaldean staff who were in charge of taking care of him hurried him away from the data world for convalescence. Back to the real world.

He also stuffed a plastic toy in his hand to comfort him.

——That is the enhanced structure that Da Vinci's designers designed for him at the suggestion of Omer.

It is not only the equipment used to repair his fuselage, but also a complex device that can be disassembled and assembled into reinforced armor to expand the output of his engine.

Of course, it looks like a very simple toy racing car on the outside, to the extent that even the remote control system can't be plugged in.

The effect of the toy is amazing.

When I woke up, I was in a strange room (ward), strange attire (referring to some servants' extra self-styled outfits), and a terrifying gaze (a certain Zhuge Kongming, who did not want to be named, had been waiting for too long for clues).

The super agent was not so scared that he jumped up and kicked the overtime worker in front of him. He was regarded as a toy and made great achievements with the little girl.

The latter refers to the little girls who have been guiding him with their voices in his confusion, Nursery Rhyme, Youzhen, and Little Jack.

After hearing that the master would come back with a snack to thank him, he left happily, leaving El-Melloi II, Morgan, and Gray to stay in this ward.

What these three have in common is that they are all related to the clock tower case.

Gray is the assistant of the Second Emperor, and he investigates the attack on the Clock Tower together with him, and Morgan is the one who was stigmatized.

Except for Miss Gray who was still wearing a hood in the room, the gazes of the other two adults were full of oppression.

If a certain doctor hadn't broken into the ward with an awkward yet polite smile and brought a tablet, this silent confrontation might have lasted for a long time.


Lunar Snake: [Hello, super agent who has never been masked before.

Of course, there are also Chaldean employees on the side, how about you, I guess His Excellency El-Melloi II is also there, so how about taking the liberty to propose to get straight to the point?
Of course, Mr. Agent, you should be very confused by now.

I don't know where I am, and I don't know who those people are.

But this is actually not important, the important thing is, do you still remember the battle before you fell into a coma?
You are chasing a spaceship, which is probably a spaceship that violates the law, disturbs the peace, and even has aliens hiding in it, holding the power of strange behemoths.

do you remember

Those around you want this information.

Please try to recall, someone is being wronged because of this]


Typing the above content, the ending is too hasty to have time to type the full stop. Omer never sends messages with punctuation other than question marks at the end, only when writing long paragraphs will it be relatively regular.

However, the reason why the full stop was sent out without typing was not that I didn't want to post it, but that I saw the teahouse approaching.


The dark-haired girl's complexion is not very good, it's not because her sister said anything excessive during the call, on the contrary:
"'Friend' agrees, but her condition seems to be..." "Not too optimistic."

Omer took the second half of her sentence.

And mentioned what she had said before.

"Cities, streets, buildings and rooms jump..."

"It probably doesn't belong to the usual way of moving."

"She's either chasing someone or being chased by someone, isn't she?"

"Her breathing is very rapid..." the tea seat said, her ears drooping, "it shouldn't be for a spirit body, and there seems to be some explosions and collapses."

"I don't think she asked you for help, or even explained what she was doing."


"There should have been similar things before."


"You have to have confidence in her. She also knows my ability, but she has no intention of asking me for help."

"..." The tea seat closed her eyes in silence, and after a few seconds, she raised her ears slightly and nodded, "It's just that I can't run for a short time."

"Go to the activity room and make a cup of coffee, and the connection state from time to time can't do most of the training." Omer suggested.

"Okay, then... the trainers should pay more attention to Tachyon and Bourbon."

Compared to her own situation, the girl chose to give the trainer's attention to her companions.

In this regard, Omer just swiped the live broadcast link and forwarded it to the other party's Umaline.

"Actually, it doesn't matter, even you can pay attention, but let's make a cup of coffee first, I can even take you and your coffee to visit them by the conveyor belt."

"Okay!" The girl responded.

In this way, he was completely refreshed, and there was a new pop-up window on Omer's screen.

From Witch Beast, it is a file and live broadcast application.

Also from Chaldea Communications.

[Specially emphasize that the people around me want to get the information. Is what you want different from them? 】

Looking at this string of characters, a happy arc appeared on Omer's calm face.

Lunar Serpent: [Very sharp, Mr. Agent. 】

【My companion and I are more interested in you and your Hyper Agent. 】

【What we want is your information, especially that, Gridman's information. 】

(End of this chapter)

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