only monsters

Chapter 468 51: A truly rare talent

Chapter 468 NO.51 A Truly Rare Talent

Both Bourbon and Tachyon are still performing winner stage simulations on the stage prepared by Teacher Datuo, which can also be called "perseverance training" and "intelligence training".

Only the teahouse is still running on the track of the central training ground.

It is true that the quality performance of the three horse girls is different, and there are also differences in the training direction in the plan designated by Aumer for the three, but the training content at the beginning is as consistent as possible, so as not to avoid Aumer himself. Lack of skills.

But now that he has mastered the teleportation skills, combined with the modern live broadcast function, it can make up for this shortcoming very well.

The training plan was also readjusted, more in line with Ma Niang's actual situation, instead of emphasizing three people walking together.

A three-person team is absolutely not enough to train the horse race girl.

So there is the present scene.

"How many grades...?"

Omer raised the stopwatch directly at her.

"I think it's time for you to rest and think about it now."

The comparison of the before and after values ​​is not ideal, but compared to the numbers at this moment, Omer has noticed several out-of-shape in the teahouse's running posture as early as when the opponent was still running.

It shouldn't have been.

In the previous few days of practice, although Teahouse's running movements were not as stable as Bourbon's, they were at least more stable and standardized than Tachyon, and there were no mistakes.

Looking at the horse girl whose eyes were still calm but whose ears were slightly drooping, Homa raised his hand and broke off the mineral water bottle fixed on the fence with ice.

It was just a bottle of ordinary mineral water that he put on the ice platform created by Yuanneng.

Handing iced water to people after strenuous exercise—this kind of dangerous behavior with common sense mistakes will not appear in the group of trainers and horse girls.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

When he handed out the bottle, he saw the virtual image reflected in the dark golden eyes of the other party.

Facing the silent gaze of the other party, Omer added another sentence: "You should understand that your state is not right."

Race horse girls always have a ruler about speed and time in their hearts, and the accuracy of it varies with the level of ability.

But it will always be more accurate than ordinary students in judging academic performance.

It is also difficult to feel good about yourself, but the actual test paper is bleak.

Compared with ordinary students, horse girls have a more common advantage-that is, they will not deny their own regression.

It's better to say that she is more anxious than you when she really sees a regression.

It's like at this moment that took the water bottle but didn't drink it, just held the water bottle and slowly lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, he raised his head:

"...Trainer, I..." Unlike the previous pauses in the slow tone, her pause this time was obviously due to the anxiety in her heart.

Or struggle with wording, or hesitate to say.

"...has hallucinations..."

"It's in the city... on the street... still jumping in the upstairs room... some nostalgia... but also a little strange..."

She said, staring at Omer seriously, as if she was looking forward to it, or cared about the trainer's reaction.

After all, this kind of statement is somewhat bizarre, and she has never really talked about this situation with the trainer.

But this kind of situation was actually something she was used to in the past, and it was also her secret.

It's just that it never really affected training and competition, so she won't mention it to others.

And now...

She remembered that a few years ago, in front of the window sill of the classroom in the junior high school, she and other students lay on the window to watch the school mock game in the distance.

Horse girls of the same age competed fiercely inside the arena, and the trainers outside the arena cheered.

Then a classmate who was not familiar with him casually asked:
'Tea seat, tea seat, what are your requirements for trainers? '

' trainer...'

She didn't answer at that time, because her answer was as inconvenient as the content itself.

- my trainer...

——It must be someone who knows all my secrets.
But such a person is almost impossible to find in Treisen.

Because the knowledge of secrets is usually either revealed by oneself, or discovered and understood.

The tea house will not take the initiative to talk about its secrets with anyone.

At the same time, she is a dull and honest horse lady who rarely shows her flaws.

With ordinary contact, one can only understand her weird style, but cannot touch her real secret.

It would have been like this.

But occasionally, life has surprises.

"I see…"

A thoughtful trainer with neither hesitation nor doubt on his face.

Not even wondering.

Only nodding his head as if suddenly enlightened, the teahouse has lost even the process of "revealing" the secret that he has always cherished in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, his answer did prove that this was not a bluff.

"It's time for me to talk to Sunday Tranquility later."

"Although this feeling can strengthen the training process of talent origin, but other training is unnecessary."

"…so, I suppose, how about blocking that connection at certain times?"

that connection.

Soul connection.

The connection that can only be produced by souls with excellent compatibility, usually occurs between blood relatives who have a blood relationship, but there are also many examples outside of this.

After all, the world is so big and there are so many lives, and it is true that we can meet some souls who are not related by relatives but who are in tune with each other——

——The mentor of the Spiritual Division once told her.

Tell this little girl that since she was a child, she has achieved many achievements that no professional in the spirit science has ever achieved in her entire life.

It's also an excellent foundation.

Reaching a connection with a soul without relying on a contract of any nature also means that between the two souls, the strong one will always nourish the weak one until the positions of the two souls are reversed.

But there are also inconveniences, that is, souls that are so compatible will not only share soul power, but also memory, and even self.

Influence each other, blur each other.

But because the soul has a good compatibility-this in itself also means that the other party and you are very compatible, so this group never worries about this.

The trainer seemed to know it too, so even if he knew it, he didn't take the initiative to mention it.

Now mentioning it, I didn't say to disconnect directly.

Although he is only a few years older than himself, the trainer is very knowledgeable.

She was so erudite that she had quietly surprised her many times.

"That guy is probably busy right now, let's do another speed test later... Ah, let's get some dinner that guy can accept by the way, and increase the success rate of the conversation."

He is also very talkative and has a good relationship with his 'friends'.

"It's a pity that it's inconvenient to add more spice to her this time. She's clearly from the Anmei District, but she can't accept the Anmei District hot sauce."

It's just that the way they get along is completely opposite.

Is very aggressive relationship is very good, so she often do not know what to do.

But such a trainer is indeed the trainer she expected.

Especially when the other party not only miraculously knows his secret, but also has a good relationship with his friends.

And the one that makes her feel the most powerful is...

"By the way, the teahouse, you can rest here for a while, I have something to find a craftsman."


"I made an appointment in advance. Just now, I sent a message to tell me that I am free, that is, to slightly change the style of some props. I will excuse you for a few minutes."

The trainer who said that, although there was a smile on his face, his eyes were full of serious gaze before he lifted his glasses to cover them.

It was as sharp as if he had been cut open, and it was so sharp that the tea seat's heart would tighten.

She knew that if she said anything to resist, he would come up with corresponding coping skills and methods.

The trainer's erudition, combined with the excessively sharp eyes, will make people feel involuntary fear.

She has seen trainers just by observing a person, they can guess the mental activities of the other person, and even what they have just done, and show different attitudes based on this.

When faced with such gazes, she can't help being afraid that she will be treated like this, like a cold object, and the appraiser will tell the material, workmanship, year, and how it has been used.

Also at this time, she could clearly feel the boiling silhouette of the other party.

It was some kind of dark, indifferent, ever-expanding, violently stretching outline.

"Then... I wish you success..."

"Ah, thank you for your good words."

When the glasses were covered, the outline seemed to be covered with a layer of frosted glass, which made her feel a little pity.

"Then I will excuse you for a moment."


The teahouse smiled and waved, and then saw that the other party seemed to have new news and looked up into the air.

And then she caught—

——The corner of the other party's mouth also curved slightly.

Also at that moment, the frosted glass was engulfed in blackness.

Easily... just like pure black, it is a color that will be assimilated no matter what color is mixed.

Like coffee, dark and deep.

It made her look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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