only monsters

Chapter 458 41: You really don't care about criminals at all

Chapter 458 NO.41 You Really Don’t Care About Criminals
In the story of "Electric Superman Gullit".

Ippei Baba, a second-year student in junior high school, is not only a picture bar brother, he can use second-hand parts to build a computer named "Junk" that can accommodate Gullit.

He is also a master who is good at computer technology and graphic design.

To what extent is the gold content of this master?

——The data weapons supporting Gullit were all developed by him.

——At the same time, Gullit's shape is qualitative because he possesses the CG "Gullit" designed by him.

At first glance, this seems to be no problem.

After all, it's normal for a guy with this kind of positioning in a special drama.

Just like Dr. Horii in Tikari, Shōshin from Trigari, Class A war criminals from the Kingdom of Light, Kiryu Sentu in Kamen, George Karizaki, etc., they can solve problems immediately by relying on technology problem exists.

The Last was even the object of Omer's recent visit.


Ippei Baba is only a sophomore in junior high school.

Although his design ability was still very rough at the beginning, the CG "Gullit" possessed by Gullit was also quite crude at the beginning.

But then the support arm he designed directly reflected the leap-forward growth.

It can be said that he is the incarnation of Tsuburaya and Daige, who single-handedly designed the leather case design of Gullit and his additional weapons.

In addition to this, he has two friends.

Xiang Naoto and Inoue Yuka, the former is the "human body" selected by Gullit, and the latter is the king of ideas.

Only when the three of them are together can the story of "Electric Superman Gullit" come into being. They confide with the super agent Gullit and stop the ambition of the only designated villain to dominate the earth and the online world.

The contribution of the children is very important, even greater than Gullit's own set performance, so that the latter's performance is often jokingly called a weapon shelf, which is quite a bit like the treatment of the same clan and the same family.

This is not a shortcoming, and the needs of fighting beasts are not something that story writers need to consider.

Omer, who used the story itself as a reference to find useful information, didn't care about the poor discussion of combat power.

He only needs to deeply understand the proportion of the two elements of "idealism" and "reality" in it, and then try to reproduce it.

But to be honest, even with such an idea, it is still difficult to implement it.

So when he heard Fujimaru Tatsuka's question, he was stunned for several seconds.

"Although it's really just that simple, Mr. Linton."

"Easy? It's not easy, Fujimaru-san."

"First of all, it's hard to find a decent support arm designer. It can be said that there is no one in a million."

"Secondly, compared to the original work and Gullit's support for each other and a little bit of growth, I took a little trick and directly selected young children with pure emotions. After all, what we want is to restore and awaken each other, not to truly cultivate A Gullit."

"And young children with pure emotions are equally rare."

Especially in this day and age.

Children with a free family style and who are not expected too much by their parents can enjoy a normal growth trajectory.

However, the family style is relatively strict and elite children are directly forced to "know it from birth".

What's more, the "mystery in the womb" was forcibly broken by the chip and the source energy.

Therefore, in today's society, precocious groups occupy the majority instead, and it is precisely because of this that the age threshold for adulthood has not been raised due to the increase in average life expectancy.

It is difficult for Omer to judge whether it is good or bad to contact and understand the world too early, but he can be sure that this will become the biggest obstacle for him to find the pure one.

In contrast, Chaldea was grateful to be able to find a few of them immediately.

As for this unique local situation, Tatsuka Fujimaru, who is a traveler, obviously doesn't understand it very well.

But fortunately, he has a wealth of experience in dealing with abnormal environments and abnormal humanities.

Considering the content of work that Chaldea itself requires the masters to undertake, it is not an exaggeration to directly call them "experienced time travelers".

So he didn't get too entangled in this topic, but simply explained the status of the super agent, and then ended the communication.

From the communication in the chat room at the network level to the terminal communication in the house at this moment, it took nearly three days.

August [-]th was probably a very lucky day in the Dongyan cultural circle, but Aomo didn't feel any luck at all.

The reason is probably because a card was broken in the morning.

It's unbelievable.

At the moment after I finally went to Mr. Kiryu to help complete the propulsion device, theoretically, there is a card pool with an [-]% success rate, and he can get the [-]% in the first shot.

Even the little card-drawing trick (referring to manual blocking) that I learned by myself couldn't stop the out-of-control.

There is an illusion that there is no transformation.

He couldn't help thinking about it carefully, the "rabbit" he met was not white haired and red-eyed, and he probably wouldn't fool himself who was "overwhelmed by the coffee in his coffee shop".

So instead of thinking about the problem with the machine, you might as well think about your own variables——

Sure enough, it is because there is no negative energy recently, right?
Lenovo's only card rescue was still out of anger, so Omer could not help guessing.

In the past two days, except for the contact with Chaldea, the daily life was smooth enough, and the contact with Chaldea itself was a proof of the steady progress of the clues, which also made him very relaxed.

Relaxed enough to make him inseparable from the sofa, feeling that today is too boring.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the comment of Demon God Pillar.

Longing for peace but unable to restrain his madness... Although he sounds like an ordinary office worker, his self-esteem is not that high: he is just cheap.

This is his self-criticism.

Longing for leisure when busy, and feeling that life is too boring when free - usually only guys with electronic impotence can think like this.

There are many ways of entertainment, and the game world is even more colorful. It's not that Omer doesn't want to travel, but he still has to use the online class to mix up the mercenary level.

He knows why there are so many mercenaries who do not take the formal route. The promotion channel of the formal route is almost the same as that of ordinary technical occupations. It is a rotation of classes, exams, and research.

For many people, this will be an extremely terrifying barrier.

But for a guy like Omer who graduated from high school and didn't go to college, he can still comfort himself, "Just take the exam with the trainer and make up for the postgraduate entrance examination for himself..."

——Thinking about it this way, it feels like new negative emotions are about to be discovered.

But Omer didn't want to torture himself in order to increase the rate of drawing cards, so he still chose to focus on the online class and the newsletter that just ended.

Regarding the awakening plan for the super agent, his idea of ​​replicating it is obviously correct.

Because of the efforts of the past two days, Fujimaru's communication today has mentioned that the fighter planes that have been reintroduced into the data world are slowly docking and merging with the support armed forces designed by Chaldea.

Originally, the energy value that could not be strengthened by forcible repairs has also been improved in this subtle fusion.

From the perspective of the development route, it will probably be in the past few days to wake up.

An all-female children's team consisting of Youzhen, Nursery Rhyme, and Jack the Ripper is in charge of Idealism.

Armed with support from Da Vinci, Sakata Kintoki, and Edison, he is in charge of materialism.

Through the connection and transmission in the data field of the computer world, and then conveying the children's prayers little by little, even if the super agent is not the dream hero, he can still receive the wishes of others.

But in this way, it is preliminarily ruled out that the other party is a somewhat extreme or distorted super agent from the "Gurlitt Teachings".

Normal super agent...

Although it is suspected to be a time traveler, it is also a big clue that can point to Gullit's real body, right?
But it does not rule out the possibility that Gullit is still a famous legend.

After all, considering that the other party is also a super agent roaming the multiverse, Gullit is completely like Mr. Hong Kai.

Probably very well-known, but not many people can really contact him.

But then again, since it is roaming the multiverse, can this universe be included?

He thought about this question, but felt a little uneasy.

It seems that I have overlooked something.

It is probably more important, but it is far from the level that makes him uneasy.

what exactly is it?
(End of this chapter)

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