only monsters

Chapter 455 38: Who is not a special photo fan?

Chapter 455 NO.38 Who Is Not A Special Fan?

In the Holy Federation of Terra, if you have experience working in the network, you will recognize a fact.

That is - there are really many demons and ghosts on the Internet!

Among them, the first to bear the brunt is the Digimon, which is no longer a rare creature.

Since the Heart of Terra reached an agreement with several large organizations and legions in the digital world, most of them are willing to abide by the rules of Digimon to have the legal activity rights, and they have been active in various parts of the Internet world at the same time...

From time to time, new species emerge that have not been recorded in digital data in time.

At the same time, the federal network is often 'haunted'.

The federal Cybersecurity Act permits the placement of the souls of the dead, leading to such frequent occurrences.

It's not sure if the person surfing the Internet with you is a human being, or even a living creature or a ghost.

But... the ghosts themselves are different.

Because there are quite a lot of dead people falling on the earth today.

Humans are the most common, but there are also demihumans, even spirits, and even giant dragons and monsters.

There are even traversers and alien creatures among them.

Because most of them will not appear gray and miserable in the data world, but relatively normal, which makes it more difficult for network residents to identify them.

In addition to this, there are more strange creatures alive in the online world. It is simply some self-aware mechanical bodies surfing the Internet-this kind of thing also exists.

So when the fighter plane was carried into Chaldea's 'ward' and was still unconscious, there were endless debates within Chaldea.

Is it fighter AI?
Or some strange mechanical Digimon?
Or a strange invention of which scientist?
Waiting for guesses, different, and no results.

Even the Internet police who came to check after contacting them failed to retrieve the corresponding existence information from the federal archives.

For this fighter with such a mysterious identity, as a result of internal discussions in Chaldea, it was decided to hide its existence first.

After all, the other party was obviously chasing the illegal intruder to break in, maybe it was a law enforcement officer, or just an enemy of the enemy.

In any case, this will be a special witness.

The identity of the spaceship that broke into the server on the inner side of the world has not been ascertained, but it can be detected that the "Phenomena Recording Computer Familiar Laplace" has been severely invaded and part of the data has been stolen.

Of course Chaldea wouldn't think so.

The tracing of the traces left by the intrusion and the comparison and investigation of the residual data in the server are carried out simultaneously.

Before that, the biggest source of information was obviously the fighter who had been fighting against the spaceship since he first appeared on the stage.

I really hope it can wake up soon...or recover soon...

Fujimaru Tatsuka looked at the huge fighter planes placed in the ward that could be called a hangar, and thought so.

Then he turned to look at the black-haired man who was approaching.

"Long time no see, Professor."

The follower Zhuge Kongming, or El-Melloi II.

In the Magic Association, there are only 12 people who are awarded the rank of Lord by the clock tower, and are also the managers of their respective branches, and this man who is both a servant and a magician Among them, it can be regarded as a star-like existence.

Because of this, he is rare in Chaldea.

Often in Hengchang City, or in Hongying District, there are affairs related to the Clock Tower, as well as courses related to modern magic.

So when he appeared, it meant that something special happened.

Either Chaldea needs to call him for help, or the clock tower needs him as a communication intermediary.

"I haven't given you many lessons, who told you to call me that?" The Second King had a face of being forced to work overtime, but he still showed a helpless wry smile when he was greeted.

These servants of Chaldea have a good relationship with the two brothers and sisters Master Fujimaru Tachika and Fujimaru Tachibana.

Some parts can even be described as intimate, even affectionate.

Those are the friendships established during the journey to save the world, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as a "bond" in the Far Eastern context.

It is true that El-Melloi is not among the last ones. He only admires this increasingly mature young man, and he doesn't even have a stomachache because of the other party's achievements.

This is rare.

El-Melloi II, the top idol in the Clock Tower, is known to be jealous of outstanding geniuses, and whenever a student achieves success, he will have mixed feelings of sadness and joy, even stomachaches.

But even so, he did not stop training students.

As a mediocre person in magic aptitude, he has to struggle with his "ordinary" while striving to become a first-class magician, and then he is stunned by the increasing number of geniuses in his classroom (x).

But Tachika Fujimaru is really not a genius.

Like Weber Velvet, he is a hard worker with mediocre qualifications, and what is worse than Weber Velvet's situation is that Fujimaru Tachibana is indeed a genius.

There are extremely high numbers of magic circuits with high qualifications. Even though she joined Chaldea as an ordinary person like her brother, and was involved in the journey of struggling to survive, her growth rate is amazingly fast.

With such a younger sister, the pressure on Fujimaru Tachika can be imagined.

He is undoubtedly unfortunate, but fortunate, because the brother and sister have always been close, and this journey is also accompanied by countless stars.

Accepting his own ordinaryness and working hard for it - looking at his achievements in this way, El-Melloi II will not have a stomachache.

As seekers on the same path, students go further than teachers. Compared with the same jealousy and expectations, they are more gratified.

Even if the other party is as he said, he has not taught a few lessons by him.

"Eh? I heard that you have already been admitted to the title of professor here. I regret that I didn't give you the first time to celebrate."

"Congratulations..." The man held his forehead helplessly, "Do you still remember what you were doing at that time?"

"I'm being surrounded," the young man smiled. "Those mecha soldiers were oppressive when I first met them."

"So don't think about it when you are surrounded by Greek fighters," the second said unhappily. He felt that the two brothers and sisters were the same in that they love to be brave, so they simply changed the topic back to the fighters not far away, " Do you really trust that thing?"

"Not sure, but I still want to give him a chance."

Fujimaru Tachika turned her head and looked at the fighter whose indicator lights all over the body were quite dim. The huge hole in the center made it look like it was completely destroyed, but judging by the detection of the device that Da Vinci rushed to make.

He's still 'alive'.

"In this world, it is hard to imagine not having an identity. He can completely solve his identity problem before acting, but he is chasing the criminal."

The identity cannot be verified, just like a time traveler...

Chaldea was originally a research institution composed of a large number of traversers and a small number of locals, so it is not surprising that such speculations would emerge.

Among them, as one of the main speakers of Chaldea, he is even more willing to take the initiative to guarantee it.

He understands this kind of experience of having no identity, no way to verify, and the situation is extremely bad, so at the moment, while containing its existence and monitoring its internal energy representation (this is regarded as a proof of survival status), he is trying to 'repair' and wake it up.

As for what kind of 'ward' can accommodate a fighter plane with a wingspan of more than ten meters...

Travelers who are familiar with Chaldea know that even before arriving in this world, Chaldea's rooms often have stories of servants raising horses, elephants and other giants (x).

Cricket is a Tokusho toy-style spaceship!

Can't beat it at all!

That was the case back then, but now in this world, after being exposed to more special technologies that are not encrypted too much, it is even easier, definitely possible!

It's just a little unclear...

Should this kind of 'wounded' who looks like a cold thing be sent to a factory or a hospital?

Because the maintenance workers at the factory, and even a certain "Miss Da Vinci" who is known as the "universal man", said: Those body parts collected on the spot are difficult to reference and imitate, and they are simply like enlarged toy parts.

So this fighter plane, which cannot be repaired by physical means, was placed in the ward.

All kinds of detection cables are pasted on it, constantly monitoring the "life index" of this fighter plane.

"That spaceship, the tracking of the electronic network is from the clock tower, so Morgan called me over. I heard that there is a strong witness here, but I didn't expect it to look like this."

"Yeah, those parts and pieces, and his overall shape, remind me of some special dramas I watched in the early years."

"That's what the king said. I heard that Sakata Kintoki also specially came to investigate, but there was no result?"

The king in the mouth of the second is naturally Iskandar, or Alexander, but he is actually talking about the younger one.

It is not surprising that servants will respond to the summons in different age groups. After all, some heroic spirits have multiple heydays. Youth, adulthood, and even old age only become famous, or legends of different stages exist.

Although he didn't have any access to Tokusho culture during his lifetime, becoming a Heroic Spirit is different. The young emperor also looked at Tosho and so on. Fujimaru Tachika actually knew about it, but compared to him, Jin Shi's operation was more suffocating.

"He's trying to wake up the other party in a team way." Lixiang scratched his face in embarrassment, remembering the appearance of the blond man holding several models and shouting loudly, "But apart from the loss of two new parts, there is no change Well, it would be better to say that the battle damage was increased and he was driven out."

"That sounds like a total no-brainer."

"The only breakthrough at present, we can't just give up like this, especially in this world, there are actually many heroes of the special photography department, right?" Lixiang still tried to struggle, "I heard that you also saw that some time ago. A Holy Sword Envoy!"

He looked a little excited, like a fan.

"Ah, I saw it." Thinking of the man who was extremely calm in front of the reporters, the Second King's expression became a little subtle, but he couldn't help complaining just looking at the fighter plane, "but I don't think this guy will be there... ..."

"I hope I can ask through this aspect. Those Warriors of Light shouldn't leak information rashly, and they also have a lot of information!"

"Perhaps..." Nishi was not sure, but news suddenly came from Fujimaru's right wrist.

"Lixiang, is Mr. Kong Ming by your side?"

"Eh? Yes, what's the matter?"

"We have received a special real-name interview application. Omer Linton, is he someone Mr. Kong Ming knows?"

"His interview notes are: I probably know the identity of the fighter on the news."

 I saw that the monthly pass is over a thousand, but as the author said before, the author can't spare the time for the time being, so I will keep the account until next month and add more.

  I know you're in a hurry, but please take it easy

(End of this chapter)

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