only monsters

Chapter 447 30: Who is not an idol now!

Chapter 447 NO.30: Who is not an idol now!
"It's just as quiet here..."

In the empty Teresan Student Union, Omer looked around and then sighed.

How long Rudolf Symbol will stay with the family, even she herself can't give a definite conclusion, the only thing she can be sure of is when the symbol family is really stable, even if she doesn't take the initiative to speak, Speed ​​Symbol will definitely find Reasons to 'drive' her back to Teresan.

After all, the purpose of the old woman is to let Rudolph return to the game, and the greatest advantage of the old man is patience.

Omer is also very patient on weekdays, but the student union without the student council president looks a little empty after all, and even has the illusion that a long time has passed.

At this time, Homa didn't forget that a certain Miss Narita was also the vice president of the student union.

Although the vice-chairman who is really in charge is the serious and responsible "Empress" lady... Glancing at the desktop where the other party is occasionally seen, Omer took a step, but walked towards Rudolph's desk, and——

——After that, the floor-to-ceiling windows that can directly view the training ground.

In the design concept of Ma Niang Campus, the training ground is usually regarded as the core that needs to be emphasized.

The same goes for Central Teresan.

There are many facilities that can pay attention to the situation of the training ground. Among them, the most outstanding viewing points are undoubtedly the chairman's office and the student union, and the lesser ones are the rooftops and classroom windows of the teaching buildings of several departments.

A certain rookie trainer didn't have the guts to visit the director's office.

Because even though Miss Jun Chuan was busy, she still complied with his request and helped him cut off the public opinion that would spread from Hongying District.

As the face fruit ability user of Central Treisen, Susakawa Rein has such connections and energy.

In contrast, although Chairman Akikawa has not seen him for a long time...but because he has not seen him for a long time, it is very likely that he will have to face the topic of the little chairman's machine gun...

Omo dared not open the taboo gate, and after wandering around the empty campus for a while, he still appeared here.

Although there is no key to the gate of the student union, the way someone forms a human figure from small squares does not care whether there is a key or not.

Of course, I have to thank the emperor for his pre-registered authority...

Pulling over the ergonomic chair on the side, the line of sight also passed the reminder light screen that appeared on the table:
【Omer,Access Granted】

With the power of the Central Teresan Student Union and the number of affairs it is responsible for, it is obviously impossible to have a safety protection system on the job.

It’s okay for the Emperor of the East China Sea and Maruzenski to drop by for nothing. If you want to steal some documents, especially those dealing with bad incidents that have a relatively large impact...

This kind of thing is not without precedent, and the result is all kinds of modern transformations hidden under the quaintness of this office at first glance.

The student union seen by students is always solemn and luxurious, while the student union seen by unscrupulous intruders is likely to be a literal wall of iron and steel.

There are not many functional rooms with this kind of decoration treatment in Central Treisen, only the student union, the chairman's office, and the archives room.

It happened to be where Omer had been.

The more advanced the technology, the more important the permissions are. Looking at the characters on the bullet box, Omer couldn't help but think of his response to contacting the frontier lighthouse:

'Add the function of reading and speaking?Technically there is no problem, but identification is somewhat difficult. '

'For the database records of monster cards, I recommend the kingdom of light or the monster industry such as Jaden Nebula Company, but you still have some original forms and cards in the about I give you an AI sound source, and then add it yourself What about the corresponding card and form names? '

It's not a problem, this way can also prevent possible accidents, but in the end it turned into DIY, and Omer felt lazy and cancer ready to move.

But there are people in the office who are very enthusiastic about it.

A certain monster DIYer, a certain drug DIYer, even cyborgs and psychics were interested. Omer hesitated for a moment, but chose to let it go.

let them go...

Like quarreling over the name of the form, or deciding on the source of the AI ​​sound, Omer really finds it troublesome.

It's as troublesome as facing an ergonomic chair that is not ergonomic enough.

"..." Amo looked down at the 'throne' of the student council president, and really realized the difference brought about by the difference in body shape and height, and even the absence of a tail behind the buttocks.

Sitting in this man's chair with such a distinctive style, he could almost trigger the profile.

But he didn't intend to leave his own style, so the trainer still stood up and looked at the four sweaty figures in the distance.

That's right.

Omer had to admit that he and Bai Ren seemed to have similar entanglements.

In the previous exchange, he was unable to take the lead in the training due to the opponent's presence, and Bai Ren... Although it was strange, it seemed to be the same.

Realizing this, his expression was somewhat subtle, but more confused.

I can't understand why the other party cares about my existence.

Thinking about it carefully, it wasn't once or twice that I witnessed the opponent's training.

This horse girl who always does her own way really never cares about other people's eyes, and only walks on her own path, which is a trait of a strong person.

But the current situation...

Reminiscent of the small report made at the teahouse, the other party cared so much about his demon form that he even hesitated to participate in the strength training, plus the recent uncharacteristically not mentioning the slightest race... Could it be the calm before the storm?
Strength's a kind of Sunday tranquility.

Thunder is accumulating calmly, and maybe she will hit the carbine at some inadvertent moment, and after she puts herself on the field, she will show some of the field stunts she has practiced... something wrong?

The other seniors came back looking for the old enemy of the previous generation, but the first prey of this lone wolf was a trainer who was not a horse girl?

Omer opened his mouth to sigh something, but only made a few empty ah sounds, which were stacked together like a simulation of bubble sounds.

I specially asked Ms. Junchuan to do some public relations for me to cut off the overseas topic, but I didn't expect the lead in the area...

It's not the April Fool's trainer's race... It's been so long since no one mentioned it.

It's not the star trainer that Nishizaki created with the horse race girl like Yutaka Nishizaki, so there is no need to create such a hot personality.

In the future, pay more attention to Bai Ren's every move...

It doesn't matter if you really want to run, as long as there will be no more random transmission of the video.

As for the idol mentioned by the other party... probably because of the misunderstanding of the ringtone before...

It's not hard for Aomer to understand how powerful Ma Niang's hearing is, and she has probably been heard by the other party since the bell rang.

As soon as the song first appeared, it jumped to the top ten songs of the time traveler group. Although Aomo didn't know the content of the drama behind the song in detail, Jian Yunlai's experience seemed a bit complicated and distorted.

Maybe Bai Ren knows more?
Although he didn't think Bai Ren would have such a hobby of sorting...

But he knows the secret of the horse girl, but not necessarily the secret of the horse girl.


[Everyone, look!It's Lord Omer's new record! 】

【presumptuous!How dare you call His Highness Linton's name directly!Unless you send ten photos of His Highness Linton's devil king form from different angles, throw them out of the support group. 】

[The villain is super talking, who is Linton? 】

[I announce that I will give up the brand of E Zong and push Omer alone! 】

[Report the posts on the top that have stepped on each other. Mr. E was the champion of the previous year. There is no new event this year to solicit votes.]

【Moonlight... so you have always been by my side】

【Five votes are enough to get postcards of Thunder Killer and King Galatron, ten votes are enough to get the badge and colored paper of Demon Lord Omer Linton, and fifteen votes are enough to get all of the above, plus one A recent photo of Linton and Hongkai in Hongying District can be obtained by privately posting screenshots of voting. 】

[Appointed a purely hand-drawn Amomo human figure, without any AI components, let's taste it...]

A fusion beast with a very suitable angle and shape requires more than just capturing it in the video.

Even if the video is a virtual world video, its perspective has a considerable degree of freedom, and it can be used as an elementary Mewtwo document after filling in a few steps-but Narita Shirahito has not mastered such life skills.

Not to mention that the runner in the video is a devil, not a devil.

Maybe I can find more suitable information by asking my eldest sister who works in an electronic data company.

But Ms. Lone Wolf is obviously also an independent person in terms of personal hobbies and attitudes.

The close relationship with the eldest sister did not affect her secretly thinking about collecting someone's demon information, and then contacting a certain voting website.

【Annual dark villain selection top10
Please vote actively during the final top ten ranking finals! 】

At a glance, you can see the familiar profile picture at the first place, it is so familiar, it is so familiar, it is so familiar and majestic, the black flames of the eyes in GIF format are fluttering, and the silver dots are gazing at everything in front of the screen without emotion.

【Supervision の Magic Moon-Omer.Linton】

The person who named it was probably a person from the Far East. The naming style that has always been exaggerated is everywhere in this ranking list, but no one raised any objections. The ones on the top are all based on popularity and posting time. post.

And when he clicked on the avatar that seemed to be looking at himself through the screen, and saw the folded content below, Narita Shirahito almost held his breath.

It was a picture.

There are photos, portraits, cute Q version with strong cartoon style, impasto portraits that emphasize tension, and even miscellaneous short comics, but the unshakable popularity likes on the first page are always photos.

【Thunder Killer】/Thunder Killer

【Pedanium Zetton】/Pedanium Zetton
【King Galactron】/King Galactron

Except for the Bemzeed/Bemongedo (the fusion of Bemonstein and Zedon) that was briefly used in the digital world when beating the symbol of the moon gallop, a monster with a hundred bodies and horses.

All synthetic beasts, including the Demon King Fusion Beast, might as well be said that the Demon King Fusion Beast is the only one in the first row, surpassing other photos, having the treatment of an independent big picture, and even being given a title:
【Erlknig Mefimoth】/ Demon Lord Mefimoth
The simplest name, the highest popularity and title, even considering the origin of Omer Linton, but it is hard to say whether it is the strange obsession of the people in the Far East to Bai De.

Narita Bairen didn't know whether Omer knew this, let alone what his expression would be when he saw this.

But only at that moment, the lone wolf racehorse girl who seldom pays attention to the fan group really came into contact with the idol-like atmosphere.

Moreover, I saw the man in the first place, who was already far ahead of No.2 with nearly half of the votes.

She looked at the first photo, which was an unfamiliar figure with some familiar features.

Still so slender, ferocious, extremely powerful and sharp.

No matter how the texture of the scales, the sharp horns of the head, the features of the limbs, and the shape of the moon-shaped chest crystal change, the dignified and cold eyes like metal are always the same.

Even worse than the oppression on the field.

This is the real Linton trainer...?
Not on the field, but on the battlefield, that is the stage where he can really show his aura.

The shadow is restless, and the heart is beating wildly.

That figure is infinitely close to the figure in the dream countless times, and there are countless admirers and followers, and the number of votes for the one who rides the dust and almost escapes leads the front.

Even if it is not yet the end of the voting period, it seems that the number one position has already been confirmed.

She couldn't help but press that button before the download button of the photo.

In retrospect...

"Who もが信じ崇めてる, masani is the strongest and invincibleのアイドル~"

"Weakness なんて见从たらない,一东星を宿している."

Also a nice song.

 Yutaka Nishizaki: And you, my brother, you are the real idol.jpg
  Speaking of Treisen's first-class stars, there are two, the symbol of Sirius and the love of Orihime. Although the motives are different, the pursuit and proof are similar.

  But it's still early

  And... I just found out that the ED of "I Tweet" is called Mephisto, and the prototype of Mephilas is also Mephisto, and Omer's trumpet in the horse racing girl forum is called Umastar. This kind of strange coincidence feels kind of The feeling when I wrote Dawn
(End of this chapter)

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