only monsters

Chapter 421 4: Even if you just came to say hello, you still have to drag me to assist in training

Chapter 421 NO.4 Even if you just came to say hello, you still have to drag me to assist in training
The Cup of Dreams, the competition standard Omer mentioned in the curious new article, but seeing the other party's ignorant expression, he knew that he was talking for nothing.

The Dream Cup, as its name suggests, is a legendary event that allows 'every fitness, all distances to be able to show their style in the race'.

It has two characteristics, one is - there is no threshold for the registration of horse racing girls.

In other words-competing on the same stage across the board, even retired horse girls can appear, you have the opportunity to challenge the legends of the past, and you can also become a new legend.

The second characteristic is that the field exceeds the standard.

After all, it is a stage for all fitness and all distances to be brought into play. It is not a "strongest" competition like the classic triple crown, nor is it a "fastest" competition like the "Sanli Huaguan". That is to compete for a piece of pure 'invincibility'.

Short distance: 13000m
Middle distance: 20000m
Long distance: 27000m
It no longer restricts Ma Niang's normal and powerful physique, which is like a passive skill, obtained from the source energy and technology other than the Three Goddess Energy Tree, and no longer completely restricts the source energy acquired by Ma Niang from outside the Three Goddess Energy Tree skill.

Instead, it relaxes a part, such as only the number of times limit, the time limit, and the disqualification if the site damage ratio exceeds a certain amount, to restrict some really excessive methods and sources.

The real fast, and the real strong, are shown here.

It is not in any level of the race level standards set by the URA Association, just like a misty bubble about racing, which lasts for three years, and one year corresponds to a distance, showing everyone what the horse race group should do in different eras. show the limit.

'True Champion', the Dream Cup has such a name, but because the event is too involved and the rules are too exaggerated, it was not proposed by the URA Association.

Every time it is initiated, it is all from the oracle.

Generally speaking, the golden period of most horse girls' competitions is the first three years from their debut.

So even if they can maintain a long game career, most of them choose to retire three years after their debut.

Although the body is still strong, the aura that belongs to the adolescent youth has become more introverted in the high-intensity competition experience and countless stories.

No longer so deeply "desire" to run, "desire" to fight.

It's not numbness, it's not compromise, but looking back on the past, I feel a kind of completeness and relief of 'no need to come again'.

But there are horse girls who are not so happy.

"Desire" has never subsided, their enthusiasm has never been extinguished, and their dreams have not been fulfilled. They will still be on the field at a more mature stage, trying to defeat their younger and more energetic opponents...

——The Dream Cup is more perfect than those "events that allow careers of three years or more" and meets their dreams.

In front of those young people, their age is no longer just a mental drag.

Their experience, what they are good at and what they have learned outside the arena can also be turned into the accumulation of "Golden Three Years".

Young people want to beat their predecessors, and seniors also want to beat young people to achieve their persistent dreams and live up to the expectations of themselves and their peers.

Such a dream cup should naturally have such an exaggerated specification, and every time the "dream year" when the dream cup comes, ordinary competitions will also be eclipsed.

This is also impossible.

In a real sense, after seeing horse girls who have full power on a relatively common starting line, who wants to watch a horse girl race with too many restrictions and a maximum schedule of less than [-]?
It is difficult for you to struggle no matter what, even a 1000-kilometer endurance race like the Mongolian Derby will also have a lot of restrictions due to the endurance of the main competition, so it is not worthy to be compared with the Dream Cup.

In the past, the URA Association hardly struggled when encountering an exceptional event like the Dream Cup that had eclipsed the competition for several years.

Isn't it normal to be overshadowed by the cup of dreams for G1, G2, G3 and so on for a whole year! ——As organizers and operators, they fully accept this fact
But... taking advantage of outrageous events such as the Cup of Dreams to make major changes to the regulations of ordinary events, there are seven operations recorded in the book.

After all, everyone in this period has a strong ability to accept—in other words, they are relatively ignorant and numb to situations other than the Cup of Dreams.

It is perfect for secretly adjusting the version.jpg
Coupled with the records sent by Eri Tachyon, Omer has reason to believe that the URA Association, which has not changed the rules of the competition in 16 years and the competition mechanism, will not let go of this opportunity.

After all, in the past 16 years, the average speed of the horse race has been rising.

In contrast, the injury rate has not changed, which is enough to prove that the average physique of the horse girls is also improving a little bit.

After all, with the development of science and technology, the source energy is also developing, and the conditions of various races will naturally change.

Although there is also a phenomenon of over-reliance on something and degeneration in other aspects.

But only the race of athletes, such as horse race girls, who are almost bound to the track, did not lag behind in their speed pursuit.

It is obviously impossible to expect their athletic ability to degenerate, at most it is an individual 'degeneration' in which the physical fitness has indeed declined after the naturalization gradually fades.

And when this 'evolution' has changed significantly with the coverage of almost a race...

"Not to mention anything else, I think the distance and track terrain specifications of the three types of events will be changed. What do you two think?"

After commenting on the so-so lunch, Homais took the three horse girls to the outskirts of London to perform a routine - speed training.

As the capital of Hongying District, there is naturally a Treyson branch near London, but the Treyson training ground here is outside the school, and it is widely maintained by manpower.

Omer faced little resistance when he signed up to rent part of the facility as a central trainer.

On the contrary, it made him realize the superiority of the position of 'central trainer' itself——

——Even the rental procedure is much faster than other local trainers, and the process of making an appointment is omitted.

Even on the training ground, he would be looked at in awe by other staff members, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

But these problems don't matter after the formal training, away from the staff, and replaced by Miss Desert Hero who visited half an hour later with a small satchel, and——

"I don't care, even if the runway is extended by a full 1000 meters! The witch Sweepy won't care!!"

"Isn't it a magical girl?"

Miss Sweep Tosho, whom I haven’t seen for a long time, although I saw her looking around at the magical girl’s staff booth the last time we met, although she said that she has her own staff and doesn’t like those automatic staffs, but The longing in the eyes is not difficult to find.

But right now, she looks like she can call herself a 'witch'.

The distance between before and after is only half a month, but as Homa, who can also live every day too wonderfully, he is not qualified to complain about other people's changes in a short period of time.

Omer still remembered that the other party's grandmother was a color-level magician who was resident in the headquarters of the clock tower, that is, Hengchang City, which was completely different from Hongying District on the earth plate.

However, it really doesn't take much time to cross districts in traffic these days, especially if you use more metaphysical or overly high-tech methods.

So he could only ask back with a gentle smile.

"Ma, there are already too many magical girl attributes! I still decide to be a witch!"

Ah... aren't the recent magical girls all attacking in groups?What is more attributes?
Omer turned his head to look at the desert hero who didn't quite understand, and heard the other party whisper meaninglessly: "Two weeks ago, Sakura Laurel from Class A of the second grade of the advanced department was certified by the Magical Girl Association."

"Ahhh! Heroes are not allowed to say that!"

two weeks ago?Isn't that just when the other party was called by his grandmother to go back to the clock tower for further studies?

"Miss Dongshang?" "Don't listen! I'm Sweep now!"

"Will the witch Sweep still carry the pink staff magazine?" Omer's eyes fell on the other party's satchel.

It is also a satchel, the desert hero's satchel can see three books at a glance, while the other party's satchel is a magazine with a fancy cover.

They are all artistic fonts, and the surface is still a pink love staff.

"Ugh... You, if you say this again, I will ask the Umastagram—" "Miss Witch Sweep, can you join me to hear Miss Hero's views on the reform of the competition?" Omo quickly interrupted.

"Yes, of course!"

After reaching an agreement in this way, Omer glanced at the stopwatch timing interface on the screen, and then looked at the desert hero beside him.

"Should... be considered a good thing?" Desert Hero said conservatively, "Although the association will probably limit the distance and track design to everyone's limit in order to avoid being broken too often, but it is also because of this that it is really hard to test your ability Doesn't it temper the determination of a hero!?"

"Ah, here we come again, the heroic complex of a hero~" Dongshang Reform, who was shaking his head, obviously had a good relationship with the other party, shaking the obvious witch hat on his head in a commonplace manner.

"Won't that make me look like a villain?"

"The confrontation between the witch and the hero's friend and foe is also a good story." Omo glanced at the two and said.

Then he looked at the three horse girls running in the distance.

But even so, taking into account the insistence of the two just now, it is obvious that the latter is very useful, and he doesn't care about his vision drifting.

"Oh~! You still speak so decently! Mr. Linton!"

"Change, I won't let you." "I don't need you to let me, I will directly outrun the hero!"

"Then let's strike while the iron is hot..."

During the conversation, seeing the three horse girls rushing to the nearest starting point one after another, he tapped the light screen three times with extremely precise fingers, and Aomer, who showed a three-second gap, turned to look at the two girls and rubbed hand.

"The horse girls here are all aiming for the Dream Cup, and Bourbon is a professional-level horse girl who has won two classic championships."

"Would you like to run parallel training with them later?"

(End of this chapter)

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