only monsters

Chapter 409 172: Uncle, I am really crazy

Chapter 409 NO.172 Uncle, I am Really Crazy
An old woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses was flipping through the documents at her desk.

She is over seventy years old, but the diamond-shaped horse ears on top of her head are shaking slightly.

Some dry long deer hair was tied up at the back of the neck randomly.

In the past, it was called the symbol of the speed of the extreme east, the symbol of pioneers remembered by the world, and the symbol of the glory of the racehorse girl.

The symbol of speed, she is already old, so high that all the natural characteristics of the racehorse girl can hardly be seen to suppress aging.

Time has bent the back, the eyes are no longer clear, the palms are more wrinkled like the same old bark, but only the indifferent eyes are still as sharp as a knife.

Thinking back to that year, she watched all the players in front of the gate in the same way, dominating the entire racetrack with her own will.

The racehorse girl who conquered the emperor to enjoy the spring, and continued to dominate the Arima Memorial, should have such an absolute posture that exudes oppression.

King in oppression.

But it is a pity that the two standing in front of her are also two people who have been under her gaze since childhood and have already adapted to her gaze.

Even though they had struggled to live under such eyes when they were young, both of them now have their own achievements. The only difference is that there are differences between the achievements.

The emperor of the horse race girl and the chairman of the multinational logistics company, the gold content between the two is far apart.

But they can also keep calm under the eyes of the old man who seems to be able to cut apart the flesh and blood.

Unlike the other humans and horse girls behind him, they were either trembling, or they didn't dare to show their air.

In fact, the speed symbol rarely shows such a gaze in public, especially as her age is getting older, and her eyes that have begun to cloud are becoming more and more restrained, and she was even called as steady as a mountain by critics.

But if that critic looked at her at this moment, he would probably only be able to sigh that there are sharp knives in the mountains.

There may also be a secret method of raising swords with mountains and rocks in the extreme east.

The old man has been practicing Qi-nourishing Kungfu for a long time, but occasionally there will be some things that make her show her original appearance again.

This is like saying that my idealistic granddaughter swung a knife at the gray industry in the clan yesterday, and it was her ineffective eldest son who was the one who slashed at it.

She wasn't really surprised that this day happened.

After all, these two are considered to be grown up by her.

Whether it is the granddaughter who can't rub the sand in her eyes, or the son who is getting smoother, more 'mature', and more incompetent, while she understands them very well, she knows that there will be such a day between the two sooner or later.

The symbolist is a very huge existence, so huge that she often feels that too many people are redundant.

Those with different surnames, those with close relatives, when she was still young, when the symbolists re-emerged, they followed suit, and the clansmen who were accommodated in order to get what they needed, in her opinion now, they can all be cut off something.

After turning the tide and bringing the family back together, after getting old and having a granddaughter who was looking forward to, the elderly patriarch became the observer who saw the most and knew the most of the symbolists.

See everything clearly, see clearly, and clearly understand the family, as well as his own lesions.

can be removed.

But why would she do this?

It is clear that children still need a whetstone to grow up.

Even the level of a large lathe is good, and only in this way can she forge a satisfactory successor.

In this overly bloated family, it is difficult for only outstanding children to inherit the position of Patriarch.

Can't even survive the accumulation of symbolists.

The symbolists want the emperor.

The true king's lander can change the dynasty of the symbolists and regain their lives.

Just like the stag-haired horse girl standing in front of her at the moment, she put those documents in front of her without being humble, and stated her elders' property crimes with a calm appearance.

Already the appearance of a Mingjun in a prosperous age.

But this is far from enough.

What symbolists need is not a prosperous emperor, but a founding emperor in troubled times.

Even if you are a tyrant, there is nothing wrong with it, you should always show your sharpness.

But in comparison, her uncle, her son, the man with the same brown hair, behaved just as smoothly.

Even if the evidence is solid, according to what the future Patriarch said, the property should be restructured, and when the family name was stripped off, his smile was slightly deformed, suppressing the resentment in his eyes.

This kind of demeanor is unnecessary, Yue Chi.

This is the end of the matter, no matter how hard you endure, there will be no more chances, and there are still some other possibilities if you take a chance... Under the sharp knife-like gaze is deep disappointment.

It's not that she was disappointed with her son who was born as a human being, after all, she was already disappointed with him very early on.

She was just a little disappointed by the situation.

The well-regulated sharp blade was unsheathed, and the dagger of forbearance suppressed resentment.

Rib difference is difficult to beat the long blade, it can only be used to cut belly.

The long knife came out of its sheath slowly and steadily, more like performing martial arts than killing people.

As far as the result is concerned, it's just two guys who are too smooth pecking at each other, without the slightest wildness or killing intent.

Although the confrontation between the two had already been foreseen, such a scene was not what she wanted to see.

In just a few minutes, the speed symbol closed his eyes a little bored, and this also made Rudolph symbol really relieved.

While knowing that he had the chance to win, he didn't let his grandmother get what she wanted.

The confrontation between the two grandparents has been going on for a long time, and since the middleman, the daughter of the speed symbol, and the mother sweet moon god symbolized by Rudolph passed away unexpectedly, the contradiction has become more and more irreconcilable.

Even if it was an accident, the different attitudes of the two sides still caused the conflict to erupt completely.

In the end, the speed symbol wants everything to go her way, and the Rudolph symbol has the heart to resist.

But if she really wants to change the family, as a racehorse girl, her most likely choice is to move towards the path planned by the other party.

This led to stagnation.

Confined to the student council in the Central Teresan, he is looking for a way to clear his conscience.

Before that, she didn't want her grandmother to be as she wished, so she restrained herself from the ghost face called "Emperor" in her heart, and using the "Rudolph Symbol" posture was enough to solve this matter, but it was also thanks to Linton Advice and assistance from trainers.

If you don't want to set foot on the field but want to gain the power to reform the family, it is of course a simple choice to directly eliminate and encroach from within the family.

It's just that there have been many restrictions on her cultivation of manpower, and there are very few people who can be useful in this regard.

But now, trainer Omer Linton appeared, in the form of an unexpected self-recommendation.

It's hard to believe that it's something a trainer would do, whether it's the content of the thing or the behavior of self-recommendation.

In the end, I must thank him well, at least treat him to a meal.

Thinking of this, the student council president was so happy that he almost wanted to make a few cold jokes.

But she also noticed at this time.

I noticed the kind smile of my grandmother.

It was a sudden smile, not a half-smile or even a slight twitch of the corners of the mouth.

It was a genuinely wrinkled happy smile, and its joy seemed to be even greater than hers.

And what the old man is looking at is not himself, but the symbol of Yue Chi.

Her son, her own uncle.


She also saw that what her uncle was holding in his hand, even with her kick of absolute strength and speed on the field, she couldn't kick off the stack of cards and the weird tubular metal in the opponent's hand at this moment. instrument.

The bottom of my heart is happy that the speed symbolizes the person with restrained eyes, not just her Rudolph symbolizes one.

The symbol of Yue Chi at the same moment laughed from the bottom of his heart, catching the flaws in the mentality changes of the two old and young horse race girls.

He took the initiative.

Hippolyte Starman, Super Gob, Kieron Star Beast, Ambella Starman, Evil God Megalogie...

Complete cards, multi-use cards, one-time cards—that stack of monster cards are all extracting energy in the instrument called the secret key, in the most easily mobilized active state of the card, from the short-term storage of energy Collision, fusion, overloading in the cabin...


--break out!
The twisted heart was also exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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