only monsters

Chapter 407 170: If you are extremely busy, you should touch it!

Chapter 407 NO.170 You Should Touch It When You Are Too Busy!
Three days, strictly speaking, two days of torture.

If you play games wholeheartedly to torture your opponent, maybe you can still be in a good state, but that is to torture your opponent and yourself after being tired from studying...

That probably can only cultivate psychopaths.

In order not to become a psychopath, Omer made the greatest psychological struggles, such as the water chat room when he was training horse girls outside, and also asked about Miss Rudolph's operation status, and also included paying attention to the Penguin logistics chat room— —

——He always felt that he could make them plot something, as if he was consciously excluding himself, and even Mostima, who had always been indifferent, kept tight-lipped about it, as if he was involved.

This is probably not a good thing, so he can't help but be vigilant for the third day.

And in such a confrontational state, after the third day, he showed obvious fatigue.

There is nothing more fulfilling than this in real life. Of course, there are gains.

He already has the confidence to apply for the firm's level-up exam. As for the trainers...

He got a passing grade for doing the questions in front of the chairman, but in essence he walked through the back door.

But this back door is also permanently effective, until you make a big mistake and you are deprived of your trainer qualifications, or you are sent to a local racing girl school.

The benchmark for improving the remuneration of the central trainers is not a more difficult written test, but judged by the results of the actual training horse girls.

Therefore, regarding the acquisition of knowledge related to trainers, the harvest has to be reflected in future training, which is a long-term process.

But after the summer vacation, it's time to see the results.

Not long after Teresan starts school, there will be a school selection contest, which is for horse girls who do not have a trainer contract to show themselves, and it is also an opportunity to choose each other with the trainers.

At the same time, there will also be a warm-up match for horse girls who have entered formal training.

Although it is an event held in the school, it also has a lot of prize money (at the chairman's own expense), tough opponents (the one who can reach the center is a horse girl with G1 potential), as well as standardized rules and track quality .

Although it is for getting the bottom line, it can also be regarded as a mock exam before the formal assessment.

There were several such internal competitions at school, which was also one of the special treatment given by the central government (in fact, it was only due to the enthusiasm of a certain chairman).

But thinking about things after school starts in the early summer vacation, it is a bit too anxious.

Omo, who was entrusting his whole body to the sofa and was in a state of salted fish, laughed at his habitual plan of drifting away, while waiting for the communication from Penguin Logistics with a calm face.

But the newsletter from Penguin Logistics hadn't arrived yet, but a call from a pink-haired JK who got up early:
"Little snake! Little snake, little snake! Where are you!!"

While shouting, he ran down the stairs quickly, the sound of the collision of slippers and wooden steps was really dull and loud, as if there was no concept of light hands and feet.

It also made Omer feel lucky that the sound insulation of the house has been done.

Otherwise, this wave alone could wake up all the girls in the room.

Whether to continue to return to sleep is another matter.

But now, he had to reluctantly raise his hand and greet lazily: "Here."

"Whoa whoa!"

Although the voice was not loud, it was still noticeable in the quiet early morning, not to mention the arm raised from the back of the chair, which made the girl at the stairway turn back from the kitchen immediately, and happily said: "The season reward display has passed! "

"General Zoka's skin is really available! He even unlocked the second phase of Zog!"

The girl carrying a plastic bag stood in front of the sofa, overlooking the young man lying dead.

"Very hard! Little Snake. I'm thinking of giving you some reward for completing the task so well."

"Reward me for being clean." Amo lowered his hands and continued to lie on the corpse.

"Eh? Is that all?"

The girl tilted her head and looked at him for a few seconds, then lay down next to him imitatively, looked at the ceiling and suddenly smiled and said, "It's like wishing for a glass of water with a peace star, it's a waste!"

"Really?" The devil's voice remained unchanged, "I think it's another fake Peace Star."

"Don't say that~" She raised her arm and patted the young man's chest. The girl tried to defend her reputation, "It's not always a joke, and it's rare to see you like this, little snake. Sure enough, it's hard to win, right?"

"It should be said to be tortured, but it may feel more tortured on the other side. I have also seen a few IDs of people I am not sure if I know them, and I feel a little offended."


"You probably don't know each other, Carrot Man, Bayuan Sun Sword, Guai Ke Raccoon...Fortunately, this game allows duplication of names, and I hope the opponent is not the person I think."

"Also, next time I want to check your box before agreeing to something like this."

"It's so indifferent, it's like a knight who checks the weapon disk first when meeting."

"Can you have GBF in your era?"

"I don't know until this world."

"It's very adaptable."

"That's right, this is a wonderful world where you can even list more than 20 types of tomato juice!"

"The appreciation for this kind of place really blew me away."

"Then just perfunctory," Qian who suddenly looked up looked at Omer who was still looking at the ceiling, "Little snake, you are always too serious for your acquaintances!"

"By the way, this is for you."

She said, lifted the bag in her hand, and took out a beautiful box from it.

"?" Omer raised his head slightly, looked at the package, and looked familiar, "Wagashi you bought a few days ago?"

"How could it have been kept for so long!" The monster maker was really speechless to the devil, "This is the snack I queued up with the cafe last night to buy."

"It's specially prepared for you! Don't say anything that you don't like eating dumplings, mochi, and dorayaki!"

"You can already predict my words." Omer raised his hand and took the box.

"Because you scolded the dumpling in the game before, Xiao Snake, it's disgusting to watch, so it's mainly dorayaki."

"The kind that can summon civet cat robots?" Opening the box and looking, the dim sum that can be queued up is probably good enough, but the price is that the quantity is not too much.

You don't need too many snacks, Aoma glanced at them, and handed the box to her: "Choose a few."


"I'll have breakfast later, too much will affect my appetite."

"Hey - I'm going back to my room to continue sleeping!"

The girl was about to leave, but she was suddenly grabbed by the wrist: "Go to bed after eating, um, it's almost time..."

He glanced sideways at mid-air.


Looking at the young man suspiciously, Qian saw him raise his head:

In the next second, Xintiaoqian heard a muffled sound of closing the door, followed by the sound of footsteps going downstairs after stepping through the corridor.

"...Master, Akane, good morning." It was Miura Bourbon who was a little confused about the current situation of the two of them.

"Hey Duo, uh... good morning." Looking at Bourbon, then turned to look at Omer, Qian's head turned not slowly, and it was not difficult to think of it combined with Omer's last sentence.

This cyber horse girl who often shows accurate judgment of time in daily life, even her daily schedule is accurate and stable enough to be noticed by trainers.

It was self-discipline that awed her.

"Good morning, just as you watch her, don't let her run away before breakfast."

"Eh?!" "Are you going to be the same as usual with Tachyon and Café?"

Shouting and eating and letting him go to sleep or something is the daily life of the other two horse girls.

Although it is not healthy to sleep after eating, it is better to consider training and daily conditioning than not eating.

"Yeah, same, so you look at her, I went to the kitchen."

As he spoke, he picked up the two dorayaki in the box in his hand, and handed the whole box to Bourbon: "You also eat two, as a pre-dinner snack."

"Yes, Master."

Looking suspiciously at the sighing Akane and the expressionless trainer, Bourbon took the box.

"See you later then."

As Omer said, he walked towards the kitchen.

And the constant light screen that he noticed out of the corner of his eye seemed to have changed, that was a new piece of news.

From the frequency band of Penguin Logistics, Mostima initiated a private chat:

[Yuechi Logistics wants to terminate the cooperation, and has an appointment at nine o'clock to talk, do you want to come? 】


Moon Ring Snake: [Don't come, save some face for them]

(End of this chapter)

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