only monsters

Chapter 403 166: Isn't your intuition very accurate?

Chapter 403 NO.166 Isn’t Your Intuition Accurate

Electro-optic Superman Gurlitt is actually a "Hyper Agent" from "Hyper World".

From a creative point of view, such an arbitrary name comes from the audience benchmark of sub-supply.

And considering it from a realistic perspective...

It can only be said that naming groups is more arbitrary.

After all, it is a universe where even the 'バカ话' can make flowers bloom.jpg
The name Aupeng is not much better either.

Monsters with the suffix Hypa are still synonymous with Vertex.

Having seen many recorded cases of time travelers, Omo knows how to respect the culture of another world.

When you can see that certain worlds revolve around the existence of some kind of 'card games', 'football', 'tennis', 'top', 'weird spherical deformation toys', etc., just focus on the above areas and become human. When the Venerable Master and even the master of the world recorded...

Your ability to accept can also be the same as his.

Therefore, those who study and integrate other world materials and documents are the group of people with the best receptivity.

Generally, they are also resident in the exploration and diplomatic establishment queues, and participate in the establishment of diplomatic relations between the local civilization and the civilization of the corresponding world.

It belongs to the second choice that Omer originally considered.

But just like the first choice of the Security Bureau of the Two Worlds, they all belong to the unworthy category at the moment, so there is no need to mention it.

Just mention a series of derivative works such as "Electric Superman Gullit", "SSSS. Gullit", and "SSSS. Electro-optical King" (mainly referring to the follow-up projects during the planning period of Electro-optical Superman, especially magazine novels and animations) , in fact, 'Gridman' is the link that connects the world of all works.

In other words, the works with the above names all originate from a big world, or a big universe.

As for the "Cosmic Patrolman Luluko" involved in Alexis Keliff, and the "Tianyuan Breakthrough" involved in the existence of the spiral force flame...

Although from the perspective of works, because they all have the same creator and are mentioned in interviews, they are often linked together in the fan community, which is also an interesting anecdote.

But from a practical point of view, it is too unknown.

The only source of information right now is Miss Qian.

I don't even know how Alexis got here.

Omer naturally couldn't expect her to provide other information.

Therefore, the benchmark for judging the world should also be based on the "Super World", the "Computer World" that exists like subordinates, and the "Real World"——

——This triple world is the benchmark.

At the same time, because of the concept of multiverse, there are multiple parallel versions of the concept of "real world".

The reality of Akane Shinjo exists in a different parallel world from the protagonist group of the original "Electric Superman" in the first edition-this possibility is also there.

"But does it matter?"

Holding the two magazines "Superhuman Glidman" and "Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad", Omo turned to ask the girl who was holding "Toho Monster Guide".

"Indeed, I just care a little about whether there will be another me in this world. As for the others..."

The girl with cherry-colored short hair turned her head back with a smile, leaned her head and stretched her neck, trying to look at the magazine in Omer's hand beyond the shackles of distance and height.

But there is no need to be so tired. When she leaned over, Omer had already lowered the height of the magazine a little, and even stretched it towards her.

It is convenient for her to see the display of mechanical giants and monsters of different races, skin colors, and shapes in the two magazines, and even the structural pictures.

Although "SSSS" is only circulated in some groups of travelers, because it involves some characters who have traveled to the same world, it cannot be officially registered as a patent for large-scale dissemination and display.

However, "Electric Superman Gullit", the Japanese version and the American version, and even the follow-up projects of Sigma and his like, have long legally appeared in the Special Film Zone of the Holy Terra Federation.

Omer also saw it, but before Bize intervened, he never thought about Qian.

After all, there are almost no connection points shown.

You can't let Aumer think of Gullit's original villain Fujido Takeshi from the yellow glasses, right?
Isn't this the opposite of the gender appearance directly?
Although they are all monsters, there is a villain in a black helmet standing behind them, and their personalities are distorted... well, there is no need to talk about it anymore.

In fact, these showed at most the first point in front of Homa, and he could read some residual traces of the third point.

But that's all.

It is still a bit too difficult to associate with Gullit based on these.

After all, Omer is not a Gullit single push.

What impressed him the most, the Tokatsu that often popped up in his mind was actually Kamen Rider Kuuga.

It is not impossible to say that it is Ultraman Guja (x).

And the most profound in Aopeng is obviously Jack Altman.

The plot of jumping off a building and being dismembered by a snow girl monster can be described as impressive, even the little devils in the Welfare Institute in the Demon Realm District can't see it.

Once little Omo went to them with the paused screen, they immediately scattered, and the devil's strength was very lacking.

Say nothing and refuse to watch with him again.

And he has a deeper awe for Little Aomo, who is still planning to watch it.

As for Gullit...

——It can only be said to be an Ultraman meal replacement pushed by big data during the drama famine.

But it is also very happy to eat.

After all, there is a good script, and the plot involving the school and the setting of negative energy can't help thinking of Eddie Altman next door.

It's just because I have accumulated enough through other special photos before this, and Gullit was not particularly touched, and he failed to shake the status of likes and tributes in my heart.

This can also be described as the sorrow of the mature.

Losing the "innocence" of the beginners in the field, it is no longer so easy to touch, and it is no longer so easy to satisfy.

Of course, some people will regard it as a kind of pride.

I think this is the result of my own promotion, detachment from the public, and the upgrading of my aesthetic ability.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this understanding, but Omer occasionally misses the easy-to-satisfy self in the past.

The excellence in the world has always been a minority, and it is often wrapped in ordinary and flawed.

Only a pure heart of a child can enjoy all the excellence and beauty hidden in all that, so as to get enough satisfaction and happiness.

More people can only feel the fact that there are fewer and fewer things that can satisfy them, and comfort themselves with 'I am becoming more professional and better than others'.

Its radicals then despise the public, and can no longer feel the excellence in those works.

If you walk on this road, it will only become more boring and boring.

One day you will become a curiosity hunter, or you will come to the end of your boring life.

It shouldn't have been.

So most people will consider stopping halfway.

Either active or passive.

Because there are bottlenecks in self-improvement.

At this time, some people often regard paranoia and reality as growth, and then go against and belittle the dreams of others.

At this time, they are no different from standing still.

A small number of people will look back on the past, reflect on their own mentality, and try to find a "position" that can be as pertinent as possible while considering moving forward.

That is where the heart is.

Find and stabilize your heart, only if you do this, you will be the hero in the past - facing the illusion, seriously imagining how to save the world.

The invisible monster is always in my heart, just like everyone who fights against oil, salt, sauce and vinegar is also a warrior.

It is also a kind of innocence to not forget the world you once believed in.

"I wonder if there will be Liuhua and Yuta in this world."

They are okay...

Omer was a little speechless after noticing the gender vocabulary of the other party's Far Eastern language.

I want to emphasize the gender of the young Hibiki Yuta, but I still remember that the production team in the work seems to intend to design his shape towards neutral or even female.

The cat ears on women's clothing and occasional hairstyles are visual... No, no, you still have to consider the thoughts of the parties!
Now that the characters have come into reality, we can't fully recognize the soft features of the other party according to "follow the ideas of the production team and enjoy the experience they give".

"If there is, the suspected place in the computer world that you mentioned, little snake, will be a clue?"

"Want to see it? It's like a tour." Homa asked.

"Emmm" the girl looked up at the ceiling for a while, then looked down at the monster magazine in her hand again, "Let's talk about it later."

"A quarter of the summer vacation time has passed, I have to remind you of this."

After the summer vacation, this person will still be a serious jk, and he is still in the third year of high school.

Although it's only the last semester, there should be academic pressure—well, she might not care.

After all, the major of monster research alone is good enough. Although the employment prospect is more subtle, it is not possible. It is not impossible for Omer to extend the assistant contract for a growth period.

But I still hope she can do better on her own.

"Doesn't this mean that there are still three quarters left!! Anyway, I have to prepare a monster first, at least one!"

Once a month, rubbing monster spell slots (x), preparing one head is also the limit of summer vacation.

If it is really a computer world, monsters can exist longer and exert stronger power than in reality.

Hearing her words, Omer reminded: "Actually, I can go with you."

"Aren't you very busy?" Qian turned her head to look.

Seeing that the other party looked serious: "There is always time to go with friends."

Not to mention that this matter may also involve monsters.

And this also made Akane subtly turn her gaze to the side, and look at the new gamela in the magazine again.

"...Then I still need to prepare at least one monster!"

"Okay, I have to trouble the Witch Beast to speed up the investigation, anyway, she is really interested in that area."

It's just that in this way, it is inevitable to contact that Miss Ling Amazon, after all, that place is directly related to the other party's industry.

And it was still in the land that he was not familiar with in Canaan City.

How about contacting Bai Ren...?
He habitually chooses a safe detour, but feels...

It doesn't seem very safe.

 Saya's "Tower of Overturning" is also over, although in terms of performance comparison, my push for this chapter is probably useless, and it is quite funny.

  But let's give my brother a final recommendation.

  After all, there are really many fattening groups at the starting point. Presumably there are still groups among book lovers who have read this book but put it down for a long time due to various reasons.

  If you are still interested, you should kill it! (Please stop fattening)
  And... this cat retweeted my blog taunts in the middle of the night, and I gave him two punches during the day.


(End of this chapter)

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