only monsters

Chapter 400 163: Internet surfing is so exciting.jpg

Chapter 400 NO.163 What a Wonderful Internet Surfing.jpg
The Emperor: [Boy, I heard that the profit of this shipment has been reduced by [-]%. Are you cowardly if you don't come to the company to report? 】

Moon Ring Snake: [You are joking, the market share of Yuechi Logistics in Jiemen District is better than that [-]% profit, isn’t it? 】

Emperor: [Before this, I, Penguin Logistics, never suffered a loss! 】

Moon Ring Snake: [?Can you still remember... the company's development process when you first came to this city? 】

Emperor: [Now let's talk about the salary of [-]% of the profit]

————— Lunar Serpent withdrew a message—————

Moon Ring Snake: [What news did I send just now, boss, do you still remember? 】

Emperor: [Talking about your overtime work]

Moon Ring Snake: [え? 】

Emperor: [Now Yuechi Logistics is asking us to re-sign the contract and reduce the frequency of cooperation based on the statement that our side is not doing well.]

[Is this also in your kid's plan?In order to avoid the overtime link]

Luna Snake: [How could it be, they will definitely smear our company’s reputation secretly in the industry, so theoretically I will have to work more overtime in the future]

Emperor: ['Theoretically'? 】

Moon Ring Snake: [Well... for a while, the chairman of Yuechi Logistics will be busy, and probably won't have time to pay attention to the various companies under his name]

The Emperor: [You don't even have time to manage the company you single-handedly supported? 】

Luna Snake: [Life is alive, occasionally there will be such emergencies, right? 】

[It seems that occasionally things go wrong for a few days, and even the rhythm of the whole life is destroyed by sudden misfortune, and I can only deal with the immediate matter under the desperation]

【Don't care too much】

【Do you think so?boss.

You are very experienced in life]

The Great Emperor: [... offending the boy, it's bad luck for him]

Moon Ring Snake: [No, no, it’s not because I’m unlucky, but because I’m already unlucky, so I might be offended]

Emperor: [I don't think there is any difference]

Lunar Serpent: [The difference is quite big, the biggest difference is that—a lot of things are there, I just give it a little push]

The Emperor: [Forget it, it doesn't matter, you will be responsible for the express delivery after three days, so don't be late]

Luna Serpent: 【Is this the time to talk about work so calmly? 】

Emperor: 【What else can the boss talk about when he talks to the employees if he doesn't talk about work?Ideal? 】

Lunar Serpent: [Talk about hidden dangers]

Emperor: [Penguin Logistics currently has a lot of employees, and the types are often repeated, but you probably don't have a second one,]

Luna Serpent: 【You said I look like Miss Cellinina last time】

Emperor: [When you start to stop hiding, you will be more like a girl from the Saluzzo family]

Luna Snake: [Hmm...Thank you for the compliment? 】

Emperor: [You don’t think being like her is a good thing, do you? Let’s leave it at that, the boss’s limited caring session for employees is over]

Moon Ring Snake: [Goodbye, boss! 】

"It's the only time when you're so cheerful," sneered and shook his head, the flat-haired beast with its flippers on the table turned to look at the staff not far away, "What do you think of that brat?"

"Me?" The employee with the same name as a certain great race paused for a moment as he compared the content of the email, and with a swipe of the mouse, he marked out the message record sent by the boss.

Ten lines at a glance, but a few seconds later, Yisi said, "Didn't you come to your own conclusion?"

"A good boss will occasionally listen to the opinions of his employees," the emperor said arrogantly, "and didn't Mostima ask you to maintain the staff again? Didn't the girl mention this action?"

"The report written by Ms. Shi Huaiya is also here. Would you like to read it?"

"Don't change the subject, and don't keep looking at the screen, look here!"

"Is this what the boss should say?" Ice turned his head speechlessly, "I'm looking at our company's financial statements."

"You answer seriously and it's over."

The penguin, who seemed to be making trouble for no reason, opened the wine bottle on the table, and as a matter of course, filled it up for himself first.

"Just leave those jobs to the new guys, and there are still a few capable little bastards who have to be taken care of. Alas, the world has changed. I also have to keep a few for the development of a company. Disgusting brat."

"Haven't you changed a few times already?" At the moment when Yisi's typing on the keyboard slowed down, such a righteous man suddenly said, "Think about it, the baton you played with in Letania, those ridiculous The sheet music, and those black and white buttons—"Boom!

Unfortunately, a sudden spark bloomed on the body of the 'Justice', and the black pistol was still smoking white smoke on the penguin's flippers.

I don't know where he got it from.

He could only hear his thick and deep voice saying: "Even if I invite you, you will still be shot if you speak out loud, Zha Luo."

"It's good, we're not good enough to have a party anyway, are we?"

The shattered black mist healed again, and the black wolf leaped onto the table, directly biting a wine bottle on the table.

The mouth of the bottle shattered instantly, but it had no worries about being injured or bleeding, raised its long jaws, and easily drank the liquid mixed with broken glass.

Then he threw the bottle aside—but was picked up by a hardworking overtime worker, predicting with precise trajectory.

"Mr. Zhaluo, please speak up and don't add to my burden."

These words surprised Hei Lang: "...Are you still in charge of cleaning here?"

"It's an old habit." Under the helmet that lacked emotional expression, the only voice was calm enough, "I was also responsible for the previous cleaning."

"As the company grows bigger, cleaners have also been recruited. This habit can't be changed, so this guy is born to work hard."

The penguin not far away shook his head: "Zaro, how is the situation this time?"

"You really care about those little girls."

"Aren't you also hiding in Laplande's shadow like a stalker pervert."

"I..." Hei Lang hesitated to speak, wondering whether it was necessary to admit that he was the other party's servant in order to explain.

Although it is not impossible to admit that he lost to a human being.

But if you admit it in front of this penguin, it may be widely spread by the recording, and you will laugh for several years.

So it can only go back to the topic in the end: "There is nothing to say, the whole team has not experienced any decent dangers and battles, and the kid named Zhu Xun in the Gospel class has no real killing intent."

"Really so calm? I thought the girl from Shi Huaiya's family omitted some important points. After all, she and Linton kid have a good personal relationship."

"The relationship between him and your few employees is not that bad," Zha Luo sneered, "It's really thanks to you that you can sit still for introducing such a young but scheming guy."

"What can't sit still, do you think I will be broken like you?"


The black wolf who was touched by the past was silent, and the anger in his pupils was only fleeting, and this also made the corners of Penguin's eyes move humanly: "You have really grown a lot, no less Was beaten?"

"I'm leaving." Zaroli didn't even want to pay attention to this guy, and turned into a black mist that disintegrated and walked away.

"Let's go slowly," said the insincere Penguin, who didn't even bother to give a symbolic wave, took a sip of his glass, and continued to harass his subordinates, "Iss, let's continue the previous topic!"

"Boss—" Is sighed helplessly with a drawn-out tone.

"Dr. Rorschach had a very high opinion of Mr. Linton back then, and we all know that he will not be aimless."

"Is that why you don't want to chat with me?"

"I hope you can come when I'm on vacation. In addition, I recommend you to find Croissant or Neng Angel."

"Mostima may not refuse."


"Did the little snake stay up late?"

"How to say?"

"Today's grilled eel seems a bit burnt."

"Can you still notice this kind of place?"

"Underestimate people! Even the teahouse thinks you must have stayed up late!"

"Hmm... I have a little work to do."

To be busy means to rush to draft a small composition overnight and send it out quickly.

The popular science documentary master who has been silent for six years has returned to the arena. The direct result is that Umastagram in the late night and early in the morning are discussing whether someone has finally remembered his account.

Of course, Omer would not use that trumpet to read the feedback, at most he would use the trumpet to go back to the 'crime scene', so that the trumpet would not be manipulated by someone who wanted to dig Morrison out.

For example, it is very common for minors to register an account with the guardian's ID card and mobile phone number in the early years!

The trumpet was also abandoned because of the revelation at Morrison's place.

Otherwise, Omer might be far more famous on Umastagram than he is now, and it's all good reviews.

The popular science documentary of the life of the horse race girl is a by-product of writing with those achievements when investigating and understanding many horse race girls.

Many unnecessary unknown records and private life content were screened out.

Compared with the original embryo, the content of the written thing is far worse.

But for ordinary fans, it is enough to make them highly respected.

After all, some information is not necessarily known to Ma Niang's true fans, and I don't know where the 'Umastar teacher' found it, so that the official content can be refined.

They probably won't believe Omer when he says he's been sifted through weird clerical sites and filthy illegal forums.

But this is not important. Teacher Umastar's good reputation is not only due to the factual science popularization of horse racing girls that is produced every month, but also because of his high-intensity interaction with people.

Whether it is a certified horse girl, a horse girl fan, or a Umastagram account that claims to be a horse girl, you can often see his comments or replies.

They are always very enthusiastic and friendly, and even when a few certified racehorse girls were questioned about match-fixing, they provided details of the opponent's performance before and after the race as evidence to prove that they were indeed in poor condition.

He was once suspected of being a professional cyber detective.

There will even be real Internet detectives to greet him in the form of Internet detectives.

Then... Then the message was sent to the bound mobile phone number.

That was one of the few times when Morrison was able to educate and even teach Omer a lesson.

Worthy of electronic vampires to remember.

At the same time, it is undoubtedly the "immature past" in Omer's eyes.

So a certain Umastarsensei disappeared early.

It wasn't until the age of 16 that I was able to register an account with my own information, and then I started riding Umastagram again.

After a change in style, I no longer do any documentary about horse girls, but often write some game reviews of horse girls and call literature, and was once hired by many fans of the horse girl fan club to write articles.

He has also been given the title of a person who, in Homa's view, has caused more trouble than gain several times.

Fortunately, it should be gone now.

(End of this chapter)

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