only monsters

Chapter 358 NO.121: It’s just not very suitable for stability

Chapter 358 NO.121: It’s just not very suitable for stability

The eyes of Baal Beast X and Omer Linton.

Both sides are faces with hard to read emotions, but in terms of voice, the latter does have a slight smile.

Although he should have been the least able to laugh.

After all, behind the demon's head, there were three black gun muzzles.

The lady holding the murder weapon had three scarlet eyes under her mask, showing a kind of unkind anger.

this situation-

At first glance, it seems that Baalmon X and Belstarmon have reached an agreement, and they are threatening the demon together.

Even the atmosphere was truly dangerous, enough to make people breathless.

The three are also motionless, as if time and space are also frozen here.

Omer showed the irreconcilable positions of the two sides in the most intuitive and seemingly sloppy way, but even so, he still showed that he was willing to give the other party a chance to achieve their goals.

He can block the opponent's fly projectiles with his palm, and the back of his head covered with scales will never be weaker than his palm.

Compared with ordinary humans, it has too many arms, and when it is raised, it is still the same as ordinary humans, which is a weak signal to eliminate threats.

Baal beasts present an unlikely possibility.

No, it's waiting.

They usually have many like-minded companions, as long as they get along, they are considered brothers and sisters, so how can they be considered compatible?

And he felt the pressure to interpret the opponent's actions without the reason of stupidity.

"This understanding is a bit too much. I just talk to people when I see people."

In fact, the curvature of the front of his ferocious visor really looks like a smile.

"Please say."

After all, the gap in strength and skills from the mature stage to the ultimate body is also the result of this kind of "digimon setting influence" working and assisting.

Belstamon smacked its lips, looked unhappily at the neither humble nor overbearing Barmon X for a few seconds, and then slapped Omer on the waist beside him: "I'll go to the side to watch the wind, and shout if I have something to do!"

"If you want to attack me at this moment, it will be difficult to cooperate." Baal Beast X said lightly.



In this deadly waiting.

And if he chooses to please the other party, he can also say that he didn't think so much, it was just a matter of convenience, not a threat.

"Maybe she believes you? After all, you didn't intend to betray him, did you?"

This skill cannot be learned quickly, but it can only be done in an unconventional way—the technology side can insert chips and add logic algorithms, and the energy side can conduct memory transmission and add personality thinking circuits and so on.

Even though it has seen its opponent slap its own bullet, Belstamon still considers itself a protector.

The appearance created by the fusion of the three is this one—although it has a two-page skill column like a mage, it is definitely a Fatan position like Aguru.

Thinking about where to make a hole first.

But the observation and analysis of others is a long-term accumulation process. What is accumulated is not only the observation of the target, but also the observation of life all the time.

However, when the eyes meet, the subconscious avoidance of the three eyes still shows that this eldest sister does not have a clear conscience in the true sense.

Then there are the above words.

"I will not ask each other not to attack each other on the basis of cooperation."


Gazing deeply at the white dot surrounded by black flames, Baal Beast raised his arms.

The slightly warm friendship between him and Belstarmon may end with just a few words from himself.

"Omer Linton."

Coupled with Omo's thick scales, he obviously has the appearance of a demon who is specialized in attack and defense.

Although the ultimate body is the highest combat power conventionally recognized by Digimon, Belstarmon is by no means a stepping stone in the ultimate body, but although Omer's posture is deliberately reduced to a human body, it is second only to [three Card Fusion Galatron King] hard.

Omer was not sure, but the dodge of his eyes just now was quite cute.

After talking, Omer really felt the barrel of the gun retracted from the back of his head.

After all, although he doesn't know the information about Baal Beast X, he knows enough about Belstar Beast and Witch Beast.

In this regard, Omer is not unconscious, it is better to say that he is very clear that things will develop to this point.

Not to mention, the evolution of the ultimate body will also have a slight impact on the ability and way of thinking.

But that's not usually seen as a disadvantage,

To shoot means to break.

If my answer is not satisfactory, I may be left here.

It's just called a grin.

Step on the line that is about to leave Germany.

Not only because of her strength and appearance, but also because of her character that can tolerate many things.

"A very convincing statement makes me think that you are not as young as you say."

Is it sluggish?

Everyone's ability may be similar.


This 'better', of course, does not refer to character, but in terms of the purpose he hopes to achieve.

"That's what you said!"

"After all... the so-called cowboys in the Western period I know should behave more simply when faced with possible betrayal."

The Witch Beast should forget it.

He is Baalmo, who has the title of the head of the 72 pillars of demon gods, and was once the main god of the Canaanite religion. He is called the noble king in the digital world, and he is a knowledgeable person who knows all kinds of knowledge.

Even if she achieves artificial evolution by relying on the dark data she smoothed out, the lowest degree of influence is inevitable.

In fact, even if Belstamon really shot, it would be very difficult to hurt Omer.

"That is to say, you are full of lies?"

The possibility of this is really low.

Meferas who can fight against the first generation Ultraman without losing the wind.

"Not at all."

Based on this, Baal Beast X is under pressure, and it is the only pressure.

Just look pleasing to the eye.

So when Omer said that sentence, Baer Beast X faced not only the other party's offer, but also a hint of madness.

"Is this what you figured out?"

For a high-spirited witch cowboy with two guns in hand, life is a candid and capable style, a satisfactory result.

"In fact, only the elderly who have experienced ups and downs will have that kind of bad temper. Most of the elderly these days have a relatively smooth life, but most of them are kind."

"Of course not. I didn't count that Belstamon would not shoot for a long time. I thought she would be more straightforward."

Very rigid perception of the relationship between humans and Digimon.JPG
It was as if the radical threat just now had never happened.

He realized the biggest difference between the opposite side and himself.

It's hard to say whether it's because of the resident intelligence of the Witch Beast, or because her empathy and righteousness overwhelmed the possible resentment for betrayal.

The only thing that is close is ability.

And amidst this pressure, there was no killing intent.

As long as it's not pleasing to the eye, it's time to shoot.

"Are you going to do it directly and leave me here if you can't reach an agreement?"

But on the opposite side is Mephisto/Mefilas, the sycophant in "Faust", whose name is called "destroyer-liar" in Hebrew, and his character and image are very complicated.

And this made the other party even more embarrassed.

In contrast, Belstarmon's waiting to meet the two people's gazes was surprisingly patient.

"It's a common practice, isn't it?"

But the point is not in this, but in the performance of an attitude.

In fact, Belstarmon, as a member of the ultimate body, is quite popular among the digital world lovers among the human community.

Compared to Omer's notice, Belstarmon was already aiming at Baalmon X's oversized body that was shaped by the cloak and wings.

"Is it possible that I'm just appropriating other people's quotations, even if they are older—" Homa shrugged.

The demon lightly stopped Belstamon's skills, which was a threatening show of force.

But the other way around.

"Yes, but you said before that this is not what you planned." Baal Beast X stared at the demon opposite, not relaxing for a moment.

Witnessing this scene, until the other party was too far away to hear the conversation here, Baer Beast X said lightly: "You are indeed different from me, you can get along with her very easily, and even found a way to control her. "

The conversation eventually turned to self-promotion, which fit Omer's judgment of him.

Belstamon left in a hurry, and the hasty pace was enough to reveal the unrest in the cowgirl's heart.

This kind of judgment, Baer Beast X will not make, because he is convinced that the other party no longer needs him to try again, so he came here to contact.

The Witch Beast's information collection is enough to prove her ability.

"You heard me, partner."

"I will, go." The response with a bit of a smile seemed to be really unaffected.

"It's a bit impolite to use the term "controlling." The index finger formed by the two-layer finger grip shook slightly, Omer smiled, "I prefer to treat the Digimon as a person."

Baal Beast X would not be frightened by the visual effect, and his response was still indifferent:
"Even if they are bound by their own settings?"

And Belstarmon's setting correction will make her... not so intellectual.jpg
Expecting the cowgirl to analyze and summarize her personality model is probably a luxury.

Baal Beast X is looking for a better partner than Yuechi Symbol.

A giant beast created by God, the Behemoth that bears the earth.

However, Baal Beast X obviously didn't seriously mention this possibility, because the next second after he said that, he changed his language:
"It's clear that I will be a better choice for cooperation than her. You don't have to accommodate that guy's rampage at all."

Although there is a saying that "when you look at the abyss, the abyss also looks at you", but when you find out the nature of Witchmon ←→ Belstarmon, does the other party also confirm yourself...

"Then let me ask you, is Belstamon's reaction in your expectation?"

Although that's probably not the point.

"People are also often bound by the past," Devil said frankly, "their past constitutes their 'setting'."

Bar beast X, sighed inaudibly.

It doesn't mean to look down on the opponent's intelligence.

When he took the initiative to contact himself, Omer knew he wanted to change jobs.

"That's another difference we have."

The devil's voice finally lost its smile, but was as indifferent as Baal Beast X.

"I prefer stability to so-called freedom."

(End of this chapter)

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