only monsters

Chapter 342 105: If you don't review the past one time, it will be useless to arrange the plan

"The review process is too strict. Who made it so complicated... Oh, it's me, it's okay."

The businessman silently continued to input the series of passwords, access codes, and confirmation codes on the keyboard, and behind him, there were several assistants in very 'stereotype' costumes helping him to look after the booth , dealing with the guests.

How stereotyped is that stereotype?

The jet-black tights, the outline of the skeleton framed by white stripes - Xu is the most well-known Cos choice here.

They are only one eagle mark standing in front of their foreheads away from the appearance of Xiuka combatants, but it is precisely because there is no such thing that they have more infinite possibilities.

After all, that attire has become commonplace in all kinds of creations involving Tokusho culture, so I was able to attend this booth that also has infinite possibilities.

Of course, they have nothing to do with the evil organization itself.

It's just because I want to attend such an occasion, so I put on such a costume.

There is not much shame, after all, there is always something more outrageous here.

Monsters appear not only in front of adults, but also in front of children.

The subtle magical girl style attire and the corresponding clothing style of the villain organization cadres are enough to open up the diversity of clothing aesthetics.

Or maybe it's your aesthetic in Repp.

Those who have not been immersed in this field for a long time, or even newcomers who are only interested in monsters, or even outsiders who come along by chance, are forced to experience round after round of vision expansion.

Just like a plainclothes police officer with tiger ears, even more like the big red-faced painting of a family of giant beast fragments.

Even a member of the Star of Light who has a hasty understanding of human culture has to accept that there are still many facts that he needs to learn.

Then remind the friend who turned his head suddenly to keep up with the tour group.

Some tourists came to see monsters, some tourists came to find inspiration, and some tourists came to understand the enemy's situation. Everyone always came with various intentions.

Among them, it is not only the merchant himself who rushes to the conflict.

The ear-shattering rumble was mixed with a little exclamation and shouting, which made the stall owners, assistants and tourists of the stalls all turn their heads, and then saw the aftermath of the explosion.

Even though they are quite far away, they can still feel that the fiery towering fire waves still exist, and there are still roars and roars of monsters.

At first glance the problem is huge.

But here, most tourists and stall owners have a hard time distinguishing whether this is a program effect or a real attack.

However, this is not a problem. After all, many tourists here are good-for-nothings or brave people who want to participate in the excitement.

"We seem to be preempted, boss."

Although he has been at the bottom of the chain of contempt for a long time in the chat room of the Hall of Return, the merchant is still a guy with high combat and financial resources.

And once together with Kanlong, he lowered the organizational style of the entire Hall of Return from a secret monster exchange meeting to the point of an evil organization.

Of course, the most special thing is that the other members who are living a legal life didn't kick the businessman out.

It was originally a secret gathering, and it seemed no different if everyone shouted and beat them——

The police didn't want us directly, just let the businessman die by himself——

At the beginning of the establishment of the Hall of Return to the Source, it was just a mutual help monster exchange group. There is only one rule, don't fight each other——

Isn't this very lively, it makes me want to laugh even when I see my old bones——

Similar reactions spread among the still active members of the chat room. The businessman has a thick skin that can really do business. With the financial resources and weapons he has accumulated, he can also recruit some employees to act as assistants.

And it's not temporary.

You are regarded as the bottom of the group in the chat room, but in some fields, there are still people who admire you and are willing to call you "boss".

Of course, the premise is that you don't stay in jail all the time.

The enthusiasm that can be maintained after squatting for so many years is probably found in the gangsters.

It's hard to find it yet.

So there are not many opportunities left for him... The businessman thought so, still staring at the operation screen in front of him.

"Let them start first. The first book is a big gamble. They may face the most obstacles, or they may be able to gamble that everyone has not reacted, so they will succeed."

He didn't even look at the distance, and together with the employees he hired, he was convinced that what was in the distance was not a show effect, but a real crime.

In fact it is.

The real concept of monster fighting has been staged in the distance, and the mechanical giant KAITEN-FX is fighting against the runaway ancient monster Sphinx under the control of team members in strange costumes.

At the same time, some monster girls with sphinx characteristics stepped forward to persuade them to fight, and some exhibits from nearby booths attacked.

Read it as aiding repression, and write it as an arms display.

Most of these monsters are sold in the process of selling arms. The more chaotic the venue, the more opportunities they will have.

Sometimes, for the sake of demonstration, they even directed and acted out some attacks themselves.

And among those attacks, there are also real criminals who did fake acts and pretended to be fake.

You must know that the group of monster lovers is quite 'special', and there are quite a few spiritual extremists in this special group.

They and the monster are attracted to each other, and the ultimate achievement is destruction itself.

This is also one of the businessmen's reliance on identifying opportunities—thanks to the lack of security checks and identity verification in this monster exhibition, there are many dangerous people hiding in it every session.

Merchants have no intention of cooperating with them, but it is undeniable that these guys are useful for finding ways.

It also saves the step of muddying the water, which gives me more confidence.

"Don't just look over there, check the situation in other exhibition areas. Anyone who dares to make trouble here is usually a gang."

Criminals know criminals best, even the businessman himself, who is often dissed by netizens, will not commit crimes alone in this kind of exhibition.

"Indeed, there are 3 locations in Area A."

"Four locations in Area B."

"There are 6 locations in Zone E, but the time doesn't seem to be uniform, shouldn't it be the same group of people?"

"Ghost knows, I remember that it was advertised as a venue that can accommodate at least 26 people. If there are really so many people, I don't dare to think how many criminal organizations can be packed here."

"You're talking like we're not one of them."

"Don't we have to wait until the boss releases Griza!"

"Now we can say that the approval process is done!" The businessman who answered suddenly raised his hand to wipe away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and then looked back at the noisy giant battle scene before.

It seemed to be the end there.

The appearance of a simple and cheap mechanical giant, mixed with the assistance of several magical girls, suppressed the giant beast together.

But also coincidentally, one kilometer to the northwest, there was even a huge wave of sound sweeping across.

"These guys are really active..."

He sighed, and he didn't know whether he was lamenting the criminals or the "envoys of justice" who fought against the criminals.

"Then what about us?" an employee asked back.

"Scatter to the three districts and contact those mercenaries. I will also contact 'Linton' and 'Yi Ren'."

"Yes!" X4
Eager to join the action, four members of the evil organization seem like natural born criminals.

And seeing the attitude of his subordinates, the businessman who is the boss is also a little nervous. After all...he let others go into the muddy water to test himself out this time, which shows that the reckless heart has already failed one after another. wasted away.

Although Griza's main body, which can grow rapidly here, is his biggest trump card, it may not be able to really set off a storm in this exhibition with many masters.

Fortunately, his goal is not to wipe out everything in this exhibition. In the current rhythm of people making trouble everywhere, the possibility of success is getting higher and higher.

He turned his head, looked at Area B, and at a tall building located there.

Against the background of artificial blue sky and white clouds, it shows a looming towering silhouette.

The leading company in the monster industry - the location of Jiedun Nebula Media Co., Ltd.

At the same time, there are also a large number of monster capsules that are used as traveling displays.


There is also a big ticket! 'The idea is preferred.

Someone will be there first.

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