only monsters

Chapter 294 NO.57: That's a pity

Chapter 294 NO.57 That's a Pity
"Treyson Student Union...Are you sure where he went?"

"Do I have to lie to you?"

The tall Demon Man Digimon standing on the screen said calmly.

"Perhaps I should also remind you to avoid asking questions when confronting me."

"I didn't ask you for any knowledge or answers to puzzles."

Yuechi frowned slightly, looking at his ally at the data level.

He is not a reckless person, and he has a deep enough understanding of the race of his allies and the existence of Digimon.This group of special creatures born in the accumulation of data in the information age, because their composition is rooted in 'data' and 'information', is also limited by that 'data' and 'information'.

Digimon's name is very important.

Their names come from the roots of information accumulated in the information age, and the roots also constitute their essence and their source of strength.

Baal Beast X, whose name is 'Baal', comes from the records of Solomon's 72 Pillars of Demon Gods.

Yue Chi symbolizes that more than one Digimon has looked down upon him.

Or envy that they use the emotion of being a human partner as an anchor, and promise that they will not change.

But most of the time, he still hides in the data and watches everything with the help of the identity and ability of the Digimon.

Famous group forces like the Twelve Generals, the Twelve Gods of Olympus, the Ten Warriors, the Three Angels, and the Royal Knights are all watching the show.

Human beings have never been helpless in the field of data. It would be better to say that although the development of the digital world is somewhat natural, the underlying data is ultimately created by humans.

"Indeed, but I think a man with a free armored body could have acted more freely."

Of course, there is a certain decisive factor in it - although the expeditionary force bears the name of Digimon, it is actually a force composed of militant factions and evil and dark Digimon.

"A question can be turned into a puzzle only by adding a few steps," Baal Beast X said coldly, "It depends on my patience."

The real legions are all recuperating.

So they will cooperate with human forces.

——Under this rhythm, how can this war be won?

It can only be said that the reason for the banner they played cannot attract all Digimon together.

But there are also some Digimon who will be envious of this.

You must know that there are many gods, demon gods, and fairies in the real world.

As for the Digimon who use their authority... there is nothing to say.

Cyber ​​hackers and cyber police have both cooperation with Digimon and direct confrontation with Digimon. Considering that high-level programming languages ​​can create "magic" effects in the digital world, and have the ability to communicate with hackers at the bottom of the data and the Internet. The police group and even the mechanical priests are all considered archmages themselves, and they can really compete with Digimon.

This will naturally cause public opinion pressure in the field of Digimon, but the mechanical body obviously doesn't care much about it.

This degree of freedom is always there.

This is an alternative enhancement that Digimon can enjoy in the present age when electronics are fully popularized.

Growth, yes, growth, isn't the degeneration and evolution of Digimon also growth?
While styles will change, it's entirely up to you to choose whether to change—that is, choose whether to evolve or regress.

As for the seven great demon kings and one of the four dragons, although they were even the leaders at the beginning, they found something was wrong in the middle of the battle, and they all planned to retreat.

Or live a stable and ordinary life like a human social animal, without any waves.

The latter was quite fruitful.

During the peaceful period when the digital world is gradually recuperating and there is little friction between the legions, the Iron Empire urgently needs a new battlefield for testing weapons, and even more urgently needs a new "target" for testing weapons.

If you can’t beat it, you can still ask for foreign aid—referring to the data that transforms and transmits real equipment, just like Aumer can bring monster cards to the digital world, and the device still marks him as an ultimate body. The police are fully capable of applying Some dangerous munitions are coming.

The former can't create any vivid memory to anchor the self, and the latter... can't even save his life. There is no time to think about philosophy.

The digital world has the rules of the digital world, and the real world also has the rules of the real world. It is not impossible for everyone to fight away games. The specific results of the battle will depend on the results of the previous digital expeditions.

"The old woman appreciates him, but I will be targeted instead if I go to see him."

Digimon of the Expeditionary Army: Can we put aside the foreign technology and visitors from the foreign world, and have a fair fight?
Opponent in the real world: What about your mother, aren't Sagemon and Medieval Dukemon Digimon from another world?
It is such a conditional basis that exacerbated the fiasco of the Digital Expeditionary Army in several battles.

And if you want to evolve and degenerate completely unchanged... you might as well find a beast trainer as a partner.

To be able to develop the discipline of philosophy to the point where there are dozens of textbooks and hundreds of reference materials is idle in the eyes of certain precarious races, or it is beyond their imagination.

"How do I know if he's a snake if you're not there?"

The Iron Empire Legion even openly does business with humans. Infinity Dragon Beasts are stationed in various human information security fortresses. Gun Dragon Beasts and the like often appear as additional numbers, and various mechanical transformations often replace shifts. helper.

This is an unavoidable problem for Digimon.

Such an obvious style change is the influence of the Digimon's name.

There are not many traversers in the digital world, but in reality there are one after another. Many Digimon think that invading the human world is a trivial matter, but Digimon who have been in contact with human society understand that this is not a world at all. Confrontation with a world.

Let's see who has more authority.

There are countless collections of worlds outside!

It can only be called a farce, no matter how many times you come here.

After degeneration, you have to play with strategies and tricks with a magic book. Not only do you not have high-frequency tata openings, you don't even have a lot of tata openings.

The latter's plan of anchoring emotions to solidify oneself is not impossible for Digimon to reproduce themselves, but life in the digital world usually goes to two extremes.

Compared with the Digimons, the human race is obviously full of food.

Of course, the symbol of Yue Chi will obviously not find them unprepared.

After that, the cooperation between the Iron Empire and the human side was not limited to the legion level, and private commissions were also accepted, but the requirements and asking prices were more expensive.

"You mean he has calculated everything? Then he is investigating me consciously."

Even if the memory is not hindered, even if the position has not changed, but the way of thinking has indeed been affected.

Especially, when he asked these Digimons: "Do you feel that you are no longer yourself", "Some things are destined from the beginning", "Have you ever thought about the principle of power you use? "When this kind of speech is made, there are many Digimon such as Ogamon, Poison Mushroommon, and Roninmon, who feel that he is provocative.

"Perhaps that's why he's aboveboard."

"... There are many ways to meet without face to face, but old women don't have many eyeliners in the Internet field."

Digimon such as Barbamon and Barbamon, even if their status and strength in the digital world are at the forefront, even at the peak, but in the eyes of humans like Yuechi Symbol, they are somewhat pathetic.

Even a large number of troops were blocked in the data channel by humans and those animal trainers with Digimon partners.

For these, the human side can provide, let Digimon come to reality to fight legally, and let the new work of Iron Empire go on an expedition to the battlefield-the high-end game that most impressed the Digimon of Iron Empire has to be accompanied by those human troops To a different world together.

"Do you want me to witness?"

"You're not going to see him?"

"I have to succeed in everything to be free, continue to monitor!"

Either it is a turbulent express journey, highlighting that one can send it as soon as he wants.

Even the so-called evolution and degeneration, Digimon are also disturbed by their names - a certain Mr. Bie, who did not want to be named, was holding a big gun when he was in the ultimate body, highlighting a galloping in the digital world, life only needs Tata drive, Tata drive, and Tata drive!

Those Digimon mixed with humans seem to have never had any inner changes, whether it was a child or an ultimate body.

Even report to the human side.

He hired the bodyguards of the Iron Empire just to find a partner beyond the meaning of the battle, and the final result was the one in front of him.

Looking at the current prosperity of human society, we can know its specific outcome.

"Then did you hear what they were talking about?"

"The Rudolph symbol?"

"So, what are you going to do?" Baal Beast X asked.

"There's another Digimon there, it's not a good idea to startle the snake."

"Of course! Didn't you say that that guy has Digimon following him?"

In that record, the demon gods were classified according to their positions and specialties, which were profound and distinct, and had far-reaching influence.

After all, as long as the memory is not passive, the position has not changed, but the style has changed, they are completely acceptable, just like human beings have many changes from childhood to adulthood?
What else do they call it?

Some Digimon ridiculed that they were domesticated by humans, which is really ugly.

Of course, most Digimon don't see this as a problem either.

And those who study philosophy...

Digimon that exist in the name of a demon god are all dominated by that so-called 'influence'.

And this is not difficult for the chairman of Yuechi Logistics to accept.

It also affects the style of doing things.

"This is your problem, it's not within the scope of our treaty, Yuechi symbol," Baer Beast X stared at the flickering ferocity on the man's face, "I don't think you need to be so restrained."

At most half of the number of Digimon in the Digital World is the sky-high, and the actual statistical probability is less than half.

"You don't understand my environment at all."

Those who study mechanical bodies only care about who can let them test new weapons and new transformation works.

Baal Beast X, as a supervisor, has been keeping up with the progress of the plan symbolized by Yuechi, and occasionally does it to make it go smoothly.

Their strengths and personalities are all defined by their "names", just like the "real names" that some demon races regard as their weaknesses in reality, firmly grasping their lifeblood.

All of them are gearing up to show him why there is such a gap in the moon phase.

The legion is always missing, and the scale is getting smaller and smaller, and now it is not even a legion.

Or envy the high-probability evolutionary treatment.

The group of virus bodies called Pamish are very powerful, like a Digimon (Di Limo), which makes the Iron Empire and even some groups of militant Digimon very satisfied.

When Digimon came into contact with humans and extensively intersected with humans in several world crises, there were both Digimon who went to play in the human world, and humans who studied the digital world.


"That's a pity."

 Thanks for the reward of Magic Sea Tides.

  thanks, thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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