only monsters

Chapter 282 NO.45: Get along like a bad joke

Chapter 282NO.45 Getting Along Like a Bad Joke

Unhappiness is a very contagious trait.

Unlucky people are always accustomed to attribute all their troubles to themselves.

And this also makes them out of tune with the people around them.

The result of getting along with each other forcibly usually ends in exhaustion that is difficult for both parties to support.

Relationships are thus narrowed.

The combination of the racehorse girl named Mi Yu and the trainer named James Stewart was inevitable.

Because they are natural allies, also troubled by their own rough fortune, and always have to fight against that misfortune.

The only difference is that - Stewart's misfortune did originate from himself, while Mi Yu's rather bad fortune stemmed from the alien soul he carried.

If she hadn't become a racehorse girl, maybe she wouldn't have to face her life of constant setbacks.

Fortunately, as a horse racing girl, she has her own special school, which allowed Mi Yu to transfer to the central government as early as junior high school, but the experience in elementary school still left an incomparably intuitive impact on her.

But even if she didn't do anything, the rumors of 'Rice, she will only cause trouble' and 'be careful, don't get involved with her', I don't know when they started to spread and spread like wildfire.

"Well, when Xiaomi Yu saw us, the panicked look made me think she was abused by you."

Being able to be told by the elders that he is a child who can bring happiness to everyone, he can also proudly say this meaning in the self-introduction in the class, and then greet the eyes of the friends who don't understand.

At this time, the unanimous apology and "it's all my fault" will be particularly eye-catching.

Also just an ordinary human being.

At the same time, a real moldy trainer was ushered in.

But Stewart did knock down a racehorse girl, based on the premise that the other party was also unstable——

There is clearly a distinct difference between the two.

Even though there are no rumors of hometown in the brand-new class environment, the shadow caused by childhood is still like a gangrene.

Such as going shopping, eating, and playing with friends.

"That guy Rudolph has always appeared on his desk, and it happened during school. Guess what those guys said when they were questioned?"

But... the audience here is not just two people, but also a certain straight Sirian symbol.

But even so, she was taken out of the hospital by Bourbon right now.

In Hongying District, the locals have two hair colors that are regarded as noble blood, one is black hair, which is regarded as a symbol of Roman descendants in Yiluo District, and the other is blond hair, the lighter the color, the more noble.

The little girl is not without a long memory, and the disappointment and complaints from her peers a few times are unforgettable enough and enough to make her flinch.

Rice Shower, which is a name that brings happiness to those around it, is taken from the ancient Western custom of sprinkling rice to the newlyweds during the wedding session.

Standing on the field with other students of the same grade, it is inevitable to face his own poor results.

When he heard the name of the car accident trainer, he had already made this plan.

Miura Bourbon’s day is extremely monotonous and self-disciplined: morning exercise, breakfast, basic training, lunch, specialized training, dinner, evening training, and sleep.

So he started to fight against such misfortune very early, even though the results were minimal, he never gave up.

It's like when you are getting closer to others, a slip and fall may indeed drag others along.

Although he hasn't revealed his purpose yet, it's too easy for Omer to see through - after all, he is also proficient in finding agent scripts!
He had no doubt that Qian Ming knew it too, but neither of them revealed it.

In the car accident he encountered, the car was seriously injured, but he was slightly injured, which proved the gold content of contemporary vehicle protection measures.

"What's wrong with the horse girl?! There are quite a few cases of horse girls being murdered every year!" She was obviously very displeased with Stewart's attitude, but due to her position as the 'perpetrator', she didn't directly swear at the horse girl.

"Honestly speaking, if I ask you to judge, it has changed a little bit."

Omer inevitably thought about these questions when they first met, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it probably belongs to the topic of 'let's explore later'.

He also doesn't think that he will be someone who conveys bad luck, at most it's just to the extent that stretching his hips will indeed affect others in some places.

James Stewart is quite an optimistic person. After all, he was taken by his parents to consult the local church from a very early age, and he has experienced the practical effect of the blessing of transshipment several times.

I didn't expect the trainer to be quite cooperative, as if he was going to talk about some topics that were not convenient for the children to hear.

And Hong Ying, who can burst out when he is excited, is worthy of his Western face.

Although the origin of this custom can be traced back to Eastern concepts, this is not the point.

Although there are scattered time for relaxation, Homa, who is also an expert in overtime work, thinks it is necessary to arrange some more practical relaxation sessions.

So, the Hongying people, who are respected in their hometown, come to this Jiemen District to be a bad guy, is it because of the pursuit of being a trainer?

The physique of the race horse girl is always not bad, even if she is only a high school student, she is better than the average adult. Although there is little disadvantage in weight, she is not so easy to be 'down'.

Even in front of a certain triple-crown horse girl and returning ball horse girl.

In this way, the misfortune of birth and the misfortune of acquired meet, and the race-horse girl named Mi Yu also begins to undergo a little change.

Right now, he came to visit his colleagues, and also brought Bourbon to visit his friend's trainer, and took care of her friend's mood by the way——

This is a good start, but the journey of the soul of the horse racing is so ironic.

In contrast, the first few racehorse girls that Stewart's trainer was in charge of are still in different places, and the only way to care about this place is to visit remotely through the video network.

But this time, instead of pulling someone, he bumped into a certain horse girl.

The point is, a name with such a connotation is naturally something to be proud of for a child.

But if she hadn't become a racehorse girl, she probably wouldn't have been given the name '米润(ライスシャワー)'.

——Mi Yu naturally came. She was originally a local horse girl in Jiemen District, and she came to visit as soon as she heard the news.

It was because Stewart put on an attitude of 'adults talk, children go play'.

"Abuse? How could I abuse her? And how dare I abuse her? She is also a horse girl!" The man who yelled was the party involved in a car accident.

It turned out that the other party just wanted Omodo to take care of Mi Yu, so he specially talked about Mi Yu's past.

Ao Mo said while sympathizing with the patients, and beside him was representative Qian Ming who was sitting on a chair with his arms crossed.

Bearing such a name, he always encounters inexplicable setbacks.

And that short pale blonde hair.

I haven't practiced Yuan Neng much, although the palm of my hand looks like a callus from practicing swords, but it's not ideal, it's probably just a result of interest.

Although in this era, the development of technology and the deciphering of genes are enough to sweep the theory of bloodlines into the trash, the chain of contempt is still subtly inherited.

That influence is called inferiority complex, and that inferiority complex comes from comparison, and more from the unfortunate facts intertwined with rumors.

Although it does not directly involve the people around you, in some activities involving collective behavior, if you make trouble alone, it will also delay the progress of the people around you. The little girl who intends to do her best for everyone has to face this. The problem.

From junior high school to high school, the black-haired horse girl who has always been a loner and does not even want to be exposed to the eyes of others will eventually make it to the school selection competition one day.

"'I never thought horse girls would be persecuted'," Aomer replied on his behalf, "—Many trainers are used to it, and even superstitiously believe in horse girls' extraordinary physical fitness, but they ignore that these girls are still underage people, and there are more powerful gangsters in this world."

"But this is getting far, why don't we continue to pay attention to the students?" Without giving the other party time to give feedback, Omer has already cut off the conversation.

 The wedding custom of the guests throwing rice on the groom and the bride has two origins, one is a custom that existed in ancient Rome (this is more widespread)
  One is that Spain said that Marco Polo’s wrangling after returning from his trip to the East: It is recorded that rice is a staple food in the East, and the concept of honoring rice in the East. In addition, rice is not produced in Europe, and rice is expensive. Those who can sprinkle rice are princes and nobles. This has become a fashion for the upper class to lead and the lower class to follow.

  Until we meet again!

(End of this chapter)

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