only monsters

Chapter 242 NO.5: 1 Point of Boldness

Chapter 242 NO.5: Be Bold

The elf man code-named businessman must first go through interrogation before being escorted to prison.

Whether it was Rhodes Island, which was the first to restrain him, or the police station that took him in later, they would all try to get information from him.

However, Aumer was still in a coma at that time, unable to participate in the on-site interrogation, and could only obtain information through Rhodes Island later.

But judging from the information provided by Rhodes Island, this man is quite cooperative with the investigation.

The name, age, gender, district registration, current address, identity certificate, etc. are all given in full, and when answering the motive of committing the crime and the organization involved, they are also very straightforward.

And both passed polygraph tests.

Kingsley Moore, code-named a businessman, is indeed a businessman. He was once detained for reselling and smuggling, and he is a habitual criminal with a record.

Now he is engaged in the more lucrative monster card smuggling, active in the gray field.

He has cooperated with many companies, including Yugel Company, which Omer once had trouble with.

A lot can be said about these things, but these illegal transactions are the focus of the police. With limited interrogation time, Rhodes Island cares more about where his secret key to extract the power of the monster comes from. The organization of 'Return to the Source' has been established.

And then at this point - this guy is useless.

He couldn't tell the number of members of the organization, and he couldn't tell the identity of the members of the organization. He really didn't know and didn't care if he could confirm the truth even with multiple mental lie detector tests.

After all, the organization itself has never organized any team building, and even cooperation requires members to come in private.

Merchants who once tried to invite them to do business with them stopped paying attention to those companions after the invitation failed.

"So, you need a partner?"

The competition between the two players in the distance entered the middle game.

And Homa turned around, handed the stopwatch to Miura Bourbon, and under the curious eyes of several other people, Fu walked to the further edge of the training ground.

"Of course. And, you're a mercenary, right?"

"To be precise, the firm's mercenaries."

"I understand what you mean, we can have some cooperation without going beyond the law."

"How should I put it, I actually don't quite understand how you naturally mentioned cooperation like this. It is clear that we were still facing each other yesterday." Amo turned his head, and the pair of sisters who were getting faster and faster in the distance were reflected in the panorama. In pupils glowing red.

Talking to fugitive criminals or something, I always feel that the tall black horse girl is more suitable for this job.

"But you are also very calm, aren't you?" the other party asked back.

"It is true that you should be excited when you have a worrying question coming to your door, but I am not such a person who gets excited easily."

"That's enough, mercenary, you just need to understand that I'm a businessman." The other party replied.

"Isn't the word businessman enough to explain everything?"

"Are you sure you're not a gambler?"

"I don't deny that it's really risky to contact you directly," "Even contact the business contact I left at the mercenary office. This will be recorded, merchant."

Omer was surprised that the opponent gambled so thoroughly.

"That kind of problem is a trivial matter. Are you delaying time? I expect the police to lock my location through this communication." The other party said.

"Of course not. I wonder if businessmen always talk like this."

"It's that simple. I like your high compatibility with monster cards. As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, I can not only recommend you to the Hall of Returning to the Origin..."


"And I also have a Mephilas card, you should be interested."

"What do you mean by interested?"

"Do you have to say it so clearly? The original owner of your beta igniter."

"In this case, I need some time to think about it."

"How about before today?" the businessman asked, "In this case, you only have half a day to gather notes and come to me."

"You don't have to be so direct, but let's do it according to the time." Homa replied, turning his head to look at the finish line over there.

At a glance, Tranquility on Sunday surpassed Manchester City Cafe by at least two horses.

A member of the URA Association who has long since retired and ran around, is far better than his sister when he runs seriously.

But that's good, if the teahouse really catches up with the tranquility of Sunday, it will be pretty bad.

He needs "desire" to deepen the opponent's motivation, and only distance can pull up the pace of catching up.

The so-called dream and the so-called ideal are nothing more than the ecstatic "desire".

The deep hunger and thirst is definitely not on the lips, let alone thinking about it often, it will only be deeply imprinted in your heart, making you try your best to satisfy that desire.

Whether it is exhausted or scarred, you are willing to walk on the road to pursue it.

The most profound among them don't even care how the quest is done:

"I will give you an answer before 24 o'clock." Omer said calmly.

"Yes," replied the merchant, "I look forward to your reply."

After the call was hung up, Omer raised his hand and slid on the light screen to call up the recording file saved by the terminal itself.

He looked at the MP4 file that took up a small memory, and after thinking for a moment, he looked at the crowd in the distance.

Because the race over there also came to a result, several little girls were gathering together to communicate with each other, and because they inevitably talked about the views of the trainers, they cast their gazes this way.

In addition, colleagues Yutaka Nishizaki and monster research assistant Akane Shinjo had also been paying attention to his calls before, as if they had noticed something.

Now, his gaze met these people.

He waved his hand and pointed to the light screen beside him, indicating that there was still something to do.

Then he knocked on the number of the nearest police station, submitted and verified his identity, and said:
"Excuse me, please transfer me to the Two Realms Security Bureau."

These days, the cost of calling the police hotline to report false alarms is too high, because you will leave traces when you call, even if you contact through a public phone booth that has not been abandoned, it is not difficult to find out your identity from the surveillance.

And if you call with your real-name terminal number in a dignified way——

——At the moment you dial, your resume has been retrieved by the AI ​​of the police station, and any cases you have been involved in will also be displayed.

Based on this basis, his request was not obtrusive, and was easily allowed to be processed, and then after the brief AI mechanical sound prompt, he heard a human voice:
"Hello, is that Mr. Linton?"

Omer once yearned for a job in the Two Realms Security Bureau in Jiemen District.

But it is the first time to communicate with the other party's liaison officer in this way.

And it's the first time I'm going to say this kind of thing... Amo cleared his throat with a full heart, and replied:
"Yes, I think I can help with the case of the Hall of Return to the Source."

"The Hall of Return to the Source...? Please wait a moment." The liaison officer's voice was undisguisedly surprised, and the subsequent pause was probably an inquiry on the file.

"Okay." Omer, who responded softly, looked again at the group who had gathered to chat not far away.

There is one less person there.

The footsteps of the young man were very clear, and he made a small circle to get closer to him, but he turned his head and raised his hand as if to drive him away.

The latter immediately put on a regretful expression.

That's a monster research assistant who hasn't registered with the office yet, and she seems to like to join in the fun.

This excitement doesn't refer to the training topic of the horse girls over there, but the one that Homa reminded her to watch on TV yesterday.

But the current process is not that kind of thing, but more troublesome...

"Mr. Linton, I have to report this matter to the executive department and let them talk to you."

"No problem, please transfer it for me."


Or maybe even more boring...

"Hello, Mr. Linton, I'm the deputy chief of the Executive Section of the Security Bureau."

"Hello, deputy section chief."

"I received a report saying that the case of Guiyuanzhitang, can you help?"

"Yes, I think you feel that I want to provide some information."

But if it's done well, maybe it will be interesting...

"I think other ideas are too bold." The deputy section chief said.

"But I really want to say that I may have the opportunity to join such an organization."

(End of this chapter)

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