only monsters

Chapter 229 Your 42 Grandma Comes Spicy!

Chapter 229 Your 42 Grandma Comes Spicy!

Realizing this, Amo immediately decided to retract his tail, but he was bullied by the opponent. The next second after the magic circle emerged from the left arm, he saw the suddenly accelerating fists and claws directly in front of him like countless phantoms. enlarge--

——This is the Accelerated Hundred Crack Fist that can severely damage Ultraman Zero, and it is also a dangerous move that Omer will never ignore in terms of intelligence.

At other times, even if he didn't ignore the threat, there was nothing he could do. After all, punches from purely high speed are always difficult to resist.

Thunder Killer has no defensive ability at all, and the combination of Ace Killer and King Airi is only born for offense.

Just like its killer name.

But right now, he obviously still has a choice, this choice is called:

Slow down, Key of Timing, towards King Galatron.

Speed ​​up, the lock of waste time, towards Thunder Killer.

chant?There is no need to chant, the skills in the world of Terra are various, and there are not many that need to chant, but after arriving in this world, Mostima also got a little contact with the new culture of this world.

"Oh God,"

"O my Creator,"

"Listen, please,"

"The business of killing crimes,"

"He who is appointed,"

"Try to tie my locks,"

"Close its doors and declare disobedience innocent."

The "Book of Jubilee" once said that when God punished, the leader of the fallen angels, Mostima, asked for a tenth of his soul, and the self-locking allusion originated from Moses, and put it in her hometown called Terra. It is the fragment of Satan in that staff.

Mostima is just a name, just a code name, and the fallen angels on the land of Terra do not fully conform to the existence in the classics——

——In the beginning, including herself thought so.

But after getting in touch with the religions and origin energy of this world, and being able to obtain the skills that take care of the soul's origin from the hands of the "angel compatriots" of this world, not only her, but even the Lateran Pope Hall could not maintain the same happy and stable state as before. .

Communication between the world and the world.

The connection between the two cultures also has certain connections and influences in the dark.

Connected—fate connected;

There is a connection - the real name is connected;

Be connected - when everything is connected, then nature can also draw from it.

Take the power that can be drawn from the wok!

Mostima, calling towards the angel's seat that sits high in belief and legend, in order to achieve a short few seconds—a true fall into the sky.

Here, time meets time.

Here the servants of the Lord are with the enemies of the Lord.

Yahweh gave the gift of time to the fallen angel who tested man by temptation.

And another black dragon from Terra also interfered with time with stronger power to make an offensive.

The results are beyond doubt.

A destructive force that tears apart space, disrupts time, and annihilates its matter.

Rising up from the bottom that King Galatron never cared about, and his confident Pedanim punch was also pushed and unloaded by the Thunder Killer with his giant claws—at the same speed, or even faster.

There is also room to counterattack.

With the claws of thunder, even pierced a hole in the link in the middle of the breastplate of the Golden Ancient Bridge—there is also the body of Belia's components, and it is also where the impure mechanical body of King Galatron exists Weakness of flesh and blood.

And then again, up close—

——Thunderbolt Death Charge!
Go straight to the gap in King Galatron's chest that was scratched by sharp claws!
I fucking cum!
King Galatron obviously wanted to raise his hand to defend, but at that slowed down speed, when his arm was really blocking his chest, his chest was already dented by the beam of melting effect, and his arm was too late to drive anything , showing a similar melting effect.

This time, even the arms and chest melt together!


The result is such an eye-catching voice.

It wasn't even sent by the shooter, but the person who was shot was yelling endlessly. At first hearing it, he thought he was pouted, which caused a subtle look on the faces of several operators who were going all out and fighting. look.

Of course, there is no Homa in this.

After all, as a fellow monster transformer, Omo knows very well that this kind of monster transformation that looks like a Gundam pilot at first glance must be at the level of the iron-blooded Alaya consciousness, and the senses must be jumped at the same time. Go to EVA--

——Take the example of King Galatron kicking the Thunder Killer away as soon as he came out. At that time, Omer vomited blood directly.

The pain is real, and the damage is also real, completely synchronized with the damage of Ultraman Ben O's transformation.

He still feels the burning pain in his back, and when he does strenuous activities, it is also mixed with a strong stabbing pain like a bone fracture.

This made his movements no longer open and close. Just now, he was just waving his claws and flicking his tail, instead of throwing a fist that any evil would be brought to justice.

and so.

At this moment, the feeling of the elf man on the opposite side will obviously be more profound!

The voice in the high-intensity electrotherapy is indeed not graceful.

Even yelling like that.

Of course... Or maybe it's just that I can't stand the darkness anymore, Amo thought to himself.

The transformation of this elf man is very tricky.

Jin Guqiao and Galatron are both mechanical bodies that lack subjective negative emotions. In theory, he bears the lightest mental pressure. Will be coerced hostility on the line.

This burden is not even as good as the Thunder Killer on Omer's shoulders.

But the actual confrontation...who knows?

Aumer is not sure whether the other party has the same level of mental toughness as himself, but at least now he will not miss the opportunity, even if the other party is still shouting: "The way just now, is Tai Chi?"

The elf man was still thinking about the fact that the other party unloaded all of his Accelerating Hundred Crack Fist at the beginning.

"He said no, just play more marbles and billiards." Mostima relayed with a subtle expression.

Then he watched the actually taciturn Thunder Killer flutter his wings again after releasing the wave, completely ignoring the smoke from the moon marks on his chest, and flew straight towards King Galatron whose chest and arms had mostly melted away.

She would love to join in.

But she and Satan are a little bit out of power at the moment.

When exercising authority, I feel that I am omnipotent, but after breaking away from it, I feel that I am powerless, "it is impossible to appoint".

There was severe pain all over his body like fragile porcelain, and even his head gradually began to feel dizzy.

Probably yang (crossed out).

I have to use my remaining sobriety to ask Miss Xi to help...Mostima glanced at Mo Ling who was probing not far away, and knew that she didn't do anything to prevent accidents.

After all, Linton definitely can't count on it... She looked at Thunder Killer's back, the obvious armor dented and deformed on the back, it seemed that she could stand up very well.

In this state, he still wants to make up the knife, which is really the persistence that Mostima admires.

At the same time, when Mostima was no longer maintaining acceleration, let alone deceleration, King Galatron was finally able to use a ball of iron-like hands to open the KG barrier that should have saved lives.

According to Omer's information, this magic circle barrier once blocked the 87 flashes of Ultraman Geed's emperor form for a few seconds.

Now it's out... but it's kind of funny.

A powerful barrier that can block light attacks... Did I fly here to let you face to face with light?

Although Omer can indeed do this kind of thing, the Thunder Killer came here just to strike again!
"Nian! Do me a favor!"

He even yelled that.

The flying distance also happened to pass by the chalk beast, and the huge dark golden giant claws protruded towards the side of the chalk beast.

The latter understood what he said, and raised his hand towards the giant claw, and the chalky beast under him burst out with countless flames, clung to the giant claw that didn't stop, and forcibly pushed the dark The golden giant claws turned into silver white.

Light can teach people, sharpness is unparalleled.

There is a bit of a shadow of Ultraman X who uses monster cards to call for weapons.

But not as bulky as his armor.

But at this moment, the Thunder Killer gradually approached the King Galatron who was retreating in a hurry, his wings froze, and when he fell, he stabbed out brazenly, piercing through the magic circle to avoid obstacles without any resistance.

Pierced the opponent's chest.The black arm pierced further into the chest that had been broken before.

"Thunder Claw!"

The giant beast roared, and used the gesture of piercing its giant claws to attract the remaining energy, not caring whether the huge claws could bear such an overloaded current.

If it explodes, it will explode, anyway, it will explode in the opponent's body!

With the psychological preparation to pay such a price, when the dark golden thunder erupts, he will wring his claws with all his strength, and completely tear this giant beast that is a head taller than him!
" is it possible...a guy who only uses two cards worth!?"

This speech is too miscellaneous, maybe I have too high requirements for the combat quality of the merchant... Amo thought so.

As the name suggests, the Thunder Killer was ruthlessly twisting his claws in the pitiful howl of the opponent, and when he was about to completely defeat him, he suddenly saw a blue light flashing on the opponent's body.

The extremely cold breath spread directly towards the body along the sharp claws, and it was about to freeze half of his body, but Ao Mo did not stop at all.

The sharp long tail behind him immediately poked out, piercing the wound against the cold air, tearing it apart——

——The next second, he succeeded.

The half of Galatron's body was thrown out together with the flesh and blood belonging to Ultraman Beria.

The only one that can quickly turn into a card and protect the supply label is that of Galatron.

The remains of the Golden Ancient Bridge and half of the flesh and blood on the ground unexpectedly extended a body made of ice.

That was Aumer's never-forgotten Level [-] reformer qualification, and what he could recognize at a glance was the appearance of Grozam, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness under the Ampera Stars.

It used the sharp blade on the arm armor to shatter Thunder Killer's sharp claws and half of his arm embrittled by the extreme cold with a backhand, making the latter finally show a retreating posture while roaring in pain.

But the man did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but immediately turned around and rushed towards the direction where no one was guarding.

"This account will be settled later!"

He yelled, not knowing what to do.

There was an obvious barrier shattering effect in the empty rear, and then a fire that once shook the cornerstone of the world was ushered in——


 As for the battle plot and so on, it is more comfortable to write it out once and send it out, right?

  In order to make the reading look and feel better, it will be better.

(End of this chapter)

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