only monsters

Chapter 198 You Should Learn How Omer Arranges Resources

A guy who orders brandy when he first comes to the bar.

Most of what was said was unbelievable.

Especially when his second shot is tequila, followed by whiskey and finally gin.

Maybe he is testing the accumulation of medicinal power in his body, whether he can give the liver the decomposition power to overcome everything... Omer is not sure, but the bartender who seems to know him very well didn't do anything to dissuade him, just treat it as this person's The body is indeed gifted, and it will not drink itself to death if it is mixed up like this.

It's just that no matter whether the liver can play this high-end game, the brain will obviously be unable to hold on first.

"Then what... Brother Linton took over a horse race girl who terminated the contract? Call..."

"Miura Bourbon."

"Yes, Miura Bourbon, did you feel, hiccup, pressure?"

"No, I'm just a freshman."

"Don't be polite, polite... That guy Kouji thinks highly of you, what kind of newcomer can let Narita Shirahito and representative Chiaki help take Ma Niang?"

Just the third cup.

From brandy to tequila, Nishizaki has already started to hiccup, but his speech is still clear, but he gradually let go, even the address is much weirder.

"However, the situation of Mr. Omo and Senior Dongzi is the opposite."

"How do you say it?" Homa said, beckoning to the bartender, motioning for two glasses of water, one with ice cubes.

And Toyo Nishizaki continued: "Before I say this, I want to say something about the real lady. I used to think that she was a pretty good person, and there was a deep her. Hiccup, she was stared at by many people at that time." .”

"She played very well in the Gaoyue Awards."

Homa glanced at him, who was looking down at the liquid in his glass.

Alcohol can paralyze the nerves, and it will also break a person's locked desire to confide. After mentioning Dongzi Zhenren's monster research with the other party, Homa is happy that the other party can tell the truth in this state.

It would be better if the other party would not be so surprised.

"That's right!" Feng Nishizaki stood up abruptly, and sat down again with Omer raising his hand and pressing his shoulders. He was able to continue seamlessly:
"Besides, Miss Zhenren is also a newcomer, and the contrast between the front and rear is not so strong. This is the opposite of yours. Many trainers are willing to take over Deep, thinking that they can easily crush the achievements of the newcomers."

"So you meddled?" Omer took the two cups that were handed over.

"Miss Makoto and I... hiccup, it's pretty good, we can talk, I thought she was a very interesting person..." Feng Nishizaki who drank half a glass of wine in a muffled way, "But people are so complicated, I At that time, I didn't read the whole thing at all, I just thought about...inheriting her will and letting deep win completely, who knows what she really thought."

"That's indeed her will. Although she doesn't like Miss Big Shock's attitude after she grows up, she doesn't regret her support."

"No regrets?" Toyo Nishizaki looked up at him in a daze.

"At that time, she had no regrets, and said in a very straightforward tone that she brought Miss Big Shock into the arena. Before that, she had planned to fake her death, and even had mental hints."

Recalling the attitude of the other party at that time, Omer concluded: "It all stems from the fact that she felt that the other party had changed and was no longer pure."

Feng Nishizaki just shook his head: "The relationship between the trainer and the horse girl shouldn't be like this...George! Have another glass! Bring a bottle of whiskey! Scotch!"

"Wait a minute." The bartender got up and went to the wine cabinet.

"It really shouldn't be like this. She also owes Miss Big Shock a meeting. It's up to you to decide."

"Then I have to make a good calculation..." Toyo Nishizaki muttered in a low voice, "That kid from deep has always been quite sensible, I hope this time he can also hiccup and get through it smoothly."

"The worst thing you can do is pay a medical bill."

"As long as it's not the end of the month, that kind of thing is fine." Moonlight Immortal Yutaka Nishizaki was even articulate when he brought up economic issues.

"But Brother Omer, what do you think of... Hiccup, Race Horse Girl?"

"Please see me again." Omer picked up the water stuffed with ice cubes, and drew a fleeting magic circle in his hand, causing the cold water vapor to surround Nishizaki Feng in an inconspicuous way.

The latter was trembling suddenly from the cold, and there was no doubt about his answer:
"I can't talk about teaching, but you have to know that those children are very sensitive and very sensitive." Toyo Nishizaki, who didn't hiccup, greeted the drink handed by the bartender, raised his hand and took another gulp, "I always feel that Deep, she has actually noticed something herself, after all, she studies so hard..." "Psychology Department of Origin Energy Psychiatry."

"Yes, the spirit is the source of energy, she has noticed something abnormal in herself, even..."

"Miss Real."

"Even if Ms. Zhenren didn't express her sincerity, she...may have noticed that these girls are especially...sensitive in many details that you can't notice."


On this point, Omer can think of too much, from the big shock, Sunday tranquility, Qianming representative, the adult group has its own secrets and is extremely sensitive and knows how to cover up.

Sister Narita Bairen was the only one who didn't have much suspicion, but Bai Renna's behavior of trying to drag him onto the runway was also quite tricky.

As for the high school... the two little girls haven't been rebellious enough to hide any secrets from him, so it's okay.

"Haha, it looks like... you should have learned a little bit," Nishizaki Feng smiled, "That's right, the mercenary profession also requires attention to detail, right?"

"There's no stated requirement, but I think it's needed."

"Sure enough... From what Kouji said, I think you don't lack insight. Why do you want to be a mercenary?"

Omer was silent for a moment.

Just because Yutaka Nishizaki was drunk doesn't mean he was also drunk. There was no need to answer this kind of question.

But this is not an answer that needs to be concealed, so he just kept silent for a while: " get closer to the dream."

"Everyone saw that the chairman broke you. They all thought that it was you who impressed the chairman with his dream of being a trainer."

"The truth is not that ideal, and even somewhat realistic."

Omer briefly explained the story. He had obtained permission from the chairman of the board. It is not a secret how he came to Treisen. He could even explain in the interview that it is a preview at the moment, and he can directly pick it up when the time comes. Memories are scripted.

Toyo Nishizaki listened to the incident silently, drank several glasses of wine during the period, and finally said, following the opening words: "But now you also shoulder the dream of the horse racing girl, you have to plan well, don't be like me."

In the end, he talked about himself, and Omer has actually been able to guess the general idea.

People change, especially what they are interested in, especially the original ideal.

Kids who start out dreaming of growing up to be scientists, then start wanting to be teachers, or doctors, and then dream of being something else after actually working.

Or even become a high school girl (cross out).

As a trainer, he has achieved great success. Even as an image publicity figure, Yutaka Nishizaki’s life is too busy and too tiring. He also takes care of both sides. He obviously didn’t find someone to relieve the burden like Homa, and there are more girls under him— — Having said so much, to put it simply, Nishizaki Yutaka really wants to develop on the path of sublimation.

Always getting along with beings like race horse girls who are like godsends, actually godsends, will indeed arouse some desire for extraordinary power in my heart.

In reality, there is no shortage of methods and channels that can make you match the quality of Ma Niang.

This is something that is easily available, and there are indeed many trainers in Teresan who are practicing, and some trainers even choose to carry out third-level and second-level prosthetic transformations, in this way to 'reduce' the trainers and the horse girls The unequal foundation between them, in order to get along more smoothly.

This is a problem that Omer, who has a high entry point, has directly crossed over.

In countless racehorse girl schools including Teresan, an ordinary trainer can't stop a rebellious, fun-loving racehorse girl who has her own ideas from what she wants to do, so what about you? Can you make them obedient and get along with them?
Rely on the other party's excellent upbringing and self-restraint, or rely on your preaching, or seek help from other convincing horse girls or even the student union?

Central Teresan rarely has such direct performance problems, because the racehorse girls here have all been screened, and they have enough good school spirit to curb this situation.

But the problem never went away, it just faded away.

But for Trainer Nishizaki, his quest for extraordinary strength has little to do with it.

After all, the girls under him are not particularly rebellious. Even Vodka and Yamato Chiji, who often quarrel, don't dictate the training plan he made, on the contrary, they are all very cooperative.

He'd just had the idea of ​​mastering those powers from years of his life, and then...then he wasn't available.

Although this world is very developed, there is no such thing as a "House of Spirit and Time" officially.

Although he didn't feel bored with the trainer's job, nor did he hate life here, he was definitely depressed.

The love in the past, the choice to block his current road with full promises, he couldn't help but warn Aomo, who is a junior, not to agree to those heavy things hastily.

Like other people's dreams, like many people's dreams.

The horse racing girl's trainer link promotes the image ambassador. Too many people are running for it and cheering for him. After shouldering too many expectations, he is reluctant to give up.

If you are reluctant to give up, you will be stuck here.

"Tell me your direction."


The narration was cup after cup, and Homa, who was listening quietly, suddenly added such a sentence at the end, which stunned the senior whose brain had been paralyzed by alcohol, and thought he had heard it wrong.

"Tell me about the direction you expect to develop in the cultivation of origin energy. In fact, you can practice while performing your duties as a trainer, just like I stuffed a lot of my exercise equipment in the activity room."

"I can give you advice. If I am unfamiliar with the field, I can also ask my old classmates and teachers."

"I'm also working in the academy, so it's convenient for me to come over to help you confirm the progress of your practice. Step by step, the goal will always be close. Giving up is the biggest problem."

Amo stared at him with a dazed gaze, and the most important thing he didn't say was that the stagnant medicine in his body was not only a waste, but also a hidden danger—of course, he who always goes to the hospital The guy must have been reminded, and it's not even surprising to have a detox every now and then.

But in the end it was a waste, and I felt sad for Omo, a person who hadn't used Tiancaidibao much.

But he didn't know if the other party listened. After all, the other party's eyes began to narrow gradually. From this description, at first glance, he thought that this person was about to panic.

"You help me like this..." There were also weak mosquitoes' words.

"So you have to help me too. In terms of trainers, you are a senior, and we guide each other."

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