only monsters

Chapter 193 Queue up and torture

A number of Ultimates and Perfect Digimons come to reality to fight, and the battlefield is even in a building.

Even if the company building was saved with the system that turned on the alien space, the low-level employees who were the first to escape from the danger and even the customers would spread the disaster here.

And of course, the reporters who arrived sooner than the police would be.

These guys are still restrained on the surface, but they don't act at all when they arrive in foreign lands.

Jumping in space, strengthening the source energy of the body, changing the prosthetic body...the different methods all point to one purpose - to report the big news earlier and faster!

So Omer was able to see on the light screen a picture of WarGreymon and Gold Armoredmon fighting Infinitydramon, Gundramon, and SteelGarurumon.

It also has a grainy texture unique to reconstruction magic.

That's right, among this group of reporters, some even practiced reconstruction magic in order to complete the news!

To be able to reproduce the profound skills of time and space images, you need a strong body and magic power reserves that can withstand the oppression of time and space—what kind of reporter are you when you are so awesome?Wouldn't it be good to apply for the task force as an honorary assistant?

When you meet such a guy for the first time, it will be difficult for you to restrain your desire to complain, but for the citizens of Jiemen District, what should be surprised should have been surprised long ago.

Right now, Omer will only look at the freshest report, and look around with serious eyes.

I didn’t let up when I saw words such as “Yuger’s company is under review”, “Sharp Star Mercenary Corps announced its dissolution”, “revealing the secret industry of Yugel’s company” and so on, and it was not until the end that it was a little relieved .

The business of Yugel Company was completely frozen and entered the censorship. The Gray Crow Office was reported, and the popularity of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast occupied a considerable amount of space, and Miss Aiyu Ami, who was popular in the digital circle, was also considered to be in the real world. up-and-coming.

There was no mention of Omer and Sunday Tranquility, who were in the dark, but a statement from the URA Association appeared a few minutes later.

Mentioned the situation of several horse girls, recognized the legal procedures of Yugel Company, but also expressed the dissatisfaction of the family members of the horse girls, and issued a "advice" to Yugel Company that "it is not recommended to continue to do so".

Next, Yugel Company has to face the impact of public opinion from the fans of the horse girls. Although there is a slight lack of popularity because there is no G1 level among the horse girls, the rhythm is enough to drink a pot.

A few minutes up and down billions, isn't that the case?Omer was right when he told the chairman that he could make the company lose billions in a few minutes.

And if it continues, there will be more losses.

"We haven't been mentioned yet, but that will happen sooner or later."

Averting his eyes from the light screen, Omer glanced at the wooden roof above his head, and then looked at the coffee brewing at the counter. Sunday Tranquility.

He's in a coffee shop in Exotic South, and it's a good one.

Log decoration, rattan decoration, the strong aroma of coffee under the warm tone, and... the pricing that makes Omer feel uncomfortable.

A wallet is a dead thing, it doesn't scream.

But Omer's heart trembled.

Looking at the guests sitting in front of the tables and chairs made of parasols outside the door, and from their clothes and conversations, they can see some conclusions that they are either rich or expensive, and Homa has his own consciousness of "straying into the upper-class social scene".

Compared with the coffee itself, it seems that there is more to provide a platform here.

A platform for the big shots to relax for a while - in this remote area, there are no cameras, no records, and no staring eyes. Only their special cars prove their specialness.

Not talking about business seems to be the unspoken rule here.

Here they chat, read newspapers, watch videos, and even play games. They even have delicious coffee as a spice, enjoying ordinary stability and rare communication and care.

And the black-haired Ma Niang said that this store belongs to her, and she still has such stores in many places.

This can't help but make Omer reconsider the other party's economic strength and social influence in certain fields.

So he was even more uncomfortable.

After all, the commission had been completed, but he was invited here by the other party.

It is true that there were more than one person who invited him at that time, the director of Gray Crow Office and Ami Aiyu both planned to invite him to have a chat.

The former may still be for business, but the latter can only reminisce about the past.

Ok?Reminisce?Is there anything old to talk about?

Omer, who completely denied that there was such a thing, was very straightforward and perfunctory, but he had some thoughts about the invitation from Gray Crow Office.

As a time traveler and a fellow traveler, it is always good to have the opportunity to communicate, but when Sunday Tranquility also sent him an address for him to come over, Omer weighed it up and went to the latter's appointment.

Although the commission is over, the matter is not over.Gray Crow's office could visit later, but Sunday Tranquility's invitation was the first.

As long as you don't count the classroom meeting back then.

Omer wondered what she would reveal and what kind of trouble she would cause.

They have all become mercenaries and started their own businesses, and the perspective of trouble should also be changed.

Isn't trouble an opportunity?

When he was thinking this way, he obviously didn't expect that the place would be such a coffee shop.

Among the rows of cool cars and mounts with machinery and wonders at the door, the Beta motorcycle summoned by Omo is not special.

Does this count as Mawei or what?
Homa, who was as calm as possible, stepped into the coffee shop and saw Zhou Jingjing who was washing the cups, and realized that he might be thinking too much.

She looked very relaxed, so relaxed that she was able to hum something in a low voice while washing the cups, and even a dozen seconds after he sat down, the waiter paid attention to this side before her.

As long as it is a certain customer, there are also many customers in this coffee shop. Compared with the air outside, they prefer the lazy color and cool air conditioner inside the house.

Everyone here is very relaxed. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult to arouse the desire to judge others. The so-called slamming power has no tricks to connect with each other. Omer also activated the terminal, checking the news while calculating the time.

The afternoon is almost over, but there is still some time before the meal. There is enough time from the foreign land to the surface. He is planning the time to go home, buy vegetables and cook, and promise to meet the current trainer of the big shock .

Very good, sent the former trainer to the bureau in the afternoon, and went to meet the current trainer at night. Omer's actions were very efficient.

As for buying vegetables and cooking... I was originally prepared for a fierce battle, but in the end I bypassed a strong enemy, there was no hands-on link, and I was not very hungry, so there was no need to find a buffet.

Saving expenses is good news, but when he saw the price of the drinks here, he thought about drinking iced lemonade.

But Sunday Tranquility looked back and saw him coming, and made coffee for him anyway.

"It doesn't matter if you mention it, you're the only one who is troubled by such things, right?"

There was no dissatisfaction in noticing that the other party came without saying hello, Sunday Tranquility was busy in front of the counter with several staff in the store.

The employees are also horse girls, but it is difficult for Omer to judge whether they have been on the field from the action of making coffee. The only thing that can be sure is their professionalism when making drinks.

And they don't care that the boss is busy with them at all, and they don't even care about the guests chatting with the boss.

"I'm ready to be approached by reporters, but it can't be at the door of other people's companies."

"Is it okay at the door of Teresan?" Sunday Tranquility asked, putting two cups of coffee on the table.

The movement is soft and smooth.

Homa thinks the coffee shop might have some sort of halo effect, rather than just a decoration.

Even the shopkeeper can't escape the halo of the atmosphere here, no longer so impatient and not a bad face.

"As long as it's not a crime scene." Looking down at the coffee in front of him, Omer glanced at the phantom of the menu hanging on the edge of the table, "I have some doubts that this cup of coffee can kill my wallet."

"Is this what the young master would say after buying a facade in the city and immediately contacting a set of decoration?"

Okay, I'm back, everything is back again, the familiar sharpness made Omer feel a little more at ease, looking at the garlands in the coffee that were done by the other party himself.

"After checking this step, you shouldn't have the illusion of the young master, right?" He said without looking up, "It's just a laborer, and I'm just lucky enough to work for myself when I open an office."

"Okay, don't keep staring, please, it's a commissioned tip." Sunday Tranquility said helplessly.

Although he has no doubts about his own craftsmanship, it is always a little uneasy to be stared at by the other party for such a long time.

She has heard from her sister that this guy is obsessed with black coffee, and she also knows that the other party has a bit of taste.

But she didn't come here to seek recognition for her skills, so she didn't even make black coffee, but a more adept espresso latte art. Now she just hoped that the other party would stop staring at the coffee, or drink it quickly.

So she heard the other party say: "Then I will be disrespectful."

Then the guy picked up the spoon on the side and stirred the coffee.

"?" Sunday Tranquility frowned, "Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"Yes, slightly," Homa said, lifting the spoon and putting it aside, and drank the coffee, "The flavor is very good, enough to make me post a dynamic praise promotion, but considering the consumption level here, I It still has to be done.”

"Forget it, you're really here to drink coffee?" Said so, but Sunday Tranquility still didn't hide the corners of his mouth.

"If it's serious, I have to ask you the original intention of the invitation."

"The original intention... I didn't want to tell you."

These words can be regarded as open and honest, because the entrustment is over, and the people sitting here are no longer the client and the mercenary, but simply two acquaintances.

Or the two people who met because of the teahouse in Manchester.

From the beginning to the end, I can't even talk about friends.

Therefore, Omer does not need to think too much about blunt words:

"Understood, you have a lot of reservations about me."

"I won't say anything that is better for you if you know less, I just feel that we have different positions," said Sunday Tranquility as she picked up her coffee. Her latte art was a kitten, just like the coffee cup design of her classmate at the café. , "Even if you're a mercenary, you're also Treyson's trainer, aren't you? And you're still from the central government."

"Your sister is also a student of Central Treisen."

"That's the point, why do you think I'm hiding certain things from her?"

"And now?" Homa jumped over the differences between the two sisters.

They drank coffee, not wine, but maybe wine couldn't paralyze a spirit between life and death.

"Now? There is an old guy who is optimistic about you now, but I hope you can continue to stand beside the teahouse as the trainer of Treyson."

She said as she drank her coffee.

"As a mercenary, it doesn't matter what case you encounter or make, but don't get involved in their affairs, and don't change your mind about the horse girl."

Omer looked at the little white in the cup, and looked up at her: "I thought you didn't like existences like trainers."

"Not really, but Tea House and Erisiko are different from me."

It's different... I wouldn't even think so...

Omer nodded: "Maybe so."

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it." Hearing Omer's irrefutable words, Sunday was extremely patient, "but I hope you can take note of this advice."

"You are indeed very efficient and very mobile, but such wanton development will also fall into the quagmire. Like today's actions, I don't want you to end up looking like the real Dongzi."

After hearing what he said, Homa picked up the cup and wiped out the rest: "Is this the sister of the teahouse, right?"

"Yes." Facing his pale brown eyes, Sunday's quiet golden eyes were as quiet as their name.

This is her rare seriousness and sincerity. It is not only her client who recognizes the other party, but also she herself thinks that there should be such a person by the side of the teahouse.

But Omer would prefer that she say that she was here, but forget it, she didn't have any plans to expect the other party to have self-help awareness.

People who are often in the quagmire are probably used to it and have never thought about coming out.

"I will keep it in my heart, and then...should there be nothing else?" Omer stood up.


Leaving in a hurry seemed like the conversation had collapsed, but Sunday Tranquility looked at him without any dissatisfaction or disappointment.

"Then I should thank the host and go back to buy vegetables," he said, waving his hand, "see you later."

"Don't you ask who that old guy is?" There was indeed one thing she didn't say, which is not the point, but if the conversation is not pleasant, she will use it as a weight to increase the strength of the words.

Now it's not needed, but the other party didn't mention it at all as if he forgot, but she couldn't help reminding the teacher not to forget to assign homework.

"Although there are many big figures who can influence the views of horse racing girls these days, the one who can stand behind you is the only one? I guess."

Aomer said, shaking his head: "I really didn't intend to contact so early, so I said, keep it in my heart, and see you later."

He waved his hand with a smile, picked up his briefcase and walked out of the store.

Then he passed by a woman wearing a round hat, a mask and sunglasses.

"..." He stopped and looked back, looking at the long brown hair that could not be covered by the big round hat of the person who stepped into the store, Aoma laughed dumbfoundedly, and turned his head again to go to his locomotive.

On the other hand, Sunday Tranquility, who was packing up two coffee cups, listened to a sentence without taking two steps: "If you came 2 minutes earlier like me and listened to his conversation with Dongzi Zhenren, you wouldn't do those meaningless things." Be warned, Little Tranquility."

Seeing the person taking off his sunglasses and hat, Sunday Tranquility showed his usual dissatisfaction: "Come here uninvited, the guy who eavesdropped on the conversation, get out!"

"Hey, why did you come here uninvited, when Yugel was there, it was clear that someone had a share!"

"The skin is really thicker than the turf in the mansion, representative Qian Ming."

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