only monsters

Chapter 173 She Was Not Satisfied With Her Work

Chapter 173 She Was Not Satisfied With Her Work (32)

Regardless of factories, workplaces, or research laboratories.

When there are too many people, there will be corruption.

It was like the Jiemen District Police Station she had been to, or a police station in a foreign land.

Or the URA Association, these are places that she often contacts as a trainer, at least she often contacts.

The real Dongzi deeply dislikes such a place with a strong bureaucratic atmosphere.These people are not for dreams, not for justice, but just for food, and their ideas of action have never been pure, so that whenever they come into contact with them, Dongzi Zhenren will feel a sense of pure separation.

How can a creature like Saima Niang, who seems to be cast from a pure dream, coexist with people who are not perfunctory or perfunctory, and how can they live in the same urban environment?
Those beautiful and excellent ideal creations, like elves with a bit of fairytale color, made her deeply dazzled by them.

That purity, that obsession is so attractive to her, that she naturally wants to obtain and possess it.

She just needs such a favorable environment, whether it is positive or negative, it can contribute to what she has learned and excelled at.

So at the beginning, she applied for the central trainer, and became a central trainer through formal channels and genuine talents.

The impromptu effort is better than countless people's hard study, which is not enough for her to care, and she is full of happiness to pour into the school selection competition in a few days later.

On the green artificial turf, many horse girls are warming up.

Central Treisen's school trials are divided into multiple groups and multiple races. Different racehorse girls are good at choosing the most suitable races according to their distance suitability and foot quality, so as to fully demonstrate their abilities and talents.

Going all out is not only a respect for oneself, but also a reward, and after that, it means waiting for recruitment.

Most of the trainers confirm the racehorse girl they want to recruit in the selection competition, and the rest make up their minds from some accidents and some daily interactions.

Of course, it also depends on whether Ma Niang also accepts you.

Treyson track, 2400 meters, spring, sunny, good, the runners on the field are like cars galloping.

Most of them are at the age that has not yet made their debut, in other words, they are in the transition stage from junior high school to senior high school.

The competition career has not yet started, and the training has not yet begun. Only with talent, it is still possible for ordinary trainers to distinguish the speed with the naked eye.

But still fast.

When the speed is getting better, there is even a gust of wind, and phantoms with different hair colors and competition symbols floating above their heads are chasing back and forth, and the trainers staring at them in the auditorium are even more serious.

At that time, Treyson's trainer resources were obviously not that scarce. Newcomers and old people exchanged comments in low voices with each other, and there were even people who used terminals, cameras, and even notebooks to record.

The glory of the horse girl is also the achievement of the trainers. Because they entrust their career prospects to the other party, the trainers will be extra cautious when selecting the horse girl.

However, Dongzi Zhenren did not have the self-consciousness as a trainer.

What she is looking for is not the horse girl who can run the fastest, but the purest obsession.

Perhaps the two do not conflict, but the fastest running does not necessarily represent the ultimate of the former.

So her observations were less attentive.

He even glanced off the track by accident.

There, she notices a racehorse girl.

The physique is not tall, and it can even be said to be small.

Because of the angle of the face, I can't see it clearly, only the long brown-black hair that symbolizes deer's fur can be seen, which is so smooth that it seems to be able to reflect the sunlight, with a cold light in it.

Yes, icy cold.

Dongzi Zhenren is a sublimator of the spiritual system. The first thing she sees when receiving people and things is the spirit of the other party.

So she saw some kind of emotion overflowing from that small body.

It's loneliness, it's sadness, it's a presence that's hard to ignore.

Such an impression can be described as aloof, but also incomprehensibly lonely.

...Perhaps it is also understandable... she thought so, and took a step.

It was also when she took that step that the racehorse girl turned slightly, and her black eyes met her, and she was able to witness the quiet burning coldness from it.

That's her.

Master Dongzi thought so.

That would be the best work.


Amid the blowing sound of the pressure relief valve, the young-looking woman got up from the equipment in the cabin.Immediately, a colleague stepped forward to remove the gelatinous suction cup attached to her body.

"Are you awake? Do you want a sober potion?"

"...No, it feels okay this time."

Raising her hand to reject the injection given by her colleague, the woman shook her head and glanced at the black slime-like wriggling jelly in the petri dish in the distance, and then at the anti-peeping glass wall on the other side.

The horse girls lying in the life-support cabin are still extremely peaceful. They give shape to the negative energy in their dreams, and in their dreams, they experience the extreme speed of the Triple Crown.

"It seems that you have to get used to it completely. Don't be confused about who you are, real person."

"Who can't tell the difference between the past and the present? Maybe they are the ones who can't tell the difference."

Still staring at the sleeping horse girls, Dongzi's voice was extremely calm: "I just extract the most vivid feelings from that period of my memory. No matter how vivid my emotional feelings for her are, it is difficult for me to sink."

She said, raising her hand to touch the side of the top of her head.

Of course there would be no horses there.

Going back to that memory, I will miss that touch.

"It's not like those children who stay in the super dream customized by the succubus, and sooner or later they can't tell the truth."

"Go to the hospital for treatment," the colleague spread his hands nonchalantly, "Anyway, the side effects are already written in the contract, and the remuneration is enough for them to take care of them. There is nothing to say about the treatment we recruit. Even if someone violates the confidentiality agreement, we It's not a big deal, is it?"

"It's hard to say, didn't the sales department deal with some of the trial works? Those guys probably sold them casually to save trouble," another colleague who was sorting out the cables added to the topic, "The horse-eared monster in the news yesterday is not Is it our experiment?"

"I don't care who bought it. If it weren't for the sudden launch of this monster project, we would still be studying pure obsession, what kind of negative energy monster."

"Stop talking, is the negative energy of the base board stable?"

"I've let the real people show their memories, can it still be unstable? I said that our project will not become long-term, right? The recent policies above are really more and more biased towards monsters."

"Can it be regarded as a certain trend? The chaos in the city of Tianmen can be regarded as a further demonstration of the monster's potential. That man named Omer Linton is only 19 years old and can control that power."

"I think he is the only case of mental abnormality, and the gang of Party A made a decision with a slap in the face."

"It's not difficult to pick a similar anomaly in the mental data. How can it be truly unique? It's not like the race that manipulates monsters can't be found, so we will succeed?"

"Are you speaking for the capitalists? The company provided only [-] million copies of mental data. If we hadn't entrusted the mercenary group to organize the hospital's mental database, where would we get Leonix's mental data?"

"That Homer Linton is not Leonix..." Dong Zizheng, who pulled a chair and sat down, leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes.

Every time she personally stabilizes the body state, her mind will be active, and memories will appear in turn. She could have suppressed it, but she actually likes this experience.

"If I don't want to continue this experiment, I really want to visit him."

The memory rolled to the part about the trainer, as if she could still visit as a senior.

That young man is also a trainer.

Even colleagues agreed: "If we have the mental data at the moment when he suppressed the monster's power and will, our progress can be greatly improved."

"Isn't it impossible to cheat funds?"

"Stupid! Is your Chami's heart only so small? Get the negative energy monster's full state as soon as possible, maybe you can participate in the monster exhibition in the middle of next month, and the bonus will be higher than our experimental funds!"

"That's right, and I heard from Dreamland Operations that there was a horse lady obstructing work a few days ago, and the operations department also said that they encountered a troublesome horse lady sabotage operation like the Sirius symbol. What's the name of the black one?"

"Sunday is quiet." Dongzi Zhenren said tiredly, and his memory was also stimulated by the words, revealing some of the secrets he had heard when he was a trainer.

The rumor about the dark Sunday is something that no trainer will talk about in public.

In particular, the name can be seen among the members of the various inquiry committees.

Not trying to hide it at all.

Questions committee, what are questions?

It is to solve all doubts about the existence of the racehorse and its race.

They don't answer questions, they just find and fix problems.

"Sunday Tranquility? Is that the name?"

From the puzzled look of my colleagues, seeing her tired, they only thought it was due to the state of memory tumbling, and they had already gotten used to it.

"That's it. Anyway, that guy caused the operation department the most headaches. The security department of the main company has been on guard for three days. They didn't even go to the Derby yesterday!"

Colleagues spoke seriously, and someone noticed something strange on the screen:

"Don't talk about this word, the values ​​​​of those embryos have fluctuated."

"Ah, well, it's a racehorse girl after all."

The researcher hurriedly shut up, but still couldn't help rambling.

"However, to be honest, I used to think that the existence of the racehorse girl was just an outrageous body."

"The soul is always easily influenced by the body. As long as a competitive athlete wants to be stronger, his spirit cannot be poor." Dongzi Zhenren couldn't help his colleague's speech that was too amateurish.

"Don't forget whose negative energy we are experimenting with."

"It really sounds like a trainer, the real person should also like those days, right?"

"Like it……"

She was undoubtedly able to answer firmly.

But after answering, her eyes opened again with a bit of regret.

"But once something changes, there's no point in continuing."

 The third one is coming, take a break

  There are really many punctuation left to be deleted when the mobile phone makes typos and corrections. I am looking forward to the official public beta of the Writer Assistant app. The one-key correction function of that thing is what I am most greedy for.

(End of this chapter)

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