only monsters

Chapter 167 Super Power Horse Girl, Deep

Chapter 167 Super Power Horse Girl, Deep
As mentioned before, the name of the horse racing girl is different from the conventional format, but it also carries an expectation.

The shocking results are obviously worthy of this heroic name, but it is also easy to misjudge those who meet for the first time.

Because it was a petite girl with black hair, and her visual height was only 1.6 meters.

It is true that this is not too short in Treyson College, which is biased towards the extreme east aesthetics, but in the university department where there are many horse girls in the outer area, she will probably be drowned in the crowd.

In this way, what is shocking is the contrast.

Especially her cold face was full of indifference, but her demeanor was full of gentleness.

"...Hi, sir is Trainer Linton?"

Stepping into the quiet file room, the petite horse girl with long hair asked with a smile, and at the same time saw the pipa morning light beside Aumer.

She was slightly surprised, but she did not forget to say hello:

"Good afternoon, Miss Pipa Chenguang."

"...Good afternoon, Deep." It was obviously Pipa Chenguang who hadn't been greeted like this for a long time, but was a little stiff instead.

And the young man beside her did show the same soft smile as the other person, and pointed to the trainer badge on his chest: "Omer Linton, I'm right."

"When we met for the first time, I was shocked."

The girl lowered her head slightly, then smoothed the ends of her hair by her ears, her gaze paused for a while on the bandage on Omer's finger: "It seems that you are not suitable for shaking hands."

"I've also lived in Jiemen District for a long time, so I don't need to stick to Western etiquette." Omer said, glancing at the other's shoes and hair.

"I guess you're more anxious too, so let's talk about that stuff."

The inconspicuous plaster still needs to be smoothed, and the pause of inquiry after knocking on the door is due to the adjustment of breathing... She obviously came running.

It is natural for a horse girl to like to run, but a gentle horse girl would not let herself meet people in such a hurry, especially a stranger.

So he got straight to the point, said, and then turned slightly sideways, moved half of his body.

What was moved and opened up was less than half a meter of vision, but it just happened to reveal the shriveled human figure that was originally blocked by Aumer.

The quiet, lonely, black existence with a hint of sadness spreading just by its existence, was being entwined by the tail of the bone, falling into her eyes.

It made her startled, and she held her breath.

Even the detail that the hideous bone tail that binds the existence is extending from the back of Linton's trainer, she has no time to pay attention to it at this moment.

She just steps.

Stepping subconsciously, he slowly approached the figure in the space vacated by Omer's retreat.

"..." This impulse was beyond Aomer's expectations.

He had to admit he had been negligent.

He made half of his body to let the other party see that existence, but he didn't intend to let him touch it, just to have a good conversation premise.

But now he can only take a step back.

Because when that petite figure walked towards him, he saw a high mountain determined to move forward.

And he could only move to one side.

As for Pipa Chenguang, he moved as soon as he noticed that Omer moved away, before his head was pinched by the file rack and Omer's backpack.

Although she doesn't like being referred to as 'big head', her head is indeed a bit bigger than most horse girls, and even the outline of the horse's ears is a little bigger.

In the fps game, the headshot rate is higher than others, which can make a certain bloodhound express its praise.

So it is even more necessary to avoid occasions where this point is prominent.

She retreats quickly, and racehorse girls are always sensitive to the compression or expansion of the movable space.

After all, they must always pay attention to their respective positions on the field, looking for open spaces where they can not be blocked and can happily surpass others.

Even if Homa's retreat was hasty, it did not hinder the two horse girls.

Big Shock approached naturally, staring at the black figure that reflected her past corner.

There was no sense of fear at all due to the other party's weird appearance, only nostalgia and compassion in his eyes.

This kind of feeling is probably a kind-hearted person who has seen his dark history.

Not angry, just helpless.

There may still be embarrassment, but at this moment, she doesn't seem to realize it.

And Pipa Chenguang came out from behind Aomer, walked to him and watched the scene, frowned and asked in a low voice: "Is it okay to let her come closer?"

She knew she didn't understand the whole thing.

She had a lot of doubts and didn't ask, she just believed in her sister's vision, and also believed in the vision of the school that could make Omer a trainer.

At the same time, this kind of abnormality in the school is indeed the area that the student union is responsible for. Chen Guang has worked for Bai Ren not once or twice, and has long been used to it.

Finally, out of the idea of ​​repaying the kindness, I wanted to take the opportunity to understand what kind of person my sister's new opposite-sex trainer is.

Omer's guess about her was not wrong, but Pipa Chenguang soon found out that she had found the wrong timing.

When she arrived at the infirmary with an unexpected amount of food, even though she was full of doubts, she could tell from the plans of the three people that they were busy with serious business.

Especially when Ao Mo and Bai Ren didn't shy away from her existence and released the negative energy figure.

On and off the field, Pipa Chenguang has seen a lot of strange powers and existences, and they are all aliens that make it difficult for her to calculate and test.

And after graduating from Teresan, she has more opportunities to get in touch with fields other than horse racing girls.

She thought that she was well-informed. Working in the data collation and reporting of state-owned industries also gave her the opportunity to meet all kinds of races, and even the taboo spirits were commonplace.

But the dark figure with abnormal emotional appeal still exceeded her expectations, and she couldn't find a suitable classification from the theory of knowledge for a while, let alone the possible threat.

But since my sister said that the thing could run out of the explosive speed that she couldn't catch up with, then I can't underestimate the other party's petite and shriveled figure.

Even if the Linton trainer is 'controlling' it.

So she was still a little uneasy, and she didn't suspect that the other party might suddenly violently hurt others.

Although it had been quiet before.

"That's the condensation of negative energy, Miss Chenguang."

Pipa Chenguang always thought that Amo and Bai Ren didn't say much because of the need for confidentiality, but in fact, they were just too lazy to say much. Anyway, Pipa Chenguang is also a smart person, and a smart person will observe and analyze by himself, and enter a 'Know all you know' status.

If you don’t understand, just make up the settings now.

"And, according to Bai Ren's judgment, it is the condensation of Miss Shock's past."

"What?" Pipa Chenguang was very surprised, "I know that Bai Ren and Zhen Zhen have some friendship, but is this judged by feeling alone?"

"In fact, the way of the flying last foot is indeed the same. This is the realistic argument I can provide," Amo whispered, staring at the big shock who walked in front of the negative energy figure, "I Personally, I am a type of trainer who pays attention to data comparison, and I have done a lot of research on the different ways of explosiveness of famous horse girls."

"..." Hearing the emphasis on data comparison, Pipa Chenguang's ears that were erected not far from Aumer shook, glanced at him, and then turned to look at the big shock again, "Is that negative energy condensation? Will it hurt the body?"

And she never felt that the big shock who was polite, gentle, and popular in the academy would be associated with that quiet, lonely, and sad figure.

Has Bai Ren seen her like that?

Is it when I retired and was busy with my studies?
Chen Guang was still imagining, but he heard an unexpected answer from Omer: "Not sure."

"What?" Chen Guang thought she had heard it wrong. She thought Linton's trainer was quite reliable.

"I said I'm not sure, just now I have to retreat..."

Still staring at Da Zhen and the human figure, Omer, who had been pinching the King Aire card between his inconspicuous left fingers, only glanced at Chen Guang for a moment:
"Are you confident to stop Miss Shock?"

"...Indeed, if it were me, I would have to call Bai Ren."

The horse girl described in this way is really like a beast, and the ability of some horse girls is extremely dangerous.

Witty trainers know how to smooth hair, but those who are not witty will be hospitalized.

Although the salary of the trainers is high, there will be bonuses for well-trained horse girls, but a certain man named Omer Linton has not yet reached the stage of receiving bonuses, but his salary is deducted first.

The renovation fee of the office has not been paid yet, how can we send the money to the hospital first?

Omer is naturally witty, and has not ignored a certain fact: "But don't panic, I am looking at the negative energy, and Miss Shock is not fragile, and..."

"Miss Chenguang, I heard that the imperial guard is with you? Do you have it with you?"

"Yu Shou?" Pipa Chenguang was stunned, and quickly took it out of his pocket, "Is this from you?"

At the beginning, she thought it was strange that her younger sister would suddenly get a guardian, and it was clear that she did not visit the shrine during the New Year, and Bai Ren did not belong to the type of person who prayed to God and Buddha for nothing.

If it was given by Jian Fulai, the fortune teller who set up a stall illegally, it doesn't look like it.

But when this thing can really suppress the shadow, she doesn't care about the source of the surprise, and is more anxious to test and research, and wants to completely solve the hidden danger of the shadow for her sister.

"The negative energy figure is similar in nature to the shadow, if there is an accident, just throw it over—ah, no need now."

Before Amo could finish his sentence, he saw Da Zhen raised his hand, and it seemed that he was going to put it on the figure's head, but it was suspended in mid-air, and then the palm of his hand emerged with brilliance.

The human figure also quietly collapsed and scattered in the brilliance, showing no sign of resistance.

If it is said that the negative energy is the condensation of a certain period of great shock, then the situation during that period was a bit too bad.

More problematic than the lack of aggression is the world-weary attitude.

"This..." Pipa Chenguang obviously didn't study too much energy, and the golden eyes behind the mirror frame were slowly widening.

On the other hand, Omer was thoughtful, and said softly as if talking to himself:

"I do remember that Miss Big Shock reported that she majored in the Department of Psychiatry in the university department..."

This spiritual department is obviously not the medical side, but the source energy.

(End of this chapter)

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