only monsters

Chapter 163 Chairman: Are the Lis in Gan Province?

Chapter 163 Chairman: Are the Lis in Gan Province?

In Central Teresan.

Only when you have been created by the horse girl, can you really say with your head held high:

I'm a central trainer!

——Omer has seen this kind of words in many horse racing forums, which seems to be said by a trainer who drinks too much.

But it can be passed around so that it can be seen in several forums, which probably has some basis.

For example, there are indeed more than a dozen trainers who enjoy the luxury membership of Jiemen District City Hospital, and they are hospitalized at least eight or nine times a year, which is more prone to problems than the horse lady under them.

So, at the moment it can be said.

Omer Linton became a central trainer within a week of his arrival at Treyson Academy.

Created by a horse.

Still two.

It's a Triple Crown Horse!
Don't you think it's cool?This fits perfectly with how everyone imagines life as a trainer - shit!

Omer would like to express some thoughts on this matter in the trainer chat room, but the outrageous degree and highly relevant nature of this matter are not suitable for publicity or even disclosure, so he can only hold back.

Hold on, hold on, okay.

If he doesn't hold back, the chairman will be the first to talk to him; if he wants to hold back, the chairman will at most send him a message through Ms.
【Notice!The maintenance fee is deducted from your salary! 】

"..." Looking at the words on the light screen, Aomo's blood flowed in his heart.

Is my trainer career going to shrink before I get my first month's salary?

The construction quality of the university department should be expensive, right?
Thinking about it this way, I'm really lucky that I didn't break the jar and go directly to Ace Killer to tear down the wall to keep safe.

Enough is enough, don't think about that kind of thing.

The goal of the review is to gain something, and being able to comfort yourself is the lowest level of gain. When you feel that the choice is already the best, you should focus on the present and consider the future.

So what is the state at this moment?

Omer thought to himself.

It is impossible for the director to be unaware of their pursuit in the teaching building. Since the trio with the vice president of the student union as security did not consider destroying the camera, Yayoi Akikawa would at least see the black figure.

But she didn't ask herself, the compensation meant that she didn't get involved, otherwise Omer could be reimbursed, and even the injury should be considered a work-related injury.

Did Sunday Tranquility do something, or did she choose to wait and see?

Anyway, back then on Sunday Tranquility said that she didn't want to cause trouble for Yayoi Akikawa, but now this happened right under the eyes of the other party...

No, no, this is something that Sunday Tranquility needs to consider. It is not her own. Seeing the negative energy doll in the university department is purely an accident, and it is not her fault.

However, the chairman's attitude can also be understood as everyone pretending that it never happened, and the investigation can continue for the time being.

So do you want to continue?

"It's almost 12 o'clock, aren't you hungry?"

"It's time for you to perform your duties, Miss Bai Ren, Qian Ming, you should be busy this afternoon, right?"

Glancing at the notification text message sent by Ally Tachyon on the screen, he was asked to come to the laboratory to see the results there, and reminded him to bring a meal.

As a work and rest person.

Also as a troublemaker who has to have three meals a day when running a group.

Ao Mo felt that people are like iron and rice is steel, not to mention that every time he acts as a demon, he consumes energy very quickly. Today, he even beat two triple crown horses in the demon state, and he can rush to the big eater when he returns. race track.

So when it's time, people should eat.

But what is the situation now?

Now he was sitting at the table in the infirmary, with his bandaged hands pressed to the table, and he felt that with the curtains drawn and a lamp next to the table, it would be a perfect torture scene.

"How can you eat with your hands like this?"

"I don't think you have the right to speak out against me, Miss Bai Ren." Omer looked at the horse girl who was pressing his right hand in a speechless manner.

"I asked my elder sister to bring the meal. Also, just call me Bai Ren."

"Oh? Xiao Bairen has another friend." Qian Ming interjected like a shadow, always attracting the cold eyes of the younger generation.

As for the person concerned, he was running the train with his usual swift train of thought.

People who have relatives speak hard, but what about my relatives?
Oh, I have silenced my relatives, I'm sorry... I caught a glimpse of Morrison who was gesturing characters on the light screen, and Omer was silent for a moment, thinking... What a pity, he still found out the way to speak even after being silenced .

It is conceivable that Morrison in the future will send some texts that can hallucinate voices, such as those that are particularly smelly, or that will attract assassins.

But now he's sending out relatively normal advice, as if he's in the same camp as Miss Bai Ren.

But his persuasion lacks reference value, Homa can assert.

Because he came late and appeared from the activated light screen after Homa's hands were pulled out from the wall by representative Qian Ming, and the two of them helped Narita Bairen to the infirmary from left to right.

The first thing I saw was the two people who seemed to be in a very bad state, so naturally they were concerned about it and they were chaotic.

But in fact, Narita Bairen's injury was more serious.

After all, the racehorse girl is not a race born for fighting like someone's demonization.

While they can erupt powerful power, they are also easily hurt by that power.

The same arm bandage as Homa, Narita Shirahito's biggest problem is that the sole of his foot is found to have some fractures, and at this moment after emergency healing, he is being wrapped in those bandages full of inscriptions.

Those bandages that are normally glowing with a little blue light can even be seen from the gaps in the shoes.

The treatment of injuries in Treyson's infirmary was very gentle.

Compared with the full medical skills in the emergency room, the nano repair is full of the momentum that will definitely pull you back from the underworld. Here, more drugs and enchantments are used to wrap and nourish.

Of course, the fractured bone still needs to use spells to ensure the surface heals, otherwise Narita Shirahito would have to crutch while standing.

But even without the crutches, the other party's condescending gaze with frowning eyebrows is still quite stressful, no less than the crutches chasing people in a jeep.

Especially the hand that should have been bruised in many places like himself, made him unable to move even more.

——The strength is really great!

When Homa first tried to struggle, but the hand didn't move at all, he realized the strength of the adult racehorse girl.

No... Narita Bairen is also a horse racing girl who is good at strength, and she is also a horse racing girl with a hall level + triple crown. Her wrist strength and hand strength should be the type that is also high in the university department.

So the other hand can reconcile!
Amo turned his head and looked at Representative Qianming who was holding his left hand: "But my horse racing lady has some shortcomings in living ability, so I need to bring her food."

After all, he tried to break free.


The palm did shake a little, but only a little.

It seems that the average standard of the Triple Crown Race Horse Girl is higher than that of her current self, so it was right to bring those training equipment to the activity room.

Omer thought to himself.

Wait for the summer vacation to get another batch at the office.

"I'll bring her what she eats for you. Who told me to be the only healthy one here? I have to take responsibility!" Representative Qian Ming said helplessly with his hands on his hips, "By the way, this is also one of my workstations."

The station is indeed correct. When Narita Shirahito was urgently dealt with by the doctors on the soles of his feet, representative Qian Ming was indeed on the sidelines to assist.

The doctors and nurses in the infirmary are very used to her presence, and are even willing to entrust this place to her.

But Omer noticed that Tachyon had a bad impression of her, and when a piece of freedom bumped into another's own way, the latter would not be able to bear it.

Omo doubts that Qian Ming will have conflicts in the past. At this time, what about Bai Ren?Miss Bai Ren, can you persuade me?
Aumer turned his head and saw that the black-haired horse girl was tapping the phone quickly with her other bandage-wrapped hand, apparently contacting her older sister, Pipa Chenguang, whom she mentioned earlier.

But her hand that was still holding her was like an alloy iron hoop, no matter how hard she tried, it would only shake slightly.

Then Omer startled the snake, and there was no displeasure in the golden eyes, but there was a bit of doubt.

"What are you in a hurry for? If it's work, I can help you watch Erityoko and Miura Bourbon in this way."

"That's right, Xiao Bairen will help you look after the work." Representative Qian Ming finally let go of her hand as she spoke, and went to the counter on the hospital bed to pack up the medical equipment. Judging from her skillful movements , The pain of studying medicine has indeed paid off.

"I'm also quite interested. If Xiao Bairen encounters difficulties, remember to call me."


Narita Bairen said with a cold face, and looked a little softer when he looked at Omer again: "What do you want to eat? My sister will bring you the same."


No, I said that eating is just an excuse, why does it seem that the transition to the life group is really seamless?
Omer looked at her in surprise, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm more curious about how to deal with that negative energy figure than what to eat."

In a word, back to the topic.

The so-called topic should also be the pitch-black figure caught by Omer.

After being suppressed by him with the aura of a monster card, Narita Shirahito was wrapped in shadow, and he hid in the shadow all the way, but he was not noticed by the students.

Of course, even if this is the case, even if the get out of class is not over.

Homa and Representative Qianming helped Narita Bairen to the infirmary together, but still a few students and trainers cast their eyes on it, which would inevitably lead to new topics.

In addition to the horse girls who are honest in class, Treisen also has many horse girls who have entered the professional stage who freely arrange their training time.

Most of them, together with the trainers, stared at the three people here.

No matter what made the three people's clothes messy, Narita Shirahito's sleeves were even more damaged, and there were blood stains along with Homa's hands.

Not to mention a little limp in the footsteps.

It did look like an accident.

I hope the chairman can handle it. Omer thinks that the control of public opinion can be regarded as an opportunity to further confirm the attitude of the chairman.

But now, what needs to be confirmed is the quiet figure in front of him.

That still shriveled, thin and short body has exploded with foot power that the two former three champions couldn't catch up with.

At that time, Omer felt that the way of breaking out at the end was very familiar, but he kept searching the memory files but couldn't find the corresponding one.

So he began to think about whether to ask Tachyon to call her roommate here.

Based on how well that Eri Digital classmate knows the horse girl, maybe just feeling this negative energy temperament can accurately locate the original body of the negative energy——

——She is such a fan of horse racing girls with such high purity.

It's just that this person hasn't barked yet, Narita Bairen, who was also staring at it, suddenly opened his mouth, which made him suddenly enlightened.

Bai Ren opened her mouth and said a name directly, and that name was:
【Big Shock】

 Thanks for choosing a name that is easy to recognize, and rewards that every tea leaves must be cut... This book friend’s name is like a reward (shame
  But thank you thank you.

  This time, the third shift will be considered as paying off the 'arrears', although the buttocks are still not healed...

  Recently, mobile phone codewords have really become more and more proficient.

(End of this chapter)

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