only monsters

Chapter 161 Chairman: What b movement?

Chapter 161 Chairman: What b movement?

Central Teresen Academy is the highest level of training institution for horse racing girls in Terra operated by the URA Association (full name Uma-musume Racing Association, also known as the Uma-musume Racing Association).

The official name is Jockey Girl Training Center Academy.

The top-level environment is provided for horse racing girls who dream of being active in the flash series.

All districts of the Federation of Terra, and even the top horse race girls outside the earth are all registered, and they exercise their legs and feet every day.

In addition to some race horse girls who left the college to pursue other jobs after graduation, the university department is also full of talents, and even the triple crown horse girls who are studying can be included in the list.

Narita Brian, Diamond Jubilee, Flying Fox, Sun Chariot, Deep Impact, Affirmed, Apapane, AMERICAN PHAROAH (American Pharaoh), Orfevre (Golden Master), Nijinsky (Nijinsky), Bahram (Bahram), Oh So Sharp (sharp), Contrail (Iron Bird Soaring), Gentildonna (Lady), Meld (fusion)...and a series of lists.

It is true that these guys will not be arranged in the same class, otherwise the Cup of Dreams will be staged in the university department every day.

The world is so big, there are so many G1 races, and the triple-crown horse girls from different borders and even star fields will eventually gather here.

There are also racehorse girls such as Triptych, Storm of Heaven, Tony Bianca, and Gale Wheels who have also begun to retire. Although they regretted not winning the triple championship, they are still accepted in the central Teresen of the Jiemen District. Retirement training.

Because most of them have side jobs besides running, the courses of the university department are directly divided into the basic area and the professional area, skipping the middle section.

There is no need for a middle section.

Either choose an unfamiliar major for various reasons, or stand at the height of the major, and what is needed is further research.

The status of the horse race girls in the university department is nothing more than these two. For this purpose, the college has prepared a faculty force no less than that of a first-class university, so that every horse race girl can find a new track outside the arena.

But is the runway a bit noisy today?

Listening to the suspected impact sound outside, the clearer sound of swift footsteps hitting the ground, and the piercing and sharp air scream intertwined with it, made many horse girls prick up their ears.

The teachers were still somewhat confused, and occasionally a few of them opened the door and looked at the corridor, but they couldn't see anything interesting, but these university horse girls could imagine at least four horse race girls running based on the slightly complicated voice.

And it's still the end game of that kind of short-distance race, running with all your strength!
At such times, there will be some horse girls from other places who will lament the excellent building materials of Teresen, which can not be trampled down, and the glass is not broken by the wind.

The local horse girls have seen the strength of the school for so many years, and they were even more surprised that someone blatantly violated the school regulations on the speed limit of the corridor.

It's not like the kind of thing a grown-up going into retirement should do.

what's the situation?Juniors from high school come here to play wild?
The reason why I don't say it's the junior high school is because the students who are the worst in the university can hear the unusual running speed from the footsteps.

The first place in the school competition of the junior high school every year can't reach this sprint with a speed of over [-] per hour.

As for career elites who are more sensitive to speed, such as Diamond Jubilee, who has an art class to attend today, he can widen his eyes and realize from the sound recognition that this explosive speed is a level that is rarely seen in G1 events!
It even made her legs tremble subconsciously.

This is naturally not fear, but a kind of excitement.

Want to run, want to compete, even if she is about to retire, the weak flame in her heart seems to be brought out by Ming Yan with a new vitality.

But she is sober again, she is very clear that this is an illusion.

She herself is not suitable for such extreme sprints anymore, after all, she is unwilling to follow the doctor's orders to inject injections that will destroy the traces of the past, and she is unwilling to use stable implants.

But even if it was an illusion, that longing was real, and that judgment would not go wrong.

However, four Triple Crown race horse girls are chasing outside... such a big thing, and such an unreasonable thing, how is it possible! ?
Yes, she even dared to arbitrarily say that the four strings of footsteps were of the triple-crown level, although the sound of the footsteps at the rear was very strange in terms of texture and frequency.
Isn't that strange?

The guy at the back didn't wear shoes at all. After turning into a devil, his four-fingered claws covered with armor-like scales trampled on the excellent concrete building materials of the university teaching building.

The black and silver flames sprayed from the back of the calf, the back of the thigh, extending to the waist, up to the back of the arm, and finally to the gap between the back and the wings, added additional strength to every movement of him.

Let him not be left far behind by the 'three' horse girls.

There is something wrong with riding a horse! !

He cursed in his heart.

At the beginning, the speed of the black figure was quite normal, not even as fast as his own Beta motorcycle. Representative Qian Ming and Narita Shirahito didn't mean to run seriously, they just accelerated their pace and gradually approached.

At that time, Amo, who had not yet turned into a demon, chased after him, running slowly with the assistance of repulsion, traction, and violent flame acceleration.

Then he saw it.

It should be said that the three of them have seen it, it is like the speed of the last foot floating in the sky.

those legs.

Those black legs, which looked extremely fragile, suddenly stepped out cracked footprints on the road, bursting out at a speed that could blast the air, and instantly left the three of them behind.

"..." x3
Qian Ming: "This doesn't seem to be the outburst that a normal horse girl should have..."

Omer: "The running style looks familiar."

Bai Ren: "Why are you lamenting?! You can't chase and lose that thing!"

"Hey, I'm just a trainer, and the speed limit is—" "Don't worry about it!"

The sound was instantly elongated with the charged kick, and after the footprints that were not cracked but clearly sunken, it was Narita Bairen's full pursuit!
"Heh heh heh, isn't this getting more and more interesting?" Representative Qian Ming, who can ignore the rules, glanced at Omer, who was behind, "Trainer Linton, then I'll take a step too~!"

"It's not... you guys are like this..."

Others are still in class...and the chairman's office is here...

Homa wanted to raise his hand to his forehead, but Narita Bairen, who was the calmest at the beginning, was the first to go up, but now he couldn't stop calling Narita Bairen—he couldn't catch up!

How fast can a retiring racehorse girl go?
As we all know, the vast majority of racehorse girls retire after the peak of their careers.

The era of their galloping in shining events is over. When they find that they are no longer able to fight on the field, they will choose to retire carelessly.

Therefore, it can be said that the moment you decide to retire, you are convinced that your state is no longer there.

But because of this, he felt that Narita Bairen's power was gone, he could challenge at any time, and those who could be easily bullied, Aomo could slap them now.

Of course Eri Tayiko, who is still recovering, cannot be used as a reference, but Miura Bourbon, who is still in her prime, cannot bring such an explosion.

It seems that I have started to think about the follow-up training of bourbon-is it time to think so? !
"Forget it..."

Omer sighed.

In the blink of an eye, I was the only one left on this road, and those two people were already behind the turn, it was really outrageous.

This is not the arena, you can't really just watch.

So... give it a try.

Turning the corner, the brown eyes were swallowed by dark red.

Taking a step forward, the dark red overflowed with jet-black flames.

The bursting magic power converged backwards, and the demon, whose height reached the ceiling, left four-finger footprints on the ground with uneven depths, and the flame vent behind him was ready.

The repulsion technique, traction technique, and explosive sprint technique are readjusted according to the difference in body weight.

The sound of the air explosion is not only because of the violent flames accelerated by the second stage, but also because of the extreme pressure of his tall body on the air.

He started the chase, running like a poor horse.

 Oh So Sharp, the British Triple Crown horse, is translated as 'oh, too sharp'... I thought about it and changed it to Extremely Sharp. She is one of the few neat names in the list of Triple Crown horses, but she is still a Little girl (mare), by the way, not all the triple crown horses mentioned in this chapter, at least I didn’t count the ones that started in 18 years, they all started from 1900.

  This is a bit of a disadvantage for the United Kingdom, after all, it started horse racing formally earlier, and the recorded triple crown can be traced back to 1853, while Japan's first triple crown had to start in 1941.

(End of this chapter)

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