only monsters

Chapter 157 Narita Bairen, Running Without Blood and Tears

Chapter 157 Narita Bairen, Running Without Blood and Tears
People who live in the big society, whether they are human beings or racehorse girls, have to face the challenges brought about by the same environment.

The lone ranger tag doesn't mean dumb.

Quite the contrary, a solo traveler needs more attention than others in a group, or else he will be left behind.

Naturally, Narita Shirahito was not in the loser group, so Omer thought about it for a while on the way to the drink shop, and then gave up the fact that the risks and benefits were not directly proportional.

To be honest, he didn't need someone to lead the way.

There is no other reason. In terms of public exposure, the junior high school is the lowest, while the university is the highest.

The horse girls in the college department, whether they are successful, have regrets, or even fail, it does not prevent their careers from being gradually approaching the end.

The information spread on the Internet is even more diverse and rich, each of which has a relatively high degree of mental modeling by Omer.

In other words, Omer knew all of them unilaterally.

Then there is no need for any explanation and introduction. The main purpose of Omer's coming here is not to make friends, but to find clues of the negative energy.

As a person who has confronted him at close range for two rounds, and even used his sharp claws and long tail to get to know him at negative distance, Omer can fully recall the monster's unique and weird temperament.

If the source of negative energy monsters comes from living things, then the aura of monsters must be a reflection of the living beings themselves.

This would be an overly obvious feature,
Generally speaking, it can be determined at a glance and does not require too much communication.

That's why it is said that Omer doesn't need to lead the way, he just needs to go there to lock the target.

But also because of the relatively free scheduling of courses in the university department, you will definitely not see all the students in one visit.

There will be a possibility of getting nothing.

It's not a big problem, just get the schedules of all university classes and compare and analyze them to maximize the effect.

Going around at three different times can trigger the guarantee, okay?

As for how to get the university schedule...

Moon Ring Snake: [wei? zaima? 】

Sunday Tranquility: [Have you been hacked? 】

Luna Snake: [My friend said that greetings like this can reduce abruptness, bluntness and embarrassment, and I think it's really okay]

Sunday Tranquility: [Is the friend you mentioned yourself? 】

Luna Snake: [Do I have to reveal his name, gender, age, and identity number to prove that I do have such a friend? 】

After typing this line, Omer sighed and sucked his straw.

He smacked his lips again.

It seems to cover temporary troubles with sweetness.

"...There is no need to force yourself." Narita Bairen who was sitting on the side of the bench hesitated to speak, recalling the teachings of his elder sister, and finally softened his speech into this version.

With her usual straightforward way of speaking, it was somewhat offending.

The eldest sister, Pipa Chenguang, also scolded her many times for this matter.

Although her relatives and friends are used to it, she still works hard for this person who is not very familiar and has given her favors.

The main reason is that although she agreed to come here, she didn't expect Omer to order a special honey drink himself.

Narita Shirahito was quite surprised at the time, after all, most of the humans she met didn't like the taste.

Her trainer can accept it, but the calories of honey special drink can be several times that of milk tea, and she will have to frown for several days after drinking it once.

It's not worth it.

"It's okay, it's much better than last time, I feel like I'm about to tame this taste."

Or maybe the sense of taste has been tamed by this thing... Homa thought silently.

The honey special and the bench are like reruns, but as long as the figure doesn't show up, he won't be able to confirm the date.

Sunday Tranquility: [Yes, anyway, if I am interested, I can find it]

Luna Serpent: 【You better be really interested in him】

Then I will definitely bless you all... Amo thought secretly, then noticed the surprised eyes on the side, and hurriedly confirmed that his expression was not out of control.

He asked her again: "What's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing..." Focusing on the 'last time' in the last sentence, Narita Bairen was surprised that this was not the first challenge for Linton's trainer, and there was a new challenge for the 'interesting person' mentioned by representative Qian Ming. cognition.

But she had no intention of delving into this topic, so she turned her attention to the phone again.

It was the training plan that Omer had passed on to her before—the part that required her to be responsible for.

Seeing her focus on that thing again, Omer also asked: "Is there something wrong?"

"Wait until I finish watching."

"it is good."

Omer turned his head, paused again, and nodded slightly towards some students who were looking this way.

right to say hello
After class, the honey special drink shop not far away naturally attracts little girls, and many students who have bought their favorite drinks take their friends for a walk nearby.

Then I saw the combination of Omer Linton and Narita Bairen.

It's the demon trainer and the monster that breaks the shadows...

It's a bit hazy... Take a look.

It's still very cute... Take another look.

Alas!It was discovered! ! ! !
Just nodding slightly, he heard a faintly audible cry from the other party in the distance, and turned around and ran away.

There is quite a sense of sight.

What's going on today?

Amo looked down at his own clothes, and ran his index finger across his cheeks, touching the hardness and warmth without exoskeleton scales.

I'm not demonized either.

[Tell me what you want me for? 】

So you still know how to ask, I thought you were too free to talk nonsense to me.Homa knocked on the light screen, and heard Narita Bairen ask:

"What happened just now?"

Aomer turned to look at her, her ears still kept the direction of the girl running away, and many students in the distance were also staring at her, but this one didn't speak out honestly.

It can't be said that he was afraid that he would hear it, at least he was careful about Narita Bairen.

It is said that each of the three crowned horse girls has a lot of fans in the school, why do all of Ye's fans look like they have seen a ghost?

"It's nothing, there's a student staring here, and I scared her away by nodding to her."

[Help me collect all the class schedules in the university department, I'm looking for the source of the negative energy monster] While speaking, he quickly and accurately typed the string of replies with one hand and five fingers, and Omer turned to look at her: "I am in special What has become of Lei Sen's reputation, do you have any idea?"

"I don't know, I don't pay attention to these things," said the black-haired Ma Niang, who was also very subtle in her style, and continued to flip through the proposal, "You can ask..."

She was silent for a while, and recalled her not-so-wide social circle.

The first thing that comes to mind is not the trainer, and the trainer doesn't pay attention to these gossips. The student union... Although the emperor of the East China Sea didn't join the student union, it's coming soon. That kid really seems to pay attention to these types.

But she's also unfamiliar with the rowdy brat, though she can tentatively admit its Derby-beating potential... oh, and one more!Even known to Linton trainers.

"Representative Qianming, yes, you can ask her, she knows this kind of thing very well." "Call me?"

The brown-haired head suddenly poked between the two of them from behind the bench and asked.

"..." x2.

The two dangerous elements, who immediately restrained their desire to bend their elbows, both noticed the slight tremor of each other's elbows, but the emotions they saw were inconsistent.

Bai Ren was a little stunned, but Omer was a little helpless.

"Hey, you two make me feel very embarrassed."

Representative Qian Ming, who seemed unaware that his prank almost caused the two of them to react violently, was still condemning the behavior of the two people who continued to look at each other after he appeared.

"Now that she's here, you can ask her."

Narita Shirahito didn't give any face to the senior graduates, so he buried his head and continued to swipe the screen after speaking.

This picture of hard work made Aomo couldn't help but look at his exclusive vision light screen, and there were already two messages on it.

[University Department?Where did the information come from? 】

[?What about people? 】

Luna Snake: [Here I am, I naturally have my information channels, haven't you been to the university department recently? 】

Omer quickly blindly hit, turned to look at representative Qian Ming's face, but was also speechless: "Are you a racehorse girl who will definitely be specially recruited by the elements of 'honey special drink' and 'bench'?"

Instead of choosing to take a seat, he simply leaned over slightly, propped his elbows flat on the back of the chair, and continued to hang on the C seat of the two, representative Qian Ming, who retorted dissatisfiedly: "I obviously said that this is my favorite place! "

"You still remember drinking honey special drink here, how can you forget what I said?"

"You can't even remember the rainy day and still tell me this?"

"Don't you remember this too!"

"..." Narita Bairen listened to the unnutritious conversation between the two, looked up, and saw the five fingers of the young man's left hand still beating rapidly in mid-air.

He raised his eyebrows, but it was hard to point out that trainer Linton was wasting his time.

After all, he seems to be busy with business, and Qian Ming represents... the student council, who is not used to this guy's extremely casual style.

Although she couldn't find anyone every day, compared to her style of only caring about one purpose and putting aside other things, representative Qian Ming gave her the feeling that she couldn't even see the purpose, as if she was purely casual.

The biggest difference between her and the golden boat is that her logic is fairly smooth, only slightly deviated from common sense, but there is still a line.

For example, if you want to run, you go, regardless of the straight-line logic such as wind and rain.

As for the golden boat... It's hard to say whether her running is running, let alone what kind of running it is.

But even so, it doesn't mean that Narita Bairen can understand her somewhat.

It's just troublesome people with different ingredients, she can only think so, and stay away from them.

Especially the other party is not willing to really let go and run with her.

For her, the perception of this matter is better than the former.

Chasing faster, chasing further tenacity, it is precisely with that spirit of hard work that a racehorse girl can be called a racehorse girl.

Even if it is parallel training, you should go all out, and what is her casual attitude?
Isn't she competitive?Doesn't she have the regret of failing all the way at the end of her career?
Has she given up challenging Rudolph? !
Narita Bairen is no longer as dazed as she was when she first debuted. If she were her original self, she would bluntly dissect the topic that everyone subconsciously avoided.

But now, she just waited without much expectation.

Her relationship with Representative Chiaki was not good enough to speak out, and neither Rudolph nor Maruzen, who had a good relationship with her, said anything about it.

She felt that those two must have considered more than herself, so she just waited.

There are so many potential challenges she has arranged for herself, and there is always no shortage of opponents.

There is no shortage of time either.

 Thanks to Lin Zhiyuan, book friend 20211219132443467, book friend 20211219132443467, reader 20221001131345456967148 for their rewards.

  thanks, thanks.

  The status was not good yesterday (in a physical sense), and today there are two changes.

(End of this chapter)

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