only monsters

Chapter 152 Have you heard the story of Jingu Xing?

Chapter 152 Have you heard the story of Jingu Xing? (32)

Have you heard the story of Jingu Xing?

In the 595th year of the Star Alliance calendar, a baby was sent out of the delivery room of Shetai Hospital, crying vigorously in the nursery.

At this time, something incredible happened!

All the babies in the nursery, as well as the busy medical staff in the nursery, also heard the neighing of the horse resounding in all directions, and the ensuing, ethereal sanctity that calmed all creatures.

And after that, under the leadership of the medical staff, the URA Association staff, who were not slow in action, found the baby girl with extra horse ears and pony tail.

She also notified her parents who had been dreamed by the gods.

After some negotiations, the baby's registered name became 【Air Shakur】

Air, derived from the Buddhist term "empty".

Shakur, on the other hand, is derived from the stage name of a certain musician.

Sky Shrine, a horse girl, or more precisely, a horse girl guided by three goddesses, was thus registered.

The names of racehorse girls are not always the same as human beings.

But the namers have a certain expectation for their naming, but they are consistent.

What kind of person do you want her to be?

What kind of victory is expected of her;
I want her to run like something.

Leaving aside some names who are indeed suspected of being named by netizens with a playful name, the name of the Sky Shrine is obviously a relatively normal type.

He is as unrestrained and unrestrained as a musician, and as empty and pure as Buddhism, without form or appearance.

Then Sky Shrine fulfilled the expectation in a curvilinear way.

Pays attention to data, believes in logic, and is a very maverick electronic technology player. His technical ability in independent programming is also much better than that of Ali Tachyon.

She is a professional!
The racehorse girls who can gather in Central Treisen all have special skills, and apart from the main business of running, all the side jobs they engage in are professional-level.

There are even models like the Golden City who have done better in horse racing. It is difficult to say which side is the main business.

Considering that I was still a student during my racing career, probably running is indeed a side job (x).

However, only with such a professional level can one find a place in this land full of kings and dreamers.

Sky Shrine is one of them, she undoubtedly has talent and is willing to put it into practice.

Just like her laptop is self-made from the system to the software, and she calls it 'Parcae', as mentioned before, it can provide training suggestions, simulate game results and other functions through data.

He even anonymously disclosed a part of 'Parcae' as 'Moirai' for free, which can be said to have really promoted the development of the horse racing industry.

Several academic trainers in the central government are using that software.

Such a horse girl can easily make people think of a rigid and withdrawn programmer, but in fact, Sky Shrine is a kind of social cow.

Irritable, rude, and maverick, the opposite of what she is good at, she is too active, and even her aesthetics are biased towards the bad street.

There is even an interest in making electronic music for programming leisure time.

She is indeed worthy of the title of Sky Shrine.

Musician-like personality characteristics, and indeed there is indeed a secret music, and the intangible and intangible space of Buddhism.

Parcae, Moirai, this is the name of the goddess of fate.

She believes that fate can also be calculated, and she aims to break through it, but when it starts, she can often hear voices.

from very early on.

That voice gave her software naming suggestions, that voice would discuss computational logic with her, and even discuss current electronic music with her.

That was her own voice.

It is the voice that will appear whenever you feel that there is still room for effort and that you should have done better.

She trusted that voice as she trusted her own calculations.

"Then last week, there was a disagreement between that voice and the instructions given by your trainer, did you choose the voice?"

"Of course, Lao Tzu's software calculation also thinks that voice is 100% trustworthy! In comparison, the number of times the trainer lied is quite a lot."

"Cough cough cough..."

Glancing at his embarrassing colleague with a fake cough, Omer turned around again: "It seems to be true, and it is not difficult to understand."

"Even if you are a thousand percent, there is still a misunderstanding, Miss Sky Jingu."

He said calmly, Furui Wubo's maroon pupils responded to the anger conceived in the golden pupils: "Calculations are all based on past experience."

"It's like divination in the Department of Origin, Energy and Destiny. I don't know if you've heard of it. There are many subjects in which the essence belongs to calculation, which is a kind of ancient big data."

"Forecasts of the future are merely extensions of the past, an illusion made by piecing together the fragments of experience. The illusion is so real that they call its fragments the future, and the whole of it destiny."

"But that's still an illusion. Just like a warrior who believes in his fighting instinct, when his instinct warns the enemy that he can't challenge and there is no chance of winning, should he just sit back and wait?"

Omer asked her, the eyes that had become sharper at some time pointed directly at the amber eyes of the sky god.

Cut through its defenses like a knife.

It made him subconsciously look away and fell into silence, and also made the colleagues on the side look at Omer, whose temperament was completely different from before, silently swallowed what he wanted to say, and decided to let him play.

"It's also a failure for him to wait to die. Will he then be satisfied and think, just like the future he saw, that he died, which proves his intuition is reliable?"

"Living in the illusion woven by the past, people will become negative and complacent. Because of the vast amount of "data" accumulated in the past, they will think that they have seen through all the future."

"Retreating to that kind of future, falling into trouble, and making the 'future' he sees come true, and this proves the reliability of the data, so he will loop infinitely and be trapped in the past experience."

"This process is called aging."

"Lying in the comfort zone becomes more stubborn, refuses to move forward, refuses to grow, calculations become more accurate, and people become more and more frustrated..."

When he said this, Omer paused again, looking at the Sky Shrine who turned his head to look at the cooking pot.

Raising his hand, the bright silver index finger woven by magic power, with his index finger moving slightly, pushed back the stubborn cheek of Jingu in the sky.

Greeted the other party's expected angry gaze.

As if children were struggling, the Sky God Palace tried to turn its face back, using the strength of the horse girl's neck to resist the mage's hand, which was only one index finger.

"I don't recommend you to do these confrontations that may cause abnormalities in the neck bones. I don't lack magic power, and this kind of conflict is unnecessary, because we all know it. You don't believe in calculations, or you don't believe that the original calculation results are Future, so you signed up for the Far East Derby, didn’t you?”

"..." He turned his head stubbornly and stopped, and the ferocious index finger covered by layers of carapace and scales also turned into scattered light spots and disappeared.

"The extreme east derby, the entrenched 'bad luck', every racehorse woman standing on the field should have the determination to challenge fate, and never be afraid of the curse that is woven out of nowhere."

"And you, you don't lack the will to question the illusion, but you believe in that voice?" Omer said calmly. He had already straightened his back, and his condescending vision was like a judge examining a criminal. Have no intention of challenging the curse?"

If that's the case, the fishing line is still quite long for the so-called sound.

"...the voice wanted me to challenge the derby, but then warned me to back off when faced with 'bad luck'."

After a few seconds of silence, under Yan Huiji's wide-eyed eyes, Sky Jingu's voice was rather timid, and even dropped the rude self-proclaim.

Denying that voice was like denying herself, and the rude and violent horse girl seemed to have turned into a child all of a sudden.

This may also prove that the voice has sounded since childhood.

"But you crossed the finish line without hesitation, um... so, although you can't question the 100% trustworthiness of that voice, at least you don't agree with it 100%."

"Yes..." Sky Shrine bowed its head.

If this is a so-called "ghost", isn't it a bit too gentle?

There is no one to persuade people to brake, but at this time, Sky Jingu's own desire to win has the upper hand.

Omer subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to rub his chin, and the rough feeling made him consider changing the razor.

Could it be that this is a trick like boiling a frog in warm water, like a devil to lure people into perdition?

This kind of close cooperation sounds more reliable than the voices of those "friends" in the teahouse, and there is no chance for negative energy to accumulate.

Omer glanced at the contact information of Tranquility on Sunday, but after thinking about it, maybe he should contact Narita Shirahito more.

After all, the Far East Derby has passed, and it's time to arrest people and go to work.

"Looking at your attitude, you probably haven't regretted your choice. Since you don't regret it, it will be much easier. Congratulations for not letting your fighting spirit be dusted. Next, Mr. Yan."

"Oh, oh, Mr. Linton."

"You don't need to be so formal, and you don't need to use honorifics. Are you a senior?" Omo couldn't understand whether to laugh or cry, and didn't quite understand how the training process of his words had shocked the trainer who had never been subdued by the Sky Shrine.

"Then it's time for you to communicate with the stewardess. You heard what you said just now. There is not only one person who wants to get rid of those past concepts. The two need a new communication with each other through data and will."

Homa said so, picked up the tableware again, but still did not forget to say hello: "By the way, stewardess."

"...You can call me by my name, don't be such a mother-in-law." Seemingly back to the state, Sky Jingu even had goosebumps.

"You are the second person to comment on me like this, so Jingu, although the sound is harmless, I still suggest you go for a checkup, don't get me wrong, even I went to the psychiatric department for a checkup this month."

"I see that you really need to check."

"You look good." Omer was not angry, but smiled subtly, and then waved at the colleague.

"Then let's talk."

Once again, Morrison's voice in the light screen was muted, and Homa's expression was serious and solemn, as if he was about to enter a holy battle.

Look at me eating all the vegetables you fished.

Let you know why I came alone!
 I took a look, the three shifts started to stop on the 22nd of last month,
  Then I struggled once on the 26th and 29th.

  Then comes the 2nd, 5th, and today the 6th of this month.

  Pick another four days this month to pay off the debt
(End of this chapter)

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